struct global_menu menu = { .skip_starter = 0 };
- * Attaches memory locations to the various items in the menu
- */
-void menu_link(void)
+void menu_at_begin(void)
- /* link data locations */
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&menu.items); i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, i );
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_toggle ||
- item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider ){
- const char *name;
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider )
- name = mdl_pstr( &menu.model, item->slider.pstr_data );
- else
- name = mdl_pstr( &menu.model, item->checkmark.pstr_data );
- vg_var *var = vg_console_match_var( name );
- if( var ){
- if( ( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider &&
- var->data_type != k_var_dtype_f32
- ) ||
- ( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_toggle &&!
- ( var->data_type == k_var_dtype_i32 ||
- var->data_type == k_var_dtype_u32
- )
- )
- ){
- vg_error( "Cannot hook to data %s(%p), because it is type %d.\n",
- name, var, var->data_type );
- item->pvoid = NULL;
- }
- else{
- item->pvoid = var->data;
- }
- }
- else{
- vg_error( "No data named %s\n", name );
- item->pvoid = NULL;
- }
- }
- else{
- item->pvoid = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* link controllers */
- menu.ctr_deck = NULL;
- menu.ctr_kbm = NULL;
- menu.ctr_ps = NULL;
- menu.ctr_steam = NULL;
- menu.ctr_xbox = NULL;
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&menu.items); i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, i );
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, item->visual.pstr_name, "deck" ) )
- menu.ctr_deck = item;
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, item->visual.pstr_name, "kbm" ) )
- menu.ctr_kbm = item;
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, item->visual.pstr_name, "ps" ) )
- menu.ctr_ps = item;
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, item->visual.pstr_name, "steam" ) )
- menu.ctr_steam = item;
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, item->visual.pstr_name, "xbox" ) )
- menu.ctr_xbox = item;
- }
+ if( menu.skip_starter ) return;
-void menu_close(void)
- skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
- menu.page_depth = 0;
- = 0xffffffff;
- srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
+ skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_menu;
+ = k_menu_page_starter;
void menu_init(void)
- void *alloc = vg_mem.rtmemory;
- mdl_open( &menu.model, "models/rs_menu.mdl", alloc );
- mdl_load_metadata_block( &menu.model, alloc );
- vg_linear_clear( vg_mem.scratch );
- MDL_LOAD_ARRAY( &menu.model, &menu.items, ent_menuitem, alloc );
- MDL_LOAD_ARRAY( &menu.model, &menu.markers, ent_marker, alloc );
- MDL_LOAD_ARRAY( &menu.model, &menu.cameras, ent_camera, alloc );
- u32 count = mdl_arrcount( &menu.model.textures );
- menu.textures = vg_linear_alloc(alloc,vg_align8(sizeof(GLuint)*(count+1)));
- menu.textures[0] = vg.tex_missing;
- mdl_async_load_glmesh( &menu.model, &menu.mesh, NULL );
- for( u32 i=0; i<count; i ++ ){
- vg_linear_clear( vg_mem.scratch );
- menu.textures[i+1] = vg.tex_missing;
- mdl_texture *tex = mdl_arritm( &menu.model.textures, i );
- void *data = vg_linear_alloc( vg_mem.scratch, tex->file.pack_size );
- mdl_fread_pack_file( &menu.model, &tex->file, data );
- vg_tex2d_load_qoi_async( data, tex->file.pack_size,
- &menu.textures[i+1] );
- }
- mdl_close( &menu.model );
vg_console_reg_var( "skip_starter_menu", &menu.skip_starter,
k_var_dtype_i32, VG_VAR_PERSISTENT );
-void menu_at_begin(void)
+void menu_open( enum menu_page page )
- if( menu.skip_starter ) return;
skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_menu;
- = 0xffffffff;
- menu_open_page( "Starter", k_ent_menuitem_stack_append );
- * Drop back a page until we're at the bottom which then we jus quit
- */
-static void menu_back_page(void){
- menu.page_depth --;
- if( menu.page_depth == 0 ){
- menu_close();
- }
- else{
- = menu.page_stack[ menu.page_depth ].page;
- = menu.page_stack[ menu.page_depth ].cam;
- if( menu.input_mode == k_menu_input_mode_keys )
- menu.loc = menu.page_stack[ menu.page_depth ].loc;
- else menu.loc = NULL;
- }
- * Open page to the string identifier
- */
-void menu_open_page( const char *name,
- enum ent_menuitem_stack_behaviour stackmode )
- srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
- if( stackmode == k_ent_menuitem_stack_append ){
- if( menu.page_depth >= MENU_STACK_SIZE )
- vg_fatal_error( "Stack overflow\n" );
- }
- else{
- if( menu.page_depth == 0 )
- vg_fatal_error( "Stack underflow\n" );
- }
- u32 hash = vg_strdjb2( name );
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&menu.items); i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, i );
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_page ){
- if( mdl_pstreq( &menu.model, item->page.pstr_name, name, hash ) ){
- u32 new_page = __builtin_ctz( item->groups );
- if( new_page == ){
- if( stackmode != k_ent_menuitem_stack_replace )
- menu_back_page();
- }
- else{
- menu.page_stack[ menu.page_depth ].page =;
- menu.page_stack[ menu.page_depth ].cam =;
- menu.page_stack[ menu.page_depth ].loc = menu.loc;
- if( stackmode == k_ent_menuitem_stack_append )
- menu.page_depth ++;
- = __builtin_ctz( item->groups );
- if( menu.input_mode == k_menu_input_mode_keys ){
- if( item->page.id_entrypoint ){
- u32 id = mdl_entity_id_id( item->page.id_entrypoint );
- menu.loc = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, id );
- }
- }
- if( item->page.id_viewpoint ){
- u32 id = mdl_entity_id_id( item->page.id_viewpoint );
- = mdl_arritm( &menu.cameras, id );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- * activate a pressable type
- */
-static void menu_trigger_item( ent_menuitem *item )
- audio_lock();
- audio_oneshot( &audio_ui[0], 1.0f, 0.0f );
- audio_unlock();
- if ( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_event_button )
+ if( page != k_menu_page_any )
- u32 q = item->button.pstr;
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "quit" ) )
- {
- vg.window_should_close = 1;
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "map" ) ){
- menu_close();
- world_map_enter();
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "hub" ) ){
- if( world_static.active_instance == k_world_purpose_client ){
- menu_close();
- ent_miniworld_goback();
- }
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "credits" ) ){
- menu.credits_open = 1;
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "workshop" ) ){
- workshop_submit_command(0,NULL);
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "engine" ) ){
- vg_settings_open();
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "prem_store" ) ){
- if( steam_ready )
- SteamAPI_ISteamFriends_ActivateGameOverlayToStore(
- SteamAPI_SteamFriends(), 2103940, k_EOverlayToStoreFlag_None);
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "prem_nevermind" ) ){
- menu_close();
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, q, "starter_enter" ) )
- {
- if( network_client.auto_connect )
- network_client.user_intent = k_server_intent_online;
- menu_close();
- }
- }
- else if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_page_button )
- {
- menu_open_page( mdl_pstr( &menu.model, item->button.pstr ),
- item->button.stack_behaviour );
- }
- else if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_toggle )
- {
- if( item->pi32 ){
- *item->pi32 = *item->pi32 ^ 0x1;
- }
+ = page;
-static f32 menu_slider_snap( f32 value, f32 old, f32 notch ){
- f32 const k_epsilon = 0.0125f;
- if( fabsf(notch-value) < k_epsilon ){
- if( fabsf(notch-old) > k_epsilon ){
- audio_lock();
- audio_oneshot( &audio_ui[0], 1.0f, 0.0f );
- audio_unlock();
- }
- return notch;
- }
- else
- return value;
-static void menu_setitem_type( ent_menuitem *item,
- enum ent_menuitem_type type ){
- if( !item ) return;
- item->type = type;
+bool menu_viewing_map(void)
+ return (skaterift.activity == k_skaterift_menu) &&
+ ( == k_menu_page_main) &&
+ (menu.main_index == 0);
- * Run from vg_gui every frame
- */
-void menu_update(void)
+void menu_gui(void)
- static f32 repeater = 0.0f;
- if( repeater > 0.0f )
- repeater -= vg.time_frame_delta;
- if( != k_workshop_form_hidden ){
- return;
- }
- bool escape = 0;
- if( menu.credits_open || vg.settings_open )
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mopen ) )
- vg_exec_input_program( k_vg_input_type_button_u8,
- input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &escape );
- if( escape )
+ if( skaterift.activity == k_skaterift_default )
- menu.credits_open = 0;
- if( vg.settings_open )
- vg_settings_close();
- srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
- }
- return;
- }
- escape = button_down( k_srbind_mback );
- if( button_down( k_srbind_mopen ) ){
- if( skaterift.activity == k_skaterift_default ){
- skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_menu;
- = 0xffffffff;
- menu_open_page( "Main Menu", k_ent_menuitem_stack_append );
+ menu_open( k_menu_page_main );
- if( skaterift.activity != k_skaterift_menu ) return;
- enum menu_input_mode prev_mode = menu.input_mode;
+ if( skaterift.activity != k_skaterift_menu )
+ return;
/* get buttons inputs
* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
mv = mu-md,
enter = button_down( k_srbind_maccept );
- if( mh||mv||enter ){
+ if( mh||mv||enter )
+ {
menu.input_mode = k_menu_input_mode_keys;
/* get mouse inputs
* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
menu.mouse_dist += v2_length( vg.mouse_delta ); /* TODO: Move to UI */
- menu.mouse_track += vg.time_frame_delta;
- if( menu.mouse_track > 0.1f ){
- menu.mouse_track = fmodf( menu.mouse_track, 0.1f );
- if( menu.mouse_dist > 10.0f ){
- menu.input_mode = k_menu_input_mode_mouse;
- menu.mouse_dist = 0.0f;
- }
+ if( menu.mouse_dist > 10.0f )
+ {
+ menu.input_mode = k_menu_input_mode_mouse;
+ menu.mouse_dist = 0.0f;
- if( ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) || ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_RIGHT) ){
+ if( ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) || ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_RIGHT) )
+ {
menu.input_mode = k_menu_input_mode_mouse;
- if( menu.input_mode == k_menu_input_mode_mouse ){
+ if( menu.input_mode == k_menu_input_mode_mouse )
+ {
* handle mouse input
* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
vg_ui.wants_mouse = 1;
- /*
- * this raycasting is super cumbersome because all the functions were
- * designed for other purposes. we dont care though.
- */
- m4x4f inverse;
- m4x4_inv( menu.view.mtx.p, inverse );
- v4f coords;
- coords[0] = vg_ui.mouse[0];
- coords[1] = vg.window_y - vg_ui.mouse[1];
- v2_div( coords, (v2f){ vg.window_x, vg.window_y }, coords );
- v2_muls( coords, 2.0f, coords );
- v2_add( coords, (v2f){-1.0f,-1.0f}, coords );
- coords[2] = 1.0f;
- coords[3] = 1.0f;
- m4x4_mulv( inverse, coords, coords );
- v3f ray;
- m3x3_mulv( menu.view.transform, coords, ray );
- v3_normalize( ray );
- if( menu.loc && (menu.loc->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider) &&
- ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) && menu.loc->pf32 ){
- u32 il = mdl_entity_id_id( menu.loc->slider.id_min ),
- ir = mdl_entity_id_id( menu.loc->slider.id_max );
- ent_marker *ml = mdl_arritm( &menu.markers, il ),
- *mr = mdl_arritm( &menu.markers, ir );
- v3f q2;
- v3_muladds( menu.view.pos, ray, 100.0f, q2 );
- f32 s,t;
- v3f c1, c2;
- v3f p1, q1, v0;
- v3_sub( mr->, ml->, v0 );
- v3_muladds( ml->, v0, -1.0f, p1 );
- v3_muladds( mr->, v0, 1.0f, q1 );
- closest_segment_segment( p1, q1, menu.view.pos, q2, &s,&t, c1,c2 );
- s-=(1.0f/3.0f);
- s/=(1.0f/3.0f);
- if( ui_click_down(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) ){
- menu.slider_offset = *menu.loc->pf32 - s;
- }
- f32 newvalue = vg_clampf( s+menu.slider_offset, 0.0f, 1.0f );
- newvalue = menu_slider_snap( newvalue, *menu.loc->pf32, 0.00f );
- newvalue = menu_slider_snap( newvalue, *menu.loc->pf32, 1.00f );
- newvalue = menu_slider_snap( newvalue, *menu.loc->pf32, 0.25f );
- newvalue = menu_slider_snap( newvalue, *menu.loc->pf32, 0.50f );
- newvalue = menu_slider_snap( newvalue, *menu.loc->pf32, 0.75f );
- *menu.loc->pf32 = newvalue;
- return;
- }
- ent_menuitem *hit_item = NULL;
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&menu.items); i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, i );
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_page ) continue;
- if( (item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_visual) ||
- (item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_visual_nocol) ) continue;
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_binding ) continue;
- if( !(item->groups & (0x1<< ) continue;
- ent_menuitem *ray_item = item;
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider ){
- u32 subtarget = mdl_entity_id_id( item->slider.id_handle );
- ray_item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, subtarget );
- }
- v3f local_ray,
- local_co;
- m4x3f inverse_mtx;
- mdl_transform_m4x3( &ray_item->transform, inverse_mtx );
- m4x3_invert_full( inverse_mtx, inverse_mtx );
- m4x3_mulv( inverse_mtx, menu.view.transform[3], local_co );
- m3x3_mulv( inverse_mtx, ray, local_ray );
- v3_normalize( local_ray );
- local_ray[0] = 1.0f/local_ray[0];
- local_ray[1] = 1.0f/local_ray[1];
- local_ray[2] = 1.0f/local_ray[2];
- for( u32 j=0; j<ray_item->submesh_count; j++ ){
- mdl_submesh *sm = mdl_arritm( &menu.model.submeshs,
- ray_item->submesh_start + j );
- if( ray_aabb1( sm->bbx, local_co, local_ray, 1000.0f ) ){
- hit_item = item;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( hit_item != menu.loc ){
- menu.loc = hit_item;
- }
- if( escape ){
- menu_back_page();
- }
- else if( menu.loc ){
- if( ui_click_down( UI_MOUSE_LEFT ) )
- {
- menu_trigger_item( menu.loc );
- }
- }
- else if( menu.input_mode == k_menu_input_mode_keys ){
- /*
- * handle button input
- * ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if( (prev_mode != k_menu_input_mode_keys) && !menu.loc ){
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&menu.items); i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, i );
- if( (item->type != k_ent_menuitem_type_page) &&
- (item->type != k_ent_menuitem_type_visual) &&
- (item->type != k_ent_menuitem_type_visual_nocol) &&
- (item->groups & (0x1<< ){
- menu.loc = item;
- }
- }
- }
- if( !menu.loc ) vg_fatal_error( "No location\n" );
- if( menu.loc->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider && menu.loc->pf32 ){
- f32 move = 0.0f;
- if( vg_input.display_input_method == k_input_method_controller ){
- move += button_press( k_srbind_mright );
- move -= button_press( k_srbind_mleft );
- }
- else{
- move += axis_state( k_sraxis_mbrowse_h );
- }
- move *= vg.time_frame_delta;
- *menu.loc->pf32 = vg_clampf( *menu.loc->pf32 + move, 0.0f, 1.0f );
- mh = 0;
- }
- if( escape )
- {
- menu_back_page();
- audio_lock();
- audio_oneshot( &audio_ui[3], 1.0f, 0.0f );
- audio_unlock();
- }
- else if( enter )
- {
- menu_trigger_item( menu.loc );
- }
- else if( mh||mv ){
- v3f opt;
- v3_zero( opt );
- f32 best = 0.5f;
- ent_menuitem *nextpos = NULL;
- opt[0] += mh;
- opt[2] += mv;
- mdl_transform_vector( &>transform, opt, opt );
- for( u32 i=0; i<4; i++ ){
- u32 id = menu.loc->id_links[i];
- if( !id ) continue;
- u32 index = mdl_entity_id_id( id );
- ent_menuitem *other = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, index );
- v3f delta;
- v3_sub( menu.loc->, other->, delta );
- v3_normalize( delta );
- f32 score = v3_dot( delta, opt );
- if( score > best ){
- best = score;
- nextpos = other;
- }
- }
+ if( skaterift.activity != k_skaterift_menu ) return;
- if( nextpos && (repeater <= 0.0f) )
- {
- menu.loc = nextpos;
- audio_lock();
- audio_oneshot( &audio_ui[3], 1.0f, 0.0f );
- audio_unlock();
- repeater += 0.1f;
- }
- }
+ /* top bar */
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_title );
+ ui_px height = vg_ui.font->ch + 16;
+ ui_rect topbar = { 0, 0, vg.window_x, height };
+ const char *opts[] = {
+ "Map", "Online", "Settings", "Video"
+ };
+ u8 lb_down = 0, rb_down = 0;
+ vg_exec_input_program( k_vg_input_type_button_u8,
+ (vg_input_op[]){
+ }, &rb_down );
+ vg_exec_input_program( k_vg_input_type_button_u8,
+ (vg_input_op[]){
+ }, &lb_down );
+ if( menu.repeater > 0.0f )
+ {
+ menu.repeater -= vg_minf( vg.time_frame_delta, 0.5f );
+ else
+ {
+ if( lb_down != rb_down )
+ {
+ menu.main_index += rb_down;
+ menu.main_index -= lb_down;
+ menu.repeater += 0.2f;
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_deck, k_ent_menuitem_type_disabled );
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_ps, k_ent_menuitem_type_disabled );
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_kbm, k_ent_menuitem_type_disabled );
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_xbox, k_ent_menuitem_type_disabled );
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_steam, k_ent_menuitem_type_disabled );
+ if( menu.main_index == -1 )
+ menu.main_index ++;
- if( vg_input.display_input_method == k_input_method_kbm )
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_kbm, k_ent_menuitem_type_visual_nocol );
- else{
- if( vg_input.display_input_type == SDL_CONTROLLER_TYPE_PS3 ||
- vg_input.display_input_type == SDL_CONTROLLER_TYPE_PS4 ||
- vg_input.display_input_type == SDL_CONTROLLER_TYPE_PS5 ){
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_ps, k_ent_menuitem_type_visual_nocol );
- }
- else {
- menu_setitem_type( menu.ctr_xbox, k_ent_menuitem_type_visual_nocol );
+ if( menu.main_index == vg_list_size(opts) )
+ menu.main_index --;
- /* FIXME: Steam/Deck controller detection? */
-static void menu_binding_string( char buf[128], u32 pstr );
- * Run from vg_gui when active
- */
-void menu_render(void)
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
- shader_blitcolour_use();
- v4f colour;
- ui_hex_to_norm( ui_colour( k_ui_bg+3 ), colour );
- colour[3] = 0.5f;
- shader_blitcolour_uColour( colour );
- render_fsquad();
- if( ( != k_workshop_form_hidden) ||
- (vg_ui.focused_control_type != k_ui_control_none) ){
- return;
- }
- if( vg.settings_open )
- return;
- if( menu.credits_open ){
- ui_rect panel = { 0,0, 460, 400 },
- screen = { 0,0, vg.window_x,vg.window_y };
- ui_rect_center( screen, panel );
- ui_fill( panel, ui_colour(k_ui_bg) );
- ui_outline( panel, 1, ui_colour(k_ui_fg), 0 );
- ui_rect_pad( panel, (ui_px[]){8,8} );
- ui_rect title;
- ui_split( panel, k_ui_axis_h, 28*2, 0, title, panel );
- ui_text( title, "Skate Rift - Credits", 2, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- ui_split( panel, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title, panel );
- ui_text( title, "Mt.Zero Software", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- ui_split( panel, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, title, panel );
- ui_split( panel, k_ui_axis_h, 28*2, 0, title, panel );
- ui_text( title, "Free Software", 2, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- ui_split( panel, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, title, panel );
- ui_text( panel,
- "Sam Lantinga - SDL2 -\n"
- "Hunter WB - Anyascii\n"
- "David Herberth - GLAD\n"
- "Dominic Szablewski - QOI -\n"
- "Sean Barrett - stb_image,stb_vorbis,stb_include\n"
- "Khronos Group - OpenGL\n"
- , 1, k_ui_align_left, 0 );
- return;
- }
- glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
- glDisable( GL_BLEND );
- f32 rate = vg.time_frame_delta * 12.0f;
- if( ){
- vg_camera target;
- target.fov =>fov;
- v3_copy(>, target.pos );
- v3f v0;
- mdl_transform_vector( &>transform, (v3f){0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f}, v0 );
- v3_angles( v0, target.angles );
- vg_camera_lerp( &menu.view, &target, rate, &menu.view );
- menu.view.farz = 150.0f;
- menu.view.nearz = 0.01f;
- vg_camera_update_transform( &menu.view );
- vg_camera_update_view( &menu.view );
- vg_camera_update_projection( &menu.view );
- vg_camera_finalize( &menu.view );
- }
- else return;
- shader_model_menu_use();
- shader_model_menu_uTexMain( 1 );
- shader_model_menu_uPv( menu.view.mtx.pv );
- shader_model_menu_uPvmPrev( menu.view.mtx_prev.pv );
- mesh_bind( &menu.mesh );
- v4f white, blue;
- ui_hex_to_norm( ui_colour( k_ui_fg ), white );
- ui_hex_to_norm( ui_colour( k_ui_orange+k_ui_brighter ), blue );
- ent_menuitem *text_list[ 8 ];
- u32 text_count = 0;
- u32 current_mat = 0xffffffff;
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&menu.items); i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, i );
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_disabled ) continue;
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_page ) continue;
- if( !(item->groups & (0x1 << ) continue;
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_binding ){
- if( text_count < vg_list_size(text_list) )
- text_list[ text_count ++ ] = item;
- else
- vg_fatal_error( "Text list overflow" );
- continue;
- }
- int selected = 0;
- if( menu.loc ){
- if( menu.loc->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider ){
- u32 subid = menu.loc->slider.id_handle;
- if( item == mdl_arritm( &menu.items, mdl_entity_id_id(subid) ))
- selected = 1;
- }
- else{
- if( item == menu.loc )
- selected = 1;
- }
- }
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_visual_nocol ){
- shader_model_menu_uColour( (v4f){1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f} );
- }
- else{
- v4f colour;
- item->factive = vg_lerpf( item->factive, selected, rate );
- v4_lerp( white, blue, item->factive, colour );
- shader_model_menu_uColour( colour );
- }
- f32 scale = 1.0f+item->factive*0.1f;
- m4x3f mmdl;
- mdl_transform transform = item->transform;
- v3_muls( transform.s, scale, transform.s );
- mdl_transform_m4x3( &transform, mmdl );
- if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_toggle && item->pi32 ){
- u32 subid = mdl_entity_id_id( item->checkmark.id_check );
- ent_menuitem *subitem = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, subid );
- v3_muladds( item->, item->checkmark.offset, scale,
- subitem-> );
- subitem->fvisible = vg_lerpf( subitem->fvisible, *item->pi32, rate );
- v3_fill( subitem->transform.s, subitem->fvisible );
- }
- else if( item->type == k_ent_menuitem_type_slider && item->pf32 ){
- u32 il = mdl_entity_id_id( item->slider.id_min ),
- ir = mdl_entity_id_id( item->slider.id_max ),
- ih = mdl_entity_id_id( item->slider.id_handle );
- ent_marker *ml = mdl_arritm( &menu.markers, il ),
- *mr = mdl_arritm( &menu.markers, ir );
- ent_menuitem *handle = mdl_arritm( &menu.items, ih );
- v3_lerp( ml->, mr->, *item->pf32,
- handle-> );
+ ui_px x = 0,
+ spacer = 8;
+ for( u32 draw=0; draw<2; draw ++ )
+ {
+ if( draw )
+ {
+ ui_rect inf_lb = { x, 0, 32, height };
+ ui_fill( inf_lb, lb_down? GUI_COL_NORM: GUI_COL_NORM );
+ ui_text( inf_lb, "\x91", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
+ x += 32 + spacer;
- shader_model_menu_uMdl( mmdl );
- for( u32 j=0; j<item->submesh_count; j++ )
+ for( i32 i=0; i<vg_list_size(opts); i ++ )
- u32 index = item->submesh_start + j;
- mdl_submesh *sm = mdl_arritm( &menu.model.submeshs, index );
+ ui_rect box = { x, 0, ui_text_line_width(opts[i]) + 32, height };
- if( sm->material_id != current_mat )
+ if( draw )
- mdl_material *mat = mdl_arritm( &menu.model.materials,
- sm->material_id-1 );
- glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
- if( mat->shader == k_shader_standard )
+ enum ui_button_state state = ui_button_base( box );
+ if( state == k_ui_button_click )
- struct shader_props_standard *props = mat->props.compiled;
- /* FIXME: why does menu have its own texture array?? */
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D,
- menu.textures[ props->tex_diffuse ] );
+ ui_fill( box, GUI_COL_DARK );
+ menu.main_index = i;
+ }
+ else if( state == k_ui_button_holding_inside )
+ {
+ ui_fill( box, GUI_COL_DARK );
+ }
+ else if( state == k_ui_button_holding_outside )
+ {
+ ui_fill( box, GUI_COL_DARK );
+ ui_outline( box, 1, GUI_COL_CLICK, 0 );
- else
+ else if( state == k_ui_button_hover )
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, vg.tex_missing );
+ ui_fill( box, GUI_COL_NORM );
+ ui_outline( box, 1, GUI_COL_ACTIVE, 0 );
+ else
+ ui_fill( box, i==menu.main_index? GUI_COL_ACTIVE: GUI_COL_NORM );
- current_mat = sm->material_id;
+ ui_text( box, opts[i], 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- mdl_draw_submesh( sm );
+ x += box[2] + spacer;
- }
- if( !text_count ) return;
- char buf[ 128 ];
- m4x3f local;
- m4x3_identity( local );
- font3d_bind( &gui.font, k_font_shader_default, 0, NULL, &menu.view );
- for( u32 i=0; i<text_count; i++ ){
- ent_menuitem *item = text_list[ i ];
- m4x3f transform;
- mdl_transform_m4x3( &item->transform, transform );
- u32 variant = item->binding.font_variant;
- menu_binding_string( buf, item->binding.pstr_bind );
- f32 offset = font3d_string_width( variant, buf );
- local[3][0] = -0.5f * offset;
- m4x3_mul( transform, local, transform );
+ if( draw )
+ {
+ ui_rect inf_rb = { x, 0, 32, height };
+ ui_fill( inf_rb, rb_down? GUI_COL_NORM: GUI_COL_NORM );
+ ui_text( inf_rb, "\x92", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
+ }
+ x += 32;
- font3d_simple_draw( variant, buf, &menu.view, transform );
+ if( draw )
+ ui_fill( (ui_rect){ x+8,0, vg.window_x-(x+8),height }, GUI_COL_NORM );
+ else
+ {
+ x = vg.window_x/2 - x/2;
+ ui_fill( (ui_rect){ 0, 0, x-8, height }, GUI_COL_NORM );
+ }
-static void menu_binding_string( char buf[128], u32 pstr ){
- vg_str str;
- vg_strnull( &str, buf, 128 );
- if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, pstr, "bind_jump" ) ){
- vg_input_string( &str, input_button_list[k_srbind_jump], 1 );
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, pstr, "bind_trick0" ) ){
- vg_strcat( &str, "SHUVIT " );
- vg_input_string( &str, input_button_list[k_srbind_trick0], 1 );
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, pstr, "bind_trick1" ) ){
- vg_strcat( &str, "KICKFLIP " );
- vg_input_string( &str, input_button_list[k_srbind_trick1], 1 );
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, pstr, "bind_trick2" ) ){
- vg_strcat( &str, "TREFLIP " );
- vg_input_string( &str, input_button_list[k_srbind_trick2], 1 );
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, pstr, "bind_grab" ) ){
- vg_input_string( &str, input_axis_list[k_sraxis_grab], 1 );
- }
- else if( MDL_CONST_PSTREQ( &menu.model, pstr, "bind_grab_mod" ) ){
- vg_input_string( &str, input_joy_list[k_srjoystick_grab], 1 );
+ if( menu.main_index == 0 )
+ {
- vg_strcat( &str, "error" );
+ {
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) )
+ {
+ skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ vg_ui.frosting = gui.factive*0.015f;
+ ui_flush( k_ui_shader_colour, vg.window_x, vg.window_y );
+ vg_ui.frosting = 0.0f;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_small );
struct world_map world_map;
-static void world_map_get_dir( v3f dir ){
+static void world_map_get_dir( v3f dir )
/* idk */
dir[0] = -sqrtf(0.5f);
dir[2] = sqrtf(0.5f);
-static void world_map_get_plane( v4f plane ){
+static void world_map_get_plane( v4f plane )
world_instance *world = &world_static.instances[ world_map.world_id ];
f32 h =[1];
if( world_map.world_id != world_static.active_instance )
v4_copy( (v4f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,h}, plane );
-static void respawn_world_to_plane_pos( v3f pos, v2f plane_pos ){
+static void respawn_world_to_plane_pos( v3f pos, v2f plane_pos )
v3f dir;
world_map_get_dir( dir );
static void respawn_map_draw_icon( vg_camera *cam,
- enum gui_icon icon, v3f pos ){
+ enum gui_icon icon, v3f pos, f32 size )
v4f v;
v3_copy( pos, v );
v[3] = 1.0f;
m4x4_mulv( cam->mtx.pv, v, v );
v2_divs( v, v[3], v );
- gui_draw_icon( icon, (v2f){ v[0]*0.5f+0.5f,v[1]*0.5f+0.5f }, 1.0f );
+ gui_draw_icon( icon, (v2f){ v[0]*0.5f+0.5f,v[1]*0.5f+0.5f }, size );
-void world_map_pre_update(void)
+static void world_map_select_close(void)
- if( skaterift.activity != k_skaterift_world_map ) return;
- if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) ){
- gui_helper_clear();
- srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
- skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_menu;
- = 0xffffffff;
- menu_open_page( "Main Menu", k_ent_menuitem_stack_append );
- return;
- }
+ world_map.sel_spawn = world_map.close_spawn;
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ vg_str text;
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ) )
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Spawn Here" );
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ) )
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Back" );
- if( button_down( k_srbind_maccept ) ){
- skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
- srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
+void world_map_click(void)
+ world_map_select_close();
- if( world_map.spawn ){
- world_static.active_instance = world_map.world_id;
- player__spawn( world_map.spawn );
+static void world_map_help_normal(void)
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ vg_str text;
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_joy_list[k_srjoystick_steer], &text ) )
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Move" );
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ) )
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Select" );
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ) )
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Exit" );
+void world_map_pre_update(void)
+ if( menu_viewing_map() )
+ {
+ if( !world_map.view_ready )
+ {
+ world_map.world_id = world_static.active_instance;
+ world_instance *world = &world_static.instances[ world_map.world_id ];
+ v3f *bbx = world->scene_geo.bbx;
+ v3_copy(, world->player_co );
+ respawn_world_to_plane_pos(, world_map.plane_pos );
+ world_map.boom_dist = 400.0f;
+ world_map.home_select = 0;
+ world_map.view_ready = 1;
+ world_map.sel_spawn = NULL;
+ world_map.close_spawn = NULL;
+ world_map_help_normal();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( world_map.view_ready )
+ {
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ world_map.view_ready = 0;
+ }
joystick_state( k_srjoystick_steer, steer );
v2_normalize_clamp( steer );
- m2x2f rm;
- m2x2_create_rotation( rm, -0.25f*VG_PIf );
- m2x2_mulv( rm, steer, steer );
+ if( !world_map.sel_spawn )
+ {
+ f32 *pos = world_map.plane_pos;
+ m2x2f rm;
+ m2x2_create_rotation( rm, -0.25f*VG_PIf );
+ m2x2_mulv( rm, steer, steer );
+ v2_muladds( pos, steer, vg.time_frame_delta * 200.0f, pos );
+ }
+ f32 bd_target = 400.0f,
+ interp = vg.time_frame_delta*2.0f;
+ if( world_map.sel_spawn )
+ {
+ v2f pp;
+ respawn_world_to_plane_pos( world_map.sel_spawn->, pp );
+ v2_lerp( pos, pp, interp, pos );
+ bd_target = 200.0f;
+ }
+ world_map.boom_dist = vg_lerpf( world_map.boom_dist, bd_target, interp );
- v2_muladds( pos, steer, vg.time_frame_delta * 200.0f, pos );
v2_minv( (v2f){ bbx[1][0], bbx[1][2] }, pos, pos );
v2_maxv( (v2f){ bbx[0][0], bbx[0][2] }, pos, pos );
vg_camera_finalize( cam );
/* pick spawn */
- world_map.spawn = NULL;
f32 closest2 = INFINITY;
+ v2f centroid = { 0, 0 };
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_spawn); i++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_spawn); i++ )
+ {
ent_spawn *spawn = mdl_arritm(&world->ent_spawn,i);
v4f v;
m4x4_mulv( cam->mtx.pv, v, v );
v2_divs( v, v[3], v );
- f32 d2 = v2_length2(v);
- if( d2 < closest2 ){
- world_map.spawn = spawn;
+ f32 d2 = v2_dist2(v, centroid);
+ if( d2 < closest2 )
+ {
+ world_map.close_spawn = spawn;
closest2 = d2;
+ spawn->transform.s[0] = d2;
+ }
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_maccept ) )
+ {
+ if( world_map.sel_spawn )
+ {
+ skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
+ world_static.active_instance = world_map.world_id;
+ srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
+ player__spawn( world_map.sel_spawn );
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ world_map_select_close();
+ }
+ }
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) )
+ {
+ if( world_map.sel_spawn )
+ {
+ world_map.sel_spawn = NULL;
+ world_map_help_normal();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
+ skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
+ return;
+ }
/* icons
* ---------------------*/
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_challenge); i++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_challenge); i++ )
+ {
ent_challenge *challenge = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_challenge, i );
enum gui_icon icon = k_gui_icon_exclaim_2d;
if( challenge->status )
icon = k_gui_icon_tick_2d;
- respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, icon, challenge-> );
+ respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, icon, challenge->, 1.0f );
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_skateshop); i++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_spawn); i ++ )
+ {
+ ent_spawn *spawn = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_spawn, i );
+ if( spawn->transform.s[0] > 0.3f )
+ continue;
+ f32 s = 1.0f-(spawn->transform.s[0] / 0.3f);
+ respawn_map_draw_icon( cam,
+ spawn==world_map.sel_spawn?
+ k_gui_icon_spawn_select: k_gui_icon_spawn,
+ spawn->, s );
+ }
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_skateshop); i++ )
+ {
ent_skateshop *shop = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_skateshop, i );
- if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_boardshop ){
- respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_board, shop-> );
+ if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_boardshop )
+ {
+ respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_board, shop->, 1 );
- else if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_worldshop ){
- respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_world, shop-> );
+ else if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_worldshop )
+ {
+ respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_world, shop->, 1 );
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_gate); i++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_gate); i++ )
+ {
ent_gate *gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, i );
- if( gate->flags & k_ent_gate_nonlocal ){
- respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_rift, gate->co[0] );
+ if( gate->flags & k_ent_gate_nonlocal )
+ {
+ respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_rift, gate->co[0], 1 );
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_route); i++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_route); i++ )
+ {
ent_route *route = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_route, i );
v4f colour;
v3_muls( colour, 1.6666f, colour );
gui_icon_setcolour( colour );
respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_rift_run_2d,
- route->board_transform[3] );
+ route->board_transform[3], 1 );
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_glider); i ++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_glider); i ++ )
+ {
ent_glider *glider = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_glider, i );
v4f colour = { 1,1,1,1 };
v3_muls( colour, 0.5f, colour );
gui_icon_setcolour( colour );
- respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_glider, glider-> );
+ respawn_map_draw_icon( cam, k_gui_icon_glider, glider->, 1 );
-void world_map_enter(void)
- skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_world_map;
- world_map.world_id = world_static.active_instance;
- world_instance *world = &world_static.instances[ world_map.world_id ];
- v3f *bbx = world->scene_geo.bbx;
- respawn_world_to_plane_pos(, world_map.plane_pos );
- world_map.boom_dist = 400.0f;
- world_map.home_select = 0;
- gui_helper_clear();
- vg_str text;
- if( gui_new_helper( input_joy_list[k_srjoystick_steer], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "Move" );
- if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "Spawn" );
- if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "Exit" );