#include <time.h>
// CSR lib
+#include "csrOpt.h"
#include "csrTypes.h"
#include "csrMath.h"
#include "csrMem.h"
#include "vmf.h"
// CSR main
-#include "csrDraw.h"
#include "csr32f.h"
+#include "csrDraw.h"
+#define CSR_VERSION "0.0.1"
-//#include "stretchy_buffer.h"
+// gcc -Wall -fsanitize=address csRadar.c -o csRadar -lm
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- if( argc == 2 )
+ char *arg;
+ char *strings[ 20 ];
+ int num_strings = 0;
+ float padding = 128.f;
+ u32 resolution = 1024;
+ int standard_layers = 0;
+ int write_txt = 1;
+ int multi_sample = 1;
+ char output_path[ 512 ]; // Full path eg. /home/harry/my_map.vmf
+ char vmf_name[ 128 ]; // Just the base name eg. my_map
+ int output_set = 0;
+ while( csr_argp( argc, argv ) )
- fs_set_gameinfo( "/home/harry/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/gameinfo.txt" );
- printf( "read: %s\n", argv[1] );
- //vdf_node *node = vdf_open_file( argv[1] );
- vmf_map *map = vmf_init( argv[1], 1 );
- csr_target target;
- csr_create_target( &target, 1024, 1024 );
- csr_rt_clear( &target );
- csr_filter filter_layout =
+ if( (arg = csr_arg()) )
- .classname = NULL,
- .visgroup = "tar_layout"
- };
+ if( num_strings == 20 )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Too many arguments! Max 20\n" );
+ fs_exit();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ strings[ num_strings ++ ] = arg;
+ }
- csr_filter filter_buyzone =
+ if( (arg = csr_opt_arg( 'o' )) )
- .classname = "func_buyzone",
- .visgroup = NULL
- };
+ strcpy( output_path, arg );
+ csr_path_winunix( output_path );
+ output_set = 1;
+ }
- csr_filter filter_setup =
+ if( (arg = csr_opt_arg( 'g' )) )
- .classname = NULL,
- .visgroup = NULL,
- .compute_bounds_only = 1
- };
- draw_vmf_group( &target, map, map->root, &filter_setup, NULL, NULL );
- csr_auto_fit( &target, 128.f );
- draw_vmf_group( &target, map, map->root, NULL, NULL, NULL );
- float *rgba_test = (float *)csr_malloc( 1024*1024*sizeof(float)*3 );
+ fs_set_gameinfo( arg );
+ }
- for( int l = 0; l < 1024; l ++ )
+ if( (arg = csr_opt_arg( 'r' )) )
- for( int x = 0; x < 1024; x ++ )
- {
- float *dst = &rgba_test[ (l*1024+x)*3 ];
- csr_frag *src = &target.fragments[ ((1023-l)*1024+x) ];
- dst[0] = src->co[0];
- dst[1] = src->co[1];
- dst[2] = src->co[2];
- }
+ resolution = atoi( arg );
- csr_32f_write( "hello.pfm", 1024, 1024, rgba_test );
- csr_rt_free( &target );
- free( rgba_test );
- vmf_free( map );
- fs_exit();
- /*
- vmf_solid solid_main;
- solidgen_ctx_init( &solid_main );
- vdf_node *world = vdf_next( node, "world", NULL );
- vdf_foreach( world, "solid", brush )
+ if( (arg = csr_long_opt_arg( "padding" )) )
- solidgen_push( &solid_main, brush );
+ padding = atof( arg );
- clock_t t;
- t = clock();
- printf("Timer starts\n");
- csr_frag *image = (csr_frag *)csr_malloc( 1024*1024*sizeof(csr_frag) );
- clear_depth( image, 1024, 1024 );
- for( int i = 0; i < csr_sb_count( solid_main.indices )/3; i ++ )
+ if( csr_opt( 'v' ) || csr_long_opt( "version" ) )
+ {
+ printf( "csRadar version: " CSR_VERSION "\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( csr_opt( 'h' ) || csr_long_opt( "help" ) )
+ {
+ // Display help
+ printf
+ (
+ "csRadar Copyright (C) 2021 Harry Godden (hgn)\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Usage: ./csRadar map.vmf -g \"/gamedir/gameinfo.txt\" layout cover\n"
+ " VMF file is first, then any other arguments (eg. layout, cover), will specify\n"
+ " visgroups to be rendered into individual files\n"
+ " No visgroups specified will simply draw everything\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " -g <gameinfo.txt path> Required if you are loading models\n"
+ " -r 1024 Output resolution\n"
+ " -o <output> Specify output name/path\n"
+ " --padding=128 When cropping radar, add padding units to border\n"
+ " --standard-layers Use standard TAR layers/groups\n"
+ " --no-txt Don't create matching radar txt\n"
+ " --multi-sample= [ none, 2, 4, 4r, 8kn (default), 16c ]\n"
+ "\n"
+ " -v --version Display program version\n"
+ " -h --help Display this help text\n"
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if( num_strings )
+ {
+ vmf_map *map = vmf_init( strings[0], 1 );
+ if( map )
- u32 * base = solid_main.indices + i*3;
+ // Path handling
+ if( !output_set )
+ {
+ strcpy( output_path, strings[0] );
+ csr_stripext( output_path );
+ }
+ char *base_name;
+ if( !(base_name = csr_findext( output_path, '/' ) ))
+ {
+ base_name = output_path;
+ }
- vmf_vert tri[3];
+ strcpy( vmf_name, base_name );
+ printf( "output_path: '%s'\nvmf_name: '%s'\n", output_path, vmf_name );
+ // Main
+ csr_target target;
+ csr_create_target( &target, resolution, resolution );
+ csr_rt_clear( &target );
+ // Compute bounds
+ csr_filter filter =
+ {
+ .classname = NULL,
+ .visgroup = NULL,
+ .compute_bounds_only = 1
+ };
+ draw_vmf_group( &target, map, map->root, &filter, NULL, NULL );
+ csr_auto_fit( &target, padding );
+ filter.compute_bounds_only = 0;
+ if( num_strings == 1 )
+ {
+ // Draw everything
+ draw_vmf_group( &target, map, map->root, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ csr_rt_save_buffers( &target, output_path, "all" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Draw groups
+ for( int i = 1; i < num_strings; i ++ )
+ {
+ filter.visgroup = strings[ i ];
+ draw_vmf_group( &target, map, map->root, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ csr_rt_save_buffers( &target, output_path, strings[i] );
+ csr_rt_clear( &target );
+ }
+ }
- tri[0] = solid_main.verts[ base[0] ];
- tri[1] = solid_main.verts[ base[1] ];
- tri[2] = solid_main.verts[ base[2] ];
+ if( write_txt )
+ {
+ char txt_path[ 512 ];
+ strcpy( txt_path, output_path );
+ strcat( txt_path, ".txt" );
+ csr_write_txt( txt_path, vmf_name, &target );
+ }
- draw_buffers( image, 1024, 1024, (v4f){ -1000.f, -1000.f, 1000.f, 1000.f }, tri, 1 );
+ csr_rt_free( &target );
+ vmf_free( map );
- printf("Timer ends \n");
- t = clock() - t;
- double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // calculate the elapsed time
- printf("Tracing took %f seconds to execute\n", time_taken);
- float *rgba_test = (float *)csr_malloc( 1024*1024*sizeof(float)*3 );
- for( int i = 0; i < 1024*1024; i ++ )
+ else
- rgba_test[i*3+0] = image[i].qa;
- rgba_test[i*3+1] = image[i].qb;
- rgba_test[i*3+2] = image[i].depth;
+ fprintf( stderr, "Could not load VMF\n" );
- csr_32f_write( "hello.pfm", 1024, 1024, rgba_test );
- free( rgba_test );
- free( image );
- solidgen_to_obj( &solid_main, "hello.obj" );
- vdf_free_r( node );
- */
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Missing required argument: mapfile\n" );
+ }
+ fs_exit();
+ return 0;
typedef struct csr_filter csr_filter;
struct csr_frag
- u32 id; // Triangle index
- float depth; // 'depth testing'
v3f co;
v3f nrm;
+ float depth;
struct csr_target
csr_frag *fragments;
u32 x, y;
boxf bounds;
float scale;
+ v2f subsamples[ 16 ];
+ int num_samples;
struct csr_filter
rt->x = x;
rt->y = y;
- rt->fragments = (csr_frag *)csr_malloc( x*y*sizeof(csr_frag) );
+ rt->num_samples = 4;
+ rt->fragments = (csr_frag *)csr_malloc( x*y*sizeof(csr_frag)*rt->num_samples );
v3_fill( rt->bounds[0], INFINITY );
v3_fill( rt->bounds[1], -INFINITY );
+void csr_update_subsamples( csr_target *rt )
+ float range_x = (rt->bounds[1][0]-rt->bounds[0][0]);
+ float range_y = (rt->bounds[1][1]-rt->bounds[0][1]);
+ v2f pixel_size = { range_x/(float)rt->x, range_y/(float)rt->y };
+ rt->subsamples[0][0] = pixel_size[0] * -0.25f;
+ rt->subsamples[0][1] = 0.f;
+ rt->subsamples[1][0] = pixel_size[0] * 0.75f;
+ rt->subsamples[1][1] = pixel_size[1] * 0.25f;
+ rt->subsamples[2][0] = 0.f;
+ rt->subsamples[2][1] = pixel_size[1] * 0.5f;
+ rt->subsamples[3][0] = pixel_size[0] * 0.5f;
+ rt->subsamples[3][1] = pixel_size[1] * 0.75f;
void csr_rt_free( csr_target *rt )
free( rt->fragments );
void csr_rt_clear( csr_target *rt )
- for( u32 i = 0; i < rt->x*rt->y; i ++ )
+ for( u32 i = 0; i < rt->x*rt->y*rt->num_samples; i ++ )
- rt->fragments[ i ].depth = 0.f;
+ v3_zero( rt->fragments[ i ].co );
+ v3_zero( rt->fragments[ i ].nrm );
+ rt->fragments[i].depth = 0.f;
rt->bounds[1][1] = cy + d + padding;
rt->scale = d + padding;
+ csr_update_subsamples( rt );
-void simple_raster( csr_target *rt, vmf_vert tri[3], int id )
+void csr_write_txt( char const *path, const char *name, csr_target *rt )
- // Very simplified tracing algorithm
- float tqa = 0.f, tqb = 0.f;
+ FILE *write_ptr;
+ write_ptr = fopen( path, "w" );
+ fprintf( write_ptr, "\"%s\"\n\{\n", name );
+ fprintf( write_ptr, "\t\"material\" \"overviews/%s\"\n", name );
+ fprintf( write_ptr, "\t\"pos_x\" \"%.8f\"\n", rt->bounds[0][0] );
+ fprintf( write_ptr, "\t\"pos_y\" \"%.8f\"\n", rt->bounds[0][1] );
+ fprintf( write_ptr, "\t\"scale\" \"%.8f\"\n", rt->scale / (float)rt->x );
+ fprintf( write_ptr, "}\n" );
+ fclose( write_ptr );
+void simple_raster( csr_target *rt, vmf_vert tri[3] )
+ // Very very simplified rasterizing algorithm
v2f bmin = { 0.f, 0.f };
v2f bmax = { rt->x, rt->y };
float range_x = (rt->bounds[1][0]-rt->bounds[0][0])/(float)rt->x;
float range_y = (rt->bounds[1][1]-rt->bounds[0][1])/(float)rt->y;
- int start_x = csr_min( rt->x-1, csr_max( 0, floorf( (bmin[0]-rt->bounds[0][0])/range_x)));
- int end_x = csr_max( 0, csr_min( rt->x-1, floorf( (bmax[0]-rt->bounds[0][0])/range_x )));
- int start_y = csr_min( rt->y-1, csr_max( 0, ceilf( (bmin[1]-rt->bounds[0][1])/range_y )));
- int end_y = csr_max( 0, csr_min( rt->y-1, ceilf( (bmax[1]-rt->bounds[0][1])/range_y )));
+ int start_x = csr_min( rt->x-1, csr_max( 0, floorf( (bmin[0]-rt->bounds[0][0])/range_x)));
+ int end_x = csr_max( 0, csr_min( rt->x-1, ceilf( (bmax[0]-rt->bounds[0][0])/range_x)));
+ int start_y = csr_min( rt->y-1, csr_max( 0, floorf( (bmin[1]-rt->bounds[0][1])/range_y)));
+ int end_y = csr_max( 0, csr_min( rt->y-1, ceilf( (bmax[1]-rt->bounds[0][1])/range_y)));
+ v2f v0, v1, v2, vp;
+ float d, bca = 0.f, bcb = 0.f, bcc = 0.f;
- v3f trace_dir = { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f };
- v3f trace_origin = { 0.f, 0.f, -16385.f };
+ v2_sub( tri[1].co, tri[0].co, v0 );
+ v2_sub( tri[2].co, tri[0].co, v1 );
+ v2_sub( tri[1].co, tri[2].co, v2 );
+ d = 1.f / (v0[0]*v1[1] - v1[0]*v0[1]);
+ // Backface culling
+ if( v2_cross( v0, v1 ) > 0.f )
+ return;
+ v2f trace_origin;
for( u32 py = start_y; py <= end_y; py ++ )
for( u32 px = start_x; px <= end_x; px ++ )
- csr_frag *frag = &rt->fragments[ py * rt->y + px ];
+ csr_frag *frag = &rt->fragments[ (py * rt->y + px) * rt->num_samples ];
trace_origin[0] = csr_lerpf( rt->bounds[0][0], rt->bounds[1][0], (float)px/(float)rt->x );
- float tdepth = csr_ray_tri( trace_origin, trace_dir, tri[0].co, tri[1].co, tri[2].co, &tqa, &tqb );
- if( tdepth > frag->depth )
+ // Determine coverage
+ for( int i = 0; i < rt->num_samples; i ++ )
- frag->depth = tdepth;
+ v3f sample_origin;
- v3_muls( tri[1].co, tqa, frag->co );
- v3_muladds( frag->co, tri[2].co, tqb, frag->co );
- v3_muladds( frag->co, tri[0].co, 1.f - tqa - tqb, frag->co );
+ v2_add( rt->subsamples[ i ], trace_origin, sample_origin );
+ v2_sub( sample_origin, tri[0].co, vp );
+ if( v2_cross( v0, vp ) > 0.f )
+ continue;
+ if( v2_cross( vp, v1 ) > 0.f )
+ continue;
+ v2f vp2;
+ v2_sub( sample_origin, tri[2].co, vp2 );
+ if( v2_cross( vp2, v2 ) > 0.f )
+ continue;
+ bcb = (vp[0]*v1[1] - v1[0]*vp[1]) * d;
+ bcc = (v0[0]*vp[1] - vp[0]*v0[1]) * d;
+ bca = 1.f - bcb - bcc;
+ float hit = (tri[0].co[2] * bca + tri[1].co[2] * bcb + tri[2].co[2] * bcc) +16385.f;
+ if( hit > frag[i].depth )
+ {
+ frag[i].depth = hit;
+ v3_muls( tri[0].co, bca, frag[i].co );
+ v3_muladds( frag[i].co, tri[1].co, bcb, frag[i].co );
+ v3_muladds( frag[i].co, tri[2].co, bcc, frag[i].co );
+ // TODO: Same for normal map
+ }
m3x3_mulv( normal, triangle[1].nrm, new_tri[1].nrm );
m3x3_mulv( normal, triangle[2].nrm, new_tri[2].nrm );
- simple_raster( rt, new_tri, 0 );
+ simple_raster( rt, new_tri );
m4x3_transform_aabb( model, trf_bounds );
// Join
- //box_concat( rt->bounds, trf_bounds );
+ box_concat( rt->bounds, trf_bounds );
solidgen_ctx_reset( &solid );
solidgen_ctx_free( &solid );
+void csr_rt_save_buffers( csr_target *rt, const char *basename, const char *subname )
+ char output[ 512 ];
+ float *image = (float *)csr_malloc( 1024*1024*sizeof(float)*3 );
+ for( int l = 0; l < rt->x; l ++ )
+ {
+ for( int x = 0; x < rt->y; x ++ )
+ {
+ float *dst = &image[ (l*1024+x)*3 ];
+ csr_frag *src = &rt->fragments[ ((1023-l)*1024+x)*rt->num_samples ];
+ v3_zero( dst );
+ v3_muls( src[0].co, 1.f/(float)rt->num_samples, dst );
+ v3_muladds( dst, src[1].co, 1.f/(float)rt->num_samples, dst );
+ v3_muladds( dst, src[2].co, 1.f/(float)rt->num_samples, dst );
+ v3_muladds( dst, src[3].co, 1.f/(float)rt->num_samples, dst );
+ }
+ }
+ // Save position buffer
+ strcpy( output, basename );
+ strcat( output, "." );
+ strcat( output, subname );
+ strcat( output, "_position.pfm" );
+ csr_32f_write( output, rt->x, rt->y, image );
- printf( "Bounds resolved to: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) -> (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)\n",
- rt->bounds[0][0],rt->bounds[0][1],rt->bounds[0][2],
- rt->bounds[1][0],rt->bounds[1][1],rt->bounds[1][2] );
+ free( image );
dest[1] = csr_maxf(a[1], b[1]);
+void v2_sub( v2f a, v2f b, v2f d )
+ d[0] = a[0]-b[0]; d[1] = a[1]-b[1];
+float v2_cross( v2f a, v2f b )
+ return a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
+void v2_add( v2f a, v2f b, v2f d )
+ d[0] = a[0]+b[0]; d[1] = a[1]+b[1];
// Vector 3
// ==================================================================================================================
+void v3_zero( v3f a )
+ a[0] = 0.f; a[1] = 0.f; a[2] = 0.f;
void v3_copy( v3f a, v3f b )
b[0] = a[0]; b[1] = a[1]; b[2] = a[2];
float csr_ray_tri( v3f o, v3f d, v3f v0, v3f v1, v3f v2, float *u, float *v )
- float const k_cullEpsilon = 0.0001f;
+ float const k_cullEpsilon = 0.000001f;
v3f v0v1;
v3f v0v2;
--- /dev/null
+// Supported:
+// -abc
+// -a value
+// -ab value
+// --long-value=test
+// regular_thing
+static int csr_argi = 1;
+static int csr_argj = 1;
+static int csr_argc = 0;
+static int csr_consume_next = 0;
+static char **csr_argv;
+// Will return 0 if exhausted
+int csr_argp( int argc, char *argv[] )
+ csr_argv = argv;
+ csr_argc = argc;
+ static int delta_i = 0;
+ static int delta_j = 0;
+ if( csr_argj != 1 && !csr_argv[ csr_argi ][ csr_argj ] )
+ {
+ csr_argj = 1;
+ csr_argi ++;
+ }
+ if( csr_consume_next )
+ {
+ csr_consume_next = 0;
+ csr_argi ++;
+ }
+ if( csr_argi >= argc )
+ return 0;
+ if( (delta_i == csr_argi) && (delta_j == csr_argj) )
+ {
+ char *cur = &csr_argv[ csr_argi ][ csr_argj ];
+ if( *cur != '-' )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Unknown opt '-%c'\n", *cur );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Unknown opt '--%s'\n", cur + 1 );
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ delta_i = csr_argi;
+ delta_j = csr_argj;
+ return 1;
+// Example: see if -c is set
+int csr_opt( char c )
+ char *carg = csr_argv[ csr_argi ];
+ if( carg[0] == '-' )
+ {
+ if( carg[1] == '-' )
+ return 0;
+ if( carg[ csr_argj ] == c )
+ {
+ csr_argj ++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Example: get -c *value*
+char *csr_opt_arg( char c )
+ if( csr_opt( c ) )
+ {
+ if( csr_argi < csr_argc-1 )
+ {
+ if( csr_argv[ csr_argi + 1 ][0] != '-' )
+ {
+ csr_consume_next = 1;
+ return csr_argv[ csr_argi + 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "Option '%c' requires argument!\n", c );
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Example see if --big is set
+int csr_long_opt( char *name )
+ char *carg = csr_argv[ csr_argi ];
+ if( carg[0] == '-' )
+ {
+ if( carg[1] == '-' )
+ {
+ if( !strcmp( name, carg+2 ) )
+ {
+ csr_consume_next = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Example: get --big=value
+char *csr_long_opt_arg( char *name )
+ char *carg = csr_argv[ csr_argi ];
+ if( carg[0] == '-' )
+ {
+ if( carg[1] == '-' )
+ {
+ int k = 2; int set = 0;
+ while( carg[ k ] )
+ {
+ if( carg[ k ] == '=' )
+ {
+ set = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ k ++;
+ }
+ if( !strncmp( name, carg+2, k-2 ) )
+ {
+ csr_consume_next = 1;
+ // the rest
+ if( set )
+ {
+ return carg + k + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Long option '%s' requires argument\n", name );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char *csr_arg(void)
+ char *carg = csr_argv[ csr_argi ];
+ if( carg[0] != '-' )
+ {
+ csr_argi ++;
+ return carg;
+ }
+ return NULL;
--- /dev/null
+./csRadar testmap.vmf -g "/home/harry/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/gameinfo.txt"
csr_sb_free( fs->searchpaths );
fs->searchpaths = NULL;
- vpk_free( fs->vpk );
- fs->vpk = NULL;
+ if( fs->vpk )
+ {
+ vpk_free( fs->vpk );
+ fs->vpk = NULL;
+ }
if( fs->current_archive )
VPKDirectoryEntry *entry;
char pak[ 533 ];
- if( (entry = vpk_find( fs->vpk, path )) )
+ if( fs->vpk )
- if( entry->ArchiveIndex != fs->current_idx )
+ if( (entry = vpk_find( fs->vpk, path )) )
- if( fs->current_archive )
+ if( entry->ArchiveIndex != fs->current_idx )
- fclose( fs->current_archive );
- fs->current_archive = NULL;
+ if( fs->current_archive )
+ {
+ fclose( fs->current_archive );
+ fs->current_archive = NULL;
+ }
+ fs->current_idx = entry->ArchiveIndex;
- fs->current_idx = entry->ArchiveIndex;
- }
- if( !fs->current_archive )
- {
- sprintf( pak, "%scsgo/pak01_%03hu.vpk", fs->exedir, fs->current_idx );
- fs->current_archive = fopen( pak, "rb" );
if( !fs->current_archive )
- fprintf( stderr, "Could not locate %s\n", pak );
+ sprintf( pak, "%scsgo/pak01_%03hu.vpk", fs->exedir, fs->current_idx );
+ fs->current_archive = fopen( pak, "rb" );
+ if( !fs->current_archive )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Could not locate %s\n", pak );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ char *filebuf = csr_malloc( entry->EntryLength );
+ fseek( fs->current_archive, entry->EntryOffset, SEEK_SET );
+ if( fread( filebuf, 1, entry->EntryLength, fs->current_archive ) == entry->EntryLength )
+ {
+ return filebuf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free( filebuf );
return NULL;
- char *filebuf = csr_malloc( entry->EntryLength );
- fseek( fs->current_archive, entry->EntryOffset, SEEK_SET );
- if( fread( filebuf, 1, entry->EntryLength, fs->current_archive ) == entry->EntryLength )
- {
- return filebuf;
- }
- else
- {
- free( filebuf );
- return NULL;
- }
- else
+ // Use physical searchpaths
+ char path_buf[ 512 ];
+ for( int i = 0; i < csr_sb_count( fs->searchpaths ); i ++ )
- // Use physical searchpaths
- char path_buf[ 512 ];
+ strcpy( path_buf, fs->searchpaths[ i ] );
+ strcat( path_buf, path );
- for( int i = 0; i < csr_sb_count( fs->searchpaths ); i ++ )
+ char *filebuf;
+ if( (filebuf = csr_asset_read( path_buf )) )
- strcpy( path_buf, fs->searchpaths[ i ] );
- strcat( path_buf, path );
- char *filebuf;
- if( (filebuf = csr_asset_read( path_buf )) )
- {
- return filebuf;
- }
+ return filebuf;
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
vmf_map *map = csr_calloc( sizeof( vmf_map ) );
map->root = vdf_open_file( path );
+ if( !map->root )
+ {
+ free( map );
+ return NULL;
+ }
// Prepare instances
vmf_load_all_instances( map, map->root );