u32 frame;
+ int initialzed;
u32 sim_frame;
float sim_start;
int simulating;
- u32 sim_run;
+ u32 sim_run, max_runs;
float frame_lerp;
world.score = 0;
world.time = 0;
world.completed = 0;
+ world.max_runs = 0;
+ world.initialzed = 0;
static void map_reclassify( v2i start, v2i end, int update_texbuffer );
static int map_load( const char *str, const char *name )
+ //TODO: It may be worthwhile, at this point, to switch to binary encoding for save data
char const *c = str;
int cx = 0;
int reg_start = 0, reg_end = 0;
+ u32 *links_to_make = NULL;
+ int links_satisfied = 0;
+ char link_id_buffer[32];
+ int link_id_n = 0;
if( !*c )
terminal->runs[ terminal->run_count ].condition_count = 0;
terminal->run_count ++;
+ world.max_runs = vg_max( world.max_runs, terminal->run_count );
vg_error( "Unkown attribute '%c' (row: %u)\n", *c, world.h );
- return 0;
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
- vg_error( "Too many values to assign (row: %u)\n", world.h );
- return 0;
+ if( links_satisfied < arrlen( links_to_make ) )
+ {
+ struct cell *target = &world.data[ links_to_make[ links_satisfied ] ];
+ if( (((u32)*c >= (u32)'0') && ((u32)*c <= (u32)'9')) || *c == '-' )
+ {
+ if( link_id_n >= vg_list_size( link_id_buffer )-1 )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Number was way too long to be parsed (row: %u)\n", world.h );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
+ link_id_buffer[ link_id_n ++ ] = *c;
+ }
+ else if( *c == ',' || *c == '\n' )
+ {
+ link_id_buffer[ link_id_n ] = 0x00;
+ int value = atoi( link_id_buffer );
+ target->links[value >= 0? 1:0] = abs(value);
+ links_satisfied ++;
+ link_id_n = 0;
+ if( *c == '\n' )
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_error( "Invalid character '%c' (row: %u)\n", *c, world.h );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_error( "Too many values to assign (row: %u)\n", world.h );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
c ++;
+ // Registry length-error checks
if( reg_start != reg_end )
- vg_error( "Not enough values assigned (row: %u, %u of %u)\n", world.h, reg_start, reg_end );
- return 0;
+ vg_error( "Not enough spawn values assigned (row: %u, %u of %u)\n", world.h, reg_start, reg_end );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
+ if( links_satisfied != arrlen( links_to_make ) )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Not enough link values assigned (row: %u, %u of %u)\n", world.h, links_satisfied, arrlen( links_to_make ) );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
if( cx != world.w )
vg_error( "Not enough cells to match previous row definition (row: %u, %u<%u)\n", world.h, cx, world.w );
- return 0;
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
row = arraddnptr( world.data, world.w );
cx = 0;
world.h ++;
reg_end = reg_start = arrlen( world.io );
+ arrsetlen( links_to_make, 0 );
+ links_satisfied = 0;
if( cx == world.w )
vg_error( "Too many cells to match previous row definition (row: %u, %u>%u)\n", world.h, cx, world.w );
- return 0;
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
// Tile initialization
// 2: Reserved
// 3: Reserved
- cell->state = ((u32)*c - (u32)'A') & FLAG_CANAL; // Only canal supported currently
- cell->links[0] = 0; // TODO: Link these somewhere else
+ cell->state = ((u32)*c - (u32)'A') & (FLAG_CANAL|FLAG_IS_TRIGGER);
+ if( cell->state & FLAG_IS_TRIGGER )
+ arrpush( links_to_make, cx + world.h*world.w );
+ cell->links[0] = 0;
cell->links[1] = 0;
world.score ++;
c ++;
// Update data texture to fill out the background
u8 info_buffer[64*64*4];
glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, info_buffer );
+ arrfree( links_to_make );
map_reclassify( NULL, NULL, 1 );
+ // Validate links
+ for( int i = 0; i < world.h*world.w; i ++ )
+ {
+ struct cell *src = &world.data[i];
+ if( src->state & FLAG_IS_TRIGGER )
+ {
+ int link_id = src->links[0]?0:1;
+ if( src->links[link_id] <= world.h*world.w )
+ {
+ struct cell *target = &world.data[ src->links[link_id] ];
+ if( (target->state & FLAG_CANAL) && (target->config == k_cell_type_split) )
+ {
+ if( target->links[ link_id ] )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Link target was already targeted\n" );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Valid link
+ target->links[ link_id ] = i;
+ target->state |= FLAG_TARGETED;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_error( "Link target was invalid\n" );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_error( "Link target out of bounds\n" );
+ goto IL_REG_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
vg_success( "Map '%s' loaded! (%u:%u)\n", name, world.w, world.h );
strncpy( world.map_name, name, vg_list_size( world.map_name )-1 );
+ world.initialzed = 1;
return 1;
+ arrfree( links_to_make );
+ map_free();
+ return 0;
static struct cell *pcell( v2i pos )
+ for( int x = 0; x < world.w; x ++ )
+ {
+ struct cell *cell = pcell( (v2i){ x,y } );
+ if( cell->state & FLAG_IS_TRIGGER )
+ {
+ if( terminal_write_count )
+ fputc( ',', stream );
+ terminal_write_count ++;
+ fprintf( stream, "%d", cell->links[0]? -cell->links[0]: cell->links[1] );
+ }
+ }
fputc( '\n', stream );
static int console_save_map( int argc, char const *argv[] )
+ if( !world.initialzed )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Tried to save uninitialized map!\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
char map_path[ 256 ];
strcpy( map_path, "sav/" );
FILE *test_writer = fopen( map_path, "wb" );
if( test_writer )
+ vg_info( "Saving map to '%s'\n", map_path );
map_serialize( test_writer );
fclose( test_writer );
if( text_source )
+ vg_info( "Loading map: '%s'\n", map_path );
+ world.ptr_career_level = NULL;
if( !map_load( text_source, argv[0] ) )
- map_free();
+ {
+ free( text_source );
+ return 0;
+ }
free( text_source );
- // Update career link
- world.ptr_career_level = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < vg_list_size( level_pack_1 ); i ++ )
if( !strcmp( level_pack_1[i], argv[0] ) )
world.num_fishes = 0;
world.sim_frame = 0;
world.sim_start = vg_time;
+ world.sim_run = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < world.w*world.h; i ++ )
world.data[ i ].state &= ~FLAG_FLIP_FLOP;
// Try other directions for valid, so down, left, right..
v2i dirs[] = {{1,0},{-1,0},{0,-1}};
- vg_info( "Trying some other directions...\n" );
+ //vg_info( "Trying some other directions...\n" );
for( int j = 0; j < vg_list_size(dirs); j ++ )
if( world.completed )
- vg_success( "Level passed!\n" );
- u32 score = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < world.w*world.h; i ++ )
- if( world.data[ i ].state & FLAG_CANAL )
- score ++;
- world.score = score;
- world.time = world.sim_frame;
+ if( world.sim_run < world.max_runs-1 )
+ {
+ vg_success( "Run passed, starting next\n" );
+ world.sim_run ++;
+ world.sim_frame = 0;
+ world.sim_start = vg_time;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_success( "Level passed!\n" );
+ u32 score = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < world.w*world.h; i ++ )
+ if( world.data[ i ].state & FLAG_CANAL )
+ score ++;
+ world.score = score;
+ world.time = world.sim_frame;
+ }
v4f dot_colour = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
- // TODO: Iterate runs
- for( int j = 0; j < term->runs[0].condition_count; j ++ )
+ for( int k = 0; k < term->run_count; k ++ )
- float y_offset = is_input? 1.2f: -0.2f;
- glUniform3f( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uOffset" ), (float)posx + 0.2f + 0.2f * (float)j, (float)posy + y_offset, 0.1f );
- if( is_input )
+ for( int j = 0; j < term->runs[k].condition_count; j ++ )
- colour_code_v3( term->runs[0].conditions[j], dot_colour );
- glUniform4fv( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uColour" ), 1, dot_colour );
- // Draw filled if tick not passed, draw empty if empty
- if( world.sim_frame > j )
- draw_mesh( empty_start, empty_count );
+ float y_offset = is_input? 1.2f: -0.2f;
+ y_offset += (is_input? 0.2f: -0.2f) * (float)k;
+ glUniform3f( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uOffset" ), (float)posx + 0.2f + 0.2f * (float)j, (float)posy + y_offset, 0.1f );
+ if( is_input )
+ {
+ colour_code_v3( term->runs[k].conditions[j], dot_colour );
+ glUniform4fv( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uColour" ), 1, dot_colour );
+ // Draw filled if tick not passed, draw empty if empty
+ if( world.sim_frame > j && world.sim_run >= k )
+ draw_mesh( empty_start, empty_count );
+ else
+ draw_mesh( filled_start, filled_count );
+ }
- draw_mesh( filled_start, filled_count );
- }
- else
- {
- if( term->runs[0].recv_count > j )
- colour_code_v3( term->runs[0].recieved[j], dot_colour );
- v3_muls( dot_colour, 0.8f, dot_colour );
+ if( term->runs[k].recv_count > j )
+ {
+ colour_code_v3( term->runs[k].recieved[j], dot_colour );
+ v3_muls( dot_colour, 0.8f, dot_colour );
+ glUniform4fv( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uColour" ), 1, dot_colour );
+ draw_mesh( filled_start, filled_count );
+ }
+ colour_code_v3( term->runs[k].conditions[j], dot_colour );
glUniform4fv( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uColour" ), 1, dot_colour );
- draw_mesh( filled_start, filled_count );
+ draw_mesh( empty_start, empty_count );
- colour_code_v3( term->runs[0].conditions[j], dot_colour );
- glUniform4fv( SHADER_UNIFORM( shader_tile_colour, "uColour" ), 1, dot_colour );
- draw_mesh( empty_start, empty_count );