SR_TRIGGERABLE = [ 'ent_audio', 'ent_ccmd', 'ent_gate', 'ent_challenge', \
'ent_relay', 'ent_skateshop', 'ent_objective', 'ent_route',\
- 'ent_miniworld', 'ent_region', 'ent_glider', 'ent_list' ]
+ 'ent_miniworld', 'ent_region', 'ent_glider', 'ent_list',\
+ 'ent_npc' ]
def get_entity_enum_id( alias ):
class ent_npc(Structure):#{
_fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
- ("context",c_uint32)]
+ ("context",c_uint32),
+ ("camera",c_uint32)]
+ sr_functions = { 0: 'proximity', -1: 'leave' }
class ent_water(Structure):
class volume_trigger(Structure):
_fields_ = [("event",c_uint32),
- ("event_leave",c_uint32)]
+ ("event_leave",c_int32)]
class volume_particles(Structure):
- ("win_event",c_uint32),
+ ("win_event",c_int32),
sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger',
- ("target_event",c_uint32),
+ ("target_event",c_int32),
- ("reset_event",c_uint32),
+ ("reset_event",c_int32),
("status",c_uint32)] #runtime
class ent_relay(Structure):#{
_fields_ = [("targets",(c_uint32*2)*4),
- ("targets_events",c_uint32*4)]
+ ("targets_events",c_int32*4)]
sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger' }
if{ = sr_entity_id( )
volume._anon.trigger.event = obj_data.target_event
- ev = 0xffffffff if obj_data.target_event_leave < 0 else \
- obj_data.target_event_leave
- volume._anon.trigger.event_leave = ev
+ volume._anon.trigger.event_leave = obj_data.target_event_leave
compile_obj_transform( obj, npc.transform ) =
npc.context = obj_data.context
+ = sr_entity_id( )
sr_ent_push( npc )
elif ent_type == 'ent_cubemap':#{
class SR_OBJECT_ENT_NPC(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
au: bpy.props.IntProperty()
context: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+ cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+ type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
+ poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
class SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
if( (localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_walk) &&
(world_static.challenge_target == NULL) ){
world_static.challenge_target = NULL;
- world_entity_focus( call->id );
+ world_entity_set_focus( call->id );
+ world_entity_focus_modal();
vg_str text;
if( min_dist2 > max_dist*max_dist ){
world_static.challenge_target = NULL;
world_static.challenge_timer = 0.0f;
- world_static.focused_entity = 0;
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
audio_oneshot_3d( &audio_challenge[6],,
30.0f, 1.0f );
world_static.challenge_target = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_objective,
index );
world_static.challenge_timer = 0.0f;
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
u32 next = challenge->first;
- if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) ){
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) )
+ {
world_static.challenge_target = NULL;
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
audio_oneshot( &audio_challenge[4], 1.0f, 0.0f );
#include "vg/vg_mem.h"
#include "ent_npc.h"
#include "shaders/model_character_view.h"
+#include "input.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "gui.h"
-struct npc npc_gumpa;
+struct npc npc_gumpa, npc_slowmo, npc_volc_flight;
static struct skeleton_anim *gumpa_idle;
+static struct skeleton_anim *slowmo_momentum, *slowmo_slide, *slowmo_rewind,
+ *anim_tutorial_cam;
+static float slowmo_opacity = 0.0f;
+static f64 volc_start_preview = 0.0;
void npc_load_model( struct npc *npc, const char *path )
u32 mtx_size = sizeof(m4x3f)*sk->bone_count;
npc->final_mtx = vg_linear_alloc( vg_mem.rtmemory, mtx_size );
- if( !mdl_arrcount( &meta->textures ) )
- vg_fatal_error( "No texture in model" );
+ if( mdl_arrcount( &meta->textures ) )
+ {
+ mdl_texture *tex0 = mdl_arritm( &meta->textures, 0 );
+ void *data = vg_linear_alloc( vg_mem.scratch, tex0->file.pack_size );
+ mdl_fread_pack_file( meta, &tex0->file, data );
- mdl_texture *tex0 = mdl_arritm( &meta->textures, 0 );
- void *data = vg_linear_alloc( vg_mem.scratch, tex0->file.pack_size );
- mdl_fread_pack_file( meta, &tex0->file, data );
- vg_tex2d_load_qoi_async( data, tex0->file.pack_size,
- &npc->texture );
+ vg_tex2d_load_qoi_async( data, tex0->file.pack_size,
+ &npc->texture );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ npc->texture = vg.tex_missing;
+ }
mdl_async_load_glmesh( meta, &npc->mesh, NULL );
mdl_close( meta );
npc_load_model( &npc_gumpa, "models/gumpa.mdl" );
gumpa_idle = skeleton_get_anim( &npc_gumpa.skeleton, "gumpa_idle" );
+ npc_load_model( &npc_slowmo, "models/slowmos.mdl" );
+ slowmo_momentum =
+ skeleton_get_anim( &npc_slowmo.skeleton, "slowmo_momentum" );
+ slowmo_slide = skeleton_get_anim( &npc_slowmo.skeleton, "slowmo_slide" );
+ slowmo_rewind = skeleton_get_anim( &npc_slowmo.skeleton, "slowmo_rewind" );
+ npc_load_model( &npc_volc_flight, "models/volc_flight.mdl" );
+ anim_tutorial_cam =
+ skeleton_get_anim( &npc_volc_flight.skeleton, "tutorial" );
static struct npc *npc_resolve( u32 id )
if( id == 1 ) return &npc_gumpa;
+ else if( id == 2 ) return &npc_slowmo;
+ else if( id == 3 ) return &npc_volc_flight;
else return NULL;
+static void npc_slowmo_call( ent_npc *npc, ent_call *call )
+ if( call->function == 0 )
+ {
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ vg_str text;
+ if( npc->context == 2 )
+ {
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_axis_list[k_sraxis_grab], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Crouch (store energy)" );
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_joy_list[k_srjoystick_steer], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Slide" );
+ }
+ else if( npc->context == 1 )
+ {
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_axis_list[k_sraxis_grab], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Crouch (store energy)" );
+ }
+ else if( npc->context == 3 )
+ {
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_reset], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Rewind time" );
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_replay_resume], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Resume" );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( call->function == -1 )
+ {
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ }
+void ent_npc_call( world_instance *world, ent_call *call )
+ u32 index = mdl_entity_id_id( call->id );
+ ent_npc *npc = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_npc, index );
+ if( npc->id == 2 )
+ {
+ npc_slowmo_call( npc, call );
+ }
+ else if( npc->id == 3 )
+ {
+ if( call->function == 0 )
+ {
+ world_entity_set_focus( call->id );
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ vg_str text;
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Preview course" );
+ }
+ else if( call->function == -1 )
+ {
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( call->function == 0 )
+ {
+ world_entity_set_focus( call->id );
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ vg_str text;
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Talk to ???" );
+ }
+ else if( call->function == -1 )
+ {
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_print_backtrace();
+ vg_error( "Unhandled function id: %i\n", call->function );
+ }
+ }
+void ent_npc_preupdate( ent_npc *ent, int active )
+ world_instance *world = world_current_instance();
+ if( !active )
+ {
+ if( button_down(k_srbind_maccept) )
+ {
+ world_entity_focus_modal();
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ vg_str text;
+ if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ))
+ vg_strcat( &text, "leave" );
+ volc_start_preview = vg.time;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ent->id == 3 )
+ {
+ player_pose pose;
+ struct skeleton *sk = &npc_volc_flight.skeleton;
+ f64 t = (vg.time - volc_start_preview) * 0.5;
+ skeleton_sample_anim_clamped( sk, anim_tutorial_cam, t, pose.keyframes );
+ ent_camera *cam = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_camera,
+ mdl_entity_id_id(ent->camera) );
+ v3_copy( pose.keyframes[0].co, cam-> );
+ v4f qp;
+ q_axis_angle( qp, (v3f){1,0,0}, VG_TAUf*0.25f );
+ q_mul( pose.keyframes[0].q, qp, cam->transform.q );
+ q_normalize( cam->transform.q );
+ v3_add( ent->, cam->, cam-> );
+ }
+ world_entity_focus_camera( world, ent->camera );
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) )
+ {
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ }
void npc_update( ent_npc *ent )
+ if( ent->id == 3 ) return;
struct npc *npc_def = npc_resolve( ent->id );
VG_ASSERT( npc_def );
pose.type = k_player_pose_type_ik;
pose.board.lean = 0.0f;
- skeleton_sample_anim( sk, gumpa_idle, vg.time, pose.keyframes );
+ if( ent->id == 1 )
+ {
+ skeleton_sample_anim( sk, gumpa_idle, vg.time, pose.keyframes );
+ }
+ else if( ent->id == 2 )
+ {
+ struct skeleton_anim *anim = NULL;
+ if( ent->context == 1 ) anim = slowmo_momentum;
+ else if( ent->context == 2 ) anim = slowmo_slide;
+ else if( ent->context == 3 ) anim = slowmo_rewind;
+ VG_ASSERT( anim );
+ f32 t = vg.time*0.5f,
+ animtime = fmodf( t*anim->rate, anim->length ),
+ lt = animtime / (f32)anim->length;
+ skeleton_sample_anim( sk, anim, t, pose.keyframes );
+ slowmo_opacity = vg_clampf(fabsf(lt-0.5f)*9.0f-3.0f,0,1);
+ }
v3_copy( ent->, pose.root_co );
v4_copy( ent->transform.q, pose.root_q );
void npc_render( ent_npc *ent, world_instance *world, vg_camera *cam )
+ if( ent->id == 3 ) return;
struct npc *npc_def = npc_resolve( ent->id );
VG_ASSERT( npc_def );
shader_model_character_view_uTexMain( 0 );
shader_model_character_view_uCamera( cam->transform[3] );
shader_model_character_view_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
- shader_model_character_view_uDepthCompare( 0 );
+ if( ent->id == 2 )
+ {
+ shader_model_character_view_uDepthMode( 2 );
+ shader_model_character_view_uDitherCutoff( slowmo_opacity );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shader_model_character_view_uDepthMode( 0 );
+ }
WORLD_BIND_LIGHT_BUFFERS_UB0_TEX234( world, model_character_view );
void npc_load_model( struct npc *npc, const char *path );
+void ent_npc_preupdate( ent_npc *ent, int active );
+void ent_npc_call( world_instance *world, ent_call *call );
void npc_update( ent_npc *ent );
void npc_render( ent_npc *ent, world_instance *world, vg_camera *cam );
void npc_init(void);
ent_route *route = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_route, index );
if( call->function == 0 ){ /* view() */
- if( localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_walk ){
- world_entity_focus( call->id );
+ if( localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_walk )
+ {
+ world_entity_set_focus( call->id );
+ world_entity_focus_modal();
vg_str text;
global_ent_route.helper_alltime->greyed =!world_sfd.view_weekly;
global_ent_route.helper_weekly->greyed = world_sfd.view_weekly;
- if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) ){
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) )
+ {
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
localplayer.board_view_slot = cache_id;
network_send_item( k_netmsg_playeritem_board );
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
if( button_down( k_srbind_maccept ) ){
network_send_item( k_netmsg_playeritem_player );
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
vg_fatal_error( "Unknown store (%u)\n", shop->type );
- if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) ){
+ if( button_down( k_srbind_mback ) )
+ {
if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_charshop )
network_send_item( k_netmsg_playeritem_player );
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
vg_info( "Entering skateshop\n" );
- world_entity_focus( call->id );
+ world_entity_set_focus( call->id );
+ world_entity_focus_modal();
if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_boardshop ){
#include "ent_miniworld.h"
#include "ent_region.h"
#include "ent_glider.h"
+#include "ent_npc.h"
typedef void (*fn_entity_call_handler)( world_instance *, ent_call *);
[k_ent_route] = ent_route_call,
[k_ent_miniworld] = ent_miniworld_call,
[k_ent_region] = ent_region_call,
- [k_ent_glider] = ent_glider_call
+ [k_ent_glider] = ent_glider_call,
+ [k_ent_npc] = ent_npc_call
if( type >= vg_list_size(table) ){
struct volume_trigger{
- u32 event, event_leave;
+ i32 event, event_leave;
enum ent_volume_flag {
- id_win,
- win_event;
+ id_win;
+ i32 win_event;
f32 time_limit;
mdl_transform transform;
u32 pstr_alias,
- target,
- target_event,
- reset,
- reset_event,
- first,
+ target;
+ i32 target_event;
+ u32 reset;
+ i32 reset_event;
+ u32 first,
struct ent_relay {
u32 targets[4][2];
- u32 targets_events[4];
+ i32 targets_events[4];
struct ent_cubemap {
typedef struct ent_call ent_call;
struct ent_call{
- u32 id, function;
+ u32 id;
+ i32 function;
void *data;
struct ent_npc
mdl_transform transform;
- u32 id, context;
+ u32 id, context, camera;
#include "world.h"
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, font->texture );
- if( shader == k_font_shader_default ){
+ if( shader == k_font_shader_default )
+ {
shader_model_font_uColour( (v4f){1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f} );
shader_model_font_uTexMain( 1 );
+ shader_model_font_uDepthMode( depth_compare );
- shader_model_font_uDepthCompare( depth_compare );
if( depth_compare ){
shader_model_font_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
- else if( shader == k_font_shader_world ){
+ else if( shader == k_font_shader_world )
+ {
world_static.challenge_target = NULL;
world_static.challenge_timer = 0.0f;
- world_static.focused_entity = 0;
world_static.active_trigger_volume_count = 0;
world_static.last_use = 0.0;
- world_entity_unfocus();
+ world_entity_exit_modal();
+ world_entity_clear_focus();
localplayer.boundary_hash ^= NETMSG_BOUNDARY_BIT;
if( localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_walk ){
v3_copy( (v3f){-0.1f,1.8f,0.0f}, cc->fpv_viewpoint );
v3_copy( (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, cc->fpv_offset );
- v3_copy( (v3f){0.0f,1.4f,0.0f}, cc->tpv_offset );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){0.0f,1.8f,0.0f}, cc->tpv_offset );
else if( localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_glide ){
v3_copy( (v3f){-0.15f,1.75f,0.0f}, cc->fpv_viewpoint );
v3_add( tpv_origin, tpv_offset, tpv_pos );
+#if 0
+ if( localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_walk )
+ {
+ v3f fwd, right;
+ v3_angles_vector( localplayer.angles, fwd );
+ v3_cross( fwd, (v3f){0,1.001f,0}, right );
+ right[1] = 0.0f;
+ v3_normalize( right );
+ v3_muladds( tpv_pos, right, 0.5f, tpv_pos );
+ }
* Blend cameras
shader_model_board_view_uTexMain( 0 );
shader_model_board_view_uCamera( cam->transform[3] );
shader_model_board_view_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
- shader_model_board_view_uDepthCompare(1);
+ shader_model_board_view_uDepthMode(1);
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, board->mdl.texture );
- if( shader == k_board_shader_player ){
+ if( shader == k_board_shader_player )
+ {
shader_model_board_view_uTexMain( 0 );
shader_model_board_view_uCamera( cam->transform[3] );
shader_model_board_view_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
- shader_model_board_view_uDepthCompare(1);
+ shader_model_board_view_uDepthMode(1);
WORLD_BIND_LIGHT_BUFFERS_UB0_TEX234( world, model_board_view );
- else if( shader == k_board_shader_entity ){
+ else if( shader == k_board_shader_entity )
+ {
shader_model_entity_uTexMain( 0 );
shader_model_entity_uCamera( cam->transform[3] );
shader_model_character_view_uTexMain( 0 );
shader_model_character_view_uCamera( cam->transform[3] );
shader_model_character_view_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
- shader_model_character_view_uDepthCompare( depth_compare );
- if( depth_compare ){
+ shader_model_character_view_uDepthMode( depth_compare );
+ if( depth_compare )
+ {
shader_model_character_view_uInverseRatioDepth, = 0.0f;
-void player__skate_clear_mechanics(void){
+void player__skate_clear_mechanics(void)
struct player_skate_state *state = &player_skate.state;
state->jump_charge = 0.0f;
state->charging_jump = 0;
v3_copy( localplayer.rb.to_world[1], player_skate.surface_picture );
v3_copy(, state->prev_pos );
v3_zero( player_skate.weight_distribution );
+ v3f head = { 0.0f, 1.8f, 0.0f };
+ m4x3_mulv( localplayer.rb.to_world, head, state->head_position );
#include "network_compression.h"
0.00f,0.00f, 1.00f,rh, 0.00f,rh, /* fsquad1 */
0.00f,0.00f, 1.00f,0.00f, 1.00f,rh,
+ 0.00f,1.00f, 0.00f,1.0f-rh,1.00f,1.0f-rh,
+ 0.00f,1.00f, 1.00f,1.0f-rh,1.00f,1.0f,
/* 9x9 debug grid */
/* row0 */
void render_fsquad1(void)
glBindVertexArray( gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
- glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 6, 6 );
+ glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 6, 6+6 );
void render_fsquad2(void)
glBindVertexArray( gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
- glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 66,6 );
+ glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 66+6,6 );
uniform sampler2D uTexSceneDepth;
uniform vec3 uInverseRatioDepth;
uniform vec3 uInverseRatioMain;
-uniform bool uDepthCompare;
+uniform int uDepthMode;
+uniform float uDitherCutoff;
float linear_depth( float depth, float near, float far ) {
float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0;
return (2.0 * near * far) / (far + near - z * (far - near));
-void depth_compare_dither(){
- if( uDepthCompare ){
+void depth_compare_dither()
+ if( uDepthMode == 1 )
+ {
vec2 back_coord = gl_FragCoord.xy * uInverseRatioMain.xy
* uInverseRatioDepth.xy;
float back_depth = texture( uTexSceneDepth, back_coord ).r;
if( step(0.0,diff)+dither<0.3 )
+ if( uDepthMode == 2 )
+ {
+ vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;
+ vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );
+ float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 );
+ if( dither<uDitherCutoff ) discard;
+ }
"uniform sampler2D uTexSceneDepth;\n"
"uniform vec3 uInverseRatioDepth;\n"
"uniform vec3 uInverseRatioMain;\n"
-"uniform bool uDepthCompare;\n"
+"uniform int uDepthMode;\n"
+"uniform float uDitherCutoff;\n"
"float linear_depth( float depth, float near, float far ) {\n"
" float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0;\n"
" return (2.0 * near * far) / (far + near - z * (far - near)); \n"
-"void depth_compare_dither(){\n"
-" if( uDepthCompare ){\n"
+"void depth_compare_dither()\n"
+" if( uDepthMode == 1 )\n"
+" {\n"
" vec2 back_coord = gl_FragCoord.xy * uInverseRatioMain.xy \n"
" * uInverseRatioDepth.xy;\n"
" float back_depth = texture( uTexSceneDepth, back_coord ).r;\n"
" if( step(0.0,diff)+dither<0.3 )\n"
" discard;\n"
" }\n"
+" if( uDepthMode == 2 )\n"
+" {\n"
+" vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;\n"
+" vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );\n"
+" float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 );\n"
+" if( dither<uDitherCutoff ) discard;\n"
+" }\n"
"#line 14 0 \n"
GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uTexSceneDepth;
GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uInverseRatioDepth;
GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uInverseRatioMain;
-GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uDepthCompare;
+GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uDepthMode;
+GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uDitherCutoff;
#include "shaders/model_board_view.h"
struct vg_shader _shader_model_board_view = {
.name = "model_board_view",
"uniform sampler2D uTexSceneDepth;\n"
"uniform vec3 uInverseRatioDepth;\n"
"uniform vec3 uInverseRatioMain;\n"
-"uniform bool uDepthCompare;\n"
+"uniform int uDepthMode;\n"
+"uniform float uDitherCutoff;\n"
"float linear_depth( float depth, float near, float far ) {\n"
" float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0;\n"
" return (2.0 * near * far) / (far + near - z * (far - near)); \n"
-"void depth_compare_dither(){\n"
-" if( uDepthCompare ){\n"
+"void depth_compare_dither()\n"
+" if( uDepthMode == 1 )\n"
+" {\n"
" vec2 back_coord = gl_FragCoord.xy * uInverseRatioMain.xy \n"
" * uInverseRatioDepth.xy;\n"
" float back_depth = texture( uTexSceneDepth, back_coord ).r;\n"
" if( step(0.0,diff)+dither<0.3 )\n"
" discard;\n"
" }\n"
+" if( uDepthMode == 2 )\n"
+" {\n"
+" vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;\n"
+" vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );\n"
+" float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 );\n"
+" if( dither<uDitherCutoff ) discard;\n"
+" }\n"
"#line 14 0 \n"
GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uTexSceneDepth;
GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uInverseRatioDepth;
GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uInverseRatioMain;
-GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uDepthCompare;
+GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uDepthMode;
+GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uDitherCutoff;
#include "shaders/model_entity.h"
struct vg_shader _shader_model_entity = {
.name = "model_entity",
"uniform sampler2D uTexSceneDepth;\n"
"uniform vec3 uInverseRatioDepth;\n"
"uniform vec3 uInverseRatioMain;\n"
-"uniform bool uDepthCompare;\n"
+"uniform int uDepthMode;\n"
+"uniform float uDitherCutoff;\n"
"float linear_depth( float depth, float near, float far ) {\n"
" float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0;\n"
" return (2.0 * near * far) / (far + near - z * (far - near)); \n"
-"void depth_compare_dither(){\n"
-" if( uDepthCompare ){\n"
+"void depth_compare_dither()\n"
+" if( uDepthMode == 1 )\n"
+" {\n"
" vec2 back_coord = gl_FragCoord.xy * uInverseRatioMain.xy \n"
" * uInverseRatioDepth.xy;\n"
" float back_depth = texture( uTexSceneDepth, back_coord ).r;\n"
" if( step(0.0,diff)+dither<0.3 )\n"
" discard;\n"
" }\n"
+" if( uDepthMode == 2 )\n"
+" {\n"
+" vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;\n"
+" vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );\n"
+" float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 );\n"
+" if( dither<uDitherCutoff ) discard;\n"
+" }\n"
"#line 12 0 \n"
GLuint _uniform_model_font_uTexSceneDepth;
GLuint _uniform_model_font_uInverseRatioDepth;
GLuint _uniform_model_font_uInverseRatioMain;
-GLuint _uniform_model_font_uDepthCompare;
+GLuint _uniform_model_font_uDepthMode;
+GLuint _uniform_model_font_uDitherCutoff;
#include "shaders/particle.h"
struct vg_shader _shader_particle = {
.name = "particle",
_uniform_model_character_view_uTexSceneDepth = glGetUniformLocation(, "uTexSceneDepth" );
_uniform_model_character_view_uInverseRatioDepth = glGetUniformLocation(, "uInverseRatioDepth" );
_uniform_model_character_view_uInverseRatioMain = glGetUniformLocation(, "uInverseRatioMain" );
- _uniform_model_character_view_uDepthCompare = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDepthCompare" );
+ _uniform_model_character_view_uDepthMode = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDepthMode" );
+ _uniform_model_character_view_uDitherCutoff = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDitherCutoff" );
_uniform_model_board_view_uMdl = glGetUniformLocation(, "uMdl" );
_uniform_model_board_view_uPv = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPv" );
_uniform_model_board_view_uPvmPrev = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPvmPrev" );
_uniform_model_board_view_uTexSceneDepth = glGetUniformLocation(, "uTexSceneDepth" );
_uniform_model_board_view_uInverseRatioDepth = glGetUniformLocation(, "uInverseRatioDepth" );
_uniform_model_board_view_uInverseRatioMain = glGetUniformLocation(, "uInverseRatioMain" );
- _uniform_model_board_view_uDepthCompare = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDepthCompare" );
+ _uniform_model_board_view_uDepthMode = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDepthMode" );
+ _uniform_model_board_view_uDitherCutoff = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDitherCutoff" );
_uniform_model_entity_uMdl = glGetUniformLocation(, "uMdl" );
_uniform_model_entity_uPv = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPv" );
_uniform_model_entity_uPvmPrev = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPvmPrev" );
_uniform_model_font_uTexSceneDepth = glGetUniformLocation(, "uTexSceneDepth" );
_uniform_model_font_uInverseRatioDepth = glGetUniformLocation(, "uInverseRatioDepth" );
_uniform_model_font_uInverseRatioMain = glGetUniformLocation(, "uInverseRatioMain" );
- _uniform_model_font_uDepthCompare = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDepthCompare" );
+ _uniform_model_font_uDepthMode = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDepthMode" );
+ _uniform_model_font_uDitherCutoff = glGetUniformLocation(, "uDitherCutoff" );
_uniform_particle_uPv = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPv" );
_uniform_particle_uPvPrev = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPvPrev" );
_uniform_trail_uPv = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPv" );
extern GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uTexSceneDepth;
extern GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uInverseRatioDepth;
extern GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uInverseRatioMain;
-extern GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uDepthCompare;
+extern GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uDepthMode;
+extern GLuint _uniform_model_board_view_uDitherCutoff;
static inline void shader_model_board_view_uMdl(m4x3f m)
-static inline void shader_model_board_view_uDepthCompare(int b)
+static inline void shader_model_board_view_uDepthMode(int b)
- glUniform1i(_uniform_model_board_view_uDepthCompare,b);
+ glUniform1i(_uniform_model_board_view_uDepthMode,b);
+static inline void shader_model_board_view_uDitherCutoff(f32 f)
+ glUniform1f(_uniform_model_board_view_uDitherCutoff,f);
static inline void shader_model_board_view_use(void);
static inline void shader_model_board_view_use(void)
extern GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uTexSceneDepth;
extern GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uInverseRatioDepth;
extern GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uInverseRatioMain;
-extern GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uDepthCompare;
+extern GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uDepthMode;
+extern GLuint _uniform_model_character_view_uDitherCutoff;
static inline void shader_model_character_view_uPv(m4x4f m)
-static inline void shader_model_character_view_uDepthCompare(int b)
+static inline void shader_model_character_view_uDepthMode(int b)
- glUniform1i(_uniform_model_character_view_uDepthCompare,b);
+ glUniform1i(_uniform_model_character_view_uDepthMode,b);
+static inline void shader_model_character_view_uDitherCutoff(f32 f)
+ glUniform1f(_uniform_model_character_view_uDitherCutoff,f);
static inline void shader_model_character_view_use(void);
static inline void shader_model_character_view_use(void)
extern GLuint _uniform_model_font_uTexSceneDepth;
extern GLuint _uniform_model_font_uInverseRatioDepth;
extern GLuint _uniform_model_font_uInverseRatioMain;
-extern GLuint _uniform_model_font_uDepthCompare;
+extern GLuint _uniform_model_font_uDepthMode;
+extern GLuint _uniform_model_font_uDitherCutoff;
static inline void shader_model_font_uMdl(m4x3f m)
-static inline void shader_model_font_uDepthCompare(int b)
+static inline void shader_model_font_uDepthMode(int b)
- glUniform1i(_uniform_model_font_uDepthCompare,b);
+ glUniform1i(_uniform_model_font_uDepthMode,b);
+static inline void shader_model_font_uDitherCutoff(f32 f)
+ glUniform1f(_uniform_model_font_uDitherCutoff,f);
static inline void shader_model_font_use(void);
static inline void shader_model_font_use(void)
/* time rate */
f32 target = 1;
if( skaterift.activity & (k_skaterift_replay|k_skaterift_menu|
- k_skaterift_world_map) ){
+ k_skaterift_world_map) )
+ {
target = 0;
/* TODO: how can we compress this? */
- player__pre_update();
+ player__pre_update();
skateshop_world_preupdate( world_current_instance() );
#include "ent_traffic.h"
#include "ent_glider.h"
#include "ent_region.h"
+#include "ent_npc.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "player_walk.h"
.cast_ray = NULL
-void world_entity_focus( u32 entity_id )
+void world_entity_set_focus( u32 entity_id )
+ if( world_static.focused_entity )
+ {
+ vg_warn( "Entity %u#%u tried to take focus from %u#%u\n",
+ mdl_entity_id_type( entity_id ),
+ mdl_entity_id_id( entity_id ),
+ mdl_entity_id_type( world_static.focused_entity ),
+ mdl_entity_id_id( world_static.focused_entity ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ world_static.focused_entity = entity_id;
+void world_entity_focus_modal(void)
localplayer.immobile = 1;
menu.disable_open = 1;
+ srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
v3_zero( localplayer.rb.v );
v3_zero( localplayer.rb.w );
player_walk.move_speed = 0.0f;
- world_static.focused_entity = entity_id;
skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_ent_focus;
-void world_entity_unfocus(void)
+void world_entity_exit_modal(void)
+ if( skaterift.activity != k_skaterift_ent_focus )
+ {
+ vg_warn( "Entity %u#%u tried to exit modal when we weren't in one\n",
+ mdl_entity_id_type( world_static.focused_entity ),
+ mdl_entity_id_id( world_static.focused_entity ) );
+ return;
+ }
localplayer.immobile = 0;
- skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
menu.disable_open = 0;
srinput.state = k_input_state_resume;
+ skaterift.activity = k_skaterift_default;
+void world_entity_clear_focus(void)
+ if( skaterift.activity == k_skaterift_ent_focus )
+ {
+ vg_warn( "Entity %u#%u tried to clear focus before exiting modal\n",
+ mdl_entity_id_type( world_static.focused_entity ),
+ mdl_entity_id_id( world_static.focused_entity ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ world_static.focused_entity = 0;
void world_entity_focus_camera( world_instance *world, u32 uid )
world_instance *world = world_current_instance();
/* TODO: Table. */
- if( type == k_ent_skateshop ){
+ if( type == k_ent_skateshop )
+ {
ent_skateshop *skateshop = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_skateshop, index );
ent_skateshop_preupdate( skateshop, active );
- else if( type == k_ent_challenge ){
+ else if( type == k_ent_challenge )
+ {
ent_challenge *challenge = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_challenge, index );
ent_challenge_preupdate( challenge, active );
- else if( type == k_ent_route ){
+ else if( type == k_ent_route )
+ {
ent_route *route = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_route, index );
ent_route_preupdate( route, active );
+ else if( type == k_ent_npc )
+ {
+ ent_npc *npc = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_npc, index );
+ ent_npc_preupdate( npc, active );
+ }
/* additional renderings like text etc.. */
else if( type == k_ent_challenge ){}
else if( type == k_ent_route ){}
else if( type == k_ent_miniworld ){}
+ else if( type == k_ent_npc ){}
else {
vg_fatal_error( "Programming error\n" );
p = clip->probability * mod;
bar += p;
- if( chance < bar ){
+ if( chance < bar )
+ {
- if( audio->behaviour == k_channel_behaviour_unlimited ){
+ if( audio->behaviour == k_channel_behaviour_unlimited )
+ {
audio_oneshot_3d( &clip->_.clip, sound_co,
audio->volume );
- else if( audio->behaviour == k_channel_behaviour_discard_if_full ){
+ else if( audio->behaviour == k_channel_behaviour_discard_if_full )
+ {
audio_channel *ch =
audio_get_group_idle_channel( audio->group,
audio->max_channels );
- if( ch ){
+ if( ch )
+ {
audio_channel_init( ch, &clip->_.clip, audio->flags );
audio_channel_group( ch, audio->group );
audio_channel_world( ch, world_id );
ch = audio_relinquish_channel( ch );
- else if( audio->behaviour == k_channel_behaviour_crossfade_if_full){
+ else if( audio->behaviour == k_channel_behaviour_crossfade_if_full)
+ {
audio_channel *ch =
audio_get_group_idle_channel( audio->group,
audio->max_channels );
ch = audio_get_first_idle_channel();
- if( ch ){
+ if( ch )
+ {
audio_channel_init( ch, &clip->_.clip, audio->flags );
audio_channel_group( ch, audio->group );
audio_channel_world( ch, world_id );
vg_info( "Start instance %p\n", world );
world->probabilities[ k_probability_curve_constant ] = 1.0f;
- for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_audio); i++ ){
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_audio); i++ )
+ {
ent_audio *audio = mdl_arritm(&world->ent_audio,i);
- if( audio->flags & AUDIO_FLAG_AUTO_START ){
+ if( audio->flags & AUDIO_FLAG_AUTO_START )
+ {
ent_call call; = NULL;
call.function = k_ent_function_trigger;
void entity_bh_closest( void *user, u32 item_index, v3f point,
v3f closest );
-void world_entity_focus( u32 entity_id );
+void world_entity_set_focus( u32 entity_id );
+void world_entity_focus_modal(void);
+void world_entity_exit_modal(void);
+void world_entity_clear_focus(void);
void world_entity_focus_preupdate(void);
void world_entity_focus_render(void);
-void world_entity_unfocus();
void world_entity_focus_camera( world_instance *world, u32 uid );
void update_ach_models(void);