move compiler to its own folder, api changes. wip maps
authorhgn <>
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:21:00 +0000 (17:21 +0000)
committerhgn <>
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:21:00 +0000 (17:21 +0000)
13 files changed:
.gitignore [deleted file]
maps_src/mp_line1/main.mdl [new file with mode: 0644]
maps_src/mp_line2/main.mdl [new file with mode: 0644]
qoi_lib.c [deleted file]
skaterift_blender/ [new file with mode: 0644]
skaterift_lib.c [new file with mode: 0644]

index a0a220f99050044c67f8c2cd0434bbfa2ad96140..5f21e7c3c54803ed7992b2e2a5bcc20f845ac4bd 100755 (executable)
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ dist/
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 19e68f0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5042 +0,0 @@
-import bpy, blf, math, gpu, os, time
-import cProfile
-import numpy as np
-from ctypes import *
-from mathutils import *
-from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
-from bpy_extras import mesh_utils
-from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
-bl_info = {
-   "name":"Skaterift .mdl exporter",
-   "author": "Harry Godden (hgn)",
-   "version": (0,2),
-   "blender":(3,1,0),
-   "location":"Export",
-   "description":"",
-   "warning":"",
-   "wiki_url":"",
-   "category":"Import/Export",
-sr_entity_list = [
-   ('none',             'None',           '', 0  ),
-   ('ent_gate',         'Gate',           '', 1  ),
-   ('ent_spawn',        'Spawn Point',    '', 2  ),
-   ('ent_route_node',   'Routing Path',   '', 3  ),
-   ('ent_route',        'Skate Course',   '', 4  ),
-   ('ent_water',        'Water Surface',  '', 5  ),
-   ('ent_volume',       'Volume/Trigger', '', 6  ),
-   ('ent_audio',        'Audio',          '', 7  ),
-   ('ent_marker',       'Marker',         '', 8  ),
-   ('ent_font',         'Font',           '', 9  ),
-   ('ent_font_variant', 'Font:Variant',   '', 10 ),
-   ('ent_traffic',      'Traffic Model',  '', 11 ),
-   ('ent_skateshop',    'Skate Shop',     '', 12 ),
-   ('ent_camera',       'Camera',         '', 13 ),
-   ('ent_swspreview', 'Workshop Preview', '', 14 ),
-   ('ent_menuitem',     'Menu Item',      '', 15 ),
-   ('ent_worldinfo',    'World Info',     '', 16 ),
-   ('ent_ccmd',         'CCmd',           '', 17 ),
-   ('ent_objective',    'Objective',      '', 18 ),
-   ('ent_challenge',    'Challenge',      '', 19 ),
-   ('ent_relay',        'Relay',          '', 20 ),
-   ('ent_miniworld',    'Mini World',     '', 22 ),
-   ('ent_prop',         'Prop',           '', 23 ),
-   ('ent_list',         'Entity List',    '', 24 ),
-   ('ent_region',       'Region',         '', 25 ),
-   ('ent_glider',       'Glider',         '', 26 ),
-   ('ent_npc',          'npc',            '', 27 )
-SR_TRIGGERABLE = [ 'ent_audio', 'ent_ccmd', 'ent_gate', 'ent_challenge', \
-                   'ent_relay', 'ent_skateshop', 'ent_objective', 'ent_route',\
-                   'ent_miniworld', 'ent_region', 'ent_glider', 'ent_list',\
-                   'ent_npc' ]
-def get_entity_enum_id( alias ):
-   for et in sr_entity_list:#{
-      if et[0] == alias:#{
-         return et[3]
-      #}
-   #}
-   if alias == 'ent_cubemap': return 21
-   return 0
-class mdl_vert(Structure):              # 48 bytes. Quite large. Could compress
-#{                                      # the normals and uvs to i16s. Not an
-   _pack_ = 1                           # real issue, yet.
-   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
-               ("norm",c_float*3),
-               ("uv",c_float*2),
-               ("colour",c_uint8*4),
-               ("weights",c_uint16*4),
-               ("groups",c_uint8*4)]
-class mdl_transform(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
-               ( "s",c_float*3),
-               ( "q",c_float*4)]
-class mdl_submesh(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("indice_start",c_uint32),
-               ("indice_count",c_uint32),
-               ("vertex_start",c_uint32),
-               ("vertex_count",c_uint32),
-               ("bbx",(c_float*3)*2),
-               ("material_id",c_uint16), # index into the material array
-               ("flags",c_uint16)]
-class mdl_material(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("shader",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("surface_prop",c_uint32),
-               ("colour",c_float*4),
-               ("colour1",c_float*4),
-               ("tex_diffuse",c_uint32),
-               ("tex_none0",c_uint32),
-               ("tex_none1",c_uint32)]
-class mdl_bone(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),("end",c_float*3),
-               ("parent",c_uint32),
-               ("collider",c_uint32),
-               ("ik_target",c_uint32),
-               ("ik_pole",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("hitbox",(c_float*3)*2),
-               ("conevx",c_float*3),("conevy",c_float*3),("coneva",c_float*3),
-               ("conet",c_float)]
-class mdl_armature(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("bone_start",c_uint32),
-               ("bone_count",c_uint32),
-               ("anim_start",c_uint32),
-               ("anim_count",c_uint32)]
-class mdl_animation(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("length",c_uint32),
-               ("rate",c_float),
-               ("keyframe_start",c_uint32)]
-class mdl_mesh(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),
-               ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("entity_id",c_uint32),
-               ("armature_id",c_uint32)]
-class mdl_file(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("path",c_uint32),
-               ("pack_offset",c_uint32),
-               ("pack_size",c_uint32)]
-class mdl_texture(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("file",mdl_file),
-               ("glname",c_uint32)]
-class mdl_array(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("file_offset",c_uint32),
-               ("item_count",c_uint32),
-               ("item_size",c_uint32),
-               ("name",c_byte*16)]
-class mdl_header(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("version",c_uint32),
-               ("arrays",mdl_array)]
-class ent_spawn(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("pstr_name",c_uint32)]
-class ent_light(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("daytime",c_uint32),
-               ("type",c_uint32),
-               ("colour",c_float*4),
-               ("angle",c_float),
-               ("range",c_float),
-               ("inverse_world",(c_float*3)*4),  # Runtime
-               ("angle_sin_cos",(c_float*2))]    # Runtime
-class version_refcount_union(Union):
-   _fields_ = [("timing_version",c_uint32),
-               ("ref_count",c_uint8)]
-class ent_gate(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("target", c_uint32),
-               ("key",c_uint32),
-               ("dimensions", c_float*3),
-               ("co", (c_float*3)*2),
-               ("q", (c_float*4)*2),
-               ("to_world",(c_float*3)*4),
-               ("transport",(c_float*3)*4),
-               ("_anonymous_union",version_refcount_union),
-               ("timing_time",c_double),
-               ("routes",c_uint16*4),
-               ("route_count",c_uint8),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32), # v102+ 
-               ("submesh_count",c_uint32), # v102+ (can be 0)
-               ]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'unlock' }
-class ent_route_node(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
-               ("ref_count",c_uint8),
-               ("ref_total",c_uint8)]
-class ent_path_index(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("index",c_uint16)]
-class vg_audio_clip(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("path",c_uint64),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("size",c_uint32),
-               ("data",c_uint64)]
-class union_file_audio_clip(Union):
-   _fields_ = [("file",mdl_file),
-               ("reserved",vg_audio_clip)]
-# NOTE: not really an entity. no reason for ent_ -- makes more sense as file_,
-#       but then again, too late to change because compat.
-class ent_audio_clip(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("_anon",union_file_audio_clip),
-               ("probability",c_float)]
-class ent_list(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("entity_ref_start",c_uint32),
-               ("entity_ref_count",c_uint32)]
-# used in ent_list
-class file_entity_ref(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("index",c_uint32)]
-class ent_checkpoint(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("gate_index",c_uint16),
-               ("path_start",c_uint16),
-               ("path_count",c_uint16)]
-class ent_route(Structure): 
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("checkpoints_start",c_uint16),
-               ("checkpoints_count",c_uint16),
-               ("colour",c_float*4),
-               ("active",c_uint32), #runtime
-               ("factive",c_float),
-               ("board_transform",(c_float*3)*4),
-               ("sm",mdl_submesh),
-               ("latest_pass",c_double),
-               ("id_camera",c_uint32), # v103+ 
-               ]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'view' }
-class ent_list(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("start",c_uint16),("count",c_uint16)]
-class ent_glider(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("cooldown",c_float)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'unlock',
-                    1: 'equip' }
-class ent_npc(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("id",c_uint32),
-               ("context",c_uint32),
-               ("camera",c_uint32)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'proximity', -1: 'leave' }
-class ent_water(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("max_dist",c_float),
-               ("reserved0",c_uint32),
-               ("reserved1",c_uint32)]
-class volume_trigger(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("event",c_uint32),
-               ("event_leave",c_int32)]
-class volume_particles(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("blank",c_uint32),
-               ("blank2",c_uint32)]
-class volume_union(Union):
-   _fields_ = [("trigger",volume_trigger),
-               ("particles",volume_particles)]
-class ent_volume(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("to_world",(c_float*3)*4),
-               ("to_local",(c_float*3)*4),
-               ("type",c_uint32),
-               ("target",c_uint32),
-               ("_anon",volume_union)]
-class ent_audio(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("clip_start",c_uint32),
-               ("clip_count",c_uint32),
-               ("volume",c_float),
-               ("crossfade",c_float),
-               ("channel_behaviour",c_uint32),
-               ("group",c_uint32),
-               ("probability_curve",c_uint32),
-               ("max_channels",c_uint32)]
-class ent_marker(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("name",c_uint32)]
-class ent_glyph(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("size",c_float*2),
-               ("indice_start",c_uint32),
-               ("indice_count",c_uint32)]
-class ent_font_variant(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("name",c_uint32),
-               ("material_id",c_uint32)]
-class ent_font(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("alias",c_uint32),
-               ("variant_start",c_uint32),
-               ("variant_count",c_uint32),
-               ("glyph_start",c_uint32),
-               ("glyph_count",c_uint32),
-               ("glyph_utf32_base",c_uint32)]
-class ent_traffic(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),
-               ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
-               ("start_node",c_uint32),
-               ("node_count",c_uint32),
-               ("speed",c_float),
-               ("t",c_float),
-               ("index",c_uint32)]
-# Skateshop
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-class ent_skateshop_characters(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_display",c_uint32),
-               ("id_info",c_uint32)]
-class ent_skateshop_boards(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_display",c_uint32),
-               ("id_info",c_uint32),
-               ("id_rack",c_uint32)]
-class ent_skateshop_worlds(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_display",c_uint32),
-               ("id_info",c_uint32)]
-class ent_skateshop_server(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_lever",c_uint32)]
-class ent_skateshop_anon_union(Union):
-   _fields_ = [("boards",ent_skateshop_boards),
-               ("character",ent_skateshop_characters),
-               ("worlds",ent_skateshop_worlds),
-               ("server",ent_skateshop_server)]
-class ent_skateshop(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform), ("type",c_uint32),
-               ("id_camera",c_uint32), 
-               ("_anonymous_union",ent_skateshop_anon_union)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger' }
-class ent_swspreview(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_camera",c_uint32),
-               ("id_display",c_uint32),
-               ("id_display1",c_uint32)]
-# Menu
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-class ent_menuitem_visual(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32)]
-class ent_menuitem_slider(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_min",c_uint32),
-               ("id_max",c_uint32),
-               ("id_handle",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_data",c_uint32)]
-class ent_menuitem_button(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr",c_uint32),
-               ("stack_behaviour",c_uint32)]
-class ent_menuitem_checkmark(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("id_check",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_data",c_uint32),
-               ("offset",c_float*3)]
-class ent_menuitem_page(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("id_entrypoint",c_uint32),
-               ("id_viewpoint",c_uint32)]
-class ent_menuitem_binding(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_bind",c_uint32),
-               ("font_variant",c_uint32)]
-class ent_menuitem_anon_union(Union):
-   _fields_ = [("slider",ent_menuitem_slider),
-               ("button",ent_menuitem_button),
-               ("checkmark",ent_menuitem_checkmark),
-               ("page",ent_menuitem_page),
-               ("visual",ent_menuitem_visual),
-               ("binding",ent_menuitem_binding)]
-class ent_menuitem(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("type",c_uint32), ("groups",c_uint32),
-               ("id_links",c_uint32*4), 
-               ("factive",c_float), ("fvisible",c_float),
-               #-- TODO: Refactor this into a simple mesh structure
-               ("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),("submesh_count",c_uint32),
-               ("_u64",c_uint64),
-               #-- end
-               ("_anonymous_union", ent_menuitem_anon_union)]
-class ent_camera(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("fov",c_float)]
-class ent_worldinfo(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_author",c_uint32),    # unused
-               ("pstr_desc",c_uint32),      # unused
-               ("timezone",c_float),
-               ("pstr_skybox",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32)]
-class ent_ccmd(Structure):
-   _fields_ = [("pstr_command",c_uint32)]
-class ent_objective(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32), ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("id_next",c_uint32),
-               ("filter",c_uint32),("filter2",c_uint32),
-               ("id_win",c_uint32),
-               ("win_event",c_int32),
-               ("time_limit",c_float)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger',
-                    2: 'show',
-                    3: 'hide' }
-class ent_challenge(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("pstr_alias",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("target",c_uint32),
-               ("target_event",c_int32),
-               ("reset",c_uint32),
-               ("reset_event",c_int32),
-               ("first",c_uint32),
-               ("camera",c_uint32),
-               ("status",c_uint32)] #runtime
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'unlock',
-                    1: 'view/reset' }
-class ent_region(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32), ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_title",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("zone_volume",c_uint32),
-               #105+
-               ("target0",c_uint32*2)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'enter', 1: 'leave' }
-class ent_relay(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("targets",(c_uint32*2)*4),
-               ("targets_events",c_int32*4)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger' }
-class ent_cubemap(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
-               ("resolution",c_uint32), #placeholder
-               ("live",c_uint32),       #placeholder
-               ("texture_id",c_uint32), #engine
-               ("framebuffer_id",c_uint32),#engine
-               ("renderbuffer_id",c_uint32),#engine
-               ("placeholder",c_uint32*2)]
-print( sizeof(ent_cubemap) )
-class ent_miniworld(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("pstr_world",c_uint32),
-               ("camera",c_uint32),
-               ("proxy",c_uint32)]
-   sr_functions = { 0: 'zone', 1: 'leave' }
-class ent_prop(Structure):#{
-   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
-               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),
-               ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
-               ("flags",c_uint32),
-               ("pstr_alias",c_uint32)]
-def obj_ent_type( obj ):
-   if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': return 'mdl_armature'
-   elif obj.type == 'LIGHT': return 'ent_light'
-   elif obj.type == 'CAMERA': return 'ent_camera'
-   elif obj.type == 'LIGHT_PROBE' and == 'CUBEMAP':
-      return 'ent_cubemap'
-   else: return obj.SR_data.ent_type
-def sr_filter_ent_type( obj, ent_types ):
-   if obj == bpy.context.active_object: return False
-   for c0 in obj.users_collection:#{
-      for c1 in bpy.context.active_object.users_collection:#{
-         if c0 == c1:#{
-            return  obj_ent_type( obj ) in ent_types
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   return False
-def v4_dot( a, b ):#{
-   return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] + a[3]*b[3]
-def q_identity( q ):#{
-   q[0] = 0.0
-   q[1] = 0.0
-   q[2] = 0.0
-   q[3] = 1.0
-def q_normalize( q ):#{
-   l2 = v4_dot(q,q)
-   if( l2 < 0.00001 ):#{
-      q_identity( q )
-   #}
-   else:#{
-      s = 1.0/math.sqrt(l2)
-      q[0] *= s
-      q[1] *= s
-      q[2] *= s
-      q[3] *= s
-   #}
-def compile_obj_transform( obj, transform ):
-   co = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,0,0))
-   # This was changed from matrix_local on 09.05.23
-   q = obj.matrix_world.to_quaternion() 
-   s = obj.scale
-   q_normalize( q )
-   # Setup transform
-   #
-[0] =  co[0]
-[1] =  co[2]
-[2] = -co[1]
-   transform.q[0] =  q[1]
-   transform.q[1] =  q[3]
-   transform.q[2] = -q[2]
-   transform.q[3] =  q[0]
-   transform.s[0] = s[0]
-   transform.s[1] = s[2]
-   transform.s[2] = s[1]
-def int_align_to( v, align ):
-   while(v%align)!=0: v += 1
-   return v
-def bytearray_align_to( buffer, align, w=b'\xaa' ):
-   while (len(buffer) % align) != 0: buffer.extend(w)
-   return buffer
-def bytearray_print_hex( s, w=16 ):
-   for r in range((len(s)+(w-1))//w):#{
-      i0=(r+0)*w
-      i1=min((r+1)*w,len(s))
-      print( F'{r*w:06x}| \x1B[31m', end='')
-      print( F"{' '.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in s[i0:i1]):<48}",end='' )
-      print( "\x1B[0m", end='')
-      print( ''.join(chr(x) if (x>=33 and x<=126) else '.' for x in s[i0:i1] ) )
-   #}
-def sr_compile_string( s ):
-   if s in sr_compile.string_cache: return sr_compile.string_cache[s]
-   index = len( sr_compile.string_data )
-   sr_compile.string_cache[s] = index
-   sr_compile.string_data.extend( c_uint32(hash_djb2(s)) )
-   sr_compile.string_data.extend( s.encode('utf-8') )
-   sr_compile.string_data.extend( b'\0' )
-   bytearray_align_to( sr_compile.string_data, 4 )
-   return index
-def material_tex_image(v):
-    return {
-       "Image Texture":
-       {
-          "image": F"{v}"
-       }
-    }
-cxr_graph_mapping = \
-   # Default shader setup 
-   "Principled BSDF":
-   {
-      "Base Color":
-      {
-         "Image Texture":
-         {
-            "image": "tex_diffuse"
-         },
-         "Mix":
-         {
-            "A": material_tex_image("tex_diffuse"),
-            "B": material_tex_image("tex_decal")
-         },
-      },
-      "Normal":
-      {
-         "Normal Map":
-         {
-            "Color": material_tex_image("tex_normal")
-         }
-      }
-   },
-   "Emission":
-   {
-      "Color": material_tex_image("tex_diffuse")
-   }
-def material_info(mat):
-   info = {}
-   # Using the cxr_graph_mapping as a reference, go through the shader
-   # graph and gather all $props from it.
-   #
-   def _graph_read( node_def, node=None, depth=0 ):#{
-      nonlocal mat
-      nonlocal info
-      # Find rootnodes
-      #
-      if node == None:#{
-         _graph_read.extracted = []
-         done = False
-         for node_idname in node_def:#{
-            for n in mat.node_tree.nodes:#{
-               if == node_idname:#{
-                  node_def = node_def[node_idname]
-                  node = n
-                  done = True
-                  break
-               #}
-            #}
-            if done: break
-         #}
-      #}
-      for link in node_def:#{
-         link_def = node_def[link]
-         if isinstance( link_def, dict ):#{
-            node_link = None
-            for x in node.inputs:#{
-               if isinstance( x, bpy.types.NodeSocketColor ):#{
-                  if link =={
-                     node_link = x
-                     break
-                  #}
-               #}
-            #}
-            if node_link and node_link.is_linked:#{
-               # look for definitions for the connected node type
-               #
-               from_node = node_link.links[0].from_node
-               node_name ='.')[0]
-               if node_name in link_def:#{
-                  from_node_def = link_def[ node_name ]
-                  _graph_read( from_node_def, from_node, depth+1 )
-               #}
-            #}
-            else:#{
-               if "default" in link_def:#{
-                  prop = link_def['default']
-                  info[prop] = node_link.default_value
-               #}
-            #}
-         #}
-         else:#{
-            prop = link_def
-            info[prop] = getattr( node, link )
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   _graph_read( cxr_graph_mapping )
-   return info
-def vg_str_bin( s ):
-   decoded = bytearray()
-   for i in range(len(s)//2):#{
-      c  = (ord(s[i*2+0])-0x41)
-      c |= (ord(s[i*2+1])-0x41)<<4
-      decoded.extend(bytearray(c_uint8(c))) #??
-   #}
-   return decoded
-def sr_pack_file( file, path, data ):
-   file.path = sr_compile_string( path )
-   file.pack_offset = len( sr_compile.pack_data )
-   file.pack_size = len( data )
-   sr_compile.pack_data.extend( data )
-   bytearray_align_to( sr_compile.pack_data, 16 )
-def sr_compile_texture( img ):
-   if img == None:
-      return 0
-   name = os.path.splitext( )[0]
-   if name in sr_compile.texture_cache:
-      return sr_compile.texture_cache[name]
-   texture_index = (len(sr_compile.texture_data)//sizeof(mdl_texture)) +1
-   tex = mdl_texture()
-   tex.glname = 0
-   if sr_compile.pack_textures:#{
-      filedata = qoi_encode( img )
-      sr_pack_file( tex.file, name, filedata )
-   #}
-   sr_compile.texture_cache[name] = texture_index
-   sr_compile.texture_data.extend( bytearray(tex) )
-   return texture_index
-def sr_compile_material( mat ):#{
-   if mat == None: 
-      return 0
-   if in sr_compile.material_cache: 
-      return sr_compile.material_cache[]
-   index = (len(sr_compile.material_data)//sizeof(mdl_material))+1
-   sr_compile.material_cache[] = index
-   m = mdl_material()
-   m.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
-   flags = 0x00
-   if mat.SR_data.collision:#{
-      flags |= 0x2 # collision flag
-      if (mat.SR_data.shader != 'invisible') and \
-         (mat.SR_data.shader != 'boundary'):#{
-         if mat.SR_data.skate_surface: flags |= 0x1
-         if mat.SR_data.grow_grass: flags |= 0x4
-         if mat.SR_data.grind_surface: flags |= 0x8
-         if mat.SR_data.preview_visibile: flags |= 0x40
-      #}
-      if mat.SR_data.shader == 'invisible': flags |= 0x10
-      if mat.SR_data.shader == 'boundary': flags |= (0x10|0x20)
-      if mat.SR_data.shader == 'walking': flags |= (0x10|0x80)
-   #}
-   m.flags = flags
-   m.surface_prop = int(mat.SR_data.surface_prop)
-   inf = material_info( mat )
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'standard': m.shader = 0
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'standard_cutout': m.shader = 1
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'foliage': m.shader = 10
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'terrain_blend':#{
-      m.shader = 2
-      m.colour[0] = pow( mat.SR_data.sand_colour[0], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[1] = pow( mat.SR_data.sand_colour[1], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[2] = pow( mat.SR_data.sand_colour[2], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[3] = 1.0
-      m.colour1[0] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[0]
-      m.colour1[1] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[1]
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'vertex_blend':#{
-      m.shader = 3
-      m.colour1[0] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[0]
-      m.colour1[1] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[1]
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'water':#{
-      m.shader = 4
-      m.colour[0]  = pow( mat.SR_data.shore_colour[0], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[1]  = pow( mat.SR_data.shore_colour[1], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[2]  = pow( mat.SR_data.shore_colour[2], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[3]  = 1.0
-      m.colour1[0] = pow( mat.SR_data.ocean_colour[0], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour1[1] = pow( mat.SR_data.ocean_colour[1], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour1[2] = pow( mat.SR_data.ocean_colour[2], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour1[3] = 1.0
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'invisible':#{
-      m.shader = 5
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'boundary':#{
-      m.shader = 6
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'fxglow':#{
-      m.shader = 7
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'cubemap':#{
-      m.shader = 8
-      m.tex_none0 = sr_entity_id( mat.SR_data.cubemap )
-      m.colour[0]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[0], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[1]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[1], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[2]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[2], 1.0/2.2 )
-      m.colour[3]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[3], 1.0/2.2 )
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'walking':#{
-      m.shader = 9
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.shader in ['standard', 'standard_cutout', 'terrain_blend', \
-                             'vertex_blend', 'fxglow', 'cubemap', \
-                             'foliage' ]: #{
-      if 'tex_diffuse' in inf: 
-         m.tex_diffuse = sr_compile_texture(inf['tex_diffuse'])
-   #}
-   if mat.SR_data.tex_diffuse_rt >= 0:#{
-      m.tex_diffuse = 0x80000000 | mat.SR_data.tex_diffuse_rt
-   #}
-   sr_compile.material_data.extend( bytearray(m) )
-   return index
-def sr_armature_bones( armature ):
-   def _recurse_bone( b ):
-   #{
-      yield b
-      for c in b.children: yield from _recurse_bone( c )
-   #}
-   for b in
-      if not b.parent:
-         yield from _recurse_bone( b )
-def sr_entity_id( obj ):#{
-   if not obj: return 0
-   tipo = get_entity_enum_id( obj_ent_type(obj) )
-   index = sr_compile.entity_ids[ ]
-   return (tipo&0xffff)<<16 | (index&0xffff)
-# Returns submesh_start,count and armature_id
-def sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj ):
-   can_use_cache = True
-   armature = None
-   submesh_start = 0
-   submesh_count = 0
-   armature_id = 0
-   for mod in obj.modifiers:#{
-      if mod.type == 'DATA_TRANSFER' or mod.type == 'SHRINKWRAP' or \
-         mod.type == 'BOOLEAN' or mod.type == 'CURVE' or \
-         mod.type == 'ARRAY':
-      #{
-         can_use_cache = False
-      #}
-      if mod.type == 'ARMATURE': #{
-         armature = mod.object
-         rig_weight_groups = \
-               ['0 [ROOT]']+[ for _ in sr_armature_bones(mod.object)]
-         armature_id = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
-         POSE_OR_REST_CACHE =
- = 'REST'
-      #}
-   #}
-   # Check the cache first
-   #
-   if can_use_cache and ( in sr_compile.mesh_cache):#{
-      ref = sr_compile.mesh_cache[]
-      submesh_start = ref[0]
-      submesh_count = ref[1]
-      return (submesh_start,submesh_count,armature_id)
-   #}
-   # Compile a whole new mesh
-   #
-   submesh_start = len(sr_compile.submesh_data)//sizeof(mdl_submesh)
-   submesh_count = 0
-   dgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
-   data = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph).data
-   data.calc_loop_triangles()
-   data.calc_normals_split()
-   # Mesh is split into submeshes based on their material
-   #
-   mat_list = data.materials if len(data.materials) > 0 else [None]
-   for material_id, mat in enumerate(mat_list): #{
-      mref = {}
-      sm = mdl_submesh()
-      sm.indice_start = len(sr_compile.indice_data)//sizeof(c_uint32)
-      sm.vertex_start = len(sr_compile.vertex_data)//sizeof(mdl_vert)
-      sm.vertex_count = 0
-      sm.indice_count = 0
-      sm.material_id = sr_compile_material( mat )
-      INF=99999999.99999999
-      for i in range(3):#{
-         sm.bbx[0][i] =  INF
-         sm.bbx[1][i] = -INF
-      #}
-      # Keep a reference to very very very similar vertices
-      # i have no idea how to speed it up.
-      #
-      vertex_reference = {}
-      # Write the vertex / indice data
-      #
-      for tri_index, tri in enumerate(data.loop_triangles):#{
-         if tri.material_index != material_id: continue
-         for j in range(3):#{
-            vert = data.vertices[tri.vertices[j]]
-            li = tri.loops[j]
-            vi = data.loops[li].vertex_index
-            # Gather vertex information
-            #
-            co      =
-            norm    = data.loops[li].normal
-            uv      = (0,0)
-            colour  = (255,255,255,255)
-            groups  = [0,0,0,0]
-            weights = [0,0,0,0]
-            # Uvs
-            #
-            if data.uv_layers:
-               uv =[li].uv
-            # Vertex Colours
-            #
-            if data.vertex_colors:#{
-               colour =[li].color
-               colour = (int(colour[0]*255.0),\
-                         int(colour[1]*255.0),\
-                         int(colour[2]*255.0),\
-                         int(colour[3]*255.0))
-            #}
-            # Weight groups: truncates to the 3 with the most influence. The
-            #                fourth bone ID is never used by the shader so it 
-            #                is always 0
-            #
-            if armature:#{
-               src_groups = [_ for _ in data.vertices[vi].groups \
-                              if obj.vertex_groups[].name in \
-                                 rig_weight_groups ]
-               weight_groups = sorted( src_groups, key = \
-                                       lambda a: a.weight, reverse=True )
-               tot = 0.0
-               for ml in range(3):#{
-                  if len(weight_groups) > ml:#{
-                     g = weight_groups[ml]
-                     name = obj.vertex_groups[].name
-                     weight = g.weight
-                     weights[ml] = weight
-                     groups[ml] = rig_weight_groups.index(name)
-                     tot += weight
-                  #}
-               #}
-               if len(weight_groups) > 0:#{
-                  inv_norm = (1.0/tot) * 65535.0
-                  for ml in range(3):#{
-                     weights[ml] = int( weights[ml] * inv_norm )
-                     weights[ml] = min( weights[ml], 65535 )
-                     weights[ml] = max( weights[ml], 0 )
-                  #}
-               #}
-            #}
-            else:#{
-               li1 = tri.loops[(j+1)%3]
-               vi1 = data.loops[li1].vertex_index
-               e0 = data.edges[ data.loops[li].edge_index ]
-               if e0.use_freestyle_mark and \
-                     ((e0.vertices[0] == vi and e0.vertices[1] == vi1) or \
-                      (e0.vertices[0] == vi1 and e0.vertices[1] == vi)):
-               #{
-                  weights[0] = 1
-               #}
-            #}
-            TOLERENCE = float(10**4)
-            key = (int(co[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(co[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(co[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(norm[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(norm[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(norm[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(uv[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   int(uv[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                   colour[0],  # these guys are already quantized
-                   colour[1],  # .
-                   colour[2],  # .
-                   colour[3],  # .
-                   weights[0], # v
-                   weights[1],
-                   weights[2],
-                   weights[3],
-                   groups[0],
-                   groups[1],
-                   groups[2],
-                   groups[3])
-            if key in vertex_reference:
-               index = vertex_reference[key]
-            else:#{
-               index = bytearray(c_uint32(sm.vertex_count))
-               sm.vertex_count+=1
-               vertex_reference[key] = index
-               v = mdl_vert()
-     [0]      =  co[0]
-     [1]      =  co[2]
-     [2]      = -co[1]
-               v.norm[0]    =  norm[0]
-               v.norm[1]    =  norm[2]
-               v.norm[2]    = -norm[1]
-               v.uv[0]      =  uv[0]
-               v.uv[1]      =  uv[1]
-               v.colour[0]  =  colour[0]
-               v.colour[1]  =  colour[1]
-               v.colour[2]  =  colour[2]
-               v.colour[3]  =  colour[3]
-               v.weights[0] =  weights[0]
-               v.weights[1] =  weights[1]
-               v.weights[2] =  weights[2]
-               v.weights[3] =  weights[3]
-               v.groups[0]  =  groups[0]
-               v.groups[1]  =  groups[1]
-               v.groups[2]  =  groups[2]
-               v.groups[3]  =  groups[3]
-               for i in range(3):#{
-                  sm.bbx[0][i] = min( sm.bbx[0][i],[i] )
-                  sm.bbx[1][i] = max( sm.bbx[1][i],[i] )
-               #}
-               sr_compile.vertex_data.extend(bytearray(v))
-            #}
-            sm.indice_count += 1
-            sr_compile.indice_data.extend( index )
-         #}
-      #}
-      # Make sure bounding box isn't -inf -> inf if no vertices
-      #
-      if sm.vertex_count == 0:
-         for j in range(2):
-            for i in range(3):
-               sm.bbx[j][i] = 0
-      # Add submesh to encoder
-      #
-      sr_compile.submesh_data.extend( bytearray(sm) )
-      submesh_count += 1
-   #}
-   if armature:#{
-   #}
-   # Save a reference to this mesh since we want to reuse the submesh indices
-   # later.
-   sr_compile.mesh_cache[]=(submesh_start,submesh_count)
-   return (submesh_start,submesh_count,armature_id)
-def sr_compile_mesh( obj ):
-   node=mdl_mesh()
-   compile_obj_transform(obj, node.transform)
-   node.pstr_name = sr_compile_string(
-   ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
-   node.entity_id = 0
-   if ent_type != 'none':#{
-      ent_id_lwr = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
-      ent_id_upr = get_entity_enum_id( obj_ent_type(obj) )
-      node.entity_id = (ent_id_upr << 16) | ent_id_lwr
-   #}
-   node.submesh_start, node.submesh_count, node.armature_id = \
-         sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-   sr_compile.mesh_data.extend(bytearray(node))
-def sr_compile_fonts( collection ):
-   print( F"[SR] Compiling fonts" )
-   glyph_count = 0
-   variant_count = 0
-   for obj in collection.all_objects:#{
-      if obj_ent_type(obj) != 'ent_font': continue
-      data = obj.SR_data.ent_font[0]
-      font=ent_font()
-      font.alias = sr_compile_string( data.alias )
-      font.variant_start = variant_count
-      font.variant_count = 0
-      font.glyph_start = glyph_count
-      glyph_base = data.glyphs[0].utf32
-      glyph_range = data.glyphs[-1].utf32+1 - glyph_base
-      font.glyph_utf32_base = glyph_base
-      font.glyph_count = glyph_range
-      for i in range(len(data.variants)):#{
-         data_var = data.variants[i]
-         if not data_var.mesh: continue 
-         mesh =
-         variant = ent_font_variant()
- = sr_compile_string( data_var.tipo )
-         # fonts (variants) only support one material each
-         mat = None
-         if len(mesh.materials) != 0:
-            mat = mesh.materials[0]
-         variant.material_id = sr_compile_material( mat )
-         font.variant_count += 1
-         islands = mesh_utils.mesh_linked_triangles(mesh)
-         centroids = [Vector((0,0)) for _ in range(len(islands))]
-         for j in range(len(islands)):#{
-            for tri in islands[j]:#{
-               centroids[j].x +=[0]
-               centroids[j].y +=[2]
-            #}
-            centroids[j] /= len(islands[j])
-         #}
-         for j in range(glyph_range):#{
-            data_glyph = data.glyphs[j]
-            glyph = ent_glyph()
-            glyph.indice_start = len(sr_compile.indice_data)//sizeof(c_uint32)
-            glyph.indice_count = 0
-            glyph.size[0] = data_glyph.bounds[2]
-            glyph.size[1] = data_glyph.bounds[3]
-            vertex_reference = {}
-            for k in range(len(islands)):#{
-               if centroids[k].x < data_glyph.bounds[0] or \
-                  centroids[k].x > data_glyph.bounds[0]+data_glyph.bounds[2] or\
-                  centroids[k].y < data_glyph.bounds[1] or \
-                  centroids[k].y > data_glyph.bounds[1]+data_glyph.bounds[3]:
-               #{
-                  continue
-               #}
-               for l in range(len(islands[k])):#{
-                  tri = islands[k][l]
-                  for m in range(3):#{
-                     vert = mesh.vertices[tri.vertices[m]]
-                     li = tri.loops[m]
-                     vi = mesh.loops[li].vertex_index
-                     # Gather vertex information
-                     #
-                     co      = [[_] for _ in range(3)]
-                     co[0]  -= data_glyph.bounds[0]
-                     co[2]  -= data_glyph.bounds[1]
-                     norm    = mesh.loops[li].normal
-                     uv      = (0,0)
-                     if mesh.uv_layers: uv =[li].uv
-                     TOLERENCE = float(10**4)
-                     key = (int(co[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(co[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(co[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(norm[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(norm[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(norm[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(uv[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
-                            int(uv[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5))
-                     if key in vertex_reference:
-                        index = vertex_reference[key]
-                     else:#{
-                        vindex = len(sr_compile.vertex_data)//sizeof(mdl_vert)
-                        index = bytearray(c_uint32(vindex))
-                        vertex_reference[key] = index
-                        v = mdl_vert()
-              [0]   =  co[0]
-              [1]   =  co[2]
-              [2]   = -co[1]
-                        v.norm[0] =  norm[0]
-                        v.norm[1] =  norm[2]
-                        v.norm[2] = -norm[1]
-                        v.uv[0]   =  uv[0]
-                        v.uv[1]   =  uv[1]
-                        sr_compile.vertex_data.extend(bytearray(v))
-                     #}
-                     glyph.indice_count += 1
-                     sr_compile.indice_data.extend( index )
-                  #}
-               #}
-            #}
-            sr_ent_push( glyph )
-         #}
-         sr_ent_push( variant )
-      #}
-      sr_ent_push( font )
-   #}
-def sr_compile_menus( collection ):
-   print( "[SR1] Compiling menus" )
-   groups = []
-   for obj in collection.all_objects:#{
-      if obj_ent_type(obj) != 'ent_menuitem': continue
-      obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_menuitem[0]
-      bitmask = 0x00000000
-      for col in obj.users_collection:#{
-         name =
-         if name not in groups: groups.append( name )
-         bitmask |= (0x1 << groups.index(name))
-      #}
-      item = ent_menuitem()
-      item.type = int( obj_data.tipo )
-      item.groups = bitmask
-      compile_obj_transform( obj, item.transform )
-      if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
-         item.submesh_start, item.submesh_count, _ = \
-               sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-      #}
-      if item.type == 1 or item.type == 2 or item.type == 7:#{
-         item_button = item._anonymous_union.button
-         item_button.pstr = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
-         item_button.stack_behaviour = int( obj_data.stack_behaviour )
-      #}
-      elif item.type == 0:#{
-         item_visual = item._anonymous_union.visual
-         item_visual.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
-      #}
-      elif item.type == 3:#{
-         item_checkmark = item._anonymous_union.checkmark
-         item_checkmark.pstr_data = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
-         item_checkmark.id_check = sr_entity_id( obj_data.checkmark )
-         delta = obj_data.checkmark.location - obj.location
-         item_checkmark.offset[0] =  delta[0]
-         item_checkmark.offset[1] =  delta[2]
-         item_checkmark.offset[2] = -delta[1]
-      #}
-      elif item.type == 4:#{
-         item_slider = item._anonymous_union.slider
-         item_slider.id_min = sr_entity_id( obj_data.slider_minloc )
-         item_slider.id_max = sr_entity_id( obj_data.slider_maxloc )
-         item_slider.id_handle = sr_entity_id( obj_data.slider_handle )
-         item_slider.pstr_data = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
-      #}
-      elif item.type == 5:#{
-         item_page =
-         item_page.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
-         item_page.id_entrypoint = sr_entity_id( obj_data.newloc )
-         item_page.id_viewpoint = sr_entity_id( )
-      #}
-      elif item.type == 6:#{
-         item_binding = item._anonymous_union.binding
-         item_binding.pstr_bind = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
-         item_binding.font_variant = obj_data.font_variant
-      #}
-      if obj_data.link0:
-         item.id_links[0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link0 )
-      if obj_data.link1:
-         item.id_links[1] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link1 )
-      if item.type != 4:#{
-         if obj_data.link2:
-            item.id_links[2] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link2 )
-         if obj_data.link3:
-            item.id_links[3] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link3 )
-      #}
-      sr_ent_push( item )
-   #}
-def sr_compile_armature( obj ):
-   node = mdl_armature()
-   node.bone_start = len(sr_compile.bone_data)//sizeof(mdl_bone)
-   node.bone_count = 0
-   node.anim_start = len(sr_compile.anim_data)//sizeof(mdl_animation)
-   node.anim_count = 0
-   bones = [_ for _ in sr_armature_bones(obj)]
-   bones_names = [None]+[ for _ in bones]
-   for b in bones:#{
-      bone = mdl_bone()
-      if b.use_deform: bone.flags = 0x1
-      if b.parent: bone.parent = bones_names.index(
-      bone.collider = int(b.SR_data.collider)
-      if bone.collider>0:#{
-         bone.hitbox[0][0] =  b.SR_data.collider_min[0]
-         bone.hitbox[0][1] =  b.SR_data.collider_min[2]
-         bone.hitbox[0][2] = -b.SR_data.collider_max[1]
-         bone.hitbox[1][0] =  b.SR_data.collider_max[0]
-         bone.hitbox[1][1] =  b.SR_data.collider_max[2]
-         bone.hitbox[1][2] = -b.SR_data.collider_min[1]
-      #}
-      if b.SR_data.cone_constraint:#{
-         bone.flags |= 0x4
-         bone.conevx[0] =  b.SR_data.conevx[0]
-         bone.conevx[1] =  b.SR_data.conevx[2]
-         bone.conevx[2] = -b.SR_data.conevx[1]
-         bone.conevy[0] =  b.SR_data.conevy[0]
-         bone.conevy[1] =  b.SR_data.conevy[2]
-         bone.conevy[2] = -b.SR_data.conevy[1]
-         bone.coneva[0] =  b.SR_data.coneva[0]
-         bone.coneva[1] =  b.SR_data.coneva[2]
-         bone.coneva[2] = -b.SR_data.coneva[1]
-         bone.conet     =  b.SR_data.conet
-      #}
-[0] =  b.head_local[0]
-[1] =  b.head_local[2]
-[2] = -b.head_local[1]
-      bone.end[0] =  b.tail_local[0] -[0]
-      bone.end[1] =  b.tail_local[2] -[1]
-      bone.end[2] = -b.tail_local[1] -[2]
-      bone.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
-      for c in obj.pose.bones[].constraints:#{
-         if c.type == 'IK':#{
-            bone.flags |= 0x2
-            bone.ik_target = bones_names.index(c.subtarget)
-            bone.ik_pole = bones_names.index(c.pole_subtarget)
-         #}
-      #}
-      node.bone_count += 1
-      sr_compile.bone_data.extend(bytearray(bone))
-   #}
-   # Compile anims
-   #
-   if obj.animation_data and sr_compile.pack_animations: #{
-      # So we can restore later
-      #
-      previous_frame  = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
-      previous_action = obj.animation_data.action
- = 'POSE'
-      for NLALayer in obj.animation_data.nla_tracks:#{
-         for NLAStrip in NLALayer.strips:#{
-            # set active
-            #
-            for a in{
-               if =={
-                  obj.animation_data.action = a
-                  break
-               #}
-            #}
-            # Clip to NLA settings
-            #
-            anim_start = int(NLAStrip.action_frame_start)
-            anim_end   = int(NLAStrip.action_frame_end)
-            # Export strips
-            #
-            anim = mdl_animation()
-            anim.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
-            anim.rate = 30.0
-            anim.keyframe_start = len(sr_compile.keyframe_data)//\
-                                      sizeof(mdl_transform)
-            anim.length = anim_end-anim_start
-            i = 0
-            # Export the keyframes
-            for frame in range(anim_start,anim_end):#{
-               bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame)
-               for rb in bones:#{
-                  pb = obj.pose.bones[]
-                  # relative bone matrix
-                  if rb.parent is not None:#{
-                     offset_mtx = rb.parent.matrix_local
-                     offset_mtx = offset_mtx.inverted_safe() @ \
-                                  rb.matrix_local
-                     inv_parent = pb.parent.matrix @ offset_mtx
-                     inv_parent.invert_safe()
-                     fpm = inv_parent @ pb.matrix 
-                  #}
-                  else:#{
-                     bone_mtx = rb.matrix.to_4x4()
-                     local_inv = rb.matrix_local.inverted_safe()
-                     fpm = bone_mtx @ local_inv @ pb.matrix
-                  #}
-                  loc, rot, sca = fpm.decompose()
-                  # rotation
-                  lc_m = pb.matrix_channel.to_3x3()
-                  if pb.parent is not None:#{
-                     smtx = pb.parent.matrix_channel.to_3x3()
-                     lc_m = smtx.inverted() @ lc_m
-                  #}
-                  rq = lc_m.to_quaternion()
-                  q_normalize( rq )
-                  kf = mdl_transform()
-        [0] =  loc[0]
-        [1] =  loc[2]
-        [2] = -loc[1]
-                  kf.q[0]  =  rq[1]
-                  kf.q[1]  =  rq[3]
-                  kf.q[2]  = -rq[2]
-                  kf.q[3]  =  rq[0]
-                  kf.s[0]  = sca[0]
-                  kf.s[1]  = sca[1]
-                  kf.s[2]  = sca[2]
-                  sr_compile.keyframe_data.extend(bytearray(kf))
-                  i+=1
-               #}
-            #}
-            # Add to animation buffer
-            #
-            sr_compile.anim_data.extend(bytearray(anim))
-            node.anim_count += 1
-            # Report progress
-            #
-            print( F"[SR]    | anim( {} )" )
-         #}
-      #}
-      # Restore context to how it was before
-      #
-      bpy.context.scene.frame_set( previous_frame )
-      obj.animation_data.action = previous_action
-   #}
-   sr_compile.armature_data.extend(bytearray(node))
-def sr_ent_push( struct ):
-   clase = type(struct).__name__
-   if clase not in sr_compile.entity_data:#{
-      sr_compile.entity_data[ clase ] = bytearray()
-      sr_compile.entity_info[ clase ] = { 'size': sizeof(struct) }
-   #}
-   index = len(sr_compile.entity_data[ clase ])//sizeof(struct)
-   sr_compile.entity_data[ clase ].extend( bytearray(struct) )
-   return index
-def sr_array_title( arr, name, count, size, offset ):
-   for i in range(len(name)):#{
-[i] = ord(name[i])
-   #}
-   arr.file_offset = offset
-   arr.item_count = count
-   arr.item_size = size
-def hash_djb2(s):
-   picadillo = 5381
-   for x in s:#{
-      picadillo = (((picadillo << 5) + picadillo) + ord(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
-   #}
-   return picadillo
-def sr_compile( collection ):
-   print( F"[SR] compiler begin ({}.mdl)" )
-   #settings
-   sr_compile.pack_textures = collection.SR_data.pack_textures
-   sr_compile.pack_animations = collection.SR_data.animations
-   # caches
-   sr_compile.string_cache = {}
-   sr_compile.mesh_cache = {}
-   sr_compile.material_cache = {}
-   sr_compile.texture_cache = {}
-   # compiled data
-   sr_compile.mesh_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.submesh_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.vertex_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.indice_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.bone_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.material_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.armature_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.anim_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.keyframe_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.texture_data = bytearray()
-   # just bytes not structures
-   sr_compile.string_data = bytearray()
-   sr_compile.pack_data = bytearray()
-   # variable
-   sr_compile.entity_data = {}
-   sr_compile.entity_info = {}
-   print( F"[SR] assign entity ID's" )
-   sr_compile.entities = {}
-   sr_compile.entity_ids = {}
-   # begin
-   # -------------------------------------------------------
-   sr_compile_string( "null" )
-   mesh_count = 0
-   for obj in collection.all_objects: #{
-      if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
-         mesh_count += 1
-      #}
-      ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
-      if ent_type == 'none': continue
-      if ent_type not in sr_compile.entities: sr_compile.entities[ent_type] = []
-      sr_compile.entity_ids[] = len( sr_compile.entities[ent_type] )
-      sr_compile.entities[ent_type] += [obj]
-   #}
-   print( F"[SR] Compiling geometry" )
-   i=0
-   for obj in collection.all_objects:#{
-      if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
-         i+=1
-         ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
-         # entity ignore mesh list
-         #
-         if ent_type == 'ent_traffic': continue
-         if ent_type == 'ent_prop': continue
-         if ent_type == 'ent_font': continue
-         if ent_type == 'ent_font_variant': continue
-         if ent_type == 'ent_menuitem': continue
-         if ent_type == 'ent_objective': continue
-         if ent_type == 'ent_region': continue
-         #TODO: This is messy.
-         if ent_type == 'ent_gate':#{
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_gate[0]
-            if obj_data.custom: continue
-         #}
-         #--------------------------
-         print( F'[SR] {i: 3}/{mesh_count} {<40}' )
-         sr_compile_mesh( obj )
-      #}
-   #}
-   audio_clip_count = 0
-   entity_file_ref_count = 0
-   for ent_type, arr in sr_compile.entities.items():#{
-      print(F"[SR] Compiling {len(arr)} {ent_type}{'s' if len(arr)>1 else ''}")
-      for i in range(len(arr)):#{
-         obj = arr[i]
-         print( F"[SR] {i+1: 3}/{len(arr)} {<40} ",end='\r' )
-         if ent_type == 'mdl_armature': sr_compile_armature(obj)
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_light': #{
-            light = ent_light()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, light.transform )
-            light.daytime =
-            if == 'POINT':#{
-               light.type = 0
-            #}
-            elif == 'SPOT':#{
-               light.type = 1
-               light.angle =*0.5
-            #}
-            light.range =
-            light.colour[0] =[0]
-            light.colour[1] =[1]
-            light.colour[2] =[2]
-            light.colour[3] =
-            sr_ent_push( light )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_camera': #{
-            cam = ent_camera()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, cam.transform )
-            cam.fov = * 45.0
-            sr_ent_push(cam)
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_gate': #{
-            gate = ent_gate()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_gate[0]
-            mesh_data =[0]
-            flags = 0x0000
-            if obj_data.tipo == 'default':#{
-               if{
-         = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
-                  flags |= 0x0001
-               #}
-            #}
-            elif obj_data.tipo == 'nonlocal':#{
-      = 0
-               gate.key = sr_compile_string(obj_data.key)
-               flags |= 0x0002
-            #}
-            if obj_data.flip:   flags |= 0x0004
-            if obj_data.custom:#{
-               flags |= 0x0008
-               gate.submesh_start, gate.submesh_count, _ = \
-                     sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-            #}
-            if obj_data.locked: flags |= 0x0010
-            gate.flags = flags
-            gate.dimensions[0] = mesh_data.dimensions[0]
-            gate.dimensions[1] = mesh_data.dimensions[1]
-            gate.dimensions[2] = mesh_data.dimensions[2]
-            q  = [obj.matrix_local.to_quaternion(), (0,0,0,1)]
-            co = [obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,0,0)), (0,0,0)]
-            if{
-               q[1] =
-               co[1]= @ Vector((0,0,0))
-            #}
-            # Setup transform
-            #
-            for x in range(2):#{
-     [x][0] =  co[x][0]
-     [x][1] =  co[x][2]
-     [x][2] = -co[x][1]
-               gate.q[x][0]  =  q[x][1]
-               gate.q[x][1]  =  q[x][3]
-               gate.q[x][2]  = -q[x][2]
-               gate.q[x][3]  =  q[x][0]
-            #}
-            sr_ent_push( gate )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_spawn': #{
-            spawn = ent_spawn()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, spawn.transform )
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_spawn[0]
-            spawn.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
-            sr_ent_push( spawn )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_water':#{
-            water = ent_water()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, water.transform )
-            water.max_dist = 0.0
-            sr_ent_push( water )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_audio':#{
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_audio[0]
-            audio = ent_audio()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, audio.transform )
-            audio.clip_start = audio_clip_count
-            audio.clip_count = len(obj_data.files)
-            audio_clip_count += audio.clip_count
-            audio.max_channels = obj_data.max_channels
-            audio.volume = obj_data.volume
-            # TODO flags: 
-            #   - allow/disable doppler
-            #   - channel group tags with random colours
-            #   - transition properties
-            if obj_data.flag_loop: audio.flags |= 0x1
-            if obj_data.flag_nodoppler: audio.flags |= 0x2
-            if obj_data.flag_3d: audio.flags |= 0x4
-            if obj_data.flag_auto: audio.flags |= 0x8
-            if   obj_data.formato == '0': audio.flags |= 0x000
-            elif obj_data.formato == '1': audio.flags |= 0x400
-            elif obj_data.formato == '2': audio.flags |= 0x1000
-            audio.channel_behaviour = int(obj_data.channel_behaviour)
-            if audio.channel_behaviour >= 1:#{
-      =
-            #}
-            if audio.channel_behaviour == 2:#{
-               audio.crossfade = obj_data.transition_duration
-            #}
-            audio.probability_curve = int(obj_data.probability_curve)
-            for ci in range(audio.clip_count):#{
-               entry = obj_data.files[ci]
-               clip = ent_audio_clip()
-               clip.probability = entry.probability
-               if obj_data.formato == '2':#{
-                  sr_pack_file( clip._anon.file, '', vg_str_bin(entry.path) ) 
-               #}
-               else:#{
-                  clip._anon.file.path = sr_compile_string( entry.path )
-                  clip._anon.file.pack_offset = 0
-                  clip._anon.file.pack_size = 0
-               #}
-               sr_ent_push( clip )
-            #}
-            sr_ent_push( audio )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_volume':#{
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_volume[0]
-            volume = ent_volume()
-            volume.type = int(obj_data.subtype)
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, volume.transform )
-            if{
-      = sr_entity_id( )
-               volume._anon.trigger.event = obj_data.target_event
-               volume._anon.trigger.event_leave = obj_data.target_event_leave
-            #}
-            sr_ent_push(volume)
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_marker':#{
-            marker = ent_marker()
-   = sr_compile_string( obj.SR_data.ent_marker[0].alias )
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, marker.transform )
-            sr_ent_push(marker)
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_skateshop':#{
-            skateshop = ent_skateshop()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_skateshop[0]
-            skateshop.type = int(obj_data.tipo)
-            if skateshop.type == 0:#{
-               boardshop = skateshop._anonymous_union.boards
-               boardshop.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
-               boardshop.id_info = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_info )
-               boardshop.id_rack = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_rack )
-            #}
-            elif skateshop.type == 1:#{
-               charshop = skateshop._anonymous_union.character
-               charshop.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
-               charshop.id_info = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_info )
-            #}
-            elif skateshop.type == 2:#{
-               worldshop = skateshop._anonymous_union.worlds
-               worldshop.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
-               worldshop.id_info = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_info )
-            #}
-            elif skateshop.type == 3:#{
-               server = skateshop._anonymous_union.server
-               server.id_lever = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
-            #}
-            skateshop.id_camera = sr_entity_id( )
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, skateshop.transform )
-            sr_ent_push(skateshop)
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_swspreview':#{
-            workshop_preview = ent_swspreview()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_swspreview[0]
-            workshop_preview.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
-            workshop_preview.id_display1 = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display1)
-            workshop_preview.id_camera = sr_entity_id( )
-            sr_ent_push( workshop_preview )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_worldinfo':#{
-            worldinfo = ent_worldinfo()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_worldinfo[0]
-            worldinfo.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
-            worldinfo.pstr_author = sr_compile_string( )
-            worldinfo.pstr_desc = sr_compile_string( obj_data.desc )
-            flags = 0x00
-            if obj_data.fix_time:#{
-               worldinfo.timezone = obj_data.fixed_time
-               flags |= 0x1
-            #}
-            else:
-               worldinfo.timezone = obj_data.timezone
-            worldinfo.flags = flags
-            worldinfo.pstr_skybox = sr_compile_string( obj_data.skybox )
-            sr_ent_push( worldinfo )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_ccmd':#{
-            ccmd = ent_ccmd()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_ccmd[0]
-            ccmd.pstr_command = sr_compile_string( obj_data.command )
-            sr_ent_push( ccmd )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_objective':#{
-            objective = ent_objective()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_objective[0]
-            objective.id_next = sr_entity_id( obj_data.proxima )
-            objective.id_win = sr_entity_id( )
-            objective.win_event = obj_data.target_event
-            objective.filter = int(obj_data.filtrar)
-            objective.filter2 = 0
-            objective.time_limit = obj_data.time_limit
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, objective.transform )
-            objective.submesh_start, objective.submesh_count, _ = \
-                  sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-            sr_ent_push( objective )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_challenge':#{
-            challenge = ent_challenge()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_challenge[0]
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, challenge.transform )
-            challenge.pstr_alias = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
-   = sr_entity_id( )
-            challenge.target_event = obj_data.target_event
-            challenge.reset = sr_entity_id( obj_data.reset )
-            challenge.reset_event = obj_data.reset_event
-            challenge.first = sr_entity_id( obj_data.first )
-            challenge.flags = 0x00
-   = sr_entity_id( )
-            if obj_data.time_limit: challenge.flags |= 0x01
-            challenge.status = 0
-            sr_ent_push( challenge )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_region':#{
-            region = ent_region()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_region[0]
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, region.transform )
-            region.submesh_start, region.submesh_count, _ = \
-                  sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-            region.pstr_title = sr_compile_string( obj_data.title )
-            region.zone_volume = sr_entity_id( obj_data.zone_volume )
-            region.target0[0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target0 )
-            region.target0[1] = obj_data.target0_event
-            sr_ent_push( region )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_relay':#{
-            relay = ent_relay()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_relay[0]
-            relay.targets[0][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target0 )
-            relay.targets[1][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target1 )
-            relay.targets[2][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target2 )
-            relay.targets[3][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target3 )
-            relay.targets[0][1] = obj_data.target0_event
-            relay.targets[1][1] = obj_data.target1_event
-            relay.targets[2][1] = obj_data.target2_event
-            relay.targets[3][1] = obj_data.target3_event
-            sr_ent_push( relay )
-         #}
-         # elif ent_type == 'ent_list':#{
-         #    lista = ent_list()
-         #    obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_list[0]
-         #    lista.entity_ref_start = entity_file_ref_count
-         #    lista.entity_ref_count = len( obj_data.entities )
-         #    entity_file_ref_count += lista.entity_ref_count
-         #    for child in obj_data.entities:#{
-         #       reference_struct = file_entity_ref()
-         #       reference_struct.index = sr_entity_id( )
-         #       sr_ent_push( reference_struct )
-         #    #}
-         #    sr_ent_push( lista )
-         # #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_glider':#{
-            glider = ent_glider()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, glider.transform )
-            sr_ent_push( glider )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_npc':#{
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_npc[0]
-            npc = ent_npc()
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, npc.transform )
-   =
-            npc.context = obj_data.context
-   = sr_entity_id( )
-            sr_ent_push( npc )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_cubemap':#{
-            cubemap = ent_cubemap()
-            co = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,0,0))
-  [0] =  co[0]
-  [1] =  co[2]
-  [2] = -co[1]
-            cubemap.resolution = 0
-   = 60
-            sr_ent_push( cubemap )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_miniworld':#{
-            miniworld = ent_miniworld()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_miniworld[0]
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, miniworld.transform )
-            miniworld.pstr_world = sr_compile_string( )
-            miniworld.proxy = sr_entity_id( obj_data.proxy )
-   = sr_entity_id( )
-            sr_ent_push( miniworld )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_prop':#{
-            prop = ent_prop()
-            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_prop[0]
-            compile_obj_transform( obj, prop.transform )
-            prop.submesh_start, prop.submesh_count, _ = \
-                  sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-            prop.flags = obj_data.flags
-            prop.pstr_alias = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
-            sr_ent_push( prop )
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   sr_compile_menus( collection )
-   sr_compile_fonts( collection )
-   def _children( col ):#{
-      yield col
-      for c in col.children:#{
-         yield from _children(c)
-      #}
-   #}
-   checkpoint_count = 0
-   pathindice_count = 0
-   routenode_count = 0
-   for col in _children(collection):#{
-      print( F"Adding routes for subcollection: {}" )
-      route_gates = []
-      route_curves = []
-      routes = []
-      traffics = []
-      for obj in col.objects:#{
-         if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': pass
-         else:#{
-            ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
-            if ent_type == 'ent_gate':
-               route_gates += [obj]
-            elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
-               if obj.type == 'CURVE':#{
-                  route_curves += [obj]
-               #}
-            #}
-            elif ent_type == 'ent_route':
-               routes += [obj]
-            elif ent_type == 'ent_traffic':
-               traffics += [obj]
-         #}
-      #}
-      dij = create_node_graph( route_curves, route_gates )
-      for obj in routes:#{
-         obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_route[0]
-         route = ent_route()
-         route.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
-         route.checkpoints_start = checkpoint_count
-         route.checkpoints_count = 0
-         route.id_camera = sr_entity_id( )
-         for ci in range(3):
-            route.colour[ci] = obj_data.colour[ci]
-         route.colour[3] = 1.0
-         compile_obj_transform( obj, route.transform )
-         checkpoints = obj_data.gates
-         for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
-            gi = checkpoints[i].target
-            gj = checkpoints[(i+1)%len(checkpoints)].target
-            gate = gi
-            if gi:#{
-               dest = gi.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target
-               gi = dest
-            #}
-            if gi==gj: continue # error?
-            if not gi or not gj: continue
-            checkpoint = ent_checkpoint()
-            checkpoint.gate_index = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
-            checkpoint.path_start = pathindice_count
-            checkpoint.path_count = 0
-            path = solve_graph( dij,, )
-            if path:#{
-               for pi in range(len(path)):#{
-                  pathindice = ent_path_index()
-                  pathindice.index = routenode_count + path[pi]
-                  sr_ent_push( pathindice )
-                  checkpoint.path_count += 1
-                  pathindice_count += 1
-               #}
-            #}
-            sr_ent_push( checkpoint )
-            route.checkpoints_count += 1
-            checkpoint_count += 1
-         #}
-         sr_ent_push( route )
-      #}
-      for obj in traffics:#{
-         traffic = ent_traffic()
-         compile_obj_transform( obj, traffic.transform )
-         traffic.submesh_start, traffic.submesh_count, _ = \
-               sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
-         # find best subsection
-         graph_keys = list(dij.graph)
-         min_dist = 100.0
-         best_point = 0
-         for j in range(len(dij.points)):#{
-            point = dij.points[j]
-            dist = (point-obj.location).magnitude
-            if dist < min_dist:#{
-               min_dist = dist
-               best_point = j
-            #}
-         #}
-         # scan to each edge
-         best_begin = best_point
-         best_end = best_point
-         while True:#{
-            map0 = dij.subsections[best_begin]
-            if map0[1] == -1: break
-            best_begin = map0[1]
-         #}
-         while True:#{
-            map1 = dij.subsections[best_end]
-            if map1[2] == -1: break
-            best_end = map1[2]
-         #}
-         traffic.start_node = routenode_count + best_begin
-         traffic.node_count = best_end - best_begin
-         traffic.index = best_point - best_begin
-         traffic.speed = obj.SR_data.ent_traffic[0].speed
-         traffic.t = 0.0
-         sr_ent_push(traffic)
-      #}
-      for point in dij.points:#{
-         rn = ent_route_node()
-[0] =  point[0]
-[1] =  point[2]
-[2] = -point[1]
-         sr_ent_push( rn )
-      #}
-      routenode_count += len(dij.points)
-   #}
-   print( F"[SR] Writing file" )
-   file_array_instructions = {}
-   file_offset = 0
-   def _write_array( name, item_size, data ):#{
-      nonlocal file_array_instructions, file_offset
-      count = len(data)//item_size
-      file_array_instructions[name] = {'count':count, 'size':item_size,\
-                                       'data':data, 'offset': file_offset}
-      file_offset += len(data)
-      file_offset = int_align_to( file_offset, 8 )
-   #}
-   _write_array( 'strings', 1, sr_compile.string_data )
-   _write_array( 'mdl_mesh', sizeof(mdl_mesh), sr_compile.mesh_data )
-   _write_array( 'mdl_submesh', sizeof(mdl_submesh), sr_compile.submesh_data )
-   _write_array( 'mdl_material', sizeof(mdl_material), sr_compile.material_data)
-   _write_array( 'mdl_texture', sizeof(mdl_texture), sr_compile.texture_data)
-   _write_array( 'mdl_armature', sizeof(mdl_armature), sr_compile.armature_data)
-   _write_array( 'mdl_bone', sizeof(mdl_bone), sr_compile.bone_data )
-   for name, buffer in sr_compile.entity_data.items():#{
-      _write_array( name, sr_compile.entity_info[name]['size'], buffer )
-   #}
-   _write_array( 'mdl_animation', sizeof(mdl_animation), sr_compile.anim_data)
-   _write_array( 'mdl_keyframe', sizeof(mdl_transform),sr_compile.keyframe_data)
-   _write_array( 'mdl_vert', sizeof(mdl_vert), sr_compile.vertex_data )
-   _write_array( 'mdl_indice', sizeof(c_uint32), sr_compile.indice_data )
-   _write_array( 'pack', 1, sr_compile.pack_data )
-   header_size = int_align_to( sizeof(mdl_header), 8 )
-   index_size = int_align_to( sizeof(mdl_array)*len(file_array_instructions),8 )
-   folder = bpy.path.abspath(bpy.context.scene.SR_data.export_dir)
-   path = F"{folder}{}.mdl"
-   print( path )
-   os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path),exist_ok=True)
-   fp = open( path, "wb" )
-   header = mdl_header()
-   header.version = MDL_VERSION_NR
-   sr_array_title( header.arrays, \
-                   'index', len(file_array_instructions), \
-                   sizeof(mdl_array), header_size )
-   fp.write( bytearray_align_to( bytearray(header), 8 ) )
-   print( F'[SR] {"name":>16}|    count | offset' )
-   index = bytearray()
-   for name,info in file_array_instructions.items():#{
-      arr = mdl_array()
-      offset = info['offset'] + header_size + index_size
-      sr_array_title( arr, name, info['count'], info['size'], offset )
-      index.extend( bytearray(arr) )
-      print( F'[SR] {name:>16}| {info["count"]: 8} '+\
-             F'  0x{info["offset"]:02x}' )
-   #}
-   fp.write( bytearray_align_to( index, 8 ) )
-   #bytearray_print_hex( index )
-   for name,info in file_array_instructions.items():#{
-      fp.write( bytearray_align_to( info['data'], 8 ) )
-   #}
-   fp.close()
-   print( '[SR] done' )
-class SR_SCENE_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   use_hidden: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="use hidden", default=False )
-   export_dir: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Export Dir", subtype='DIR_PATH' )
-   gizmos: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Draw Gizmos", default=False )
-   panel: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-        name='Panel',
-        description='',
-        items=[
-            ('EXPORT', 'Export', '', 'MOD_BUILD',0),
-            ('ENTITY', 'Entity', '', 'MONKEY',1),
-            ('SETTINGS', 'Settings', 'Settings', 'PREFERENCES',2),
-        ],
-    )
-class SR_COLLECTION_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   pack_textures: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Pack Textures", default=False )
-   animations:    bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Export animation", default=True)
-def sr_get_mirror_bone( bones ):
-   side =[-1:]
-   other_name =[:-1]
-   if side == 'L': other_name += 'R'
-   elif side == 'R': other_name += 'L'
-   else: return None
-   for b in bones:#{
-      if == other_name:
-         return b
-   #}
-   return None
-class SR_MIRROR_BONE_X(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname="skaterift.mirror_bone"
-   bl_label="Mirror bone attributes - SkateRift"
-   def execute(_,context):
-   #{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      bones =
-      a =
-      b = sr_get_mirror_bone( bones )
-      if not b: return {'FINISHED'}
-      b.SR_data.collider = a.SR_data.collider
-      def _v3copyflipy( a, b ):#{
-         b[0] =  a[0]
-         b[1] = -a[1]
-         b[2] =  a[2]
-      #}
-      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.collider_min, b.SR_data.collider_min )
-      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.collider_max, b.SR_data.collider_max )
-      b.SR_data.collider_min[1] = -a.SR_data.collider_max[1]
-      b.SR_data.collider_max[1] = -a.SR_data.collider_min[1]
-      b.SR_data.cone_constraint = a.SR_data.cone_constraint
-      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.conevx, b.SR_data.conevy )
-      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.conevy, b.SR_data.conevx )
-      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.coneva, b.SR_data.coneva )
-      b.SR_data.conet = a.SR_data.conet
-      # redraw
-      ob = bpy.context.scene.objects[0]
-      ob.hide_render = ob.hide_render
-      return {'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_COMPILE(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname="skaterift.compile_all"
-   bl_label="Compile All"
-   def execute(_,context):
-   #{
-      view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
-      for col in view_layer.layer_collection.children["export"].children:
-         if not col.hide_viewport or bpy.context.scene.SR_data.use_hidden:
-            sr_compile([] )
-      return {'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_COMPILE_THIS(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname="skaterift.compile_this"
-   bl_label="Compile This collection"
-   def execute(_,context):
-   #{
-      col = bpy.context.collection
-      sr_compile( col )
-      return {'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_INTERFACE(bpy.types.Panel):
-   bl_idname = "VIEW3D_PT_skate_rift"
-   bl_label = "Skate Rift"
-   bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
-   bl_region_type = 'UI'
-   bl_category = "Skate Rift"
-   def draw(_, context):
-   #{
-      # Compiler section
-      row = _.layout.row()
-      row.scale_y = 1.75
-      row.prop( context.scene.SR_data, 'panel', expand=True )
-      if context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'SETTINGS': #{
-         _.layout.prop( context.scene.SR_data, 'gizmos' )
-      #}
-      elif context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'EXPORT': #{
-         _.layout.prop( context.scene.SR_data, "export_dir" )
-         col = bpy.context.collection
-         found_in_export = False
-         export_count = 0
-         view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
-         for c1 in view_layer.layer_collection.children["export"].children: #{
-            if not c1.hide_viewport or bpy.context.scene.SR_data.use_hidden:
-               export_count += 1
-            if == #{
-               found_in_export = True
-            #}
-         #}
-         box =
-         row = box.row()
-         row.alignment = 'CENTER'
-         row.scale_y = 1.5
-         if found_in_export: #{
-            row.label( + ".mdl" )
-            box.prop( col.SR_data, "pack_textures" )
-            box.prop( col.SR_data, "animations" )
-            box.operator( "skaterift.compile_this" )
-         #}
-         else: #{
-            row.enabled=False
-            row.label( )
-            row = box.row()
-            row.enabled=False
-            row.alignment = 'CENTER'
-            row.scale_y = 1.5
-            row.label( text="This collection is not in the export group" )
-         #}
-         box =
-         row = box.row()
-         split = row.split( factor=0.3, align=True )
-         split.prop( context.scene.SR_data, "use_hidden", text="hidden" )
-         row1 = split.row()
-         if export_count == 0:
-            row1.enabled=False
-         row1.operator( "skaterift.compile_all", \
-                           text=F"Compile all ({export_count} collections)" )
-      #}
-      elif context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'ENTITY': #{
-         active_object = context.active_object
-         if not active_object: return
-         amount = max( 0, len(context.selected_objects)-1 )
-         row = _.layout.row()
-         row.operator( 'skaterift.copy_entity_data', \
-               text=F'Copy entity data to {amount} other objects' )
-         if amount == 0: row.enabled=False
-         box =
-         row = box.row()
-         row.alignment = 'CENTER'
-         row.label( )
-         row.scale_y = 1.5
-         def _draw_prop_collection( source, data ): #{
-            nonlocal box
-            row = box.row()
-            row.alignment = 'CENTER'
-            row.enabled = False
-            row.scale_y = 1.5
-            row.label( text=F'{source}' )
-            if hasattr(type(data[0]),'sr_inspector'):#{
-               type(data[0]).sr_inspector( box, data )
-            #}
-            else:#{
-               for a in data[0].__annotations__:
-                  box.prop( data[0], a )
-            #}
-         #}
-         if active_object.type == 'ARMATURE': #{
-            if active_object.mode == 'POSE': #{
-               bones =
-               mb = sr_get_mirror_bone( bones )
-               if mb:#{
-                  box.operator( "skaterift.mirror_bone", \
-                                 text=F'Mirror attributes to {}' )
-               #}
-               _draw_prop_collection( \
-                     F'bpy.types.Bone["{}"].SR_data',\
-                     [ ] )
-            #}
-            else: #{
-               row = box.row()
-               row.alignment='CENTER'
-               row.scale_y=2.0
-               row.enabled=False
-               row.label( text="Enter pose mode to modify bone properties" )
-            #}
-         #}
-         elif active_object.type == 'LIGHT': #{
-            _draw_prop_collection( \
-                  F'bpy.types.Light["{}"].SR_data', \
-                  [] )
-         #}
-         elif active_object.type in ['EMPTY','CURVE','MESH']:#{
-            box.prop( active_object.SR_data, "ent_type" )
-            ent_type = active_object.SR_data.ent_type
-            col = getattr( active_object.SR_data, ent_type, None )
-            if col != None and len(col)!=0: 
-               _draw_prop_collection( \
-         F'bpy.types.Object["{}"].SR_data.{ent_type}[0]', \
-         col )
-            if active_object.type == 'MESH':#{
-               col = getattr(, ent_type, None )
-               if col != None and len(col)!=0: 
-                  _draw_prop_collection( \
-         F'bpy.types.Mesh["{}"].SR_data.{ent_type}[0]', \
-         col )
-            #}
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-class SR_MATERIAL_PANEL(bpy.types.Panel):
-   bl_label="Skate Rift material"
-   bl_idname="MATERIAL_PT_sr_material"
-   bl_space_type='PROPERTIES'
-   bl_region_type='WINDOW'
-   bl_context="material"
-   def draw(_,context):
-   #{
-      active_object = bpy.context.active_object
-      if active_object == None: return
-      active_mat = active_object.active_material
-      if active_mat == None: return
-      info = material_info( active_mat )
-      if 'tex_diffuse' in info:#{
-         _.layout.label( icon='INFO', \
-            text=F"{info['tex_diffuse'].name} will be compiled" )
-      #}
-      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "shader" )
-      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "surface_prop" )
-      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "collision" )
-      if active_mat.SR_data.collision:#{
-         box =
-         row = box.row()
-         if (active_mat.SR_data.shader != 'invisible') and \
-            (active_mat.SR_data.shader != 'boundary') and \
-            (active_mat.SR_data.shader != 'walking'):#{
-            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "skate_surface" )
-            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "grind_surface" )
-            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "grow_grass" )
-            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "preview_visibile" )
-         #}
-      #}
-      if active_mat.SR_data.shader == "terrain_blend":#{
-         box =
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "blend_offset" )
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "sand_colour" )
-      #}
-      elif active_mat.SR_data.shader == "vertex_blend":#{
-         box =
-         box.label( icon='INFO', text="Uses vertex colours, the R channel" )
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "blend_offset" )
-      #}
-      elif active_mat.SR_data.shader == "water":#{
-         box =
-         box.label( icon='INFO', text="Depth scale of 16 meters" )
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "shore_colour" )
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "ocean_colour" )
-      #}
-      elif active_mat.SR_data.shader == "cubemap":#{
-         box =
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "cubemap" )
-         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "tint" )
-      #}
-      _.layout.label( text="" )
-      _.layout.label( text="advanced (you probably don't want to edit these)" )
-      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "tex_diffuse_rt" )
-   #}
-def sr_get_type_enum( scene, context ):
-   items = [('none','None',"")]
-   mesh_entities=['ent_gate','ent_water']
-   point_entities=['ent_spawn','ent_route_node','ent_route']
-   for e in point_entities: items += [(e,e,'')]
-   if context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'ENTITY': #{
-      if context.active_object.type == 'MESH': #{
-         for e in mesh_entities: items += [(e,e,'')]
-      #}
-   #}
-   else: #{
-      for e in mesh_entities: items += [(e,e,'')]
-   #}
-   return items
-def sr_on_type_change( _, context ):
-   obj = context.active_object
-   ent_type = obj.SR_data.ent_type
-   if ent_type == 'none': return
-   if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
-      col = getattr(, ent_type, None )
-      if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
-   #}
-   col = getattr( obj.SR_data, ent_type, None )
-   if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_SPAWN(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty( name='alias' )
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GATE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-               type=bpy.types.Object, name="destination", \
-               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_gate']))
-   key: bpy.props.StringProperty()
-   tipo: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(('default', 'Default', ""),
-                                       ('nonlocal', 'Non-Local', "")))
-   flip: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Flip exit", default=False )
-   custom: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Mesh is surface", default=False )
-   locked: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Start Locked", default=False )
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
-   #{
-      box =
-      box.prop( data[0], 'tipo', text="subtype" )
-      if   data[0].tipo == 'default':  box.prop( data[0], 'target' )
-      elif data[0].tipo == 'nonlocal': box.prop( data[0], 'key' )
-      flags =
-      flags.prop( data[0], 'flip' )
-      flags.prop( data[0], 'custom' )
-      flags.prop( data[0], 'locked' )
-   #}
-class SR_MESH_ENT_GATE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   dimensions: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="dimensions",size=3)
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-               type=bpy.types.Object, name='target', \
-               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_gate']))
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MINIWORLD(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   world: bpy.props.StringProperty( name='world UID' )
-   proxy: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-               type=bpy.types.Object, name='proxy', \
-               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_prop']))
-   camera: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Camera", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-class SR_UL_ROUTE_NODE_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
-   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_ROUTE_NODE_LIST'
-   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
-   #{
-      layout.prop( item, 'target', text='', emboss=False )
-   #}
-def internal_listdel_execute(self,context,ent_name,collection_name):
-   active_object = context.active_object
-   data = getattr(active_object.SR_data,ent_name)[0]
-   lista = getattr(data,collection_name)
-   index = getattr(data,F'{collection_name}_index')
-   lista.remove(index)
-   setattr(data,F'{collection_name}_index', min(max(0,index-1), len(lista)-1))
-   return{'FINISHED'}
-def internal_listadd_execute(self,context,ent_name,collection_name):
-   active_object = context.active_object
-   getattr(getattr(active_object.SR_data,ent_name)[0],collection_name).add()
-   return{'FINISHED'}
-def copy_propgroup( de, to ):
-   for a in de.__annotations__:#{
-      if isinstance(getattr(de,a), bpy.types.bpy_prop_collection):#{
-         ca = getattr(de,a)
-         cb = getattr(to,a)
-         while len(cb) != len(ca):#{
-            if len(cb) < len(ca): cb.add()
-            else: cb.remove(0)
-         #}
-         for i in range(len(ca)):#{
-            copy_propgroup(ca[i],cb[i])
-         #}
-      #}
-      else:#{
-         setattr(to,a,getattr(de,a))
-      #}
-   #}
-class SR_OT_COPY_ENTITY_DATA(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.copy_entity_data"
-   bl_label = "Copy entity data"
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      data = context.active_object.SR_data
-      new_type = data.ent_type
-      print( F"Copy entity data from: {}" )
-      for obj in context.selected_objects:#{
-         if obj != context.active_object:#{
-            print( F"   To: {}" )
-            obj.SR_data.ent_type = new_type
-            if active_object.type == 'MESH':#{
-               col = getattr(, new_type, None )
-               if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
-               mdata =
-               copy_propgroup( getattr(mdata,new_type)[0], col[0] )
-            #}
-            col = getattr( obj.SR_data, new_type, None )
-            if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
-            copy_propgroup( getattr(data,new_type)[0], col[0] )
-         #}
-      #}
-      return{'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_OT_ROUTE_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.new_entry"
-   bl_label = "Add gate"
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_route','gates')
-   #}
-class SR_OT_ROUTE_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.del_entry"
-   bl_label = "Remove gate"
-   @classmethod 
-   def poll(cls, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_route':#{
-         return active_object.SR_data.ent_route[0].gates
-      #}
-      else: return False
-   #}
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_route','gates')
-   #}
-class SR_OT_AUDIO_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.al_new_entry"
-   bl_label = "Add file"
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_audio','files')
-   #}
-class SR_OT_AUDIO_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.al_del_entry"
-   bl_label = "Remove file"
-   @classmethod 
-   def poll(cls, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_audio':#{
-         return active_object.SR_data.ent_audio[0].files
-      #}
-      else: return False
-   #}
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_audio','files')
-      return{'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_OT_GLYPH_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.gl_new_entry"
-   bl_label = "Add glyph"
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      font = active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0]
-      font.glyphs.add()
-      if len(font.glyphs) > 1:#{
-         prev = font.glyphs[-2]
-         cur = font.glyphs[-1]
-         cur.bounds = prev.bounds
-         cur.utf32 = prev.utf32+1
-      #}
-      return{'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_OT_GLYPH_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.gl_del_entry"
-   bl_label = "Remove Glyph"
-   @classmethod 
-   def poll(cls, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_font':#{
-         return active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0].glyphs
-      #}
-      else: return False
-   #}
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_font','glyphs')
-   #}
-class SR_OT_GLYPH_LIST_MOVE_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.gl_move_item"
-   bl_label = "aa"
-   direction: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(('UP', 'Up', ""),
-                                             ('DOWN', 'Down', ""),))
-   @classmethod 
-   def poll(cls, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_font':#{
-         return active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0].glyphs
-      #}
-      else: return False
-   #}
-   def execute(_, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      data = active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0]
-      index = data.glyphs_index
-      neighbor = index + (-1 if _.direction == 'UP' else 1)
-      data.glyphs.move( neighbor, index )
-      list_length = len(data.glyphs) - 1
-      new_index = index + (-1 if _.direction == 'UP' else 1)
-      data.glyphs_index = max(0, min(new_index, list_length))
-      return{'FINISHED'}
-   #}
-class SR_OT_FONT_VARIANT_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.fv_new_entry"
-   bl_label = "Add variant"
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_font','variants')
-   #}
-class SR_OT_FONT_VARIANT_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.fv_del_entry"
-   bl_label = "Remove variant"
-   @classmethod 
-   def poll(cls, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_font':#{
-         return active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0].variants
-      #}
-      else: return False
-   #}
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_font','variants')
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO_FILE_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   path: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Path" )
-   probability: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Probability",default=100.0 )
-class SR_UL_AUDIO_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
-   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_AUDIO_LIST'
-   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
-   #{
-      split = layout.split(factor=0.7)
-      c = split.column()
-      c.prop( item, 'path', text='', emboss=False )
-      c = split.column()
-      c.prop( item, 'probability', text='%', emboss=True )
-   #}
-class SR_UL_FONT_VARIANT_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
-   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_FONT_VARIANT_LIST'
-   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
-   #{
-      layout.prop( item, 'mesh', emboss=False )
-      layout.prop( item, 'tipo' )
-   #}
-class SR_UL_FONT_GLYPH_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
-   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_FONT_GLYPH_LIST'
-   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
-   #{
-      s0 = layout.split(factor=0.3)
-      c = s0.column()
-      s1 = c.split(factor=0.3)
-      c = s1.column()
-      row = c.row()
-      lbl = chr(item.utf32) if item.utf32 >= 32 and item.utf32 <= 126 else \
-                                                              f'x{item.utf32:x}'
-      row.label(text=lbl)
-      c = s1.column()
-      c.prop( item, 'utf32', text='', emboss=True )
-      c = s0.column()
-      row = c.row()
-      row.prop( item, 'bounds', text='', emboss=False )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   gates: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE_ENTRY)
-   gates_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
-         name="Colour",\
-         subtype='COLOR',\
-         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
-         default=Vector((0.79,0.63,0.48)),\
-         description="Route colour"\
-   )
-   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty(\
-          name="Alias",\
-          default="Untitled Course")
-   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
-   #{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'alias' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'colour' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'cam' )
-      layout.label( text='Checkpoints' )
-      layout.template_list('SR_UL_ROUTE_NODE_LIST', 'Checkpoints', \
-                            data[0], 'gates', data[0], 'gates_index', rows=5)
-      row = layout.row()
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.new_entry', text='Add' )
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.del_entry', text='Remove' )
-   #}
-class SR_OT_ENT_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):#{
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.ent_list_new_entry"
-   bl_label = "Add entity"
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_list','entities')
-   #}
-class SR_OT_ENT_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):#{
-   bl_idname = "skaterift.ent_list_del_entry"
-   bl_label = "Remove entity"
-   @classmethod 
-   def poll(cls, context):#{
-      active_object = context.active_object
-      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_list':#{
-         return active_object.SR_data.ent_list[0].entities
-      #}
-      else: return False
-   #}
-   def execute(self, context):#{
-      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_list','entities')
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-               type=bpy.types.Object, name='target' )
-class SR_UL_ENT_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):#{
-   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_ENT_LIST'
-   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):#{
-      layout.prop( item, 'target', text='', emboss=False )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   entities: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST_ENTRY)
-   entities_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      layout.label( text='Entities' )
-      layout.template_list('SR_UL_ENT_LIST', 'Entities', \
-                            data[0], 'entities', data[0], \
-                            'entities_index', rows=5)
-      row = layout.row()
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.ent_list_new_entry', text='Add' )
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.ent_list_del_entry', text='Remove' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLIDER(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   nothing: bpy.props.StringProperty()
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_NPC(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   au: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   context: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   subtype: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-      name="Subtype",
-      items=[('0','Trigger',''),
-             ('1','Particles (0.1s)','')]
-   )
-   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Enter Ev" )
-   target_event_leave: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Leave Ev", default=-1 )
-   @staticmethod
-   def inspect_target( layout, data, propname, evs = ['_event'] ):#{
-      box =
-      box.prop( data[0], propname )
-      for evname in evs:#{
-         row = box.row()
-         row.prop( data[0], propname + evname )
-         target = getattr( data[0], propname )
-         if target:#{
-            tipo = target.SR_data.ent_type
-            cls = globals()[ tipo ]
-            table = getattr( cls, 'sr_functions', None )
-            if table:#{
-               index = getattr( data[0], propname + evname )
-               if index in table:
-                  row.label( text=table[index] )
-               else:
-                  row.label( text="undefined function" )
-            #}
-         #}
-         else:#{
-            row.label( text="..." )
-            row.enabled=False
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'subtype' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target', \
-            ['_event','_event_leave'] )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   files: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO_FILE_ENTRY)
-   files_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   flag_3d: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="3D audio",default=True )
-   flag_loop: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Loop",default=False )
-   flag_auto: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Play at start",default=False )
-   flag_nodoppler: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="No Doppler",default=False )
-   group: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Group ID", default=0 )
-   formato: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-      name="Format",
-      items=[('0','Uncompressed Mono',''),
-             ('1','Compressed Vorbis',''),
-             ('2','[vg] Bird Synthesis','')]
-   )
-   probability_curve: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-      name="Probability Curve",
-      items=[('0','Constant',''),
-             ('1','Wildlife Daytime',''),
-             ('2','Wildlife Nighttime','')])
-   channel_behaviour: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-      name="Channel Behaviour",
-      items=[('0','Unlimited',''),
-             ('1','Discard if group full', ''),
-             ('2','Crossfade if group full','')])
-   transition_duration: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Transition Time",\
-                                                default=0.2)
-   max_channels: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Max Channels", default=1 )
-   volume: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Volume",default=1.0 )
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
-   #{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'formato' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'volume' )
-      box =
-      box.label( text='Channels' )
-      split = box.split(factor=0.3)
-      c = split.column()
-      c.prop( data[0], 'max_channels' )
-      c = split.column()
-      c.prop( data[0], 'channel_behaviour', text='Behaviour' )
-      if data[0].channel_behaviour >= '1':
-         box.prop( data[0], 'group' )
-      if data[0].channel_behaviour == '2': 
-         box.prop( data[0], 'transition_duration' )
-      box =
-      box.label( text='Flags' )
-      box.prop( data[0], 'flag_3d' )
-      if data[0].flag_3d: box.prop( data[0], 'flag_nodoppler' )
-      box.prop( data[0], 'flag_loop' )
-      box.prop( data[0], 'flag_auto' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'probability_curve' )
-      split = layout.split(factor=0.7)
-      c = split.column()
-      c.label( text='Filepath' )
-      c = split.column()
-      c.label( text='Chance' )
-      layout.template_list('SR_UL_AUDIO_LIST', 'Files', \
-                            data[0], 'files', data[0], 'files_index', rows=5)
-      row = layout.row()
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.al_new_entry', text='Add' )
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.al_del_entry', text='Remove' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty()
-   flags: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   mini: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(size=2)
-   maxi: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(size=2)
-   utf32: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   bounds: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(size=4,subtype='NONE')
-   utf32: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT_VARIANT(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   mesh: bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=bpy.types.Object)
-   tipo: bpy.props.StringProperty()
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   variants: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT_VARIANT)
-   glyphs: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH_ENTRY)
-   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty()
-   glyphs_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   variants_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
-   #{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'alias' )
-      layout.label( text='Variants' )
-      layout.template_list('SR_UL_FONT_VARIANT_LIST', 'Variants', \
-                            data[0], 'variants', data[0], 'variants_index',\
-                            rows=5 )
-      row = layout.row()
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.fv_new_entry', text='Add' )
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.fv_del_entry', text='Remove' )
-      layout.label( text='ASCII Glyphs' )
-      layout.template_list('SR_UL_FONT_GLYPH_LIST', 'Glyphs', \
-                            data[0], 'glyphs', data[0], 'glyphs_index', rows=5)
-      row = layout.row()
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_new_entry', text='Add' )
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_del_entry', text='Remove' )
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_move_item', text='^' ).direction='UP'
-      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_move_item', text='v' ).direction='DOWN'
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_TRAFFIC(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   speed: bpy.props.FloatProperty(default=1.0)
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_SKATESHOP(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   tipo: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Type',
-                                 items=[('0','boards',''),
-                                        ('1','character',''),
-                                        ('2','world',''),
-                                        ('4','server','')] )
-   mark_rack: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Board Rack", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
-   mark_display: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Selected Board Display", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
-   mark_info: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Selected Board Info", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,\
-           ['ent_marker','ent_prop']))
-   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORKSHOP_PREVIEW(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   mark_display: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Board Display", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
-   mark_display1: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Board Display (other side)", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
-   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MENU_ITEM(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   link0: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 0", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   link1: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 1", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   link2: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 2", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   link3: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 3", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   newloc: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="New location", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   stack_behaviour: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Stack Behaviour',
-                                 items=[('0','append',''),
-                                        ('1','replace','')])
-   camera: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Camera", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-   slider_minloc: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Slider min", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
-   slider_maxloc: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Slider max", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
-   slider_handle: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Slider handle", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   checkmark: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Checked", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
-   font_variant: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Font Variant" )
-   string: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="String" )
-   tipo: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Type',
-                                 items=[('0','visual',''),
-                                        ('1','event button',''),
-                                        ('2','page button',''),
-                                        ('3','toggle', ''),
-                                        ('4','slider',''),
-                                        ('5','page',''),
-                                        ('6','binding',''),
-                                        ('7','visual(no colourize)','')])
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
-   #{
-      data = data[0]
-      box =
-      box.prop( data, 'tipo' )
-      if data.tipo == '0' or data.tipo == '7':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Name' )
-         return
-      #}
-      elif data.tipo == '1':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Event' )
-      #}
-      elif data.tipo == '2':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Page' )
-         box.prop( data, 'stack_behaviour' )
-      #}
-      elif data.tipo == '3':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Data (i32)' )
-         box.prop( data, 'checkmark' )
-      #}
-      elif data.tipo == '4':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Data (f32)' )
-         box.prop( data, 'slider_minloc' )
-         box.prop( data, 'slider_maxloc' )
-         box.prop( data, 'slider_handle' )
-         box =
-         box.label( text="Links" )
-         box.prop( data, 'link0', text='v0' )
-         box.prop( data, 'link1', text='v1' )
-         return
-      #}
-      elif data.tipo == '5':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Page Name' )
-         box.prop( data, 'newloc', text='Entry Point' )
-         box.prop( data, 'camera', text='Viewpoint' )
-         return
-      #}
-      elif data.tipo == '6':#{
-         box.prop( data, 'string', text='ID' )
-         box.prop( data, 'font_variant' )
-         return
-      #}
-      box =
-      box.label( text="Links" )
-      box.prop( data, 'link0' )
-      box.prop( data, 'link1' )
-      box.prop( data, 'link2' )
-      box.prop( data, 'link3' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORLD_INFO(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Name")
-   desc: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Description")
-   author: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Author")
-   skybox: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Skybox")
-   fix_time: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Fix Time")
-   timezone: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Timezone(hrs) (UTC0 +hrs)")
-   fixed_time: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Fixed Time (0-1)")
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'name' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'desc' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'author' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'fix_time' )
-      if data[0].fix_time:
-         layout.prop( data[0], 'fixed_time' )
-      else:
-         layout.prop( data[0], 'timezone' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_CCMD(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   command: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Command Line")
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_OBJECTIVE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   proxima: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Next", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_objective']))
-   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Win", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
-   time_limit: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Time Limit", default=1.0 )
-   filtrar: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Filter',\
-      items=[('0','none',''),
-             (str(0x1),'trick_shuvit',''),
-             (str(0x2),'trick_kickflip',''),
-             (str(0x4),'trick_treflip',''),
-             (str(0x1|0x2|0x4),'trick_any',''),
-             (str(0x8),'flip_back',''),
-             (str(0x10),'flip_front',''),
-             (str(0x8|0x10),'flip_any',''),
-             (str(0x20),'grind_truck_any',''),
-             (str(0x40),'grind_board_any',''),
-             (str(0x20|0x40),'grind_any',''),
-             (str(0x80),'footplant',''),
-             (str(0x100),'passthrough',''),
-             ])
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'proxima' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'time_limit' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'filtrar' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_CHALLENGE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Alias" )
-   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="On Complete", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
-   reset: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="On Reset", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   reset_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
-   time_limit: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Time Limit" )
-   first: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="First Objective", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_objective']))
-   camera: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Camera", \
-           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'alias' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'camera' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'first' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'time_limit' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'reset' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_REGION(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   title: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Title" )
-   zone_volume: bpy.props.PointerProperty(
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Zone Volume", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_volume']))
-   target0: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Triger on unlock", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target0_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'title' )
-      layout.prop( data[0], 'zone_volume' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target0' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_ENT_RELAY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
-   target0: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 0", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target1: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 1", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target2: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 2", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target3: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 3", \
-            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
-   target0_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
-   target1_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
-   target2_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
-   target3_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target0' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target1' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target2' )
-      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target3' )
-   #}
-class SR_OBJECT_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   ent_gate: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GATE)
-   ent_spawn: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_SPAWN)
-   ent_route: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE)
-   ent_volume: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME)
-   ent_audio: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO)
-   ent_marker: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER)
-   ent_prop: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER)
-   ent_glyph: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH)
-   ent_font: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT)
-   ent_traffic: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_TRAFFIC)
-   ent_skateshop: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_SKATESHOP)
-   ent_swspreview: \
-         bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORKSHOP_PREVIEW)
-   ent_menuitem: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MENU_ITEM)
-   ent_worldinfo: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORLD_INFO)
-   ent_ccmd: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_CCMD)
-   ent_objective: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_OBJECTIVE)
-   ent_challenge: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_CHALLENGE)
-   ent_region: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_REGION)
-   ent_relay: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_RELAY)
-   ent_miniworld: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MINIWORLD)
-   ent_list: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST)
-   ent_glider: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLIDER)
-   ent_npc: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_NPC)
-   ent_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-      name="Type",
-      items=sr_entity_list,
-      update=sr_on_type_change
-   )
-class SR_MESH_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   ent_gate: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_MESH_ENT_GATE)
-class SR_LIGHT_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   daytime: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Daytime' )
-class SR_BONE_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   collider: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Collider Type',
-                                     items=[('0','none',''),
-                                            ('1','box',''),
-                                            ('2','capsule','')])
-   collider_min: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='Collider Min', size=3 )
-   collider_max: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='Collider Max', size=3 )
-   cone_constraint: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Cone constraint' )
-   conevx: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='vx' )
-   conevy: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='vy' )
-   coneva: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='va' )
-   conet:  bpy.props.FloatProperty( name='t' )
-   @staticmethod
-   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
-   #{
-      data = data[0]
-      box =
-      box.prop( data, 'collider' )
-      if int(data.collider)>0:#{
-         row = box.row()
-         row.prop( data, 'collider_min' )
-         row = box.row()
-         row.prop( data, 'collider_max' )
-      #}
-      box =
-      box.prop( data, 'cone_constraint' )
-      if data.cone_constraint:#{
-         row = box.row()
-         row.prop( data, 'conevx' )
-         row = box.row()
-         row.prop( data, 'conevy' )
-         row = box.row()
-         row.prop( data, 'coneva' )
-         box.prop( data, 'conet' )
-      #}
-   #}
-class SR_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-   shader: bpy.props.EnumProperty( 
-      name="Format", 
-      items = [
-      ('standard',"standard",''),
-      ('standard_cutout', "standard_cutout", ''),
-      ('terrain_blend', "terrain_blend", ''),
-      ('vertex_blend', "vertex_blend", ''),
-      ('water',"water",''),
-      ('invisible','Invisible',''),
-      ('boundary','Boundary',''),
-      ('fxglow','FX Glow',''),
-      ('cubemap','Cubemap',''),
-      ('walking','Walking',''),
-      ('foliage','Foliage','')
-      ])
-   surface_prop: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-      name="Surface Property",
-      items = [
-      ('0','concrete',''),
-      ('1','wood',''),
-      ('2','grass',''),
-      ('3','tiles',''),
-      ('4','metal',''),
-      ('5','snow (low friction)',''),
-      ('6','sand (medium friction)','')
-      ])
-   collision: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
-         name="Collisions Enabled",\
-         default=True,\
-         description = "Can the player collide with this material?"\
-   )
-   skate_surface: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
-         name="Skate Target", \
-         default=True,\
-         description = "Should the game try to target this surface?" \
-   )
-   grind_surface: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
-         name="Grindable", \
-         default=True,\
-         description = "Can you grind on this surface?" \
-   )
-   grow_grass: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
-         name="Grow Grass", \
-         default=False,\
-         description = "Spawn grass sprites on this surface?" \
-   )
-   preview_visibile: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
-         name="Preview visibile", \
-         default=True,\
-         description = "Show this material in preview models?" \
-   )
-   blend_offset: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
-         name="Blend Offset", \
-         size=2, \
-         default=Vector((0.5,0.0)),\
-         description="When surface is more than 45 degrees, add this vector " +\
-                     "to the UVs" \
-   )
-   sand_colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
-         name="Sand Colour",\
-         subtype='COLOR',\
-         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
-         default=Vector((0.79,0.63,0.48)),\
-         description="Blend to this colour near the 0 coordinate on UP axis"\
-   )
-   shore_colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
-         name="Shore Colour",\
-         subtype='COLOR',\
-         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
-         default=Vector((0.03,0.32,0.61)),\
-         description="Water colour at the shoreline"\
-   )
-   ocean_colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
-         name="Ocean Colour",\
-         subtype='COLOR',\
-         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
-         default=Vector((0.0,0.006,0.03)),\
-         description="Water colour in the deep bits"\
-   )
-   tint: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
-         name="Tint",\
-         subtype='COLOR',\
-         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
-         size=4,\
-         default=Vector((1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)),\
-         description="Reflection tint"\
-   )
-   cubemap: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
-               type=bpy.types.Object, name="cubemap", \
-               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_cubemap']))
-   tex_diffuse_rt: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="diffuse: RT index", default=-1 )
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-#                                                                              #
-#                                 GUI section                                  #
-#                                                                              #
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-cv_view_draw_handler = None
-cv_view_pixel_handler = None
-cv_view_shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_SMOOTH_COLOR')
-cv_view_verts = []
-cv_view_colours = []
-cv_view_course_i = 0
-# Draw axis alligned sphere at position with radius
-def cv_draw_sphere( pos, radius, colour ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   ly = pos + Vector((0,0,radius))
-   lx = pos + Vector((0,radius,0))
-   lz = pos + Vector((0,0,radius))
-   pi = 3.14159265358979323846264
-   for i in range(16):#{
-      t = ((i+1.0) * 1.0/16.0) * pi * 2.0
-      s = math.sin(t)
-      c = math.cos(t)
-      py = pos + Vector((s*radius,0.0,c*radius))
-      px = pos + Vector((s*radius,c*radius,0.0))
-      pz = pos + Vector((0.0,s*radius,c*radius))
-      cv_view_verts += [ px, lx ]
-      cv_view_verts += [ py, ly ]
-      cv_view_verts += [ pz, lz ]
-      cv_view_colours += [ colour, colour, colour, colour, colour, colour ]
-      ly = py
-      lx = px
-      lz = pz
-   #}
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Draw axis alligned sphere at position with radius
-def cv_draw_halfsphere( pos, tx, ty, tz, radius, colour ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   ly = pos + tz*radius
-   lx = pos + ty*radius
-   lz = pos + tz*radius
-   pi = 3.14159265358979323846264
-   for i in range(16):#{
-      t = ((i+1.0) * 1.0/16.0) * pi
-      s = math.sin(t)
-      c = math.cos(t)
-      s1 = math.sin(t*2.0)
-      c1 = math.cos(t*2.0)
-      py = pos + s*tx*radius +                c *tz*radius
-      px = pos + s*tx*radius + c *ty*radius 
-      pz = pos +               s1*ty*radius + c1*tz*radius
-      cv_view_verts += [ px, lx ]
-      cv_view_verts += [ py, ly ]
-      cv_view_verts += [ pz, lz ]
-      cv_view_colours += [ colour, colour, colour, colour, colour, colour ]
-      ly = py
-      lx = px
-      lz = pz
-   #}
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Draw transformed -1 -> 1 cube
-def cv_draw_ucube( transform, colour, s=Vector((1,1,1)), o=Vector((0,0,0)) ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   a = o + -1.0 * s
-   b = o +  1.0 * s
-   vs = [None]*8
-   vs[0] = transform @ Vector((a[0], a[1], a[2]))
-   vs[1] = transform @ Vector((a[0], b[1], a[2]))
-   vs[2] = transform @ Vector((b[0], b[1], a[2]))
-   vs[3] = transform @ Vector((b[0], a[1], a[2]))
-   vs[4] = transform @ Vector((a[0], a[1], b[2]))
-   vs[5] = transform @ Vector((a[0], b[1], b[2]))
-   vs[6] = transform @ Vector((b[0], b[1], b[2]))
-   vs[7] = transform @ Vector((b[0], a[1], b[2]))
-   indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
-              (0,4),(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)]
-   for l in indices:#{
-      v0 = vs[l[0]]
-      v1 = vs[l[1]]
-      cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
-      cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
-      cv_view_colours += [colour, colour]
-   #}
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Draw line with colour
-def cv_draw_line( p0, p1, colour ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   cv_view_verts += [p0,p1]
-   cv_view_colours += [colour, colour]
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Draw line with colour(s)
-def cv_draw_line2( p0, p1, c0, c1 ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   cv_view_verts += [p0,p1]
-   cv_view_colours += [c0,c1]
-   cv_draw_lines()
-def cv_tangent_basis( n, tx, ty ):
-   if abs( n[0] ) >= 0.57735027:#{
-      tx[0] =  n[1]
-      tx[1] = -n[0]
-      tx[2] =  0.0
-   #}
-   else:#{
-      tx[0] =  0.0
-      tx[1] =  n[2]
-      tx[2] = -n[1]
-   #}
-   tx.normalize()
-   _ty = n.cross( tx )
-   ty[0] = _ty[0]
-   ty[1] = _ty[1]
-   ty[2] = _ty[2]
-# Draw coloured arrow
-def cv_draw_arrow( p0, p1, c0, size=0.25, outline=True ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   n = p1-p0
-   midpt = p0 + n*0.5
-   n.normalize()
-   tx = Vector((1,0,0))
-   ty = Vector((1,0,0))
-   cv_tangent_basis( n, tx, ty )
-   tx *= 0.5
-   ty *= 0.5
-   if outline:#{
-      cv_draw_lines()
-      gpu.state.line_width_set(1.0)
-   #}
-   cv_view_verts += [p0,p1, midpt+(tx-n)*size,midpt, midpt+(-tx-n)*size,midpt ]
-   cv_view_colours += [c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0]
-   cv_draw_lines()
-   if outline:#{
-      gpu.state.line_width_set(3.0)
-      cv_view_verts += [p0,p1,midpt+(tx-n)*size,midpt,midpt+(-tx-n)*size,midpt]
-      b0 = (0,0,0)
-      cv_view_colours += [b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0]
-      cv_draw_lines()
-      gpu.state.line_width_set(2.0)
-   #}
-def cv_draw_line_dotted( p0, p1, c0, dots=10 ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   for i in range(dots):#{
-      t0 = i/dots
-      t1 = (i+0.25)/dots
-      p2 = p0*(1.0-t0)+p1*t0
-      p3 = p0*(1.0-t1)+p1*t1
-      cv_view_verts += [p2,p3]
-      cv_view_colours += [c0,c0]
-   #}
-   #cv_draw_lines()
-# Drawhandles of a bezier control point
-def cv_draw_bhandle( obj, direction, colour ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   p0 = obj.location
-   h0 = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,direction,0))
-   cv_view_verts += [p0]
-   cv_view_verts += [h0]
-   cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Draw a bezier curve (at fixed resolution 10)
-def cv_draw_bezier( p0,h0,p1,h1,c0,c1 ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   last = p0
-   for i in range(10):#{
-      t = (i+1)/10
-      a0 = 1-t
-      tt = t*t
-      ttt = tt*t
-      p=ttt*p1+(3*tt-3*ttt)*h1+(3*ttt-6*tt+3*t)*h0+(3*tt-ttt-3*t+1)*p0
-      cv_view_verts += [(last[0],last[1],last[2])]
-      cv_view_verts += [(p[0],p[1],p[2])]
-      cv_view_colours += [c0*a0+c1*(1-a0),c0*a0+c1*(1-a0)]
-      last = p
-   #}
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# I think this one extends the handles of the bezier otwards......
-def cv_draw_sbpath( o0,o1,c0,c1,s0,s1 ):
-   global cv_view_course_i
-   offs = ((cv_view_course_i % 2)*2-1) * cv_view_course_i * 0.02
-   p0 = o0.matrix_world @ Vector((offs,  0,0))
-   h0 = o0.matrix_world @ Vector((offs, s0,0))
-   p1 = o1.matrix_world @ Vector((offs,  0,0))
-   h1 = o1.matrix_world @ Vector((offs,-s1,0))
-   cv_draw_bezier( p0,h0,p1,h1,c0,c1 )
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Flush the lines buffers. This is called often because god help you if you want
-# to do fixed, fast buffers in this catastrophic programming language.
-def cv_draw_lines():
-   global cv_view_shader, cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   if len(cv_view_verts) < 2:
-      return
-   lines = batch_for_shader(\
-         cv_view_shader, 'LINES', \
-         { "pos":cv_view_verts, "color":cv_view_colours })
-   if bpy.context.scene.SR_data.gizmos:
-      lines.draw( cv_view_shader )
-   cv_view_verts = []
-   cv_view_colours = []
-# I dont remember what this does exactly
-def cv_draw_bpath( o0,o1,c0,c1 ):
-   cv_draw_sbpath( o0,o1,c0,c1,1.0,1.0 )
-# Semi circle to show the limit. and some lines
-def draw_limit( obj, center, major, minor, amin, amax, colour ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   f = 0.05
-   ay = major*f
-   ax = minor*f
-   for x in range(16):#{
-      t0 = x/16
-      t1 = (x+1)/16
-      a0 = amin*(1.0-t0)+amax*t0
-      a1 = amin*(1.0-t1)+amax*t1
-      p0 = center + major*f*math.cos(a0) + minor*f*math.sin(a0)
-      p1 = center + major*f*math.cos(a1) + minor*f*math.sin(a1)
-      p0=obj.matrix_world @ p0
-      p1=obj.matrix_world @ p1
-      cv_view_verts += [p0,p1]
-      cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
-      if x == 0:#{
-         cv_view_verts += [p0,center]
-         cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
-      #}
-      if x == 15:#{
-         cv_view_verts += [p1,center]
-         cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
-      #}
-   #}
-   cv_view_verts += [center+major*1.2*f,center+major*f*0.8]
-   cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Cone and twist limit
-def draw_cone_twist( center, vx, vy, va ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   axis = vy.cross( vx )
-   axis.normalize()
-   size = 0.12
-   cv_view_verts += [center, center+va*size]
-   cv_view_colours += [ (1,1,1), (1,1,1) ]
-   for x in range(32):#{
-      t0 = (x/32) * math.tau
-      t1 = ((x+1)/32) * math.tau
-      c0 = math.cos(t0)
-      s0 = math.sin(t0)
-      c1 = math.cos(t1)
-      s1 = math.sin(t1)
-      p0 = center + (axis + vx*c0 + vy*s0).normalized() * size
-      p1 = center + (axis + vx*c1 + vy*s1).normalized() * size
-      col0 = ( abs(c0), abs(s0), 0.0 )
-      col1 = ( abs(c1), abs(s1), 0.0 )
-      cv_view_verts += [center, p0, p0, p1]
-      cv_view_colours += [ (0,0,0), col0, col0, col1 ]
-   #}
-   cv_draw_lines()
-# Draws constraints and stuff for the skeleton. This isnt documented and wont be
-def draw_skeleton_helpers( obj ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   if != 'REST':#{
-      return
-   #}
-   for bone in{
-      c = bone.head_local
-      a = Vector((bone.SR_data.collider_min[0], 
-                  bone.SR_data.collider_min[1], 
-                  bone.SR_data.collider_min[2]))
-      b = Vector((bone.SR_data.collider_max[0], 
-                  bone.SR_data.collider_max[1], 
-                  bone.SR_data.collider_max[2]))
-      if bone.SR_data.collider == '1':#{
-         vs = [None]*8
-         vs[0]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+a[2]))
-         vs[1]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+a[2]))
-         vs[2]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+a[2]))
-         vs[3]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+a[2]))
-         vs[4]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+b[2]))
-         vs[5]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+b[2]))
-         vs[6]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+b[2]))
-         vs[7]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+b[2]))
-         indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
-                    (0,4),(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)]
-         for l in indices:#{
-            v0 = vs[l[0]]
-            v1 = vs[l[1]]
-            cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
-            cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
-            cv_view_colours += [(0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.5,0.5,0.5)]
-         #}
-      #}
-      elif bone.SR_data.collider == '2':#{
-         v0 = b-a
-         major_axis = 0
-         largest = -1.0
-         for i in range(3):#{
-            if abs(v0[i]) > largest:#{
-               largest = abs(v0[i])
-               major_axis = i
-            #}
-         #}
-         v1 = Vector((0,0,0))
-         v1[major_axis] = 1.0
-         tx = Vector((0,0,0))
-         ty = Vector((0,0,0))
-         cv_tangent_basis( v1, tx, ty )
-         r = (abs( v0 )) + abs( v0 ))) * 0.25
-         l = v0[ major_axis ] - r*2
-         p0 = obj.matrix_world@Vector( c + (a+b)*0.5 + v1*l*-0.5 )
-         p1 = obj.matrix_world@Vector( c + (a+b)*0.5 + v1*l* 0.5 )
-         colour = [0.2,0.2,0.2]
-         colour[major_axis] = 0.5
-         cv_draw_halfsphere( p0, -v1, ty, tx, r, colour )
-         cv_draw_halfsphere( p1,  v1, ty, tx, r, colour )
-         cv_draw_line( p0+tx* r, p1+tx* r, colour )
-         cv_draw_line( p0+tx*-r, p1+tx*-r, colour )
-         cv_draw_line( p0+ty* r, p1+ty* r, colour )
-         cv_draw_line( p0+ty*-r, p1+ty*-r, colour )
-      #}
-      else:#{
-         continue
-      #}
-      center = obj.matrix_world @ c
-      if bone.SR_data.cone_constraint:#{
-         vx = Vector([bone.SR_data.conevx[_] for _ in range(3)])
-         vy = Vector([bone.SR_data.conevy[_] for _ in range(3)])
-         va = Vector([bone.SR_data.coneva[_] for _ in range(3)])
-         draw_cone_twist( center, vx, vy, va )
-      #}
-   #}
-def cv_draw_wireframe( mdl, points, colour ):#{
-   for i in range(len(points)//2):#{
-      p0 = mdl@points[i*2+0]
-      p1 = mdl@points[i*2+1]
-      cv_draw_line( p0, p1, colour )
-   #}
-def cv_ent_gate( obj ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   if obj.type != 'MESH': return
-   mesh_data =[0]
-   data = obj.SR_data.ent_gate[0]
-   dims = mesh_data.dimensions
-   vs = [None]*9
-   c = Vector((0,0,dims[2]))
-   vs[0] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((-dims[0],0.0,-dims[1]+dims[2]))
-   vs[1] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((-dims[0],0.0, dims[1]+dims[2]))
-   vs[2] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector(( dims[0],0.0, dims[1]+dims[2]))
-   vs[3] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector(( dims[0],0.0,-dims[1]+dims[2]))
-   vs[4] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector((-1,0,-2)))
-   vs[5] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector((-1,0, 2)))
-   vs[6] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector(( 1,0, 2)))
-   vs[7] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector((-1,0, 0)))
-   vs[8] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector(( 1,0, 0)))
-   indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(7,8)]
-   r3d =
-   p0 = r3d.view_matrix.inverted().translation
-   v0 = (obj.matrix_world@Vector((0,0,0))) - p0
-   v1 = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,1,0))
-   if > 0.0: cc = (0,1,0)
-   else: cc = (1,0,0)
-   for l in indices:#{
-      v0 = vs[l[0]]
-      v1 = vs[l[1]]
-      cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
-      cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
-      cv_view_colours += [cc,cc]
-   #}
-   sw = (0.4,0.4,0.4)
-   if != None:
-      cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, sw )
-def cv_ent_volume( obj ):
-   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
-   data = obj.SR_data.ent_volume[0]
-   if data.subtype == '0':#{
-      cv_draw_ucube( obj.matrix_world, (0,1,0), Vector((0.99,0.99,0.99)) )
-      if{
-         cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
-      #}
-   #}
-   elif data.subtype == '1':#{
-      cv_draw_ucube( obj.matrix_world, (1,1,0) )
-      if{
-         cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
-      #}
-   #}
-def dijkstra( graph, start_node, target_node ):
-   unvisited = [_ for _ in graph]
-   shortest_path = {}
-   previous_nodes = {}
-   for n in unvisited:
-      shortest_path[n] = 9999999.999999
-   shortest_path[start_node] = 0
-   while unvisited:#{
-      current_min_node = None
-      for n in unvisited:#{
-         if current_min_node == None:
-            current_min_node = n
-         elif shortest_path[n] < shortest_path[current_min_node]:
-            current_min_node = n
-      #}
-      for branch in graph[current_min_node]:#{
-         tentative_value = shortest_path[current_min_node]
-         tentative_value += graph[current_min_node][branch]
-         if tentative_value < shortest_path[branch]:#{
-            shortest_path[branch] = tentative_value
-            previous_nodes[branch] = current_min_node
-         #}
-      #}
-      unvisited.remove(current_min_node)
-   #}
-   path = []
-   node = target_node
-   while node != start_node:#{
-      path.append(node)
-      if node not in previous_nodes: return None
-      node = previous_nodes[node]
-   #}
-   # Add the start node manually
-   path.append(start_node)
-   return path
-class dij_graph():
-   def __init__(_,points,graph,subsections):#{
-      _.points = points
-      _.graph = graph
-      _.subsections = subsections
-   #}
-def create_node_graph( curves, gates ):
-   # add endpoints of curves
-   graph = {}
-   route_points = []
-   subsections = []
-   point_count = 0
-   spline_count = 0
-   for c in range(len(curves)):#{
-      for s in range(len(curves[c].data.splines)):#{
-         spline = curves[c].data.splines[s]
-         l = len(spline.points)
-         if l < 2: continue
-         dist = round(spline.calc_length(),2)
-         ia = point_count
-         ib = point_count+l-1
-         graph[ia] = { ib: dist }
-         graph[ib] = { ia: dist }
-         for i in range(len(spline.points)):#{
-            wco = curves[c].matrix_world @ spline.points[i].co
-            route_points.append(Vector((wco[0],wco[1],wco[2]+0.5)))
-            previous = ia+i-1
-            proxima = ia+i+1
-            if i == 0: previous = -1
-            if i == len(spline.points)-1: proxima = -1
-            subsections.append((spline_count,previous,proxima))
-            point_count += 1
-         #}
-         spline_count += 1
-      #}
-   #}
-   # link endpoints
-   graph_keys = list(graph)
-   for i in range(len(graph_keys)-1):#{
-      for j in range(i+1, len(graph_keys)):#{
-         if i%2==0 and i+1==j: continue
-         ni = graph_keys[i]
-         nj = graph_keys[j]
-         pi = route_points[ni]
-         pj = route_points[nj]
-         dist = round((pj-pi).magnitude,2)
-         if dist < 10.0:#{
-            graph[ni][nj] = dist
-            graph[nj][ni] = dist
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   # add and link gates( by name )
-   for gate in gates:#{
-      v1 = gate.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,1,0))
-      if gate.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target:
-         v1 = v1 * -1.0
-      graph[ ] = {}
-      for i in range(len(graph_keys)):#{
-         ni = graph_keys[i]
-         pi = route_points[ni]
-         v0 = pi-gate.location
-         if < 0.0: continue
-         dist = round(v0.magnitude,2)
-         if dist < 10.0:#{
-            graph[ ][ ni ] = dist
-            graph[ ni ][ ] = dist
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   return dij_graph(route_points,graph,subsections)
-def solve_graph( dij, start, end ):
-   path = dijkstra( dij.graph, end, start )
-   full = []
-   if path:#{
-      for sj in range(1,len(path)-2):#{
-         i0 = path[sj]
-         i1 = path[sj+1]
-         map0 = dij.subsections[i0]
-         map1 = dij.subsections[i1]
-         if map0[0] == map1[0]:#{
-            if map0[1] == -1: direction = 2
-            else: direction = 1
-            sent = 0
-            while True:#{
-               map0 = dij.subsections[i0]
-               i1 = map0[direction]
-               if i1 == -1: break
-               full.append( i0 )
-               sent += 1
-               i0 = i1
-               if sent > 50: break
-            #}
-         #}
-         else:#{
-            full.append( i0 )
-         #}
-      #}
-      full.append( path[-2] )
-   #}
-   return full
-def cv_draw_route( route, dij ):
-   pole = Vector((0.2,0.2,10))
-   hat = Vector((1,8,0.2))
-   cc = (route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[0],
-         route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[1],
-         route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[2])
-   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,Vector((0.5,-7.5,6)),\
-                                       Vector((0,-6.5,5.5)))
-   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,pole, Vector(( 0.5, 0.5,0)) )
-   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,pole, Vector(( 0.5,-13.5,0)) )
-   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,hat, Vector((-0.5,-6.5, 12)) )
-   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,hat, Vector((-0.5,-6.5,-1)) )
-   checkpoints = route.SR_data.ent_route[0].gates
-   for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
-      gi = checkpoints[i].target
-      gj = checkpoints[(i+1)%len(checkpoints)].target
-      if gi:#{
-         dest = gi.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target
-         if dest:
-            cv_draw_line_dotted( gi.location, dest.location, cc )
-         gi = dest
-      #}
-      if gi==gj: continue # error?
-      if not gi or not gj: continue
-      path = solve_graph( dij,, )
-      if path:#{
-         cv_draw_arrow(gi.location,dij.points[path[0]],cc,1.5,False)
-         cv_draw_arrow(dij.points[path[len(path)-1]],gj.location,cc,1.5,False)
-         for j in range(len(path)-1):#{
-            i0 = path[j]
-            i1 = path[j+1]
-            o0 = dij.points[ i0 ]
-            o1 = dij.points[ i1 ]
-            cv_draw_arrow(o0,o1,cc,1.5,False)
-         #}
-      #}
-      else:#{
-         cv_draw_line_dotted( gi.location, gj.location, cc )
-      #}
-   #}
-def cv_draw():#{
-   global cv_view_shader
-   global cv_view_verts
-   global cv_view_colours
-   global cv_view_course_i
-   cv_view_course_i = 0
-   cv_view_verts = []
-   cv_view_colours = []
-   cv_view_shader.bind()
-   gpu.state.depth_mask_set(True)
-   gpu.state.line_width_set(2.0)
-   gpu.state.face_culling_set('BACK')
-   gpu.state.depth_test_set('LESS')
-   gpu.state.blend_set('NONE')
-   route_gates = []
-   route_curves = []
-   routes = []
-   for obj in bpy.context.collection.objects:#{
-      if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':#{
-         if == 'REST':
-            draw_skeleton_helpers( obj )
-      #}
-      else:#{
-         ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
-         if ent_type == 'ent_gate':#{
-            cv_ent_gate( obj )
-            route_gates += [obj]
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
-            if obj.type == 'CURVE':#{
-               route_curves += [obj]
-            #}
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_route':
-            routes += [obj]
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_volume':#{
-            cv_ent_volume( obj )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_objective':#{
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_objective[0]
-            if data.proxima:#{
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.proxima.location, (1,0.6,0.2) )
-            #}
-            if
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_relay':#{
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_relay[0]
-            if data.target0:
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target0.location, (1,1,1) )
-            if data.target1:
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target1.location, (1,1,1) )
-            if data.target2:
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target2.location, (1,1,1) )
-            if data.target3:
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target3.location, (1,1,1) )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_challenge':#{
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_challenge[0]
-            if
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
-            if data.reset:
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.reset.location, (0.9,0,0) )
-            if data.first:
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.first.location, (1,0.6,0.2) )
-            cc1 = (0.4,0.3,0.2)
-            info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.72))*0.5
-            info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.72))*0.5
-            cv_draw_ucube( obj.matrix_world, cc1, info_cu, info_co)
-            if
-               cv_draw_line_dotted( obj.location,, (1,1,1))
-            vs = [Vector((-0.2,0.0,0.10)),Vector((-0.2,0.0,0.62)),\
-                  Vector(( 0.2,0.0,0.62)),Vector((-0.2,0.0,0.30)),\
-                  Vector(( 0.1,0.0,0.30))]
-            for v in range(len(vs)):#{
-               vs[v] = obj.matrix_world @ vs[v]
-            #}
-            cv_view_verts += [vs[0],vs[1],vs[1],vs[2],vs[3],vs[4]]
-            cv_view_colours += [cc1,cc1,cc1,cc1,cc1,cc1]
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_audio':#{
-            if obj.SR_data.ent_audio[0].flag_3d:
-               cv_draw_sphere( obj.location, obj.scale[0], (1,1,0) )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_font':#{
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_font[0]
-            for i in range(len(data.variants)):#{
-               sub = data.variants[i].mesh
-               if not sub: continue
-               for ch in data.glyphs:#{
-                  mini = (ch.bounds[0],ch.bounds[1])
-                  maxi = (ch.bounds[2]+mini[0],ch.bounds[3]+mini[1])
-                  p0 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((mini[0],0.0,mini[1]))
-                  p1 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((maxi[0],0.0,mini[1]))
-                  p2 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((maxi[0],0.0,maxi[1]))
-                  p3 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((mini[0],0.0,maxi[1]))
-                  if i == data.variants_index: cc = (0.5,0.5,0.5)
-                  else: cc = (0,0,0)
-                  cv_view_verts += [p0,p1,p1,p2,p2,p3,p3,p0]
-                  cv_view_colours += [cc,cc,cc,cc,cc,cc,cc,cc]
-               #}
-            #}
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_glider':#{
-            mesh = [Vector((-1.13982, 0.137084, -0.026358)), \
-                    Vector(( 1.13982, 0.137084, -0.026358)), \
-                    Vector(( 0.0, 1.6, 1.0)), \
-                    Vector(( 0.0, -3.0, 1.0)), \
-                    Vector(( -3.45, -1.78, 0.9)), \
-                    Vector(( 0.0, 1.6, 1.0)), \
-                    Vector((  3.45, -1.78, 0.9)), \
-                    Vector(( 0.0, 1.6, 1.0)), \
-                    Vector((  3.45, -1.78, 0.9)), \
-                    Vector(( -3.45, -1.78, 0.9))]
-            cv_draw_wireframe( obj.matrix_world, mesh, (1,1,1) )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_skateshop':#{
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_skateshop[0]
-            display = data.mark_display
-            info = data.mark_info
-            if data.tipo == '0':#{
-               cc = (0.0,0.9,0.6)
-               cc1 = (0.4,0.9,0.2)
-               cc2 = (0.9,0.6,0.1)
-               rack = data.mark_rack
-               rack_cu = Vector((3.15,2.0,0.1))*0.5
-               rack_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))
-               display_cu = Vector((0.3,1.2,0.1))*0.5
-               display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.1))*0.5
-               info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.3))*0.5
-               info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))*0.5
-            #}
-            elif data.tipo == '1':#{
-               rack = None
-               cc1 = (1.0,0.0,0.0)
-               cc2 = (1.0,0.5,0.0)
-               display_cu = Vector((0.4,0.4,2.0))*0.5
-               display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,1.0))*0.5
-               info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.3))*0.5
-               info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))*0.5
-            #}
-            elif data.tipo == '2':#{
-               rack = None
-               cc1 = (1.0,0.0,0.0)
-               cc2 = (1.0,0.5,0.0)
-               display_cu = Vector((1.0,1.0,0.5))*0.5
-               display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.5))*0.5
-               info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.3))*0.5
-               info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))*0.5
-            #}
-            elif data.tipo == '3':#{
-               rack = None
-               display = None
-               info = None
-            #}
-            elif data.tipo == '4':#{
-               rack = None
-               display = None
-               info = None
-            #}
-            if rack:
-               cv_draw_ucube( rack.matrix_world, cc, rack_cu, rack_co )
-            if display:
-               cv_draw_ucube( display.matrix_world, cc1, display_cu, display_co)
-            if info:
-               cv_draw_ucube( info.matrix_world, cc2, info_cu, info_co )
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_swspreview':#{
-            cc1 = (0.4,0.9,0.2)
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_swspreview[0]
-            display = data.mark_display
-            display1 = data.mark_display1
-            display_cu = Vector((0.3,1.2,0.1))*0.5
-            display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.1))*0.5
-            if display:
-               cv_draw_ucube( display.matrix_world, cc1, display_cu, display_co)
-            if display1:
-               cv_draw_ucube(display1.matrix_world, cc1, display_cu, display_co)
-         #}
-         # elif ent_type == 'ent_list':#{
-         #    data = obj.SR_data.ent_list[0]
-         #    for child in data.entities:#{
-         #       if{
-         #          cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, \
-         #                         (.5,.5,.5), 0.1 )
-         #       #}
-         #    #}
-         # #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_region':#{
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_region[0]
-            if data.target0:#{
-               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target0.location, \
-                              (.5,.5,.5), 0.1 )
-            #}
-         #}
-         elif ent_type == 'ent_menuitem':#{
-            for i,col in enumerate(obj.users_collection):#{
-               colour32 = hash_djb2( )
-               r = pow(((colour32    ) & 0xff) / 255.0, 2.2 )
-               g = pow(((colour32>>8 ) & 0xff) / 255.0, 2.2 )
-               b = pow(((colour32>>16) & 0xff) / 255.0, 2.2 )
-               cc = (r,g,b)
-               vs = [None for _ in range(8)]
-               scale = i*0.02
-               for j in range(8):#{
-                  v0 = Vector([(obj.bound_box[j][z]+\
-                        ((-1.0 if obj.bound_box[j][z]<0.0 else 1.0)*scale)) \
-                           for z in range(3)])
-                  vs[j] = obj.matrix_world @ v0
-               #}
-               indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
-                          (0,4),(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)]
-               for l in indices:#{
-                  v0 = vs[l[0]]
-                  v1 = vs[l[1]]
-                  cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
-                  cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
-                  cv_view_colours += [cc,cc]
-               #}
-            #}
-            cv_draw_lines()
-            cc = (1.0,1.0,1.0)
-            data = obj.SR_data.ent_menuitem[0]
-            if data.tipo == '4':#{
-               if data.slider_minloc and data.slider_maxloc:#{
-                  v0 = data.slider_minloc.location
-                  v1 = data.slider_maxloc.location
-                  cv_draw_line( v0, v1, cc )
-               #}
-            #}
-            colour32 = hash_djb2(
-            r = ((colour32    ) & 0xff) / 255.0
-            g = ((colour32>>8 ) & 0xff) / 255.0
-            b = ((colour32>>16) & 0xff) / 255.0
-            cc = (r,g,b)
-            origin = obj.location + (Vector((r,g,b))*2.0-Vector((1.0,1.0,1.0)))\
-                        * 0.04
-            size = 0.01
-            if data.tipo != '0':#{
-               if data.tipo == '4':#{
-                  if data.link0:#{
-                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link0.location, cc, size )
-                  #}
-                  if data.link1:#{
-                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link1.location, cc, size )
-                  #}
-               #}
-               else:#{
-                  if data.link0:#{
-                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link0.location, cc, size )
-                  #}
-                  if data.link1:#{
-                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link1.location, cc, size )
-                  #}
-                  if data.link2:#{
-                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link2.location, cc, size )
-                  #}
-                  if data.link3:#{
-                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link3.location, cc, size )
-                  #}
-               #}
-            #}
-         #}
-      #}
-   #}
-   dij = create_node_graph( route_curves, route_gates )
-   #cv_draw_route_map( route_nodes )
-   for route in routes:#{
-      cv_draw_route( route, dij )
-   #}
-   cv_draw_lines()
-def pos3d_to_2d( pos ):#{
-   return view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d( \
-            bpy.context.region, \
-            bpy.context.space_data.region_3d, pos )
-def cv_draw_pixel():#{
-   if not bpy.context.scene.SR_data.gizmos: return
-   blf.size(0,10)
-   blf.color(0, 1.0,1.0,1.0,0.9)
-   blf.enable(0,blf.SHADOW)
-   blf.shadow(0,3,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
-   for obj in bpy.context.collection.objects:#{
-      ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
-      if ent_type != 'none':#{
-         co = pos3d_to_2d( obj.location )
-         if not co: continue
-         blf.position(0,co[0],co[1],0)
-         blf.draw(0,ent_type)
-      #}
-   #}
-            \
-            SR_OT_COPY_ENTITY_DATA, \
-            SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME, \
-            SR_OT_ROUTE_LIST_DEL_ITEM,\
-            SR_OBJECT_ENT_REGION,\
-            \
-           ]
-def register():
-   for c in classes:
-      bpy.utils.register_class(c)
-   bpy.types.Scene.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_SCENE_SETTINGS)
-   bpy.types.Collection.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_COLLECTION_SETTINGS)
-   bpy.types.Object.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_PROPERTIES)
-   bpy.types.Light.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_LIGHT_PROPERTIES)
-   bpy.types.Bone.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_BONE_PROPERTIES)
-   bpy.types.Mesh.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_MESH_PROPERTIES)
-   bpy.types.Material.SR_data = \
-         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES)
-   global cv_view_draw_handler, cv_view_pixel_handler
-   cv_view_draw_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
-      cv_draw,(),'WINDOW','POST_VIEW')
-   cv_view_pixel_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
-      cv_draw_pixel,(),'WINDOW','POST_PIXEL')
-def unregister():
-   for c in classes:
-      bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
-   global cv_view_draw_handler, cv_view_pixel_handler
-   bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cv_view_draw_handler,'WINDOW')
-   bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cv_view_pixel_handler,'WINDOW')
-qoi_lib = None
-qoi_encode_rgbaf32 = None
-qoi_free = None
-def qoi_encode( img ):
-   global qoi_lib
-   global qoi_encode_rgbaf32
-   global qoi_free
-   if not qoi_lib:
-   #{
-      ext = '.dll' if'nt' else '.so'
-      path = F'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/qoi{ext}'
-      qoi_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary( path )
-      qoi_encode_rgbaf32 = qoi_lib.qoi_encode_rgbaf32
-      qoi_encode_rgbaf32.argtypes = \
-         [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32,\
-                                  ndim=1,\
-                                  flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), \
-          c_uint32, c_uint32, POINTER(c_int32) ]
-      qoi_encode_rgbaf32.restype = POINTER(c_uint8)
-      qoi_free = qoi_lib.qoi_free
-      qoi_free.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_uint8) ]
-   #}
-   print(F"{' ':<30}",end='\r')
-   print(F"[QOI] Encoding {}.qoi[{img.size[0]},{img.size[1]}]",end='\r')
-   crab = np.asarray(img.pixels, dtype=np.float32)
-   cock = c_int()
-   comped = qoi_encode_rgbaf32( crab, img.size[0], img.size[1], byref(cock) )
-   end = time.time()
-   bingo = bytearray(comped[:cock.value])
-   bytearray_align_to( bingo, 16, b'\x00' )
-   qoi_free( comped )
-   return bingo
diff --git a/build.c b/build.c
index 94869b4874606405bdc715fbb3078875c2baedd5..eb3de6285879b9f7f6c3196dd3b32349447da76f 100644 (file)
--- a/build.c
+++ b/build.c
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void build_game_content( struct vg_project *proj )
    vg_syscall( "mkdir -p bin/%s/cfg", proj->uid.buffer );
    vg_syscall( "mkdir -p bin/%s/savedata", proj->uid.buffer );
    vg_syscall( "mkdir -p bin/%s/tools", proj->uid.buffer );
-   vg_syscall( "cp bin/%s/tools/", proj->uid.buffer );
+   vg_syscall( "cp bin/ bin/%s/tools/", proj->uid.buffer );
 void build_game_bin( struct vg_project *proj )
@@ -205,23 +205,37 @@ void compile_server( struct vg_project *proj )
    vg_compile_project( proj );
-void compile_tools( struct vg_env *env, struct vg_project *proj )
+void compile_tools( struct vg_project *proj )
-   struct vg_env backup = *env;
-   env->optimization = 3; /* force optimization always */
-   env->debug_asan = 0;
-   vg_project_new_target( proj, "tools/qoi", k_obj_type_shared );
-   vg_add_source( proj, "qoi_lib.c " );
+   vg_project_new_target( proj, "skaterift", k_obj_type_shared );
+   vg_add_source( proj, "skaterift_lib.c " );
    vg_compile_project( proj );
-   *env = backup;
  * Scripts
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void s_compile_tools(void)
+   vg_info( "running script: s_compile_tools(void)\n" );
+   struct vg_env env = vg_release_env;
+   env.platform = k_platform_linux;
+   struct vg_project windows_proj, linux_proj;
+   vg_project_init( &linux_proj, &env, "skaterift-tools" );
+   compile_tools( &linux_proj );
+   env.platform = k_platform_windows;
+   vg_project_init( &windows_proj, &env, "skaterift-tools" );
+   compile_tools( &windows_proj );
+   vg_syscall("cp %s skaterift_blender/", linux_proj.compiled_objects.buffer );
+   vg_syscall("cp %s skaterift_blender/", windows_proj.compiled_objects.buffer);
+   vg_syscall( "zip -r bin/ skaterift_blender/ "
+               "-x skaterift_blender/__pycache__/\\*");
 void s_release_all(void)
    vg_info( "running script: s_release_all(void)\n" );
@@ -238,14 +252,12 @@ void s_release_all(void)
    env.platform = k_platform_windows;
    vg_project_init( &windows_proj, &env, "skaterift" );
    build_game_bin( &windows_proj );
-   compile_tools( &env, &windows_proj );
    /* binaries for linux */
    env = vg_release_env;
    env.platform = k_platform_linux;
    vg_project_init( &linux_proj, &env, "skaterift" );
    build_game_bin( &linux_proj );
-   compile_tools( &env, &linux_proj );
    /* package them up for storage */
    vg_tarball_project( &content_proj );
@@ -266,7 +278,6 @@ void s_testing_build(void)
    vg_project_init( &test_proj, &vg_test_env, "skaterift-test" );
    build_game_bin( &test_proj );
-   compile_tools( &vg_test_env, &test_proj );
    build_game_content( &test_proj );
    vg_add_blob( &test_proj, "steam_appid.txt", "" );
@@ -293,6 +304,9 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
       if( vg_long_opt( "testing-server" ) )
+      if( vg_long_opt( "tools" ) )
+         s_compile_tools();
       if( vg_opt('r') )
          vg_test_env.optimization = 3;
index d53cfe6f138272e7a272fb60bf80098cb5a5b1b1..5532be5efffe79576bcfae354322776ad2f15dd2 100644 (file)
Binary files a/maps_src/dev_hub/main.mdl and b/maps_src/dev_hub/main.mdl differ
diff --git a/maps_src/mp_line1/main.mdl b/maps_src/mp_line1/main.mdl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4ac928c
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps_src/mp_line1/main.mdl differ
diff --git a/maps_src/mp_line2/main.mdl b/maps_src/mp_line2/main.mdl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7fccd64
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps_src/mp_line2/main.mdl differ
index b743ebe1d3ad25a49fceff01160248b8f02c06da..87d11a439a4fa6ce5d1044d3c4cf72665dbae36c 100644 (file)
Binary files a/maps_src/mp_mtzero/main.mdl and b/maps_src/mp_mtzero/main.mdl differ
index 3e799d410a80af47953f877fb417b2ff92c4f254..15bbd477ca2597c95dd6542b25435fe5dc43395a 100644 (file)
@@ -1194,4 +1194,8 @@ void skaterift_replay_imgui(void)
       player_replay.editor_mode = 0;
+   /* TODO: Add Q/E scrub here too.
+    *       Add replay trimming 
+    */
diff --git a/qoi_lib.c b/qoi_lib.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 238e50a..0000000
--- a/qoi_lib.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include "vg/submodules/qoi/qoi.h"
-#include "vg/vg_platform.h"
-#include "vg/vg_m.h"
-u8 *qoi_encode_rgbaf32( f32 *data, u32 width, u32 height, int *length )
-   u8 *buf = (u8 *)data;
-   for( u32 i=0; i<width*height*4; i ++ )
-   {
-      buf[i] = vg_clampf( data[i] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f );
-   }
-   qoi_desc desc = 
-   {
-      .channels=4,  
-      .colorspace=0, 
-      .width=width, 
-      .height=height
-   };
-   return qoi_encode( buf, &desc, length );
-void qoi_free( u8 *ptr )
-   free( ptr );
index 1f6f93d18b1ee894340c129daec7bcc0067de962..8850503f78a5d6a8c4523bfe4ec633c38d6581ff 100644 (file)
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ float water_depth( vec3 pos, vec3 halfview )
    float d = dot( pnorm, halfview );
    float t = dot((pnorm*pdist - pos), pnorm) / d;
-   return t * g_water_fog;
+   // TODO: Make g_water_fog a material param
+   return t * 0.3;//g_water_fog;
 void main()
index dab1692f465fa3612213d9263c6d02e54fe891a7..17873083c340c64151ab07200f8a0c6fe45213d0 100644 (file)
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ vec4 water_surf( vec3 halfview, vec3 vnorm, float depthvalue,
    vec3 surface_tint = mix(uShoreColour, uOceanColour, depthvalue);
-   float ffresnel = pow(1.0-dot( vnorm, halfview ),5.0);
+   //TODO: Make exponent a material param (default: 5.0)
+   float ffresnel = pow(1.0-dot( vnorm, halfview ),0.8);
    vec3 lightdir = vec3(0.95,0.0,-0.3);
    vec3 specdir = reflect( -lightdir, vnorm );
@@ -118,8 +119,10 @@ void main()
    // Surface colour composite
    float depthvalue = clamp( -world_water_depth(aCo)*(1.0/25.0), 0.0,1.0 );
-   vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * 0.008;
-   vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * vec4( 0.008, 0.006, 0.003, 0.03 );
+   //TODO: Material param (default: 0.008)
+   vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * 0.12;
+   //TODO: Material param ( 0.008, 0.006, 0.003, 0.03 );
+   vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * vec4( 0.08, -0.08, -0.03, -0.01 );
    vec4 dudva = texture( uTexDudv, world_coord + time_offsets.xy )-0.5;
    vec4 dudvb = texture( uTexDudv, world_coord *7.0 - )-0.5;
diff --git a/skaterift_blender/ b/skaterift_blender/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..08e67bd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5170 @@
+import bpy, blf, math, gpu, os, time
+import cProfile
+import numpy as np
+from ctypes import *
+from mathutils import *
+from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
+from bpy_extras import mesh_utils
+from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
+bl_info = {
+   "name":"Skaterift .mdl exporter",
+   "author": "Harry Godden (hgn)",
+   "version": (0,2),
+   "blender":(3,1,0),
+   "location":"Export",
+   "description":"",
+   "warning":"",
+   "wiki_url":"",
+   "category":"Import/Export",
+sr_entity_list = [
+   ('none',             'None',           '', 0  ),
+   ('ent_gate',         'Gate',           '', 1  ),
+   ('ent_spawn',        'Spawn Point',    '', 2  ),
+   ('ent_route_node',   'Routing Path',   '', 3  ),
+   ('ent_route',        'Skate Course',   '', 4  ),
+   ('ent_water',        'Water Surface',  '', 5  ),
+   ('ent_volume',       'Volume/Trigger', '', 6  ),
+   ('ent_audio',        'Audio',          '', 7  ),
+   ('ent_marker',       'Marker',         '', 8  ),
+   ('ent_font',         'Font',           '', 9  ),
+   ('ent_font_variant', 'Font:Variant',   '', 10 ),
+   ('ent_traffic',      'Traffic Model',  '', 11 ),
+   ('ent_skateshop',    'Skate Shop',     '', 12 ),
+   ('ent_camera',       'Camera',         '', 13 ),
+   ('ent_swspreview', 'Workshop Preview', '', 14 ),
+   ('ent_menuitem',     'Menu Item',      '', 15 ),
+   ('ent_worldinfo',    'World Info',     '', 16 ),
+   ('ent_ccmd',         'CCmd',           '', 17 ),
+   ('ent_objective',    'Objective',      '', 18 ),
+   ('ent_challenge',    'Challenge',      '', 19 ),
+   ('ent_relay',        'Relay',          '', 20 ),
+   ('ent_miniworld',    'Mini World',     '', 22 ),
+   ('ent_prop',         'Prop',           '', 23 ),
+   ('ent_list',         'Entity List',    '', 24 ),
+   ('ent_region',       'Region',         '', 25 ),
+   ('ent_glider',       'Glider',         '', 26 ),
+   ('ent_npc',          'npc',            '', 27 )
+SR_TRIGGERABLE = [ 'ent_audio', 'ent_ccmd', 'ent_gate', 'ent_challenge', \
+                   'ent_relay', 'ent_skateshop', 'ent_objective', 'ent_route',\
+                   'ent_miniworld', 'ent_region', 'ent_glider', 'ent_list',\
+                   'ent_npc' ]
+def get_entity_enum_id( alias ):
+   for et in sr_entity_list:#{
+      if et[0] == alias:#{
+         return et[3]
+      #}
+   #}
+   if alias == 'ent_cubemap': return 21
+   return 0
+class mdl_vert(Structure):              # 48 bytes. Quite large. Could compress
+#{                                      # the normals and uvs to i16s. Not an
+   _pack_ = 1                           # real issue, yet.
+   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
+               ("norm",c_float*3),
+               ("uv",c_float*2),
+               ("colour",c_uint8*4),
+               ("weights",c_uint16*4),
+               ("groups",c_uint8*4)]
+class mdl_transform(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
+               ( "s",c_float*3),
+               ( "q",c_float*4)]
+class mdl_submesh(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("indice_start",c_uint32),
+               ("indice_count",c_uint32),
+               ("vertex_start",c_uint32),
+               ("vertex_count",c_uint32),
+               ("bbx",(c_float*3)*2),
+               ("material_id",c_uint16), # index into the material array
+               ("flags",c_uint16)]
+# shader data 
+# =================================================
+class mdl_material(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("shader",c_uint32),
+               ("shader_data",c_uint32),
+               ("shader_data_len",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("surface_prop",c_uint32)]
+               # ("colour",c_float*4),        (old) v105
+               # ("colour1",c_float*4),
+               # ("tex_diffuse",c_uint32),
+               # ("tex_none0",c_uint32),
+               # ("tex_none1",c_uint32)]
+class mdl_bone(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),("end",c_float*3),
+               ("parent",c_uint32),
+               ("collider",c_uint32),
+               ("ik_target",c_uint32),
+               ("ik_pole",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("hitbox",(c_float*3)*2),
+               ("conevx",c_float*3),("conevy",c_float*3),("coneva",c_float*3),
+               ("conet",c_float)]
+class mdl_armature(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("bone_start",c_uint32),
+               ("bone_count",c_uint32),
+               ("anim_start",c_uint32),
+               ("anim_count",c_uint32)]
+class mdl_animation(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("length",c_uint32),
+               ("rate",c_float),
+               ("keyframe_start",c_uint32)]
+class mdl_mesh(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),
+               ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("entity_id",c_uint32),
+               ("armature_id",c_uint32)]
+class mdl_file(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("path",c_uint32),
+               ("pack_offset",c_uint32),
+               ("pack_size",c_uint32)]
+class mdl_texture(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("file",mdl_file),
+               ("glname",c_uint32)]
+class mdl_array(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("file_offset",c_uint32),
+               ("item_count",c_uint32),
+               ("item_size",c_uint32),
+               ("name",c_byte*16)]
+class mdl_header(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("version",c_uint32),
+               ("arrays",mdl_array)]
+class ent_spawn(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("pstr_name",c_uint32)]
+class ent_light(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("daytime",c_uint32),
+               ("type",c_uint32),
+               ("colour",c_float*4),
+               ("angle",c_float),
+               ("range",c_float),
+               ("inverse_world",(c_float*3)*4),  # Runtime
+               ("angle_sin_cos",(c_float*2))]    # Runtime
+class version_refcount_union(Union):
+   _fields_ = [("timing_version",c_uint32),
+               ("ref_count",c_uint8)]
+class ent_gate(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("target", c_uint32),
+               ("key",c_uint32),
+               ("dimensions", c_float*3),
+               ("co", (c_float*3)*2),
+               ("q", (c_float*4)*2),
+               ("to_world",(c_float*3)*4),
+               ("transport",(c_float*3)*4),
+               ("_anonymous_union",version_refcount_union),
+               ("timing_time",c_double),
+               ("routes",c_uint16*4),
+               ("route_count",c_uint8),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32), # v102+ 
+               ("submesh_count",c_uint32), # v102+ (can be 0)
+               ]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'unlock' }
+class ent_route_node(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
+               ("ref_count",c_uint8),
+               ("ref_total",c_uint8)]
+class ent_path_index(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("index",c_uint16)]
+class vg_audio_clip(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("path",c_uint64),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("size",c_uint32),
+               ("data",c_uint64)]
+class union_file_audio_clip(Union):
+   _fields_ = [("file",mdl_file),
+               ("reserved",vg_audio_clip)]
+# NOTE: not really an entity. no reason for ent_ -- makes more sense as file_,
+#       but then again, too late to change because compat.
+class ent_audio_clip(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("_anon",union_file_audio_clip),
+               ("probability",c_float)]
+class ent_list(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("entity_ref_start",c_uint32),
+               ("entity_ref_count",c_uint32)]
+# used in ent_list
+class file_entity_ref(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("index",c_uint32)]
+class ent_checkpoint(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("gate_index",c_uint16),
+               ("path_start",c_uint16),
+               ("path_count",c_uint16)]
+class ent_route(Structure): 
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("checkpoints_start",c_uint16),
+               ("checkpoints_count",c_uint16),
+               ("colour",c_float*4),
+               ("active",c_uint32), #runtime
+               ("factive",c_float),
+               ("board_transform",(c_float*3)*4),
+               ("sm",mdl_submesh),
+               ("latest_pass",c_double),
+               ("id_camera",c_uint32), # v103+ 
+               ]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'view' }
+class ent_list(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("start",c_uint16),("count",c_uint16)]
+class ent_glider(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("cooldown",c_float)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'unlock',
+                    1: 'equip' }
+class ent_npc(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("id",c_uint32),
+               ("context",c_uint32),
+               ("camera",c_uint32)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'proximity', -1: 'leave' }
+class ent_water(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("max_dist",c_float),
+               ("reserved0",c_uint32),
+               ("reserved1",c_uint32)]
+class volume_trigger(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("event",c_uint32),
+               ("event_leave",c_int32)]
+class volume_particles(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("blank",c_uint32),
+               ("blank2",c_uint32)]
+class volume_union(Union):
+   _fields_ = [("trigger",volume_trigger),
+               ("particles",volume_particles)]
+class ent_volume(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("to_world",(c_float*3)*4),
+               ("to_local",(c_float*3)*4),
+               ("type",c_uint32),
+               ("target",c_uint32),
+               ("_anon",volume_union)]
+class ent_audio(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("clip_start",c_uint32),
+               ("clip_count",c_uint32),
+               ("volume",c_float),
+               ("crossfade",c_float),
+               ("channel_behaviour",c_uint32),
+               ("group",c_uint32),
+               ("probability_curve",c_uint32),
+               ("max_channels",c_uint32)]
+class ent_marker(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("name",c_uint32)]
+class ent_glyph(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("size",c_float*2),
+               ("indice_start",c_uint32),
+               ("indice_count",c_uint32)]
+class ent_font_variant(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("name",c_uint32),
+               ("material_id",c_uint32)]
+class ent_font(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("alias",c_uint32),
+               ("variant_start",c_uint32),
+               ("variant_count",c_uint32),
+               ("glyph_start",c_uint32),
+               ("glyph_count",c_uint32),
+               ("glyph_utf32_base",c_uint32)]
+class ent_traffic(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),
+               ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
+               ("start_node",c_uint32),
+               ("node_count",c_uint32),
+               ("speed",c_float),
+               ("t",c_float),
+               ("index",c_uint32)]
+# Skateshop
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+class ent_skateshop_characters(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_display",c_uint32),
+               ("id_info",c_uint32)]
+class ent_skateshop_boards(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_display",c_uint32),
+               ("id_info",c_uint32),
+               ("id_rack",c_uint32)]
+class ent_skateshop_worlds(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_display",c_uint32),
+               ("id_info",c_uint32)]
+class ent_skateshop_server(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_lever",c_uint32)]
+class ent_skateshop_anon_union(Union):
+   _fields_ = [("boards",ent_skateshop_boards),
+               ("character",ent_skateshop_characters),
+               ("worlds",ent_skateshop_worlds),
+               ("server",ent_skateshop_server)]
+class ent_skateshop(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform), ("type",c_uint32),
+               ("id_camera",c_uint32), 
+               ("_anonymous_union",ent_skateshop_anon_union)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger' }
+class ent_swspreview(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_camera",c_uint32),
+               ("id_display",c_uint32),
+               ("id_display1",c_uint32)]
+# Menu
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+class ent_menuitem_visual(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32)]
+class ent_menuitem_slider(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_min",c_uint32),
+               ("id_max",c_uint32),
+               ("id_handle",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_data",c_uint32)]
+class ent_menuitem_button(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr",c_uint32),
+               ("stack_behaviour",c_uint32)]
+class ent_menuitem_checkmark(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("id_check",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_data",c_uint32),
+               ("offset",c_float*3)]
+class ent_menuitem_page(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("id_entrypoint",c_uint32),
+               ("id_viewpoint",c_uint32)]
+class ent_menuitem_binding(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_bind",c_uint32),
+               ("font_variant",c_uint32)]
+class ent_menuitem_anon_union(Union):
+   _fields_ = [("slider",ent_menuitem_slider),
+               ("button",ent_menuitem_button),
+               ("checkmark",ent_menuitem_checkmark),
+               ("page",ent_menuitem_page),
+               ("visual",ent_menuitem_visual),
+               ("binding",ent_menuitem_binding)]
+class ent_menuitem(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("type",c_uint32), ("groups",c_uint32),
+               ("id_links",c_uint32*4), 
+               ("factive",c_float), ("fvisible",c_float),
+               #-- TODO: Refactor this into a simple mesh structure
+               ("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),("submesh_count",c_uint32),
+               ("_u64",c_uint64),
+               #-- end
+               ("_anonymous_union", ent_menuitem_anon_union)]
+class ent_camera(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("fov",c_float)]
+class ent_worldinfo(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_name",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_author",c_uint32),    # unused
+               ("pstr_desc",c_uint32),      # unused
+               ("timezone",c_float),
+               ("pstr_skybox",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32)]
+class ent_ccmd(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("pstr_command",c_uint32)]
+class ent_objective(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32), ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("id_next",c_uint32),
+               ("filter",c_uint32),("filter2",c_uint32),
+               ("id_win",c_uint32),
+               ("win_event",c_int32),
+               ("time_limit",c_float)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger',
+                    2: 'show',
+                    3: 'hide' }
+class ent_challenge(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("pstr_alias",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("target",c_uint32),
+               ("target_event",c_int32),
+               ("reset",c_uint32),
+               ("reset_event",c_int32),
+               ("first",c_uint32),
+               ("camera",c_uint32),
+               ("status",c_uint32)] #runtime
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'unlock',
+                    1: 'view/reset' }
+class ent_region(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32), ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_title",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("zone_volume",c_uint32),
+               #105+
+               ("target0",c_uint32*2)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'enter', 1: 'leave' }
+class ent_relay(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("targets",(c_uint32*2)*4),
+               ("targets_events",c_int32*4)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'trigger' }
+class ent_cubemap(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
+               ("resolution",c_uint32), #placeholder
+               ("live",c_uint32),       #placeholder
+               ("texture_id",c_uint32), #engine
+               ("framebuffer_id",c_uint32),#engine
+               ("renderbuffer_id",c_uint32),#engine
+               ("placeholder",c_uint32*2)]
+print( sizeof(ent_cubemap) )
+class ent_miniworld(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("pstr_world",c_uint32),
+               ("camera",c_uint32),
+               ("proxy",c_uint32)]
+   sr_functions = { 0: 'zone', 1: 'leave' }
+class ent_prop(Structure):#{
+   _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+               ("submesh_start",c_uint32),
+               ("submesh_count",c_uint32),
+               ("flags",c_uint32),
+               ("pstr_alias",c_uint32)]
+def obj_ent_type( obj ):
+   if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': return 'mdl_armature'
+   elif obj.type == 'LIGHT': return 'ent_light'
+   elif obj.type == 'CAMERA': return 'ent_camera'
+   elif obj.type == 'LIGHT_PROBE' and == 'CUBEMAP':
+      return 'ent_cubemap'
+   else: return obj.SR_data.ent_type
+def sr_filter_ent_type( obj, ent_types ):
+   if obj == bpy.context.active_object: return False
+   for c0 in obj.users_collection:#{
+      for c1 in bpy.context.active_object.users_collection:#{
+         if c0 == c1:#{
+            return  obj_ent_type( obj ) in ent_types
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   return False
+def v4_dot( a, b ):#{
+   return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] + a[3]*b[3]
+def q_identity( q ):#{
+   q[0] = 0.0
+   q[1] = 0.0
+   q[2] = 0.0
+   q[3] = 1.0
+def q_normalize( q ):#{
+   l2 = v4_dot(q,q)
+   if( l2 < 0.00001 ):#{
+      q_identity( q )
+   #}
+   else:#{
+      s = 1.0/math.sqrt(l2)
+      q[0] *= s
+      q[1] *= s
+      q[2] *= s
+      q[3] *= s
+   #}
+def compile_obj_transform( obj, transform ):
+   co = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,0,0))
+   # This was changed from matrix_local on 09.05.23
+   q = obj.matrix_world.to_quaternion() 
+   s = obj.scale
+   q_normalize( q )
+   # Setup transform
+   #
+[0] =  co[0]
+[1] =  co[2]
+[2] = -co[1]
+   transform.q[0] =  q[1]
+   transform.q[1] =  q[3]
+   transform.q[2] = -q[2]
+   transform.q[3] =  q[0]
+   transform.s[0] = s[0]
+   transform.s[1] = s[2]
+   transform.s[2] = s[1]
+def int_align_to( v, align ):
+   while(v%align)!=0: v += 1
+   return v
+def bytearray_align_to( buffer, align, w=b'\xaa' ):
+   while (len(buffer) % align) != 0: buffer.extend(w)
+   return buffer
+def bytearray_print_hex( s, w=16 ):
+   for r in range((len(s)+(w-1))//w):#{
+      i0=(r+0)*w
+      i1=min((r+1)*w,len(s))
+      print( F'{r*w:06x}| \x1B[31m', end='')
+      print( F"{' '.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in s[i0:i1]):<48}",end='' )
+      print( "\x1B[0m", end='')
+      print( ''.join(chr(x) if (x>=33 and x<=126) else '.' for x in s[i0:i1] ) )
+   #}
+def sr_compile_string( s ):
+   if s in sr_compile.string_cache: return sr_compile.string_cache[s]
+   index = len( sr_compile.string_data )
+   sr_compile.string_cache[s] = index
+   sr_compile.string_data.extend( c_uint32(hash_djb2(s)) )
+   sr_compile.string_data.extend( s.encode('utf-8') )
+   sr_compile.string_data.extend( b'\0' )
+   bytearray_align_to( sr_compile.string_data, 4 )
+   return index
+def material_tex_image(v):
+    return {
+       "Image Texture":
+       {
+          "image": F"{v}"
+       }
+    }
+cxr_graph_mapping = \
+   # Default shader setup 
+   "Principled BSDF":
+   {
+      "Base Color":
+      {
+         "Image Texture":
+         {
+            "image": "tex_diffuse"
+         },
+         "Mix":
+         {
+            "A": material_tex_image("tex_diffuse"),
+            "B": material_tex_image("tex_decal")
+         },
+      },
+      "Normal":
+      {
+         "Normal Map":
+         {
+            "Color": material_tex_image("tex_normal")
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "Emission":
+   {
+      "Color": material_tex_image("tex_diffuse")
+   }
+def material_info(mat):
+   info = {}
+   # Using the cxr_graph_mapping as a reference, go through the shader
+   # graph and gather all $props from it.
+   #
+   def _graph_read( node_def, node=None, depth=0 ):#{
+      nonlocal mat
+      nonlocal info
+      # Find rootnodes
+      #
+      if node == None:#{
+         _graph_read.extracted = []
+         done = False
+         for node_idname in node_def:#{
+            for n in mat.node_tree.nodes:#{
+               if == node_idname:#{
+                  node_def = node_def[node_idname]
+                  node = n
+                  done = True
+                  break
+               #}
+            #}
+            if done: break
+         #}
+      #}
+      for link in node_def:#{
+         link_def = node_def[link]
+         if isinstance( link_def, dict ):#{
+            node_link = None
+            for x in node.inputs:#{
+               if isinstance( x, bpy.types.NodeSocketColor ):#{
+                  if link =={
+                     node_link = x
+                     break
+                  #}
+               #}
+            #}
+            if node_link and node_link.is_linked:#{
+               # look for definitions for the connected node type
+               #
+               from_node = node_link.links[0].from_node
+               node_name ='.')[0]
+               if node_name in link_def:#{
+                  from_node_def = link_def[ node_name ]
+                  _graph_read( from_node_def, from_node, depth+1 )
+               #}
+            #}
+            else:#{
+               if "default" in link_def:#{
+                  prop = link_def['default']
+                  info[prop] = node_link.default_value
+               #}
+            #}
+         #}
+         else:#{
+            prop = link_def
+            info[prop] = getattr( node, link )
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   _graph_read( cxr_graph_mapping )
+   return info
+def vg_str_bin( s ):
+   decoded = bytearray()
+   for i in range(len(s)//2):#{
+      c  = (ord(s[i*2+0])-0x41)
+      c |= (ord(s[i*2+1])-0x41)<<4
+      decoded.extend(bytearray(c_uint8(c))) #??
+   #}
+   return decoded
+def sr_pack_file( file, path, data ):
+   file.path = sr_compile_string( path )
+   file.pack_offset = len( sr_compile.pack_data )
+   file.pack_size = len( data )
+   sr_compile.pack_data.extend( data )
+   bytearray_align_to( sr_compile.pack_data, 16 )
+def sr_compile_texture( img ):
+   if img == None:
+      return 0
+   name = os.path.splitext( )[0]
+   if name in sr_compile.texture_cache:
+      return sr_compile.texture_cache[name]
+   texture_index = (len(sr_compile.texture_data)//sizeof(mdl_texture)) +1
+   tex = mdl_texture()
+   tex.glname = 0
+   if sr_compile.pack_textures:#{
+      filedata = qoi_encode( img )
+      sr_pack_file( tex.file, name, filedata )
+   #}
+   sr_compile.texture_cache[name] = texture_index
+   sr_compile.texture_data.extend( bytearray(tex) )
+   return texture_index
+def sr_compile_material( mat ):
+   if mat == None: 
+      return 0
+   if in sr_compile.material_cache: 
+      return sr_compile.material_cache[]
+   index = (len(sr_compile.material_data)//sizeof(mdl_material))+1
+   sr_compile.material_cache[] = index
+   m = mdl_material()
+   m.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
+   flags = 0x00
+   if mat.SR_data.collision:#{
+      flags |= 0x2 # collision flag
+      if (mat.SR_data.shader != 'invisible') and \
+         (mat.SR_data.shader != 'boundary'):#{
+         if mat.SR_data.skate_surface: flags |= 0x1
+         if mat.SR_data.grow_grass: flags |= 0x4
+         if mat.SR_data.grind_surface: flags |= 0x8
+         if mat.SR_data.preview_visibile: flags |= 0x40
+      #}
+      if mat.SR_data.shader == 'invisible': flags |= 0x10
+      if mat.SR_data.shader == 'boundary': flags |= (0x10|0x20)
+      if mat.SR_data.shader == 'walking': flags |= (0x10|0x80)
+   #}
+   m.flags = flags
+   m.surface_prop = int(mat.SR_data.surface_prop)
+   inf = material_info( mat )
+   msg = vg_msg()
+   buf = (c_uint8 * 512)()
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_init( pointer(msg), buf, 512 )
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'standard': m.shader = 0
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'standard_cutout': m.shader = 1
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'foliage': m.shader = 10
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'terrain_blend':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 2
+      m.colour[0] = pow( mat.SR_data.sand_colour[0], 1.0/2.2 )
+      m.colour[1] = pow( mat.SR_data.sand_colour[1], 1.0/2.2 )
+      m.colour[2] = pow( mat.SR_data.sand_colour[2], 1.0/2.2 )
+      m.colour[3] = 1.0
+      m.colour1[0] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[0]
+      m.colour1[1] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[1]
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'vertex_blend':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 3
+      m.colour1[0] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[0]
+      m.colour1[1] = mat.SR_data.blend_offset[1]
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'water':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 4
+      #m.colour[0]  = pow( mat.SR_data.shore_colour[0], 1.0/2.2 )
+      #m.colour[1]  = pow( mat.SR_data.shore_colour[1], 1.0/2.2 )
+      #m.colour[2]  = pow( mat.SR_data.shore_colour[2], 1.0/2.2 )
+      #m.colour[3]  = 1.0
+      #m.colour1[0] = pow( mat.SR_data.ocean_colour[0], 1.0/2.2 )
+      #m.colour1[1] = pow( mat.SR_data.ocean_colour[1], 1.0/2.2 )
+      #m.colour1[2] = pow( mat.SR_data.ocean_colour[2], 1.0/2.2 )
+      #m.colour1[3] = 1.0
+      col = (c_float*4)()
+      fog_scale = c_float()
+      sr_lib.vg_msg_wkvnum( byref(msg), "shore_colour".encode(), k_vg_msg_f32, 4, col )
+      sr_lib.vg_msg_wkvnum( byref(msg), "deep_colour".encode(), k_vg_msg_f32, 4, col )
+      sr_lib.vg_msg_wkvnum( byref(msg), "fog_scale".encode(), k_vg_msg_f32, 1, byref(fog_scale) )
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'invisible':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 5
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'boundary':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 6
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'fxglow':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 7
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'cubemap':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 8
+      m.tex_none0 = sr_entity_id( mat.SR_data.cubemap )
+      m.colour[0]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[0], 1.0/2.2 )
+      m.colour[1]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[1], 1.0/2.2 )
+      m.colour[2]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[2], 1.0/2.2 )
+      m.colour[3]  = pow( mat.SR_data.tint[3], 1.0/2.2 )
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader == 'walking':
+   #{
+      m.shader = 9
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.shader in ['standard', 'standard_cutout', 'terrain_blend', \
+                             'vertex_blend', 'fxglow', 'cubemap', \
+                             'foliage' ]: 
+   #{
+      if 'tex_diffuse' in inf: 
+         m.tex_diffuse = sr_compile_texture(inf['tex_diffuse'])
+   #}
+   if mat.SR_data.tex_diffuse_rt >= 0:
+   #{
+      m.tex_diffuse = 0x80000000 | mat.SR_data.tex_diffuse_rt
+   #}
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_print( byref(msg), )
+   sr_compile.material_data.extend( bytearray(m) )
+   return index
+def sr_armature_bones( armature ):
+   def _recurse_bone( b ):
+   #{
+      yield b
+      for c in b.children: yield from _recurse_bone( c )
+   #}
+   for b in
+      if not b.parent:
+         yield from _recurse_bone( b )
+def sr_entity_id( obj ):#{
+   if not obj: return 0
+   tipo = get_entity_enum_id( obj_ent_type(obj) )
+   index = sr_compile.entity_ids[ ]
+   return (tipo&0xffff)<<16 | (index&0xffff)
+# Returns submesh_start,count and armature_id
+def sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj ):
+   can_use_cache = True
+   armature = None
+   submesh_start = 0
+   submesh_count = 0
+   armature_id = 0
+   for mod in obj.modifiers:#{
+      if mod.type == 'DATA_TRANSFER' or mod.type == 'SHRINKWRAP' or \
+         mod.type == 'BOOLEAN' or mod.type == 'CURVE' or \
+         mod.type == 'ARRAY':
+      #{
+         can_use_cache = False
+      #}
+      if mod.type == 'ARMATURE': #{
+         armature = mod.object
+         rig_weight_groups = \
+               ['0 [ROOT]']+[ for _ in sr_armature_bones(mod.object)]
+         armature_id = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
+         POSE_OR_REST_CACHE =
+ = 'REST'
+      #}
+   #}
+   # Check the cache first
+   #
+   if can_use_cache and ( in sr_compile.mesh_cache):#{
+      ref = sr_compile.mesh_cache[]
+      submesh_start = ref[0]
+      submesh_count = ref[1]
+      return (submesh_start,submesh_count,armature_id)
+   #}
+   # Compile a whole new mesh
+   #
+   submesh_start = len(sr_compile.submesh_data)//sizeof(mdl_submesh)
+   submesh_count = 0
+   dgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+   data = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph).data
+   data.calc_loop_triangles()
+   data.calc_normals_split()
+   # Mesh is split into submeshes based on their material
+   #
+   mat_list = data.materials if len(data.materials) > 0 else [None]
+   for material_id, mat in enumerate(mat_list): #{
+      mref = {}
+      sm = mdl_submesh()
+      sm.indice_start = len(sr_compile.indice_data)//sizeof(c_uint32)
+      sm.vertex_start = len(sr_compile.vertex_data)//sizeof(mdl_vert)
+      sm.vertex_count = 0
+      sm.indice_count = 0
+      sm.material_id = sr_compile_material( mat )
+      INF=99999999.99999999
+      for i in range(3):#{
+         sm.bbx[0][i] =  INF
+         sm.bbx[1][i] = -INF
+      #}
+      # Keep a reference to very very very similar vertices
+      # i have no idea how to speed it up.
+      #
+      vertex_reference = {}
+      # Write the vertex / indice data
+      #
+      for tri_index, tri in enumerate(data.loop_triangles):#{
+         if tri.material_index != material_id: continue
+         for j in range(3):#{
+            vert = data.vertices[tri.vertices[j]]
+            li = tri.loops[j]
+            vi = data.loops[li].vertex_index
+            # Gather vertex information
+            #
+            co      =
+            norm    = data.loops[li].normal
+            uv      = (0,0)
+            colour  = (255,255,255,255)
+            groups  = [0,0,0,0]
+            weights = [0,0,0,0]
+            # Uvs
+            #
+            if data.uv_layers:
+               uv =[li].uv
+            # Vertex Colours
+            #
+            if data.vertex_colors:#{
+               colour =[li].color
+               colour = (int(colour[0]*255.0),\
+                         int(colour[1]*255.0),\
+                         int(colour[2]*255.0),\
+                         int(colour[3]*255.0))
+            #}
+            # Weight groups: truncates to the 3 with the most influence. The
+            #                fourth bone ID is never used by the shader so it 
+            #                is always 0
+            #
+            if armature:#{
+               src_groups = [_ for _ in data.vertices[vi].groups \
+                              if obj.vertex_groups[].name in \
+                                 rig_weight_groups ]
+               weight_groups = sorted( src_groups, key = \
+                                       lambda a: a.weight, reverse=True )
+               tot = 0.0
+               for ml in range(3):#{
+                  if len(weight_groups) > ml:#{
+                     g = weight_groups[ml]
+                     name = obj.vertex_groups[].name
+                     weight = g.weight
+                     weights[ml] = weight
+                     groups[ml] = rig_weight_groups.index(name)
+                     tot += weight
+                  #}
+               #}
+               if len(weight_groups) > 0:#{
+                  inv_norm = (1.0/tot) * 65535.0
+                  for ml in range(3):#{
+                     weights[ml] = int( weights[ml] * inv_norm )
+                     weights[ml] = min( weights[ml], 65535 )
+                     weights[ml] = max( weights[ml], 0 )
+                  #}
+               #}
+            #}
+            else:#{
+               li1 = tri.loops[(j+1)%3]
+               vi1 = data.loops[li1].vertex_index
+               e0 = data.edges[ data.loops[li].edge_index ]
+               if e0.use_freestyle_mark and \
+                     ((e0.vertices[0] == vi and e0.vertices[1] == vi1) or \
+                      (e0.vertices[0] == vi1 and e0.vertices[1] == vi)):
+               #{
+                  weights[0] = 1
+               #}
+            #}
+            TOLERENCE = float(10**4)
+            key = (int(co[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(co[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(co[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(norm[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(norm[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(norm[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(uv[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   int(uv[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                   colour[0],  # these guys are already quantized
+                   colour[1],  # .
+                   colour[2],  # .
+                   colour[3],  # .
+                   weights[0], # v
+                   weights[1],
+                   weights[2],
+                   weights[3],
+                   groups[0],
+                   groups[1],
+                   groups[2],
+                   groups[3])
+            if key in vertex_reference:
+               index = vertex_reference[key]
+            else:#{
+               index = bytearray(c_uint32(sm.vertex_count))
+               sm.vertex_count+=1
+               vertex_reference[key] = index
+               v = mdl_vert()
+     [0]      =  co[0]
+     [1]      =  co[2]
+     [2]      = -co[1]
+               v.norm[0]    =  norm[0]
+               v.norm[1]    =  norm[2]
+               v.norm[2]    = -norm[1]
+               v.uv[0]      =  uv[0]
+               v.uv[1]      =  uv[1]
+               v.colour[0]  =  colour[0]
+               v.colour[1]  =  colour[1]
+               v.colour[2]  =  colour[2]
+               v.colour[3]  =  colour[3]
+               v.weights[0] =  weights[0]
+               v.weights[1] =  weights[1]
+               v.weights[2] =  weights[2]
+               v.weights[3] =  weights[3]
+               v.groups[0]  =  groups[0]
+               v.groups[1]  =  groups[1]
+               v.groups[2]  =  groups[2]
+               v.groups[3]  =  groups[3]
+               for i in range(3):#{
+                  sm.bbx[0][i] = min( sm.bbx[0][i],[i] )
+                  sm.bbx[1][i] = max( sm.bbx[1][i],[i] )
+               #}
+               sr_compile.vertex_data.extend(bytearray(v))
+            #}
+            sm.indice_count += 1
+            sr_compile.indice_data.extend( index )
+         #}
+      #}
+      # Make sure bounding box isn't -inf -> inf if no vertices
+      #
+      if sm.vertex_count == 0:
+         for j in range(2):
+            for i in range(3):
+               sm.bbx[j][i] = 0
+      # Add submesh to encoder
+      #
+      sr_compile.submesh_data.extend( bytearray(sm) )
+      submesh_count += 1
+   #}
+   if armature:#{
+   #}
+   # Save a reference to this mesh since we want to reuse the submesh indices
+   # later.
+   sr_compile.mesh_cache[]=(submesh_start,submesh_count)
+   return (submesh_start,submesh_count,armature_id)
+def sr_compile_mesh( obj ):
+   node=mdl_mesh()
+   compile_obj_transform(obj, node.transform)
+   node.pstr_name = sr_compile_string(
+   ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+   node.entity_id = 0
+   if ent_type != 'none':#{
+      ent_id_lwr = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
+      ent_id_upr = get_entity_enum_id( obj_ent_type(obj) )
+      node.entity_id = (ent_id_upr << 16) | ent_id_lwr
+   #}
+   node.submesh_start, node.submesh_count, node.armature_id = \
+         sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+   sr_compile.mesh_data.extend(bytearray(node))
+def sr_compile_fonts( collection ):
+   print( F"[SR] Compiling fonts" )
+   glyph_count = 0
+   variant_count = 0
+   for obj in collection.all_objects:#{
+      if obj_ent_type(obj) != 'ent_font': continue
+      data = obj.SR_data.ent_font[0]
+      font=ent_font()
+      font.alias = sr_compile_string( data.alias )
+      font.variant_start = variant_count
+      font.variant_count = 0
+      font.glyph_start = glyph_count
+      glyph_base = data.glyphs[0].utf32
+      glyph_range = data.glyphs[-1].utf32+1 - glyph_base
+      font.glyph_utf32_base = glyph_base
+      font.glyph_count = glyph_range
+      for i in range(len(data.variants)):#{
+         data_var = data.variants[i]
+         if not data_var.mesh: continue 
+         mesh =
+         variant = ent_font_variant()
+ = sr_compile_string( data_var.tipo )
+         # fonts (variants) only support one material each
+         mat = None
+         if len(mesh.materials) != 0:
+            mat = mesh.materials[0]
+         variant.material_id = sr_compile_material( mat )
+         font.variant_count += 1
+         islands = mesh_utils.mesh_linked_triangles(mesh)
+         centroids = [Vector((0,0)) for _ in range(len(islands))]
+         for j in range(len(islands)):#{
+            for tri in islands[j]:#{
+               centroids[j].x +=[0]
+               centroids[j].y +=[2]
+            #}
+            centroids[j] /= len(islands[j])
+         #}
+         for j in range(glyph_range):#{
+            data_glyph = data.glyphs[j]
+            glyph = ent_glyph()
+            glyph.indice_start = len(sr_compile.indice_data)//sizeof(c_uint32)
+            glyph.indice_count = 0
+            glyph.size[0] = data_glyph.bounds[2]
+            glyph.size[1] = data_glyph.bounds[3]
+            vertex_reference = {}
+            for k in range(len(islands)):#{
+               if centroids[k].x < data_glyph.bounds[0] or \
+                  centroids[k].x > data_glyph.bounds[0]+data_glyph.bounds[2] or\
+                  centroids[k].y < data_glyph.bounds[1] or \
+                  centroids[k].y > data_glyph.bounds[1]+data_glyph.bounds[3]:
+               #{
+                  continue
+               #}
+               for l in range(len(islands[k])):#{
+                  tri = islands[k][l]
+                  for m in range(3):#{
+                     vert = mesh.vertices[tri.vertices[m]]
+                     li = tri.loops[m]
+                     vi = mesh.loops[li].vertex_index
+                     # Gather vertex information
+                     #
+                     co      = [[_] for _ in range(3)]
+                     co[0]  -= data_glyph.bounds[0]
+                     co[2]  -= data_glyph.bounds[1]
+                     norm    = mesh.loops[li].normal
+                     uv      = (0,0)
+                     if mesh.uv_layers: uv =[li].uv
+                     TOLERENCE = float(10**4)
+                     key = (int(co[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(co[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(co[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(norm[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(norm[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(norm[2]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(uv[0]*TOLERENCE+0.5),
+                            int(uv[1]*TOLERENCE+0.5))
+                     if key in vertex_reference:
+                        index = vertex_reference[key]
+                     else:#{
+                        vindex = len(sr_compile.vertex_data)//sizeof(mdl_vert)
+                        index = bytearray(c_uint32(vindex))
+                        vertex_reference[key] = index
+                        v = mdl_vert()
+              [0]   =  co[0]
+              [1]   =  co[2]
+              [2]   = -co[1]
+                        v.norm[0] =  norm[0]
+                        v.norm[1] =  norm[2]
+                        v.norm[2] = -norm[1]
+                        v.uv[0]   =  uv[0]
+                        v.uv[1]   =  uv[1]
+                        sr_compile.vertex_data.extend(bytearray(v))
+                     #}
+                     glyph.indice_count += 1
+                     sr_compile.indice_data.extend( index )
+                  #}
+               #}
+            #}
+            sr_ent_push( glyph )
+         #}
+         sr_ent_push( variant )
+      #}
+      sr_ent_push( font )
+   #}
+def sr_compile_menus( collection ):
+   print( "[SR1] Compiling menus" )
+   groups = []
+   for obj in collection.all_objects:#{
+      if obj_ent_type(obj) != 'ent_menuitem': continue
+      obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_menuitem[0]
+      bitmask = 0x00000000
+      for col in obj.users_collection:#{
+         name =
+         if name not in groups: groups.append( name )
+         bitmask |= (0x1 << groups.index(name))
+      #}
+      item = ent_menuitem()
+      item.type = int( obj_data.tipo )
+      item.groups = bitmask
+      compile_obj_transform( obj, item.transform )
+      if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
+         item.submesh_start, item.submesh_count, _ = \
+               sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+      #}
+      if item.type == 1 or item.type == 2 or item.type == 7:#{
+         item_button = item._anonymous_union.button
+         item_button.pstr = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
+         item_button.stack_behaviour = int( obj_data.stack_behaviour )
+      #}
+      elif item.type == 0:#{
+         item_visual = item._anonymous_union.visual
+         item_visual.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
+      #}
+      elif item.type == 3:#{
+         item_checkmark = item._anonymous_union.checkmark
+         item_checkmark.pstr_data = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
+         item_checkmark.id_check = sr_entity_id( obj_data.checkmark )
+         delta = obj_data.checkmark.location - obj.location
+         item_checkmark.offset[0] =  delta[0]
+         item_checkmark.offset[1] =  delta[2]
+         item_checkmark.offset[2] = -delta[1]
+      #}
+      elif item.type == 4:#{
+         item_slider = item._anonymous_union.slider
+         item_slider.id_min = sr_entity_id( obj_data.slider_minloc )
+         item_slider.id_max = sr_entity_id( obj_data.slider_maxloc )
+         item_slider.id_handle = sr_entity_id( obj_data.slider_handle )
+         item_slider.pstr_data = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
+      #}
+      elif item.type == 5:#{
+         item_page =
+         item_page.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
+         item_page.id_entrypoint = sr_entity_id( obj_data.newloc )
+         item_page.id_viewpoint = sr_entity_id( )
+      #}
+      elif item.type == 6:#{
+         item_binding = item._anonymous_union.binding
+         item_binding.pstr_bind = sr_compile_string( obj_data.string )
+         item_binding.font_variant = obj_data.font_variant
+      #}
+      if obj_data.link0:
+         item.id_links[0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link0 )
+      if obj_data.link1:
+         item.id_links[1] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link1 )
+      if item.type != 4:#{
+         if obj_data.link2:
+            item.id_links[2] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link2 )
+         if obj_data.link3:
+            item.id_links[3] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.link3 )
+      #}
+      sr_ent_push( item )
+   #}
+def sr_compile_armature( obj ):
+   node = mdl_armature()
+   node.bone_start = len(sr_compile.bone_data)//sizeof(mdl_bone)
+   node.bone_count = 0
+   node.anim_start = len(sr_compile.anim_data)//sizeof(mdl_animation)
+   node.anim_count = 0
+   bones = [_ for _ in sr_armature_bones(obj)]
+   bones_names = [None]+[ for _ in bones]
+   for b in bones:#{
+      bone = mdl_bone()
+      if b.use_deform: bone.flags = 0x1
+      if b.parent: bone.parent = bones_names.index(
+      bone.collider = int(b.SR_data.collider)
+      if bone.collider>0:#{
+         bone.hitbox[0][0] =  b.SR_data.collider_min[0]
+         bone.hitbox[0][1] =  b.SR_data.collider_min[2]
+         bone.hitbox[0][2] = -b.SR_data.collider_max[1]
+         bone.hitbox[1][0] =  b.SR_data.collider_max[0]
+         bone.hitbox[1][1] =  b.SR_data.collider_max[2]
+         bone.hitbox[1][2] = -b.SR_data.collider_min[1]
+      #}
+      if b.SR_data.cone_constraint:#{
+         bone.flags |= 0x4
+         bone.conevx[0] =  b.SR_data.conevx[0]
+         bone.conevx[1] =  b.SR_data.conevx[2]
+         bone.conevx[2] = -b.SR_data.conevx[1]
+         bone.conevy[0] =  b.SR_data.conevy[0]
+         bone.conevy[1] =  b.SR_data.conevy[2]
+         bone.conevy[2] = -b.SR_data.conevy[1]
+         bone.coneva[0] =  b.SR_data.coneva[0]
+         bone.coneva[1] =  b.SR_data.coneva[2]
+         bone.coneva[2] = -b.SR_data.coneva[1]
+         bone.conet     =  b.SR_data.conet
+      #}
+[0] =  b.head_local[0]
+[1] =  b.head_local[2]
+[2] = -b.head_local[1]
+      bone.end[0] =  b.tail_local[0] -[0]
+      bone.end[1] =  b.tail_local[2] -[1]
+      bone.end[2] = -b.tail_local[1] -[2]
+      bone.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
+      for c in obj.pose.bones[].constraints:#{
+         if c.type == 'IK':#{
+            bone.flags |= 0x2
+            bone.ik_target = bones_names.index(c.subtarget)
+            bone.ik_pole = bones_names.index(c.pole_subtarget)
+         #}
+      #}
+      node.bone_count += 1
+      sr_compile.bone_data.extend(bytearray(bone))
+   #}
+   # Compile anims
+   #
+   if obj.animation_data and sr_compile.pack_animations: #{
+      # So we can restore later
+      #
+      previous_frame  = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
+      previous_action = obj.animation_data.action
+ = 'POSE'
+      for NLALayer in obj.animation_data.nla_tracks:#{
+         for NLAStrip in NLALayer.strips:#{
+            # set active
+            #
+            for a in{
+               if =={
+                  obj.animation_data.action = a
+                  break
+               #}
+            #}
+            # Clip to NLA settings
+            #
+            anim_start = int(NLAStrip.action_frame_start)
+            anim_end   = int(NLAStrip.action_frame_end)
+            # Export strips
+            #
+            anim = mdl_animation()
+            anim.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
+            anim.rate = 30.0
+            anim.keyframe_start = len(sr_compile.keyframe_data)//\
+                                      sizeof(mdl_transform)
+            anim.length = anim_end-anim_start
+            i = 0
+            # Export the keyframes
+            for frame in range(anim_start,anim_end):#{
+               bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame)
+               for rb in bones:#{
+                  pb = obj.pose.bones[]
+                  # relative bone matrix
+                  if rb.parent is not None:#{
+                     offset_mtx = rb.parent.matrix_local
+                     offset_mtx = offset_mtx.inverted_safe() @ \
+                                  rb.matrix_local
+                     inv_parent = pb.parent.matrix @ offset_mtx
+                     inv_parent.invert_safe()
+                     fpm = inv_parent @ pb.matrix 
+                  #}
+                  else:#{
+                     bone_mtx = rb.matrix.to_4x4()
+                     local_inv = rb.matrix_local.inverted_safe()
+                     fpm = bone_mtx @ local_inv @ pb.matrix
+                  #}
+                  loc, rot, sca = fpm.decompose()
+                  # rotation
+                  lc_m = pb.matrix_channel.to_3x3()
+                  if pb.parent is not None:#{
+                     smtx = pb.parent.matrix_channel.to_3x3()
+                     lc_m = smtx.inverted() @ lc_m
+                  #}
+                  rq = lc_m.to_quaternion()
+                  q_normalize( rq )
+                  kf = mdl_transform()
+        [0] =  loc[0]
+        [1] =  loc[2]
+        [2] = -loc[1]
+                  kf.q[0]  =  rq[1]
+                  kf.q[1]  =  rq[3]
+                  kf.q[2]  = -rq[2]
+                  kf.q[3]  =  rq[0]
+                  kf.s[0]  = sca[0]
+                  kf.s[1]  = sca[1]
+                  kf.s[2]  = sca[2]
+                  sr_compile.keyframe_data.extend(bytearray(kf))
+                  i+=1
+               #}
+            #}
+            # Add to animation buffer
+            #
+            sr_compile.anim_data.extend(bytearray(anim))
+            node.anim_count += 1
+            # Report progress
+            #
+            print( F"[SR]    | anim( {} )" )
+         #}
+      #}
+      # Restore context to how it was before
+      #
+      bpy.context.scene.frame_set( previous_frame )
+      obj.animation_data.action = previous_action
+   #}
+   sr_compile.armature_data.extend(bytearray(node))
+def sr_ent_push( struct ):
+   clase = type(struct).__name__
+   if clase not in sr_compile.entity_data:#{
+      sr_compile.entity_data[ clase ] = bytearray()
+      sr_compile.entity_info[ clase ] = { 'size': sizeof(struct) }
+   #}
+   index = len(sr_compile.entity_data[ clase ])//sizeof(struct)
+   sr_compile.entity_data[ clase ].extend( bytearray(struct) )
+   return index
+def sr_array_title( arr, name, count, size, offset ):
+   for i in range(len(name)):#{
+[i] = ord(name[i])
+   #}
+   arr.file_offset = offset
+   arr.item_count = count
+   arr.item_size = size
+def hash_djb2(s):
+   picadillo = 5381
+   for x in s:#{
+      picadillo = (((picadillo << 5) + picadillo) + ord(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+   #}
+   return picadillo
+def sr_compile( collection ):
+   print( F"[SR] compiler begin ({}.mdl)" )
+   sr_lib_init()
+   #settings
+   sr_compile.pack_textures = collection.SR_data.pack_textures
+   sr_compile.pack_animations = collection.SR_data.animations
+   # caches
+   sr_compile.string_cache = {}
+   sr_compile.mesh_cache = {}
+   sr_compile.material_cache = {}
+   sr_compile.texture_cache = {}
+   # compiled data
+   sr_compile.mesh_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.submesh_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.vertex_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.indice_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.bone_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.material_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.armature_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.anim_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.keyframe_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.texture_data = bytearray()
+   # just bytes not structures
+   sr_compile.string_data = bytearray()
+   sr_compile.pack_data = bytearray()
+   # variable
+   sr_compile.entity_data = {}
+   sr_compile.entity_info = {}
+   print( F"[SR] assign entity ID's" )
+   sr_compile.entities = {}
+   sr_compile.entity_ids = {}
+   # begin
+   # -------------------------------------------------------
+   sr_compile_string( "null" )
+   mesh_count = 0
+   for obj in collection.all_objects: #{
+      if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
+         mesh_count += 1
+      #}
+      ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+      if ent_type == 'none': continue
+      if ent_type not in sr_compile.entities: sr_compile.entities[ent_type] = []
+      sr_compile.entity_ids[] = len( sr_compile.entities[ent_type] )
+      sr_compile.entities[ent_type] += [obj]
+   #}
+   print( F"[SR] Compiling geometry" )
+   i=0
+   for obj in collection.all_objects:#{
+      if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
+         i+=1
+         ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+         # entity ignore mesh list
+         #
+         if ent_type == 'ent_traffic': continue
+         if ent_type == 'ent_prop': continue
+         if ent_type == 'ent_font': continue
+         if ent_type == 'ent_font_variant': continue
+         if ent_type == 'ent_menuitem': continue
+         if ent_type == 'ent_objective': continue
+         if ent_type == 'ent_region': continue
+         #TODO: This is messy.
+         if ent_type == 'ent_gate':#{
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_gate[0]
+            if obj_data.custom: continue
+         #}
+         #--------------------------
+         print( F'[SR] {i: 3}/{mesh_count} {<40}' )
+         sr_compile_mesh( obj )
+      #}
+   #}
+   audio_clip_count = 0
+   entity_file_ref_count = 0
+   for ent_type, arr in sr_compile.entities.items():#{
+      print(F"[SR] Compiling {len(arr)} {ent_type}{'s' if len(arr)>1 else ''}")
+      for i in range(len(arr)):#{
+         obj = arr[i]
+         print( F"[SR] {i+1: 3}/{len(arr)} {<40} ",end='\r' )
+         if ent_type == 'mdl_armature': sr_compile_armature(obj)
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_light': #{
+            light = ent_light()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, light.transform )
+            light.daytime =
+            if == 'POINT':#{
+               light.type = 0
+            #}
+            elif == 'SPOT':#{
+               light.type = 1
+               light.angle =*0.5
+            #}
+            light.range =
+            light.colour[0] =[0]
+            light.colour[1] =[1]
+            light.colour[2] =[2]
+            light.colour[3] =
+            sr_ent_push( light )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_camera': #{
+            cam = ent_camera()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, cam.transform )
+            cam.fov = * 45.0
+            sr_ent_push(cam)
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_gate': #{
+            gate = ent_gate()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_gate[0]
+            mesh_data =[0]
+            flags = 0x0000
+            if obj_data.tipo == 'default':#{
+               if{
+         = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
+                  flags |= 0x0001
+               #}
+            #}
+            elif obj_data.tipo == 'nonlocal':#{
+      = 0
+               gate.key = sr_compile_string(obj_data.key)
+               flags |= 0x0002
+            #}
+            if obj_data.flip:   flags |= 0x0004
+            if obj_data.custom:#{
+               flags |= 0x0008
+               gate.submesh_start, gate.submesh_count, _ = \
+                     sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+            #}
+            if obj_data.locked: flags |= 0x0010
+            gate.flags = flags
+            gate.dimensions[0] = mesh_data.dimensions[0]
+            gate.dimensions[1] = mesh_data.dimensions[1]
+            gate.dimensions[2] = mesh_data.dimensions[2]
+            q  = [obj.matrix_local.to_quaternion(), (0,0,0,1)]
+            co = [obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,0,0)), (0,0,0)]
+            if{
+               q[1] =
+               co[1]= @ Vector((0,0,0))
+            #}
+            # Setup transform
+            #
+            for x in range(2):#{
+     [x][0] =  co[x][0]
+     [x][1] =  co[x][2]
+     [x][2] = -co[x][1]
+               gate.q[x][0]  =  q[x][1]
+               gate.q[x][1]  =  q[x][3]
+               gate.q[x][2]  = -q[x][2]
+               gate.q[x][3]  =  q[x][0]
+            #}
+            sr_ent_push( gate )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_spawn': #{
+            spawn = ent_spawn()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, spawn.transform )
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_spawn[0]
+            spawn.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
+            sr_ent_push( spawn )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_water':#{
+            water = ent_water()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, water.transform )
+            water.max_dist = 0.0
+            sr_ent_push( water )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_audio':#{
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_audio[0]
+            audio = ent_audio()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, audio.transform )
+            audio.clip_start = audio_clip_count
+            audio.clip_count = len(obj_data.files)
+            audio_clip_count += audio.clip_count
+            audio.max_channels = obj_data.max_channels
+            audio.volume = obj_data.volume
+            # TODO flags: 
+            #   - allow/disable doppler
+            #   - channel group tags with random colours
+            #   - transition properties
+            if obj_data.flag_loop: audio.flags |= 0x1
+            if obj_data.flag_nodoppler: audio.flags |= 0x2
+            if obj_data.flag_3d: audio.flags |= 0x4
+            if obj_data.flag_auto: audio.flags |= 0x8
+            if   obj_data.formato == '0': audio.flags |= 0x000
+            elif obj_data.formato == '1': audio.flags |= 0x400
+            elif obj_data.formato == '2': audio.flags |= 0x1000
+            audio.channel_behaviour = int(obj_data.channel_behaviour)
+            if audio.channel_behaviour >= 1:#{
+      =
+            #}
+            if audio.channel_behaviour == 2:#{
+               audio.crossfade = obj_data.transition_duration
+            #}
+            audio.probability_curve = int(obj_data.probability_curve)
+            for ci in range(audio.clip_count):#{
+               entry = obj_data.files[ci]
+               clip = ent_audio_clip()
+               clip.probability = entry.probability
+               if obj_data.formato == '2':#{
+                  sr_pack_file( clip._anon.file, '', vg_str_bin(entry.path) ) 
+               #}
+               else:#{
+                  clip._anon.file.path = sr_compile_string( entry.path )
+                  clip._anon.file.pack_offset = 0
+                  clip._anon.file.pack_size = 0
+               #}
+               sr_ent_push( clip )
+            #}
+            sr_ent_push( audio )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_volume':#{
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_volume[0]
+            volume = ent_volume()
+            volume.type = int(obj_data.subtype)
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, volume.transform )
+            if{
+      = sr_entity_id( )
+               volume._anon.trigger.event = obj_data.target_event
+               volume._anon.trigger.event_leave = obj_data.target_event_leave
+            #}
+            sr_ent_push(volume)
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_marker':#{
+            marker = ent_marker()
+   = sr_compile_string( obj.SR_data.ent_marker[0].alias )
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, marker.transform )
+            sr_ent_push(marker)
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_skateshop':#{
+            skateshop = ent_skateshop()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_skateshop[0]
+            skateshop.type = int(obj_data.tipo)
+            if skateshop.type == 0:#{
+               boardshop = skateshop._anonymous_union.boards
+               boardshop.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
+               boardshop.id_info = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_info )
+               boardshop.id_rack = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_rack )
+            #}
+            elif skateshop.type == 1:#{
+               charshop = skateshop._anonymous_union.character
+               charshop.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
+               charshop.id_info = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_info )
+            #}
+            elif skateshop.type == 2:#{
+               worldshop = skateshop._anonymous_union.worlds
+               worldshop.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
+               worldshop.id_info = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_info )
+            #}
+            elif skateshop.type == 3:#{
+               server = skateshop._anonymous_union.server
+               server.id_lever = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
+            #}
+            skateshop.id_camera = sr_entity_id( )
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, skateshop.transform )
+            sr_ent_push(skateshop)
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_swspreview':#{
+            workshop_preview = ent_swspreview()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_swspreview[0]
+            workshop_preview.id_display = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display )
+            workshop_preview.id_display1 = sr_entity_id( obj_data.mark_display1)
+            workshop_preview.id_camera = sr_entity_id( )
+            sr_ent_push( workshop_preview )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_worldinfo':#{
+            worldinfo = ent_worldinfo()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_worldinfo[0]
+            worldinfo.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( )
+            worldinfo.pstr_author = sr_compile_string( )
+            worldinfo.pstr_desc = sr_compile_string( obj_data.desc )
+            flags = 0x00
+            if obj_data.fix_time:#{
+               worldinfo.timezone = obj_data.fixed_time
+               flags |= 0x1
+            #}
+            else:
+               worldinfo.timezone = obj_data.timezone
+            worldinfo.flags = flags
+            worldinfo.pstr_skybox = sr_compile_string( obj_data.skybox )
+            sr_ent_push( worldinfo )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_ccmd':#{
+            ccmd = ent_ccmd()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_ccmd[0]
+            ccmd.pstr_command = sr_compile_string( obj_data.command )
+            sr_ent_push( ccmd )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_objective':#{
+            objective = ent_objective()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_objective[0]
+            objective.id_next = sr_entity_id( obj_data.proxima )
+            objective.id_win = sr_entity_id( )
+            objective.win_event = obj_data.target_event
+            objective.filter = int(obj_data.filtrar)
+            objective.filter2 = 0
+            objective.time_limit = obj_data.time_limit
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, objective.transform )
+            objective.submesh_start, objective.submesh_count, _ = \
+                  sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+            sr_ent_push( objective )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_challenge':#{
+            challenge = ent_challenge()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_challenge[0]
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, challenge.transform )
+            challenge.pstr_alias = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
+   = sr_entity_id( )
+            challenge.target_event = obj_data.target_event
+            challenge.reset = sr_entity_id( obj_data.reset )
+            challenge.reset_event = obj_data.reset_event
+            challenge.first = sr_entity_id( obj_data.first )
+            challenge.flags = 0x00
+   = sr_entity_id( )
+            if obj_data.time_limit: challenge.flags |= 0x01
+            challenge.status = 0
+            sr_ent_push( challenge )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_region':#{
+            region = ent_region()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_region[0]
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, region.transform )
+            region.submesh_start, region.submesh_count, _ = \
+                  sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+            region.pstr_title = sr_compile_string( obj_data.title )
+            region.zone_volume = sr_entity_id( obj_data.zone_volume )
+            region.target0[0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target0 )
+            region.target0[1] = obj_data.target0_event
+            sr_ent_push( region )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_relay':#{
+            relay = ent_relay()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_relay[0]
+            relay.targets[0][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target0 )
+            relay.targets[1][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target1 )
+            relay.targets[2][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target2 )
+            relay.targets[3][0] = sr_entity_id( obj_data.target3 )
+            relay.targets[0][1] = obj_data.target0_event
+            relay.targets[1][1] = obj_data.target1_event
+            relay.targets[2][1] = obj_data.target2_event
+            relay.targets[3][1] = obj_data.target3_event
+            sr_ent_push( relay )
+         #}
+         # elif ent_type == 'ent_list':#{
+         #    lista = ent_list()
+         #    obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_list[0]
+         #    lista.entity_ref_start = entity_file_ref_count
+         #    lista.entity_ref_count = len( obj_data.entities )
+         #    entity_file_ref_count += lista.entity_ref_count
+         #    for child in obj_data.entities:#{
+         #       reference_struct = file_entity_ref()
+         #       reference_struct.index = sr_entity_id( )
+         #       sr_ent_push( reference_struct )
+         #    #}
+         #    sr_ent_push( lista )
+         # #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_glider':#{
+            glider = ent_glider()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, glider.transform )
+            sr_ent_push( glider )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_npc':#{
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_npc[0]
+            npc = ent_npc()
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, npc.transform )
+   =
+            npc.context = obj_data.context
+   = sr_entity_id( )
+            sr_ent_push( npc )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_cubemap':#{
+            cubemap = ent_cubemap()
+            co = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,0,0))
+  [0] =  co[0]
+  [1] =  co[2]
+  [2] = -co[1]
+            cubemap.resolution = 0
+   = 60
+            sr_ent_push( cubemap )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_miniworld':#{
+            miniworld = ent_miniworld()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_miniworld[0]
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, miniworld.transform )
+            miniworld.pstr_world = sr_compile_string( )
+            miniworld.proxy = sr_entity_id( obj_data.proxy )
+   = sr_entity_id( )
+            sr_ent_push( miniworld )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_prop':#{
+            prop = ent_prop()
+            obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_prop[0]
+            compile_obj_transform( obj, prop.transform )
+            prop.submesh_start, prop.submesh_count, _ = \
+                  sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+            prop.flags = obj_data.flags
+            prop.pstr_alias = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
+            sr_ent_push( prop )
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   sr_compile_menus( collection )
+   sr_compile_fonts( collection )
+   def _children( col ):#{
+      yield col
+      for c in col.children:#{
+         yield from _children(c)
+      #}
+   #}
+   checkpoint_count = 0
+   pathindice_count = 0
+   routenode_count = 0
+   for col in _children(collection):#{
+      print( F"Adding routes for subcollection: {}" )
+      route_gates = []
+      route_curves = []
+      routes = []
+      traffics = []
+      for obj in col.objects:#{
+         if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': pass
+         else:#{
+            ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+            if ent_type == 'ent_gate':
+               route_gates += [obj]
+            elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
+               if obj.type == 'CURVE':#{
+                  route_curves += [obj]
+               #}
+            #}
+            elif ent_type == 'ent_route':
+               routes += [obj]
+            elif ent_type == 'ent_traffic':
+               traffics += [obj]
+         #}
+      #}
+      dij = create_node_graph( route_curves, route_gates )
+      for obj in routes:#{
+         obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_route[0]
+         route = ent_route()
+         route.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
+         route.checkpoints_start = checkpoint_count
+         route.checkpoints_count = 0
+         route.id_camera = sr_entity_id( )
+         for ci in range(3):
+            route.colour[ci] = obj_data.colour[ci]
+         route.colour[3] = 1.0
+         compile_obj_transform( obj, route.transform )
+         checkpoints = obj_data.gates
+         for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
+            gi = checkpoints[i].target
+            gj = checkpoints[(i+1)%len(checkpoints)].target
+            gate = gi
+            if gi:#{
+               dest = gi.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target
+               gi = dest
+            #}
+            if gi==gj: continue # error?
+            if not gi or not gj: continue
+            checkpoint = ent_checkpoint()
+            checkpoint.gate_index = sr_compile.entity_ids[]
+            checkpoint.path_start = pathindice_count
+            checkpoint.path_count = 0
+            path = solve_graph( dij,, )
+            if path:#{
+               for pi in range(len(path)):#{
+                  pathindice = ent_path_index()
+                  pathindice.index = routenode_count + path[pi]
+                  sr_ent_push( pathindice )
+                  checkpoint.path_count += 1
+                  pathindice_count += 1
+               #}
+            #}
+            sr_ent_push( checkpoint )
+            route.checkpoints_count += 1
+            checkpoint_count += 1
+         #}
+         sr_ent_push( route )
+      #}
+      for obj in traffics:#{
+         traffic = ent_traffic()
+         compile_obj_transform( obj, traffic.transform )
+         traffic.submesh_start, traffic.submesh_count, _ = \
+               sr_compile_mesh_internal( obj )
+         # find best subsection
+         graph_keys = list(dij.graph)
+         min_dist = 100.0
+         best_point = 0
+         for j in range(len(dij.points)):#{
+            point = dij.points[j]
+            dist = (point-obj.location).magnitude
+            if dist < min_dist:#{
+               min_dist = dist
+               best_point = j
+            #}
+         #}
+         # scan to each edge
+         best_begin = best_point
+         best_end = best_point
+         while True:#{
+            map0 = dij.subsections[best_begin]
+            if map0[1] == -1: break
+            best_begin = map0[1]
+         #}
+         while True:#{
+            map1 = dij.subsections[best_end]
+            if map1[2] == -1: break
+            best_end = map1[2]
+         #}
+         traffic.start_node = routenode_count + best_begin
+         traffic.node_count = best_end - best_begin
+         traffic.index = best_point - best_begin
+         traffic.speed = obj.SR_data.ent_traffic[0].speed
+         traffic.t = 0.0
+         sr_ent_push(traffic)
+      #}
+      for point in dij.points:#{
+         rn = ent_route_node()
+[0] =  point[0]
+[1] =  point[2]
+[2] = -point[1]
+         sr_ent_push( rn )
+      #}
+      routenode_count += len(dij.points)
+   #}
+   print( F"[SR] Writing file" )
+   file_array_instructions = {}
+   file_offset = 0
+   def _write_array( name, item_size, data ):#{
+      nonlocal file_array_instructions, file_offset
+      count = len(data)//item_size
+      file_array_instructions[name] = {'count':count, 'size':item_size,\
+                                       'data':data, 'offset': file_offset}
+      file_offset += len(data)
+      file_offset = int_align_to( file_offset, 8 )
+   #}
+   _write_array( 'strings', 1, sr_compile.string_data )
+   _write_array( 'mdl_mesh', sizeof(mdl_mesh), sr_compile.mesh_data )
+   _write_array( 'mdl_submesh', sizeof(mdl_submesh), sr_compile.submesh_data )
+   _write_array( 'mdl_material', sizeof(mdl_material), sr_compile.material_data)
+   _write_array( 'mdl_texture', sizeof(mdl_texture), sr_compile.texture_data)
+   _write_array( 'mdl_armature', sizeof(mdl_armature), sr_compile.armature_data)
+   _write_array( 'mdl_bone', sizeof(mdl_bone), sr_compile.bone_data )
+   for name, buffer in sr_compile.entity_data.items():#{
+      _write_array( name, sr_compile.entity_info[name]['size'], buffer )
+   #}
+   _write_array( 'mdl_animation', sizeof(mdl_animation), sr_compile.anim_data)
+   _write_array( 'mdl_keyframe', sizeof(mdl_transform),sr_compile.keyframe_data)
+   _write_array( 'mdl_vert', sizeof(mdl_vert), sr_compile.vertex_data )
+   _write_array( 'mdl_indice', sizeof(c_uint32), sr_compile.indice_data )
+   _write_array( 'pack', 1, sr_compile.pack_data )
+   header_size = int_align_to( sizeof(mdl_header), 8 )
+   index_size = int_align_to( sizeof(mdl_array)*len(file_array_instructions),8 )
+   folder = bpy.path.abspath(bpy.context.scene.SR_data.export_dir)
+   path = F"{folder}{}.mdl"
+   print( path )
+   os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path),exist_ok=True)
+   fp = open( path, "wb" )
+   header = mdl_header()
+   header.version = MDL_VERSION_NR
+   sr_array_title( header.arrays, \
+                   'index', len(file_array_instructions), \
+                   sizeof(mdl_array), header_size )
+   fp.write( bytearray_align_to( bytearray(header), 8 ) )
+   print( F'[SR] {"name":>16}|    count | offset' )
+   index = bytearray()
+   for name,info in file_array_instructions.items():#{
+      arr = mdl_array()
+      offset = info['offset'] + header_size + index_size
+      sr_array_title( arr, name, info['count'], info['size'], offset )
+      index.extend( bytearray(arr) )
+      print( F'[SR] {name:>16}| {info["count"]: 8} '+\
+             F'  0x{info["offset"]:02x}' )
+   #}
+   fp.write( bytearray_align_to( index, 8 ) )
+   #bytearray_print_hex( index )
+   for name,info in file_array_instructions.items():#{
+      fp.write( bytearray_align_to( info['data'], 8 ) )
+   #}
+   fp.close()
+   print( '[SR] done' )
+class SR_SCENE_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   use_hidden: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="use hidden", default=False )
+   export_dir: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Export Dir", subtype='DIR_PATH' )
+   gizmos: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Draw Gizmos", default=False )
+   panel: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+        name='Panel',
+        description='',
+        items=[
+            ('EXPORT', 'Export', '', 'MOD_BUILD',0),
+            ('ENTITY', 'Entity', '', 'MONKEY',1),
+            ('SETTINGS', 'Settings', 'Settings', 'PREFERENCES',2),
+        ],
+    )
+class SR_COLLECTION_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   pack_textures: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Pack Textures", default=False )
+   animations:    bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Export animation", default=True)
+def sr_get_mirror_bone( bones ):
+   side =[-1:]
+   other_name =[:-1]
+   if side == 'L': other_name += 'R'
+   elif side == 'R': other_name += 'L'
+   else: return None
+   for b in bones:#{
+      if == other_name:
+         return b
+   #}
+   return None
+class SR_MIRROR_BONE_X(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname="skaterift.mirror_bone"
+   bl_label="Mirror bone attributes - SkateRift"
+   def execute(_,context):
+   #{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      bones =
+      a =
+      b = sr_get_mirror_bone( bones )
+      if not b: return {'FINISHED'}
+      b.SR_data.collider = a.SR_data.collider
+      def _v3copyflipy( a, b ):#{
+         b[0] =  a[0]
+         b[1] = -a[1]
+         b[2] =  a[2]
+      #}
+      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.collider_min, b.SR_data.collider_min )
+      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.collider_max, b.SR_data.collider_max )
+      b.SR_data.collider_min[1] = -a.SR_data.collider_max[1]
+      b.SR_data.collider_max[1] = -a.SR_data.collider_min[1]
+      b.SR_data.cone_constraint = a.SR_data.cone_constraint
+      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.conevx, b.SR_data.conevy )
+      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.conevy, b.SR_data.conevx )
+      _v3copyflipy( a.SR_data.coneva, b.SR_data.coneva )
+      b.SR_data.conet = a.SR_data.conet
+      # redraw
+      ob = bpy.context.scene.objects[0]
+      ob.hide_render = ob.hide_render
+      return {'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_COMPILE(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname="skaterift.compile_all"
+   bl_label="Compile All"
+   def execute(_,context):
+   #{
+      view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
+      for col in view_layer.layer_collection.children["export"].children:
+         if not col.hide_viewport or bpy.context.scene.SR_data.use_hidden:
+            sr_compile([] )
+      return {'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_COMPILE_THIS(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname="skaterift.compile_this"
+   bl_label="Compile This collection"
+   def execute(_,context):
+   #{
+      col = bpy.context.collection
+      sr_compile( col )
+      return {'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_INTERFACE(bpy.types.Panel):
+   bl_idname = "VIEW3D_PT_skate_rift"
+   bl_label = "Skate Rift"
+   bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
+   bl_region_type = 'UI'
+   bl_category = "Skate Rift"
+   def draw(_, context):
+   #{
+      # Compiler section
+      row = _.layout.row()
+      row.scale_y = 1.75
+      row.prop( context.scene.SR_data, 'panel', expand=True )
+      if context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'SETTINGS': #{
+         _.layout.prop( context.scene.SR_data, 'gizmos' )
+      #}
+      elif context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'EXPORT': #{
+         _.layout.prop( context.scene.SR_data, "export_dir" )
+         col = bpy.context.collection
+         found_in_export = False
+         export_count = 0
+         view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
+         for c1 in view_layer.layer_collection.children["export"].children: #{
+            if not c1.hide_viewport or bpy.context.scene.SR_data.use_hidden:
+               export_count += 1
+            if == #{
+               found_in_export = True
+            #}
+         #}
+         box =
+         row = box.row()
+         row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+         row.scale_y = 1.5
+         if found_in_export: #{
+            row.label( + ".mdl" )
+            box.prop( col.SR_data, "pack_textures" )
+            box.prop( col.SR_data, "animations" )
+            box.operator( "skaterift.compile_this" )
+         #}
+         else: #{
+            row.enabled=False
+            row.label( )
+            row = box.row()
+            row.enabled=False
+            row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+            row.scale_y = 1.5
+            row.label( text="This collection is not in the export group" )
+         #}
+         box =
+         row = box.row()
+         split = row.split( factor=0.3, align=True )
+         split.prop( context.scene.SR_data, "use_hidden", text="hidden" )
+         row1 = split.row()
+         if export_count == 0:
+            row1.enabled=False
+         row1.operator( "skaterift.compile_all", \
+                           text=F"Compile all ({export_count} collections)" )
+      #}
+      elif context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'ENTITY': #{
+         active_object = context.active_object
+         if not active_object: return
+         amount = max( 0, len(context.selected_objects)-1 )
+         row = _.layout.row()
+         row.operator( 'skaterift.copy_entity_data', \
+               text=F'Copy entity data to {amount} other objects' )
+         if amount == 0: row.enabled=False
+         box =
+         row = box.row()
+         row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+         row.label( )
+         row.scale_y = 1.5
+         def _draw_prop_collection( source, data ): #{
+            nonlocal box
+            row = box.row()
+            row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+            row.enabled = False
+            row.scale_y = 1.5
+            row.label( text=F'{source}' )
+            if hasattr(type(data[0]),'sr_inspector'):#{
+               type(data[0]).sr_inspector( box, data )
+            #}
+            else:#{
+               for a in data[0].__annotations__:
+                  box.prop( data[0], a )
+            #}
+         #}
+         if active_object.type == 'ARMATURE': #{
+            if active_object.mode == 'POSE': #{
+               bones =
+               mb = sr_get_mirror_bone( bones )
+               if mb:#{
+                  box.operator( "skaterift.mirror_bone", \
+                                 text=F'Mirror attributes to {}' )
+               #}
+               _draw_prop_collection( \
+                     F'bpy.types.Bone["{}"].SR_data',\
+                     [ ] )
+            #}
+            else: #{
+               row = box.row()
+               row.alignment='CENTER'
+               row.scale_y=2.0
+               row.enabled=False
+               row.label( text="Enter pose mode to modify bone properties" )
+            #}
+         #}
+         elif active_object.type == 'LIGHT': #{
+            _draw_prop_collection( \
+                  F'bpy.types.Light["{}"].SR_data', \
+                  [] )
+         #}
+         elif active_object.type in ['EMPTY','CURVE','MESH']:#{
+            box.prop( active_object.SR_data, "ent_type" )
+            ent_type = active_object.SR_data.ent_type
+            col = getattr( active_object.SR_data, ent_type, None )
+            if col != None and len(col)!=0: 
+               _draw_prop_collection( \
+         F'bpy.types.Object["{}"].SR_data.{ent_type}[0]', \
+         col )
+            if active_object.type == 'MESH':#{
+               col = getattr(, ent_type, None )
+               if col != None and len(col)!=0: 
+                  _draw_prop_collection( \
+         F'bpy.types.Mesh["{}"].SR_data.{ent_type}[0]', \
+         col )
+            #}
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+class SR_MATERIAL_PANEL(bpy.types.Panel):
+   bl_label="Skate Rift material"
+   bl_idname="MATERIAL_PT_sr_material"
+   bl_space_type='PROPERTIES'
+   bl_region_type='WINDOW'
+   bl_context="material"
+   def draw(_,context):
+   #{
+      active_object = bpy.context.active_object
+      if active_object == None: return
+      active_mat = active_object.active_material
+      if active_mat == None: return
+      info = material_info( active_mat )
+      if 'tex_diffuse' in info:#{
+         _.layout.label( icon='INFO', \
+            text=F"{info['tex_diffuse'].name} will be compiled" )
+      #}
+      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "shader" )
+      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "surface_prop" )
+      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "collision" )
+      if active_mat.SR_data.collision:#{
+         box =
+         row = box.row()
+         if (active_mat.SR_data.shader != 'invisible') and \
+            (active_mat.SR_data.shader != 'boundary') and \
+            (active_mat.SR_data.shader != 'walking'):#{
+            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "skate_surface" )
+            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "grind_surface" )
+            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "grow_grass" )
+            row.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "preview_visibile" )
+         #}
+      #}
+      if active_mat.SR_data.shader == "terrain_blend":#{
+         box =
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "blend_offset" )
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "sand_colour" )
+      #}
+      elif active_mat.SR_data.shader == "vertex_blend":#{
+         box =
+         box.label( icon='INFO', text="Uses vertex colours, the R channel" )
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "blend_offset" )
+      #}
+      elif active_mat.SR_data.shader == "water":#{
+         box =
+         box.label( icon='INFO', text="Depth scale of 16 meters" )
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "shore_colour" )
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "ocean_colour" )
+      #}
+      elif active_mat.SR_data.shader == "cubemap":#{
+         box =
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "cubemap" )
+         box.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "tint" )
+      #}
+      _.layout.label( text="" )
+      _.layout.label( text="advanced (you probably don't want to edit these)" )
+      _.layout.prop( active_mat.SR_data, "tex_diffuse_rt" )
+   #}
+def sr_get_type_enum( scene, context ):
+   items = [('none','None',"")]
+   mesh_entities=['ent_gate','ent_water']
+   point_entities=['ent_spawn','ent_route_node','ent_route']
+   for e in point_entities: items += [(e,e,'')]
+   if context.scene.SR_data.panel == 'ENTITY': #{
+      if context.active_object.type == 'MESH': #{
+         for e in mesh_entities: items += [(e,e,'')]
+      #}
+   #}
+   else: #{
+      for e in mesh_entities: items += [(e,e,'')]
+   #}
+   return items
+def sr_on_type_change( _, context ):
+   obj = context.active_object
+   ent_type = obj.SR_data.ent_type
+   if ent_type == 'none': return
+   if obj.type == 'MESH':#{
+      col = getattr(, ent_type, None )
+      if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
+   #}
+   col = getattr( obj.SR_data, ent_type, None )
+   if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_SPAWN(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty( name='alias' )
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GATE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+               type=bpy.types.Object, name="destination", \
+               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_gate']))
+   key: bpy.props.StringProperty()
+   tipo: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(('default', 'Default', ""),
+                                       ('nonlocal', 'Non-Local', "")))
+   flip: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Flip exit", default=False )
+   custom: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Mesh is surface", default=False )
+   locked: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Start Locked", default=False )
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
+   #{
+      box =
+      box.prop( data[0], 'tipo', text="subtype" )
+      if   data[0].tipo == 'default':  box.prop( data[0], 'target' )
+      elif data[0].tipo == 'nonlocal': box.prop( data[0], 'key' )
+      flags =
+      flags.prop( data[0], 'flip' )
+      flags.prop( data[0], 'custom' )
+      flags.prop( data[0], 'locked' )
+   #}
+class SR_MESH_ENT_GATE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   dimensions: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="dimensions",size=3)
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+               type=bpy.types.Object, name='target', \
+               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_gate']))
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MINIWORLD(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   world: bpy.props.StringProperty( name='world UID' )
+   proxy: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+               type=bpy.types.Object, name='proxy', \
+               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_prop']))
+   camera: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Camera", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+class SR_UL_ROUTE_NODE_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
+   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_ROUTE_NODE_LIST'
+   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
+   #{
+      layout.prop( item, 'target', text='', emboss=False )
+   #}
+def internal_listdel_execute(self,context,ent_name,collection_name):
+   active_object = context.active_object
+   data = getattr(active_object.SR_data,ent_name)[0]
+   lista = getattr(data,collection_name)
+   index = getattr(data,F'{collection_name}_index')
+   lista.remove(index)
+   setattr(data,F'{collection_name}_index', min(max(0,index-1), len(lista)-1))
+   return{'FINISHED'}
+def internal_listadd_execute(self,context,ent_name,collection_name):
+   active_object = context.active_object
+   getattr(getattr(active_object.SR_data,ent_name)[0],collection_name).add()
+   return{'FINISHED'}
+def copy_propgroup( de, to ):
+   for a in de.__annotations__:#{
+      if isinstance(getattr(de,a), bpy.types.bpy_prop_collection):#{
+         ca = getattr(de,a)
+         cb = getattr(to,a)
+         while len(cb) != len(ca):#{
+            if len(cb) < len(ca): cb.add()
+            else: cb.remove(0)
+         #}
+         for i in range(len(ca)):#{
+            copy_propgroup(ca[i],cb[i])
+         #}
+      #}
+      else:#{
+         setattr(to,a,getattr(de,a))
+      #}
+   #}
+class SR_OT_COPY_ENTITY_DATA(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.copy_entity_data"
+   bl_label = "Copy entity data"
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      data = context.active_object.SR_data
+      new_type = data.ent_type
+      print( F"Copy entity data from: {}" )
+      for obj in context.selected_objects:#{
+         if obj != context.active_object:#{
+            print( F"   To: {}" )
+            obj.SR_data.ent_type = new_type
+            if active_object.type == 'MESH':#{
+               col = getattr(, new_type, None )
+               if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
+               mdata =
+               copy_propgroup( getattr(mdata,new_type)[0], col[0] )
+            #}
+            col = getattr( obj.SR_data, new_type, None )
+            if col != None and len(col)==0: col.add()
+            copy_propgroup( getattr(data,new_type)[0], col[0] )
+         #}
+      #}
+      return{'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_OT_ROUTE_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.new_entry"
+   bl_label = "Add gate"
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_route','gates')
+   #}
+class SR_OT_ROUTE_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.del_entry"
+   bl_label = "Remove gate"
+   @classmethod 
+   def poll(cls, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_route':#{
+         return active_object.SR_data.ent_route[0].gates
+      #}
+      else: return False
+   #}
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_route','gates')
+   #}
+class SR_OT_AUDIO_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.al_new_entry"
+   bl_label = "Add file"
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_audio','files')
+   #}
+class SR_OT_AUDIO_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.al_del_entry"
+   bl_label = "Remove file"
+   @classmethod 
+   def poll(cls, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_audio':#{
+         return active_object.SR_data.ent_audio[0].files
+      #}
+      else: return False
+   #}
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_audio','files')
+      return{'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_OT_GLYPH_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.gl_new_entry"
+   bl_label = "Add glyph"
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      font = active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0]
+      font.glyphs.add()
+      if len(font.glyphs) > 1:#{
+         prev = font.glyphs[-2]
+         cur = font.glyphs[-1]
+         cur.bounds = prev.bounds
+         cur.utf32 = prev.utf32+1
+      #}
+      return{'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_OT_GLYPH_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.gl_del_entry"
+   bl_label = "Remove Glyph"
+   @classmethod 
+   def poll(cls, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_font':#{
+         return active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0].glyphs
+      #}
+      else: return False
+   #}
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_font','glyphs')
+   #}
+class SR_OT_GLYPH_LIST_MOVE_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.gl_move_item"
+   bl_label = "aa"
+   direction: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(('UP', 'Up', ""),
+                                             ('DOWN', 'Down', ""),))
+   @classmethod 
+   def poll(cls, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_font':#{
+         return active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0].glyphs
+      #}
+      else: return False
+   #}
+   def execute(_, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      data = active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0]
+      index = data.glyphs_index
+      neighbor = index + (-1 if _.direction == 'UP' else 1)
+      data.glyphs.move( neighbor, index )
+      list_length = len(data.glyphs) - 1
+      new_index = index + (-1 if _.direction == 'UP' else 1)
+      data.glyphs_index = max(0, min(new_index, list_length))
+      return{'FINISHED'}
+   #}
+class SR_OT_FONT_VARIANT_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.fv_new_entry"
+   bl_label = "Add variant"
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_font','variants')
+   #}
+class SR_OT_FONT_VARIANT_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.fv_del_entry"
+   bl_label = "Remove variant"
+   @classmethod 
+   def poll(cls, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_font':#{
+         return active_object.SR_data.ent_font[0].variants
+      #}
+      else: return False
+   #}
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_font','variants')
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO_FILE_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   path: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Path" )
+   probability: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Probability",default=100.0 )
+class SR_UL_AUDIO_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
+   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_AUDIO_LIST'
+   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
+   #{
+      split = layout.split(factor=0.7)
+      c = split.column()
+      c.prop( item, 'path', text='', emboss=False )
+      c = split.column()
+      c.prop( item, 'probability', text='%', emboss=True )
+   #}
+class SR_UL_FONT_VARIANT_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
+   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_FONT_VARIANT_LIST'
+   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
+   #{
+      layout.prop( item, 'mesh', emboss=False )
+      layout.prop( item, 'tipo' )
+   #}
+class SR_UL_FONT_GLYPH_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):
+   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_FONT_GLYPH_LIST'
+   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):
+   #{
+      s0 = layout.split(factor=0.3)
+      c = s0.column()
+      s1 = c.split(factor=0.3)
+      c = s1.column()
+      row = c.row()
+      lbl = chr(item.utf32) if item.utf32 >= 32 and item.utf32 <= 126 else \
+                                                              f'x{item.utf32:x}'
+      row.label(text=lbl)
+      c = s1.column()
+      c.prop( item, 'utf32', text='', emboss=True )
+      c = s0.column()
+      row = c.row()
+      row.prop( item, 'bounds', text='', emboss=False )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   gates: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE_ENTRY)
+   gates_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
+         name="Colour",\
+         subtype='COLOR',\
+         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
+         default=Vector((0.79,0.63,0.48)),\
+         description="Route colour"\
+   )
+   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty(\
+          name="Alias",\
+          default="Untitled Course")
+   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
+   #{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'alias' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'colour' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'cam' )
+      layout.label( text='Checkpoints' )
+      layout.template_list('SR_UL_ROUTE_NODE_LIST', 'Checkpoints', \
+                            data[0], 'gates', data[0], 'gates_index', rows=5)
+      row = layout.row()
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.new_entry', text='Add' )
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.del_entry', text='Remove' )
+   #}
+class SR_OT_ENT_LIST_NEW_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):#{
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.ent_list_new_entry"
+   bl_label = "Add entity"
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listadd_execute(self,context,'ent_list','entities')
+   #}
+class SR_OT_ENT_LIST_DEL_ITEM(bpy.types.Operator):#{
+   bl_idname = "skaterift.ent_list_del_entry"
+   bl_label = "Remove entity"
+   @classmethod 
+   def poll(cls, context):#{
+      active_object = context.active_object
+      if obj_ent_type(active_object) == 'ent_list':#{
+         return active_object.SR_data.ent_list[0].entities
+      #}
+      else: return False
+   #}
+   def execute(self, context):#{
+      return internal_listdel_execute(self,context,'ent_list','entities')
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+               type=bpy.types.Object, name='target' )
+class SR_UL_ENT_LIST(bpy.types.UIList):#{
+   bl_idname = 'SR_UL_ENT_LIST'
+   def draw_item(_,context,layout,data,item,icon,active_data,active_propname):#{
+      layout.prop( item, 'target', text='', emboss=False )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   entities: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST_ENTRY)
+   entities_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      layout.label( text='Entities' )
+      layout.template_list('SR_UL_ENT_LIST', 'Entities', \
+                            data[0], 'entities', data[0], \
+                            'entities_index', rows=5)
+      row = layout.row()
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.ent_list_new_entry', text='Add' )
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.ent_list_del_entry', text='Remove' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLIDER(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   nothing: bpy.props.StringProperty()
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_NPC(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   au: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   context: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   subtype: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+      name="Subtype",
+      items=[('0','Trigger',''),
+             ('1','Particles (0.1s)','')]
+   )
+   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Enter Ev" )
+   target_event_leave: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Leave Ev", default=-1 )
+   @staticmethod
+   def inspect_target( layout, data, propname, evs = ['_event'] ):#{
+      box =
+      box.prop( data[0], propname )
+      for evname in evs:#{
+         row = box.row()
+         row.prop( data[0], propname + evname )
+         target = getattr( data[0], propname )
+         if target:#{
+            tipo = target.SR_data.ent_type
+            cls = globals()[ tipo ]
+            table = getattr( cls, 'sr_functions', None )
+            if table:#{
+               index = getattr( data[0], propname + evname )
+               if index in table:
+                  row.label( text=table[index] )
+               else:
+                  row.label( text="undefined function" )
+            #}
+         #}
+         else:#{
+            row.label( text="..." )
+            row.enabled=False
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'subtype' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target', \
+            ['_event','_event_leave'] )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   files: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO_FILE_ENTRY)
+   files_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   flag_3d: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="3D audio",default=True )
+   flag_loop: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Loop",default=False )
+   flag_auto: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Play at start",default=False )
+   flag_nodoppler: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="No Doppler",default=False )
+   group: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Group ID", default=0 )
+   formato: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+      name="Format",
+      items=[('0','Uncompressed Mono',''),
+             ('1','Compressed Vorbis',''),
+             ('2','[vg] Bird Synthesis','')]
+   )
+   probability_curve: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+      name="Probability Curve",
+      items=[('0','Constant',''),
+             ('1','Wildlife Daytime',''),
+             ('2','Wildlife Nighttime','')])
+   channel_behaviour: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+      name="Channel Behaviour",
+      items=[('0','Unlimited',''),
+             ('1','Discard if group full', ''),
+             ('2','Crossfade if group full','')])
+   transition_duration: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Transition Time",\
+                                                default=0.2)
+   max_channels: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Max Channels", default=1 )
+   volume: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Volume",default=1.0 )
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
+   #{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'formato' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'volume' )
+      box =
+      box.label( text='Channels' )
+      split = box.split(factor=0.3)
+      c = split.column()
+      c.prop( data[0], 'max_channels' )
+      c = split.column()
+      c.prop( data[0], 'channel_behaviour', text='Behaviour' )
+      if data[0].channel_behaviour >= '1':
+         box.prop( data[0], 'group' )
+      if data[0].channel_behaviour == '2': 
+         box.prop( data[0], 'transition_duration' )
+      box =
+      box.label( text='Flags' )
+      box.prop( data[0], 'flag_3d' )
+      if data[0].flag_3d: box.prop( data[0], 'flag_nodoppler' )
+      box.prop( data[0], 'flag_loop' )
+      box.prop( data[0], 'flag_auto' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'probability_curve' )
+      split = layout.split(factor=0.7)
+      c = split.column()
+      c.label( text='Filepath' )
+      c = split.column()
+      c.label( text='Chance' )
+      layout.template_list('SR_UL_AUDIO_LIST', 'Files', \
+                            data[0], 'files', data[0], 'files_index', rows=5)
+      row = layout.row()
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.al_new_entry', text='Add' )
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.al_del_entry', text='Remove' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty()
+   flags: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   mini: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(size=2)
+   maxi: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(size=2)
+   utf32: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH_ENTRY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   bounds: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(size=4,subtype='NONE')
+   utf32: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT_VARIANT(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   mesh: bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=bpy.types.Object)
+   tipo: bpy.props.StringProperty()
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   variants: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT_VARIANT)
+   glyphs: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH_ENTRY)
+   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty()
+   glyphs_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   variants_index: bpy.props.IntProperty()
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
+   #{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'alias' )
+      layout.label( text='Variants' )
+      layout.template_list('SR_UL_FONT_VARIANT_LIST', 'Variants', \
+                            data[0], 'variants', data[0], 'variants_index',\
+                            rows=5 )
+      row = layout.row()
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.fv_new_entry', text='Add' )
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.fv_del_entry', text='Remove' )
+      layout.label( text='ASCII Glyphs' )
+      layout.template_list('SR_UL_FONT_GLYPH_LIST', 'Glyphs', \
+                            data[0], 'glyphs', data[0], 'glyphs_index', rows=5)
+      row = layout.row()
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_new_entry', text='Add' )
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_del_entry', text='Remove' )
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_move_item', text='^' ).direction='UP'
+      row.operator( 'skaterift.gl_move_item', text='v' ).direction='DOWN'
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_TRAFFIC(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   speed: bpy.props.FloatProperty(default=1.0)
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_SKATESHOP(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   tipo: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Type',
+                                 items=[('0','boards',''),
+                                        ('1','character',''),
+                                        ('2','world',''),
+                                        ('4','server','')] )
+   mark_rack: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Board Rack", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
+   mark_display: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Selected Board Display", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
+   mark_info: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Selected Board Info", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,\
+           ['ent_marker','ent_prop']))
+   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORKSHOP_PREVIEW(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   mark_display: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Board Display", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
+   mark_display1: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Board Display (other side)", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
+   cam: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Viewpoint", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MENU_ITEM(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   link0: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 0", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   link1: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 1", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   link2: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 2", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   link3: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Link 3", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   newloc: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="New location", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   stack_behaviour: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Stack Behaviour',
+                                 items=[('0','append',''),
+                                        ('1','replace','')])
+   camera: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Camera", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+   slider_minloc: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Slider min", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
+   slider_maxloc: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Slider max", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_marker']))
+   slider_handle: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Slider handle", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   checkmark: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Checked", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_menuitem']))
+   font_variant: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Font Variant" )
+   string: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="String" )
+   tipo: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Type',
+                                 items=[('0','visual',''),
+                                        ('1','event button',''),
+                                        ('2','page button',''),
+                                        ('3','toggle', ''),
+                                        ('4','slider',''),
+                                        ('5','page',''),
+                                        ('6','binding',''),
+                                        ('7','visual(no colourize)','')])
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
+   #{
+      data = data[0]
+      box =
+      box.prop( data, 'tipo' )
+      if data.tipo == '0' or data.tipo == '7':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Name' )
+         return
+      #}
+      elif data.tipo == '1':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Event' )
+      #}
+      elif data.tipo == '2':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Page' )
+         box.prop( data, 'stack_behaviour' )
+      #}
+      elif data.tipo == '3':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Data (i32)' )
+         box.prop( data, 'checkmark' )
+      #}
+      elif data.tipo == '4':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Data (f32)' )
+         box.prop( data, 'slider_minloc' )
+         box.prop( data, 'slider_maxloc' )
+         box.prop( data, 'slider_handle' )
+         box =
+         box.label( text="Links" )
+         box.prop( data, 'link0', text='v0' )
+         box.prop( data, 'link1', text='v1' )
+         return
+      #}
+      elif data.tipo == '5':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='Page Name' )
+         box.prop( data, 'newloc', text='Entry Point' )
+         box.prop( data, 'camera', text='Viewpoint' )
+         return
+      #}
+      elif data.tipo == '6':#{
+         box.prop( data, 'string', text='ID' )
+         box.prop( data, 'font_variant' )
+         return
+      #}
+      box =
+      box.label( text="Links" )
+      box.prop( data, 'link0' )
+      box.prop( data, 'link1' )
+      box.prop( data, 'link2' )
+      box.prop( data, 'link3' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORLD_INFO(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Name")
+   desc: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Description")
+   author: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Author")
+   skybox: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Skybox")
+   fix_time: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Fix Time")
+   timezone: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Timezone(hrs) (UTC0 +hrs)")
+   fixed_time: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Fixed Time (0-1)")
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'name' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'desc' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'author' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'fix_time' )
+      if data[0].fix_time:
+         layout.prop( data[0], 'fixed_time' )
+      else:
+         layout.prop( data[0], 'timezone' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_CCMD(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   command: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Command Line")
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_OBJECTIVE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   proxima: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Next", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_objective']))
+   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Win", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
+   time_limit: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Time Limit", default=1.0 )
+   filtrar: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Filter',\
+      items=[('0','none',''),
+             (str(0x1),'trick_shuvit',''),
+             (str(0x2),'trick_kickflip',''),
+             (str(0x4),'trick_treflip',''),
+             (str(0x1|0x2|0x4),'trick_any',''),
+             (str(0x8),'flip_back',''),
+             (str(0x10),'flip_front',''),
+             (str(0x8|0x10),'flip_any',''),
+             (str(0x20),'grind_truck_any',''),
+             (str(0x40),'grind_board_any',''),
+             (str(0x20|0x40),'grind_any',''),
+             (str(0x80),'footplant',''),
+             (str(0x100),'passthrough',''),
+             ])
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'proxima' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'time_limit' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'filtrar' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_CHALLENGE(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   alias: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Alias" )
+   target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="On Complete", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
+   reset: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="On Reset", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   reset_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
+   time_limit: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Time Limit" )
+   first: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="First Objective", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_objective']))
+   camera: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+           type=bpy.types.Object, name="Camera", \
+           poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_camera']))
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'alias' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'camera' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'first' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'time_limit' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'reset' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_REGION(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   title: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Title" )
+   zone_volume: bpy.props.PointerProperty(
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Zone Volume", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_volume']))
+   target0: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Triger on unlock", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target0_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event/Method" )
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'title' )
+      layout.prop( data[0], 'zone_volume' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target0' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_RELAY(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):#{
+   target0: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 0", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target1: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 1", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target2: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 2", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target3: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+            type=bpy.types.Object, name="Target 3", \
+            poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,SR_TRIGGERABLE))
+   target0_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
+   target1_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
+   target2_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
+   target3_event: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Event" )
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):#{
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target0' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target1' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target2' )
+      SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME.inspect_target( layout, data, 'target3' )
+   #}
+class SR_OBJECT_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   ent_gate: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GATE)
+   ent_spawn: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_SPAWN)
+   ent_route: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE)
+   ent_volume: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME)
+   ent_audio: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO)
+   ent_marker: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER)
+   ent_prop: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER)
+   ent_glyph: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLYPH)
+   ent_font: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_FONT)
+   ent_traffic: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_TRAFFIC)
+   ent_skateshop: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_SKATESHOP)
+   ent_swspreview: \
+         bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORKSHOP_PREVIEW)
+   ent_menuitem: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MENU_ITEM)
+   ent_worldinfo: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_WORLD_INFO)
+   ent_ccmd: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_CCMD)
+   ent_objective: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_OBJECTIVE)
+   ent_challenge: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_CHALLENGE)
+   ent_region: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_REGION)
+   ent_relay: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_RELAY)
+   ent_miniworld: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MINIWORLD)
+   ent_list: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_LIST)
+   ent_glider: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GLIDER)
+   ent_npc: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_NPC)
+   ent_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+      name="Type",
+      items=sr_entity_list,
+      update=sr_on_type_change
+   )
+class SR_MESH_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   ent_gate: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_MESH_ENT_GATE)
+class SR_LIGHT_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   daytime: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Daytime' )
+class SR_BONE_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   collider: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Collider Type',
+                                     items=[('0','none',''),
+                                            ('1','box',''),
+                                            ('2','capsule','')])
+   collider_min: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='Collider Min', size=3 )
+   collider_max: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='Collider Max', size=3 )
+   cone_constraint: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Cone constraint' )
+   conevx: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='vx' )
+   conevy: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='vy' )
+   coneva: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='va' )
+   conet:  bpy.props.FloatProperty( name='t' )
+   @staticmethod
+   def sr_inspector( layout, data ):
+   #{
+      data = data[0]
+      box =
+      box.prop( data, 'collider' )
+      if int(data.collider)>0:#{
+         row = box.row()
+         row.prop( data, 'collider_min' )
+         row = box.row()
+         row.prop( data, 'collider_max' )
+      #}
+      box =
+      box.prop( data, 'cone_constraint' )
+      if data.cone_constraint:#{
+         row = box.row()
+         row.prop( data, 'conevx' )
+         row = box.row()
+         row.prop( data, 'conevy' )
+         row = box.row()
+         row.prop( data, 'coneva' )
+         box.prop( data, 'conet' )
+      #}
+   #}
+class SR_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+   shader: bpy.props.EnumProperty( 
+      name="Format", 
+      items = [
+      ('standard',"standard",''),
+      ('standard_cutout', "standard_cutout", ''),
+      ('terrain_blend', "terrain_blend", ''),
+      ('vertex_blend', "vertex_blend", ''),
+      ('water',"water",''),
+      ('invisible','Invisible',''),
+      ('boundary','Boundary',''),
+      ('fxglow','FX Glow',''),
+      ('cubemap','Cubemap',''),
+      ('walking','Walking',''),
+      ('foliage','Foliage','')
+      ])
+   surface_prop: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+      name="Surface Property",
+      items = [
+      ('0','concrete',''),
+      ('1','wood',''),
+      ('2','grass',''),
+      ('3','tiles',''),
+      ('4','metal',''),
+      ('5','snow (low friction)',''),
+      ('6','sand (medium friction)','')
+      ])
+   collision: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
+         name="Collisions Enabled",\
+         default=True,\
+         description = "Can the player collide with this material?"\
+   )
+   skate_surface: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
+         name="Skate Target", \
+         default=True,\
+         description = "Should the game try to target this surface?" \
+   )
+   grind_surface: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
+         name="Grindable", \
+         default=True,\
+         description = "Can you grind on this surface?" \
+   )
+   grow_grass: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
+         name="Grow Grass", \
+         default=False,\
+         description = "Spawn grass sprites on this surface?" \
+   )
+   preview_visibile: bpy.props.BoolProperty( \
+         name="Preview visibile", \
+         default=True,\
+         description = "Show this material in preview models?" \
+   )
+   blend_offset: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
+         name="Blend Offset", \
+         size=2, \
+         default=Vector((0.5,0.0)),\
+         description="When surface is more than 45 degrees, add this vector " +\
+                     "to the UVs" \
+   )
+   sand_colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
+         name="Sand Colour",\
+         subtype='COLOR',\
+         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
+         default=Vector((0.79,0.63,0.48)),\
+         description="Blend to this colour near the 0 coordinate on UP axis"\
+   )
+   shore_colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
+         name="Shore Colour",\
+         subtype='COLOR',\
+         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
+         default=Vector((0.03,0.32,0.61)),\
+         description="Water colour at the shoreline"\
+   )
+   ocean_colour: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
+         name="Ocean Colour",\
+         subtype='COLOR',\
+         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
+         default=Vector((0.0,0.006,0.03)),\
+         description="Water colour in the deep bits"\
+   )
+   tint: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( \
+         name="Tint",\
+         subtype='COLOR',\
+         min=0.0,max=1.0,\
+         size=4,\
+         default=Vector((1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)),\
+         description="Reflection tint"\
+   )
+   water_fog: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Water fog", default=0.04 )
+   cubemap: bpy.props.PointerProperty( \
+               type=bpy.types.Object, name="cubemap", \
+               poll=lambda self,obj: sr_filter_ent_type(obj,['ent_cubemap']))
+   tex_diffuse_rt: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="diffuse: RT index", default=-1 )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+#                                                                              #
+#                                 GUI section                                  #
+#                                                                              #
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+cv_view_draw_handler = None
+cv_view_pixel_handler = None
+cv_view_shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_SMOOTH_COLOR')
+cv_view_verts = []
+cv_view_colours = []
+cv_view_course_i = 0
+# Draw axis alligned sphere at position with radius
+def cv_draw_sphere( pos, radius, colour ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   ly = pos + Vector((0,0,radius))
+   lx = pos + Vector((0,radius,0))
+   lz = pos + Vector((0,0,radius))
+   pi = 3.14159265358979323846264
+   for i in range(16):#{
+      t = ((i+1.0) * 1.0/16.0) * pi * 2.0
+      s = math.sin(t)
+      c = math.cos(t)
+      py = pos + Vector((s*radius,0.0,c*radius))
+      px = pos + Vector((s*radius,c*radius,0.0))
+      pz = pos + Vector((0.0,s*radius,c*radius))
+      cv_view_verts += [ px, lx ]
+      cv_view_verts += [ py, ly ]
+      cv_view_verts += [ pz, lz ]
+      cv_view_colours += [ colour, colour, colour, colour, colour, colour ]
+      ly = py
+      lx = px
+      lz = pz
+   #}
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Draw axis alligned sphere at position with radius
+def cv_draw_halfsphere( pos, tx, ty, tz, radius, colour ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   ly = pos + tz*radius
+   lx = pos + ty*radius
+   lz = pos + tz*radius
+   pi = 3.14159265358979323846264
+   for i in range(16):#{
+      t = ((i+1.0) * 1.0/16.0) * pi
+      s = math.sin(t)
+      c = math.cos(t)
+      s1 = math.sin(t*2.0)
+      c1 = math.cos(t*2.0)
+      py = pos + s*tx*radius +                c *tz*radius
+      px = pos + s*tx*radius + c *ty*radius 
+      pz = pos +               s1*ty*radius + c1*tz*radius
+      cv_view_verts += [ px, lx ]
+      cv_view_verts += [ py, ly ]
+      cv_view_verts += [ pz, lz ]
+      cv_view_colours += [ colour, colour, colour, colour, colour, colour ]
+      ly = py
+      lx = px
+      lz = pz
+   #}
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Draw transformed -1 -> 1 cube
+def cv_draw_ucube( transform, colour, s=Vector((1,1,1)), o=Vector((0,0,0)) ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   a = o + -1.0 * s
+   b = o +  1.0 * s
+   vs = [None]*8
+   vs[0] = transform @ Vector((a[0], a[1], a[2]))
+   vs[1] = transform @ Vector((a[0], b[1], a[2]))
+   vs[2] = transform @ Vector((b[0], b[1], a[2]))
+   vs[3] = transform @ Vector((b[0], a[1], a[2]))
+   vs[4] = transform @ Vector((a[0], a[1], b[2]))
+   vs[5] = transform @ Vector((a[0], b[1], b[2]))
+   vs[6] = transform @ Vector((b[0], b[1], b[2]))
+   vs[7] = transform @ Vector((b[0], a[1], b[2]))
+   indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
+              (0,4),(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)]
+   for l in indices:#{
+      v0 = vs[l[0]]
+      v1 = vs[l[1]]
+      cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
+      cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
+      cv_view_colours += [colour, colour]
+   #}
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Draw line with colour
+def cv_draw_line( p0, p1, colour ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   cv_view_verts += [p0,p1]
+   cv_view_colours += [colour, colour]
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Draw line with colour(s)
+def cv_draw_line2( p0, p1, c0, c1 ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   cv_view_verts += [p0,p1]
+   cv_view_colours += [c0,c1]
+   cv_draw_lines()
+def cv_tangent_basis( n, tx, ty ):
+   if abs( n[0] ) >= 0.57735027:#{
+      tx[0] =  n[1]
+      tx[1] = -n[0]
+      tx[2] =  0.0
+   #}
+   else:#{
+      tx[0] =  0.0
+      tx[1] =  n[2]
+      tx[2] = -n[1]
+   #}
+   tx.normalize()
+   _ty = n.cross( tx )
+   ty[0] = _ty[0]
+   ty[1] = _ty[1]
+   ty[2] = _ty[2]
+# Draw coloured arrow
+def cv_draw_arrow( p0, p1, c0, size=0.25, outline=True ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   n = p1-p0
+   midpt = p0 + n*0.5
+   n.normalize()
+   tx = Vector((1,0,0))
+   ty = Vector((1,0,0))
+   cv_tangent_basis( n, tx, ty )
+   tx *= 0.5
+   ty *= 0.5
+   if outline:#{
+      cv_draw_lines()
+      gpu.state.line_width_set(1.0)
+   #}
+   cv_view_verts += [p0,p1, midpt+(tx-n)*size,midpt, midpt+(-tx-n)*size,midpt ]
+   cv_view_colours += [c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0]
+   cv_draw_lines()
+   if outline:#{
+      gpu.state.line_width_set(3.0)
+      cv_view_verts += [p0,p1,midpt+(tx-n)*size,midpt,midpt+(-tx-n)*size,midpt]
+      b0 = (0,0,0)
+      cv_view_colours += [b0,b0,b0,b0,b0,b0]
+      cv_draw_lines()
+      gpu.state.line_width_set(2.0)
+   #}
+def cv_draw_line_dotted( p0, p1, c0, dots=10 ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   for i in range(dots):#{
+      t0 = i/dots
+      t1 = (i+0.25)/dots
+      p2 = p0*(1.0-t0)+p1*t0
+      p3 = p0*(1.0-t1)+p1*t1
+      cv_view_verts += [p2,p3]
+      cv_view_colours += [c0,c0]
+   #}
+   #cv_draw_lines()
+# Drawhandles of a bezier control point
+def cv_draw_bhandle( obj, direction, colour ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   p0 = obj.location
+   h0 = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((0,direction,0))
+   cv_view_verts += [p0]
+   cv_view_verts += [h0]
+   cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Draw a bezier curve (at fixed resolution 10)
+def cv_draw_bezier( p0,h0,p1,h1,c0,c1 ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   last = p0
+   for i in range(10):#{
+      t = (i+1)/10
+      a0 = 1-t
+      tt = t*t
+      ttt = tt*t
+      p=ttt*p1+(3*tt-3*ttt)*h1+(3*ttt-6*tt+3*t)*h0+(3*tt-ttt-3*t+1)*p0
+      cv_view_verts += [(last[0],last[1],last[2])]
+      cv_view_verts += [(p[0],p[1],p[2])]
+      cv_view_colours += [c0*a0+c1*(1-a0),c0*a0+c1*(1-a0)]
+      last = p
+   #}
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# I think this one extends the handles of the bezier otwards......
+def cv_draw_sbpath( o0,o1,c0,c1,s0,s1 ):
+   global cv_view_course_i
+   offs = ((cv_view_course_i % 2)*2-1) * cv_view_course_i * 0.02
+   p0 = o0.matrix_world @ Vector((offs,  0,0))
+   h0 = o0.matrix_world @ Vector((offs, s0,0))
+   p1 = o1.matrix_world @ Vector((offs,  0,0))
+   h1 = o1.matrix_world @ Vector((offs,-s1,0))
+   cv_draw_bezier( p0,h0,p1,h1,c0,c1 )
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Flush the lines buffers. This is called often because god help you if you want
+# to do fixed, fast buffers in this catastrophic programming language.
+def cv_draw_lines():
+   global cv_view_shader, cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   if len(cv_view_verts) < 2:
+      return
+   lines = batch_for_shader(\
+         cv_view_shader, 'LINES', \
+         { "pos":cv_view_verts, "color":cv_view_colours })
+   if bpy.context.scene.SR_data.gizmos:
+      lines.draw( cv_view_shader )
+   cv_view_verts = []
+   cv_view_colours = []
+# I dont remember what this does exactly
+def cv_draw_bpath( o0,o1,c0,c1 ):
+   cv_draw_sbpath( o0,o1,c0,c1,1.0,1.0 )
+# Semi circle to show the limit. and some lines
+def draw_limit( obj, center, major, minor, amin, amax, colour ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   f = 0.05
+   ay = major*f
+   ax = minor*f
+   for x in range(16):#{
+      t0 = x/16
+      t1 = (x+1)/16
+      a0 = amin*(1.0-t0)+amax*t0
+      a1 = amin*(1.0-t1)+amax*t1
+      p0 = center + major*f*math.cos(a0) + minor*f*math.sin(a0)
+      p1 = center + major*f*math.cos(a1) + minor*f*math.sin(a1)
+      p0=obj.matrix_world @ p0
+      p1=obj.matrix_world @ p1
+      cv_view_verts += [p0,p1]
+      cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
+      if x == 0:#{
+         cv_view_verts += [p0,center]
+         cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
+      #}
+      if x == 15:#{
+         cv_view_verts += [p1,center]
+         cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
+      #}
+   #}
+   cv_view_verts += [center+major*1.2*f,center+major*f*0.8]
+   cv_view_colours += [colour,colour]
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Cone and twist limit
+def draw_cone_twist( center, vx, vy, va ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   axis = vy.cross( vx )
+   axis.normalize()
+   size = 0.12
+   cv_view_verts += [center, center+va*size]
+   cv_view_colours += [ (1,1,1), (1,1,1) ]
+   for x in range(32):#{
+      t0 = (x/32) * math.tau
+      t1 = ((x+1)/32) * math.tau
+      c0 = math.cos(t0)
+      s0 = math.sin(t0)
+      c1 = math.cos(t1)
+      s1 = math.sin(t1)
+      p0 = center + (axis + vx*c0 + vy*s0).normalized() * size
+      p1 = center + (axis + vx*c1 + vy*s1).normalized() * size
+      col0 = ( abs(c0), abs(s0), 0.0 )
+      col1 = ( abs(c1), abs(s1), 0.0 )
+      cv_view_verts += [center, p0, p0, p1]
+      cv_view_colours += [ (0,0,0), col0, col0, col1 ]
+   #}
+   cv_draw_lines()
+# Draws constraints and stuff for the skeleton. This isnt documented and wont be
+def draw_skeleton_helpers( obj ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   if != 'REST':#{
+      return
+   #}
+   for bone in{
+      c = bone.head_local
+      a = Vector((bone.SR_data.collider_min[0], 
+                  bone.SR_data.collider_min[1], 
+                  bone.SR_data.collider_min[2]))
+      b = Vector((bone.SR_data.collider_max[0], 
+                  bone.SR_data.collider_max[1], 
+                  bone.SR_data.collider_max[2]))
+      if bone.SR_data.collider == '1':#{
+         vs = [None]*8
+         vs[0]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+a[2]))
+         vs[1]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+a[2]))
+         vs[2]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+a[2]))
+         vs[3]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+a[2]))
+         vs[4]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+b[2]))
+         vs[5]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+a[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+b[2]))
+         vs[6]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+b[1],c[2]+b[2]))
+         vs[7]=obj.matrix_world@Vector((c[0]+b[0],c[1]+a[1],c[2]+b[2]))
+         indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
+                    (0,4),(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)]
+         for l in indices:#{
+            v0 = vs[l[0]]
+            v1 = vs[l[1]]
+            cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
+            cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
+            cv_view_colours += [(0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.5,0.5,0.5)]
+         #}
+      #}
+      elif bone.SR_data.collider == '2':#{
+         v0 = b-a
+         major_axis = 0
+         largest = -1.0
+         for i in range(3):#{
+            if abs(v0[i]) > largest:#{
+               largest = abs(v0[i])
+               major_axis = i
+            #}
+         #}
+         v1 = Vector((0,0,0))
+         v1[major_axis] = 1.0
+         tx = Vector((0,0,0))
+         ty = Vector((0,0,0))
+         cv_tangent_basis( v1, tx, ty )
+         r = (abs( v0 )) + abs( v0 ))) * 0.25
+         l = v0[ major_axis ] - r*2
+         p0 = obj.matrix_world@Vector( c + (a+b)*0.5 + v1*l*-0.5 )
+         p1 = obj.matrix_world@Vector( c + (a+b)*0.5 + v1*l* 0.5 )
+         colour = [0.2,0.2,0.2]
+         colour[major_axis] = 0.5
+         cv_draw_halfsphere( p0, -v1, ty, tx, r, colour )
+         cv_draw_halfsphere( p1,  v1, ty, tx, r, colour )
+         cv_draw_line( p0+tx* r, p1+tx* r, colour )
+         cv_draw_line( p0+tx*-r, p1+tx*-r, colour )
+         cv_draw_line( p0+ty* r, p1+ty* r, colour )
+         cv_draw_line( p0+ty*-r, p1+ty*-r, colour )
+      #}
+      else:#{
+         continue
+      #}
+      center = obj.matrix_world @ c
+      if bone.SR_data.cone_constraint:#{
+         vx = Vector([bone.SR_data.conevx[_] for _ in range(3)])
+         vy = Vector([bone.SR_data.conevy[_] for _ in range(3)])
+         va = Vector([bone.SR_data.coneva[_] for _ in range(3)])
+         draw_cone_twist( center, vx, vy, va )
+      #}
+   #}
+def cv_draw_wireframe( mdl, points, colour ):#{
+   for i in range(len(points)//2):#{
+      p0 = mdl@points[i*2+0]
+      p1 = mdl@points[i*2+1]
+      cv_draw_line( p0, p1, colour )
+   #}
+def cv_ent_gate( obj ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   if obj.type != 'MESH': return
+   mesh_data =[0]
+   data = obj.SR_data.ent_gate[0]
+   dims = mesh_data.dimensions
+   vs = [None]*9
+   c = Vector((0,0,dims[2]))
+   vs[0] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((-dims[0],0.0,-dims[1]+dims[2]))
+   vs[1] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector((-dims[0],0.0, dims[1]+dims[2]))
+   vs[2] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector(( dims[0],0.0, dims[1]+dims[2]))
+   vs[3] = obj.matrix_world @ Vector(( dims[0],0.0,-dims[1]+dims[2]))
+   vs[4] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector((-1,0,-2)))
+   vs[5] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector((-1,0, 2)))
+   vs[6] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector(( 1,0, 2)))
+   vs[7] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector((-1,0, 0)))
+   vs[8] = obj.matrix_world @ (c+Vector(( 1,0, 0)))
+   indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(7,8)]
+   r3d =
+   p0 = r3d.view_matrix.inverted().translation
+   v0 = (obj.matrix_world@Vector((0,0,0))) - p0
+   v1 = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,1,0))
+   if > 0.0: cc = (0,1,0)
+   else: cc = (1,0,0)
+   for l in indices:#{
+      v0 = vs[l[0]]
+      v1 = vs[l[1]]
+      cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
+      cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
+      cv_view_colours += [cc,cc]
+   #}
+   sw = (0.4,0.4,0.4)
+   if != None:
+      cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, sw )
+def cv_ent_volume( obj ):
+   global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
+   data = obj.SR_data.ent_volume[0]
+   if data.subtype == '0':#{
+      cv_draw_ucube( obj.matrix_world, (0,1,0), Vector((0.99,0.99,0.99)) )
+      if{
+         cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
+      #}
+   #}
+   elif data.subtype == '1':#{
+      cv_draw_ucube( obj.matrix_world, (1,1,0) )
+      if{
+         cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
+      #}
+   #}
+def dijkstra( graph, start_node, target_node ):
+   unvisited = [_ for _ in graph]
+   shortest_path = {}
+   previous_nodes = {}
+   for n in unvisited:
+      shortest_path[n] = 9999999.999999
+   shortest_path[start_node] = 0
+   while unvisited:#{
+      current_min_node = None
+      for n in unvisited:#{
+         if current_min_node == None:
+            current_min_node = n
+         elif shortest_path[n] < shortest_path[current_min_node]:
+            current_min_node = n
+      #}
+      for branch in graph[current_min_node]:#{
+         tentative_value = shortest_path[current_min_node]
+         tentative_value += graph[current_min_node][branch]
+         if tentative_value < shortest_path[branch]:#{
+            shortest_path[branch] = tentative_value
+            previous_nodes[branch] = current_min_node
+         #}
+      #}
+      unvisited.remove(current_min_node)
+   #}
+   path = []
+   node = target_node
+   while node != start_node:#{
+      path.append(node)
+      if node not in previous_nodes: return None
+      node = previous_nodes[node]
+   #}
+   # Add the start node manually
+   path.append(start_node)
+   return path
+class dij_graph():
+   def __init__(_,points,graph,subsections):#{
+      _.points = points
+      _.graph = graph
+      _.subsections = subsections
+   #}
+def create_node_graph( curves, gates ):
+   # add endpoints of curves
+   graph = {}
+   route_points = []
+   subsections = []
+   point_count = 0
+   spline_count = 0
+   for c in range(len(curves)):#{
+      for s in range(len(curves[c].data.splines)):#{
+         spline = curves[c].data.splines[s]
+         l = len(spline.points)
+         if l < 2: continue
+         dist = round(spline.calc_length(),2)
+         ia = point_count
+         ib = point_count+l-1
+         graph[ia] = { ib: dist }
+         graph[ib] = { ia: dist }
+         for i in range(len(spline.points)):#{
+            wco = curves[c].matrix_world @ spline.points[i].co
+            route_points.append(Vector((wco[0],wco[1],wco[2]+0.5)))
+            previous = ia+i-1
+            proxima = ia+i+1
+            if i == 0: previous = -1
+            if i == len(spline.points)-1: proxima = -1
+            subsections.append((spline_count,previous,proxima))
+            point_count += 1
+         #}
+         spline_count += 1
+      #}
+   #}
+   # link endpoints
+   graph_keys = list(graph)
+   for i in range(len(graph_keys)-1):#{
+      for j in range(i+1, len(graph_keys)):#{
+         if i%2==0 and i+1==j: continue
+         ni = graph_keys[i]
+         nj = graph_keys[j]
+         pi = route_points[ni]
+         pj = route_points[nj]
+         dist = round((pj-pi).magnitude,2)
+         if dist < 10.0:#{
+            graph[ni][nj] = dist
+            graph[nj][ni] = dist
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   # add and link gates( by name )
+   for gate in gates:#{
+      v1 = gate.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,1,0))
+      if gate.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target:
+         v1 = v1 * -1.0
+      graph[ ] = {}
+      for i in range(len(graph_keys)):#{
+         ni = graph_keys[i]
+         pi = route_points[ni]
+         v0 = pi-gate.location
+         if < 0.0: continue
+         dist = round(v0.magnitude,2)
+         if dist < 10.0:#{
+            graph[ ][ ni ] = dist
+            graph[ ni ][ ] = dist
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   return dij_graph(route_points,graph,subsections)
+def solve_graph( dij, start, end ):
+   path = dijkstra( dij.graph, end, start )
+   full = []
+   if path:#{
+      for sj in range(1,len(path)-2):#{
+         i0 = path[sj]
+         i1 = path[sj+1]
+         map0 = dij.subsections[i0]
+         map1 = dij.subsections[i1]
+         if map0[0] == map1[0]:#{
+            if map0[1] == -1: direction = 2
+            else: direction = 1
+            sent = 0
+            while True:#{
+               map0 = dij.subsections[i0]
+               i1 = map0[direction]
+               if i1 == -1: break
+               full.append( i0 )
+               sent += 1
+               i0 = i1
+               if sent > 50: break
+            #}
+         #}
+         else:#{
+            full.append( i0 )
+         #}
+      #}
+      full.append( path[-2] )
+   #}
+   return full
+def cv_draw_route( route, dij ):
+   pole = Vector((0.2,0.2,10))
+   hat = Vector((1,8,0.2))
+   cc = (route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[0],
+         route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[1],
+         route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[2])
+   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,Vector((0.5,-7.5,6)),\
+                                       Vector((0,-6.5,5.5)))
+   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,pole, Vector(( 0.5, 0.5,0)) )
+   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,pole, Vector(( 0.5,-13.5,0)) )
+   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,hat, Vector((-0.5,-6.5, 12)) )
+   cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,hat, Vector((-0.5,-6.5,-1)) )
+   checkpoints = route.SR_data.ent_route[0].gates
+   for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
+      gi = checkpoints[i].target
+      gj = checkpoints[(i+1)%len(checkpoints)].target
+      if gi:#{
+         dest = gi.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target
+         if dest:
+            cv_draw_line_dotted( gi.location, dest.location, cc )
+         gi = dest
+      #}
+      if gi==gj: continue # error?
+      if not gi or not gj: continue
+      path = solve_graph( dij,, )
+      if path:#{
+         cv_draw_arrow(gi.location,dij.points[path[0]],cc,1.5,False)
+         cv_draw_arrow(dij.points[path[len(path)-1]],gj.location,cc,1.5,False)
+         for j in range(len(path)-1):#{
+            i0 = path[j]
+            i1 = path[j+1]
+            o0 = dij.points[ i0 ]
+            o1 = dij.points[ i1 ]
+            cv_draw_arrow(o0,o1,cc,1.5,False)
+         #}
+      #}
+      else:#{
+         cv_draw_line_dotted( gi.location, gj.location, cc )
+      #}
+   #}
+def cv_draw():#{
+   global cv_view_shader
+   global cv_view_verts
+   global cv_view_colours
+   global cv_view_course_i
+   cv_view_course_i = 0
+   cv_view_verts = []
+   cv_view_colours = []
+   cv_view_shader.bind()
+   gpu.state.depth_mask_set(True)
+   gpu.state.line_width_set(2.0)
+   gpu.state.face_culling_set('BACK')
+   gpu.state.depth_test_set('LESS')
+   gpu.state.blend_set('NONE')
+   route_gates = []
+   route_curves = []
+   routes = []
+   for obj in bpy.context.collection.objects:#{
+      if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':#{
+         if == 'REST':
+            draw_skeleton_helpers( obj )
+      #}
+      else:#{
+         ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+         if ent_type == 'ent_gate':#{
+            cv_ent_gate( obj )
+            route_gates += [obj]
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
+            if obj.type == 'CURVE':#{
+               route_curves += [obj]
+            #}
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_route':
+            routes += [obj]
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_volume':#{
+            cv_ent_volume( obj )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_objective':#{
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_objective[0]
+            if data.proxima:#{
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.proxima.location, (1,0.6,0.2) )
+            #}
+            if
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_relay':#{
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_relay[0]
+            if data.target0:
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target0.location, (1,1,1) )
+            if data.target1:
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target1.location, (1,1,1) )
+            if data.target2:
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target2.location, (1,1,1) )
+            if data.target3:
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target3.location, (1,1,1) )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_challenge':#{
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_challenge[0]
+            if
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, (1,1,1) )
+            if data.reset:
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.reset.location, (0.9,0,0) )
+            if data.first:
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.first.location, (1,0.6,0.2) )
+            cc1 = (0.4,0.3,0.2)
+            info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.72))*0.5
+            info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.72))*0.5
+            cv_draw_ucube( obj.matrix_world, cc1, info_cu, info_co)
+            if
+               cv_draw_line_dotted( obj.location,, (1,1,1))
+            vs = [Vector((-0.2,0.0,0.10)),Vector((-0.2,0.0,0.62)),\
+                  Vector(( 0.2,0.0,0.62)),Vector((-0.2,0.0,0.30)),\
+                  Vector(( 0.1,0.0,0.30))]
+            for v in range(len(vs)):#{
+               vs[v] = obj.matrix_world @ vs[v]
+            #}
+            cv_view_verts += [vs[0],vs[1],vs[1],vs[2],vs[3],vs[4]]
+            cv_view_colours += [cc1,cc1,cc1,cc1,cc1,cc1]
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_audio':#{
+            if obj.SR_data.ent_audio[0].flag_3d:
+               cv_draw_sphere( obj.location, obj.scale[0], (1,1,0) )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_font':#{
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_font[0]
+            for i in range(len(data.variants)):#{
+               sub = data.variants[i].mesh
+               if not sub: continue
+               for ch in data.glyphs:#{
+                  mini = (ch.bounds[0],ch.bounds[1])
+                  maxi = (ch.bounds[2]+mini[0],ch.bounds[3]+mini[1])
+                  p0 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((mini[0],0.0,mini[1]))
+                  p1 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((maxi[0],0.0,mini[1]))
+                  p2 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((maxi[0],0.0,maxi[1]))
+                  p3 = sub.matrix_world @ Vector((mini[0],0.0,maxi[1]))
+                  if i == data.variants_index: cc = (0.5,0.5,0.5)
+                  else: cc = (0,0,0)
+                  cv_view_verts += [p0,p1,p1,p2,p2,p3,p3,p0]
+                  cv_view_colours += [cc,cc,cc,cc,cc,cc,cc,cc]
+               #}
+            #}
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_glider':#{
+            mesh = [Vector((-1.13982, 0.137084, -0.026358)), \
+                    Vector(( 1.13982, 0.137084, -0.026358)), \
+                    Vector(( 0.0, 1.6, 1.0)), \
+                    Vector(( 0.0, -3.0, 1.0)), \
+                    Vector(( -3.45, -1.78, 0.9)), \
+                    Vector(( 0.0, 1.6, 1.0)), \
+                    Vector((  3.45, -1.78, 0.9)), \
+                    Vector(( 0.0, 1.6, 1.0)), \
+                    Vector((  3.45, -1.78, 0.9)), \
+                    Vector(( -3.45, -1.78, 0.9))]
+            cv_draw_wireframe( obj.matrix_world, mesh, (1,1,1) )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_skateshop':#{
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_skateshop[0]
+            display = data.mark_display
+            info = data.mark_info
+            if data.tipo == '0':#{
+               cc = (0.0,0.9,0.6)
+               cc1 = (0.4,0.9,0.2)
+               cc2 = (0.9,0.6,0.1)
+               rack = data.mark_rack
+               rack_cu = Vector((3.15,2.0,0.1))*0.5
+               rack_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))
+               display_cu = Vector((0.3,1.2,0.1))*0.5
+               display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.1))*0.5
+               info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.3))*0.5
+               info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))*0.5
+            #}
+            elif data.tipo == '1':#{
+               rack = None
+               cc1 = (1.0,0.0,0.0)
+               cc2 = (1.0,0.5,0.0)
+               display_cu = Vector((0.4,0.4,2.0))*0.5
+               display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,1.0))*0.5
+               info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.3))*0.5
+               info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))*0.5
+            #}
+            elif data.tipo == '2':#{
+               rack = None
+               cc1 = (1.0,0.0,0.0)
+               cc2 = (1.0,0.5,0.0)
+               display_cu = Vector((1.0,1.0,0.5))*0.5
+               display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.5))*0.5
+               info_cu = Vector((1.2,0.01,0.3))*0.5
+               info_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))*0.5
+            #}
+            elif data.tipo == '3':#{
+               rack = None
+               display = None
+               info = None
+            #}
+            elif data.tipo == '4':#{
+               rack = None
+               display = None
+               info = None
+            #}
+            if rack:
+               cv_draw_ucube( rack.matrix_world, cc, rack_cu, rack_co )
+            if display:
+               cv_draw_ucube( display.matrix_world, cc1, display_cu, display_co)
+            if info:
+               cv_draw_ucube( info.matrix_world, cc2, info_cu, info_co )
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_swspreview':#{
+            cc1 = (0.4,0.9,0.2)
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_swspreview[0]
+            display = data.mark_display
+            display1 = data.mark_display1
+            display_cu = Vector((0.3,1.2,0.1))*0.5
+            display_co = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.1))*0.5
+            if display:
+               cv_draw_ucube( display.matrix_world, cc1, display_cu, display_co)
+            if display1:
+               cv_draw_ucube(display1.matrix_world, cc1, display_cu, display_co)
+         #}
+         # elif ent_type == 'ent_list':#{
+         #    data = obj.SR_data.ent_list[0]
+         #    for child in data.entities:#{
+         #       if{
+         #          cv_draw_arrow( obj.location,, \
+         #                         (.5,.5,.5), 0.1 )
+         #       #}
+         #    #}
+         # #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_region':#{
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_region[0]
+            if data.target0:#{
+               cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target0.location, \
+                              (.5,.5,.5), 0.1 )
+            #}
+         #}
+         elif ent_type == 'ent_menuitem':#{
+            for i,col in enumerate(obj.users_collection):#{
+               colour32 = hash_djb2( )
+               r = pow(((colour32    ) & 0xff) / 255.0, 2.2 )
+               g = pow(((colour32>>8 ) & 0xff) / 255.0, 2.2 )
+               b = pow(((colour32>>16) & 0xff) / 255.0, 2.2 )
+               cc = (r,g,b)
+               vs = [None for _ in range(8)]
+               scale = i*0.02
+               for j in range(8):#{
+                  v0 = Vector([(obj.bound_box[j][z]+\
+                        ((-1.0 if obj.bound_box[j][z]<0.0 else 1.0)*scale)) \
+                           for z in range(3)])
+                  vs[j] = obj.matrix_world @ v0
+               #}
+               indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
+                          (0,4),(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)]
+               for l in indices:#{
+                  v0 = vs[l[0]]
+                  v1 = vs[l[1]]
+                  cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
+                  cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
+                  cv_view_colours += [cc,cc]
+               #}
+            #}
+            cv_draw_lines()
+            cc = (1.0,1.0,1.0)
+            data = obj.SR_data.ent_menuitem[0]
+            if data.tipo == '4':#{
+               if data.slider_minloc and data.slider_maxloc:#{
+                  v0 = data.slider_minloc.location
+                  v1 = data.slider_maxloc.location
+                  cv_draw_line( v0, v1, cc )
+               #}
+            #}
+            colour32 = hash_djb2(
+            r = ((colour32    ) & 0xff) / 255.0
+            g = ((colour32>>8 ) & 0xff) / 255.0
+            b = ((colour32>>16) & 0xff) / 255.0
+            cc = (r,g,b)
+            origin = obj.location + (Vector((r,g,b))*2.0-Vector((1.0,1.0,1.0)))\
+                        * 0.04
+            size = 0.01
+            if data.tipo != '0':#{
+               if data.tipo == '4':#{
+                  if data.link0:#{
+                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link0.location, cc, size )
+                  #}
+                  if data.link1:#{
+                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link1.location, cc, size )
+                  #}
+               #}
+               else:#{
+                  if data.link0:#{
+                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link0.location, cc, size )
+                  #}
+                  if data.link1:#{
+                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link1.location, cc, size )
+                  #}
+                  if data.link2:#{
+                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link2.location, cc, size )
+                  #}
+                  if data.link3:#{
+                     cv_draw_arrow( origin, data.link3.location, cc, size )
+                  #}
+               #}
+            #}
+         #}
+      #}
+   #}
+   dij = create_node_graph( route_curves, route_gates )
+   #cv_draw_route_map( route_nodes )
+   for route in routes:#{
+      cv_draw_route( route, dij )
+   #}
+   cv_draw_lines()
+def pos3d_to_2d( pos ):#{
+   return view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d( \
+            bpy.context.region, \
+            bpy.context.space_data.region_3d, pos )
+def cv_draw_pixel():#{
+   if not bpy.context.scene.SR_data.gizmos: return
+   blf.size(0,10)
+   blf.color(0, 1.0,1.0,1.0,0.9)
+   blf.enable(0,blf.SHADOW)
+   blf.shadow(0,3,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
+   for obj in bpy.context.collection.objects:#{
+      ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+      if ent_type != 'none':#{
+         co = pos3d_to_2d( obj.location )
+         if not co: continue
+         blf.position(0,co[0],co[1],0)
+         blf.draw(0,ent_type)
+      #}
+   #}
+            \
+            SR_OT_COPY_ENTITY_DATA, \
+            SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME, \
+            SR_OT_ROUTE_LIST_DEL_ITEM,\
+            SR_OBJECT_ENT_REGION,\
+            \
+           ]
+def register():
+   for c in classes:
+      bpy.utils.register_class(c)
+   bpy.types.Scene.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_SCENE_SETTINGS)
+   bpy.types.Collection.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_COLLECTION_SETTINGS)
+   bpy.types.Object.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_PROPERTIES)
+   bpy.types.Light.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_LIGHT_PROPERTIES)
+   bpy.types.Bone.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_BONE_PROPERTIES)
+   bpy.types.Mesh.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_MESH_PROPERTIES)
+   bpy.types.Material.SR_data = \
+         bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SR_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES)
+   global cv_view_draw_handler, cv_view_pixel_handler
+   cv_view_draw_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
+      cv_draw,(),'WINDOW','POST_VIEW')
+   cv_view_pixel_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
+      cv_draw_pixel,(),'WINDOW','POST_PIXEL')
+def unregister():
+   for c in classes:
+      bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
+   global cv_view_draw_handler, cv_view_pixel_handler
+   bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cv_view_draw_handler,'WINDOW')
+   bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cv_view_pixel_handler,'WINDOW')
+# VG Messages
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# control characters
+k_vg_msg_end      = 0
+k_vg_msg_frame    = 1
+k_vg_msg_endframe = 2
+k_vg_msg_kv       = 10
+k_vg_msg_kvstring = 11
+k_vg_msg_kvbin    = 12
+# variable sized types
+k_vg_msg_float    = 0x40
+k_vg_msg_unsigned = 0x80
+k_vg_msg_signed   = 0xC0
+# masks
+k_vg_msg_array_count_bits = 0x3C
+k_vg_msg_type_size_bits   = 0x03
+k_vg_msg_type_base_bits   = 0xC0
+k_vg_msg_type_bits        = k_vg_msg_type_base_bits|k_vg_msg_type_size_bits
+# sizes
+k_vg_msg_8b  = 0x00
+k_vg_msg_16b = 0x01
+k_vg_msg_32b = 0x02
+k_vg_msg_64b = 0x03
+# common types 
+k_vg_msg_u8  = k_vg_msg_unsigned|k_vg_msg_8b
+k_vg_msg_u16 = k_vg_msg_unsigned|k_vg_msg_16b
+k_vg_msg_u32 = k_vg_msg_unsigned|k_vg_msg_32b
+k_vg_msg_u64 = k_vg_msg_unsigned|k_vg_msg_64b
+k_vg_msg_i8  = k_vg_msg_signed  |k_vg_msg_8b
+k_vg_msg_i16 = k_vg_msg_signed  |k_vg_msg_16b
+k_vg_msg_i32 = k_vg_msg_signed  |k_vg_msg_32b
+k_vg_msg_i64 = k_vg_msg_signed  |k_vg_msg_64b
+k_vg_msg_f32 = k_vg_msg_float   |k_vg_msg_32b
+k_vg_msg_f64 = k_vg_msg_float   |k_vg_msg_64b
+k_vg_msg_v2f = k_vg_msg_float   |k_vg_msg_32b | (1<<2)
+k_vg_msg_v3f = k_vg_msg_float   |k_vg_msg_32b | (2<<2)
+k_vg_msg_v4f = k_vg_msg_float   |k_vg_msg_32b | (3<<2)
+class vg_msg_cursor(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("co",c_uint32),
+               ("depth",c_uint32)]
+class vg_msg(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("max",c_uint32),
+               ("buf",POINTER(c_uint8)),
+               ("cur",vg_msg_cursor),
+               ("error",c_int32)]
+class vg_msg_cmd(Structure):
+   _fields_ = [("code",c_uint8),
+               ("key",POINTER(c_char)),
+               ("key_djb2",c_uint32),
+               ("value",c_void_p),
+               ("value_djb2",c_uint32),
+               ("len",c_uint32)]
+sr_lib = None
+def sr_lib_init():
+   global sr_lib
+   if sr_lib: return
+   ext = '.dll' if'nt' else '.so'
+   path = F'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/skaterift{ext}'
+   print( F'Loading so: {path}' )
+   sr_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary( path )
+   sr_lib.qoi_encode_rgbaf32.argtypes = \
+      [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32,\
+                               ndim=1,\
+                               flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), \
+       c_uint32, c_uint32, POINTER(c_int32) ]
+   sr_lib.qoi_encode_rgbaf32.restype = POINTER(c_uint8)
+   sr_lib.qoi_free.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_uint8) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_wbuf.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_rbuf.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_wstr.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_rstr.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_uint32) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_rstr.restype = POINTER(c_char)
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_frame.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_end_frame.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_wkvstr.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char), POINTER(c_char) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_wkvbin.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_wkvnum.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_uint8, c_void_p ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cmd_array_count.argtypes = [ c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cmd_array_count.restype = c_uint32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cmd_type_size.argtypes = [ c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cmd_type_size.restype = c_uint32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cmd_bytecount.argtypes = [ c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cmd_bytecount.restype = c_uint32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_count_bits.argtypes = [ c_uint32 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_count_bits.restype = c_uint8
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_init.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_next.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(vg_msg_cmd) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_next.restype = c_int32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_skip_frame.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_skip_frame.restype = c_int32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_seekframe.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_seekframe.restype = c_int32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast_to_u64.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast_to_u64.restype = c_uint64
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast_to_i64.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast_to_i64.restype = c_int64
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast_to_f64.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast_to_f64.restype = c_double
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_cast.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_void_p, c_uint8 ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvcmd.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char), POINTER(vg_msg_cmd) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvcmd.restype = c_int32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvintg.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_void_p ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvintg.restype = c_int32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvstr.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char) ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvstr.restype = POINTER(c_char)
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvvecf.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), POINTER(c_char), c_uint8, c_void_p, c_void_p ]
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_getkvvecf.restype = c_int32
+   sr_lib.vg_msg_print.argtypes = [ POINTER(vg_msg), c_uint32 ]
+def qoi_encode( img ):
+   print(F"{' ':<30}",end='\r')
+   print(F"[QOI] Encoding {}.qoi[{img.size[0]},{img.size[1]}]",end='\r')
+   print(F"")
+   crab = np.asarray(img.pixels, dtype=np.float32)
+   length = c_int()
+   comped = qoi_encode_rgbaf32( crab, img.size[0], img.size[1], byref(length) )
+   data = bytearray(comped[:length.value])
+   bytearray_align_to( data, 16, b'\x00' )
+   qoi_free( comped )
+   return data
diff --git a/skaterift_lib.c b/skaterift_lib.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..95b8141
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "vg/submodules/qoi/qoi.h"
+#include "vg/vg_platform.h"
+#include "vg/vg_m.h"
+u8 *qoi_encode_rgbaf32( f32 *data, u32 width, u32 height, int *length )
+   u8 *buf = (u8 *)data;
+   for( u32 i=0; i<width*height*4; i ++ )
+   {
+      buf[i] = vg_clampf( data[i] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f );
+   }
+   qoi_desc desc = 
+   {
+      .channels=4,  
+      .colorspace=0, 
+      .width=width, 
+      .height=height
+   };
+   return qoi_encode( buf, &desc, length );
+void qoi_free( u8 *ptr )
+   free( ptr );
+#include "vg/vg_tool.h"
+#include "vg/vg_tool.c"