_S( "scene_terrain", "scene.vs", "scene_terrain.fs" );
_S( "scene_route", "scene.vs", "scene_route.fs" );
_S( "scene_depth", "scene.vs", "scene_depth.fs" );
+ _S( "scene_position", "scene.vs", "scene_position.fs" );
_S( "scene_water", "scene.vs", "scene_water.fs" );
_S( "scene_water_fast", "scene.vs", "scene_water_fast.fs" );
"colour", k_framebuffer_attachment_type_colour,
- .internalformat = GL_RGBA,
- .format = GL_RGBA,
+ .internalformat = GL_RED,
+ .format = GL_RED,
.attachment = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0
return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;
+float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )
+ vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw;
+ float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;
+ return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;
float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )
vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
vec3 halfview = normalize( uCamera - aWorldCo );
float depth = water_depth( aWorldCo, halfview );
- FragColor = vec4( aWorldCo.y, 0.0, 0.0,depth );
+ FragColor = vec4( depth, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" vec3 halfview = normalize( uCamera - aWorldCo );\n"
" float depth = water_depth( aWorldCo, halfview );\n"
-" FragColor = vec4( aWorldCo.y, 0.0, 0.0,depth );\n"
+" FragColor = vec4( depth, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );\n"
--- /dev/null
+out vec4 FragColor;
+uniform vec3 uCamera;
+uniform vec3 uBoard0;
+uniform vec3 uBoard1;
+in vec2 aUv;
+in vec4 aNorm;
+in vec3 aCo;
+in vec3 aWorldCo;
+flat in ivec4 aLights;
+#include "common_scene.glsl"
+void main()
+ float height_full = aWorldCo.y;
+ float height_water = height_full;
+ if( height_water > (g_water_plane.y * g_water_plane.w) + 2.0 )
+ height_water = -99999.9;
+ FragColor = vec4( height_full, height_water, 0.0, 0.0 );
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef SHADER_scene_position_H
+#define SHADER_scene_position_H
+static void shader_scene_position_link(void);
+static void shader_scene_position_register(void);
+static struct vg_shader _shader_scene_position = {
+ .name = "scene_position",
+ .link = shader_scene_position_link,
+ .vs =
+.static_src =
+"layout (location=0) in vec3 a_co;\n"
+"layout (location=1) in vec4 a_norm;\n"
+"layout (location=2) in vec2 a_uv;\n"
+"layout (location=3) in ivec4 a_lights;\n"
+"#line 1 1 \n"
+"const float k_motion_lerp_amount = 0.01;\n"
+"#line 2 0 \n"
+"out vec3 aMotionVec0;\n"
+"out vec3 aMotionVec1;\n"
+"void vs_motion_out( vec4 vproj0, vec4 vproj1 )\n"
+" // This magically solves some artifacting errors!\n"
+" //\n"
+" vproj1 = vproj0*(1.0-k_motion_lerp_amount) + vproj1*k_motion_lerp_amount;\n"
+" aMotionVec0 = vec3( vproj0.xy, vproj0.w );\n"
+" aMotionVec1 = vec3( vproj1.xy, vproj1.w );\n"
+"#line 7 0 \n"
+"uniform mat4x3 uMdl;\n"
+"uniform mat4 uPv;\n"
+"uniform mat4 uPvmPrev;\n"
+"out vec2 aUv;\n"
+"out vec4 aNorm;\n"
+"out vec3 aCo;\n"
+"out vec3 aWorldCo;\n"
+"flat out ivec4 aLights;\n"
+"void main()\n"
+" vec3 world_pos0 = uMdl * vec4( a_co, 1.0 );\n"
+" vec4 vproj0 = uPv * vec4( world_pos0, 1.0 );\n"
+" vec4 vproj1 = uPvmPrev * vec4( a_co, 1.0 );\n"
+" vs_motion_out( vproj0, vproj1 );\n"
+" gl_Position = vproj0;\n"
+" aUv = a_uv;\n"
+" aNorm = vec4( mat3(uMdl) * a_norm.xyz, a_norm.w );\n"
+" aCo = a_co;\n"
+" aWorldCo = world_pos0;\n"
+" aLights = a_lights;\n"
+ .fs =
+.static_src =
+"out vec4 FragColor;\n"
+"uniform vec3 uCamera;\n"
+"uniform vec3 uBoard0;\n"
+"uniform vec3 uBoard1;\n"
+"in vec2 aUv;\n"
+"in vec4 aNorm;\n"
+"in vec3 aCo;\n"
+"in vec3 aWorldCo;\n"
+"flat in ivec4 aLights;\n"
+"#line 1 1 \n"
+"// :D\n"
+"#line 1 1 \n"
+"layout (location = 0) out vec4 oColour;\n"
+"layout (std140) uniform ub_world_lighting\n"
+" vec4 g_light_colours[3];\n"
+" vec4 g_light_directions[3];\n"
+" vec4 g_ambient_colour;\n"
+" vec4 g_water_plane;\n"
+" vec4 g_depth_bounds;\n"
+" float g_water_fog;\n"
+" int g_light_count;\n"
+" int g_light_preview;\n"
+" int g_shadow_samples;\n"
+" vec4 g_point_light_positions[32];\n"
+" vec4 g_point_light_colours[32];\n"
+"uniform sampler2D g_world_depth;\n"
+"float world_depth_sample( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
+"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
+" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
+" float height_sample = world_depth_sample( sample_pos );\n"
+" float fdelta = height_sample - sample_pos.y;\n"
+" return clamp( fdelta, 0.1, 0.2 )-0.1;\n"
+"float sdLine( vec3 p, vec3 a, vec3 b )\n"
+" vec3 pa = p - a;\n"
+" vec3 ba = b - a;\n"
+" float h = clamp( dot(pa,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
+" return length( pa - ba*h );\n"
+"vec3 apply_fog( vec3 vfrag, float fdist )\n"
+" float dist = pow(fdist*0.0008,1.2);\n"
+" return mix( vfrag, vec3(0.55,0.76,1.0), min( 1.0, dist ) );\n"
+"// New lighting model\n"
+"vec3 newlight_compute_ambient()\n"
+" return g_ambient_colour.rgb;\n"
+"float newlight_compute_sun_shadow()\n"
+" if( g_shadow_samples == 0 )\n"
+" {\n"
+" return 1.0;\n"
+" }\n"
+" float fspread = g_light_colours[0].w;\n"
+" vec3 vdir = g_light_directions[0].xyz;\n"
+" float flength = g_light_directions[0].w;\n"
+" float famt = 0.0;\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3(-0.563, 0.550, 0.307)*fspread)*flength*0.1);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3( 0.808, 0.686, 0.346)*fspread)*flength*0.2);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3( 0.787, 0.074,-0.065)*fspread)*flength*0.3);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3(-0.593, 0.071,-0.425)*fspread)*flength*0.4);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3(-0.790,-0.933,-0.875)*fspread)*flength*0.5);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3( 0.807,-0.690, 0.472)*fspread)*flength*0.6);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3( 0.522,-0.379, 0.350)*fspread)*flength*0.7);\n"
+" famt+=shadow_sample((vdir+vec3( 0.483, 0.201, 0.306)*fspread)*flength*0.8);\n"
+" // player shadow\n"
+" float dist_to_player = max( 0.0, sdLine( aWorldCo, uBoard0, uBoard1 )-0.1 );\n"
+" float player_shadow = max( 1.0-dist_to_player*2.7, 0.0 );\n"
+" player_shadow *= player_shadow*player_shadow*player_shadow;\n"
+" return 1.0 - max( player_shadow*0.8, famt );\n"
+"vec3 newlight_compute_world_diffuse( vec3 wnormal )\n"
+" vec3 vtotal = g_ambient_colour.rgb;\n"
+" for( int i=0; i<g_light_count; i++ )\n"
+" {\n"
+" vec3 vcolour = g_light_colours[i].rgb;\n"
+" vec3 vdir = g_light_directions[i].xyz;\n"
+" float flight = max(dot( vdir, wnormal )*0.75+0.25,0.0);\n"
+" vtotal += vcolour*flight;\n"
+" }\n"
+" return vtotal;\n"
+"vec3 newlight_compute_sun_spec( vec3 wnormal, vec3 halfview, float fintensity )\n"
+" vec3 vcolour = g_light_colours[0].rgb;\n"
+" vec3 vdir = g_light_directions[0].xyz;\n"
+" vec3 specdir = reflect( -vdir, wnormal );\n"
+" float spec = pow(max(dot( halfview, specdir ), 0.0), 10.0);\n"
+" return vcolour*spec*fintensity;\n"
+"vec3 newlight_compute_quadratic( vec3 wnormal, vec3 halfview, \n"
+" vec3 light_pos, vec3 light_colour )\n"
+" vec3 light_delta = (light_pos-aWorldCo) * 10.0;\n"
+" float quadratic = dot(light_delta,light_delta);\n"
+" float attenuation = 1.0f/( 1.0f + quadratic );\n"
+" attenuation *= max( 0.0, dot( normalize(light_delta), wnormal ) );\n"
+" return light_colour*attenuation;\n"
+"#line 4 0 \n"
+"vec3 scene_do_lighting( vec3 diffuse, vec3 wnormal )\n"
+" // Lighting\n"
+" vec3 halfview = uCamera - aWorldCo;\n"
+" float fdist = length(halfview);\n"
+" halfview /= fdist;\n"
+" vec3 total_light = newlight_compute_ambient();\n"
+" \n"
+" // Compute world lighting contribution and apply it according to the\n"
+" // shadow map\n"
+" //\n"
+" vec3 world_light = newlight_compute_world_diffuse( wnormal );\n"
+" world_light += newlight_compute_sun_spec( wnormal, halfview, 0.1 );\n"
+" float world_shadow = newlight_compute_sun_shadow();\n"
+" total_light += world_light * world_shadow;\n"
+" // Compute the other lights that exist in the map, not effected by the sun\n"
+" // shadow\n"
+" total_light += newlight_compute_quadratic\n"
+" ( \n"
+" wnormal, halfview,\n"
+" g_point_light_positions[ aLights.x ].xyz,\n"
+" g_point_light_colours[ aLights.x ].rgb \n"
+" );\n"
+" total_light += newlight_compute_quadratic\n"
+" ( \n"
+" wnormal, halfview,\n"
+" g_point_light_positions[ aLights.y ].xyz,\n"
+" g_point_light_colours[ aLights.y ].rgb \n"
+" );\n"
+" total_light += newlight_compute_quadratic\n"
+" ( \n"
+" wnormal, halfview,\n"
+" g_point_light_positions[ aLights.z ].xyz,\n"
+" g_point_light_colours[ aLights.z ].rgb \n"
+" );\n"
+" return apply_fog( diffuse * total_light, fdist );\n"
+"#line 14 0 \n"
+"void main()\n"
+" float height_full = aWorldCo.y;\n"
+" float height_water = height_full;\n"
+" if( height_water > (g_water_plane.y * g_water_plane.w) + 2.0 )\n"
+" height_water = -99999.9;\n"
+" FragColor = vec4( height_full, height_water, 0.0, 0.0 );\n"
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_uMdl;
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_uPv;
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_uPvmPrev;
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_uCamera;
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_uBoard0;
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_uBoard1;
+static GLuint _uniform_scene_position_g_world_depth;
+static void shader_scene_position_uMdl(m4x3f m){
+ glUniformMatrix4x3fv(_uniform_scene_position_uMdl,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
+static void shader_scene_position_uPv(m4x4f m){
+ glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniform_scene_position_uPv,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
+static void shader_scene_position_uPvmPrev(m4x4f m){
+ glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniform_scene_position_uPvmPrev,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
+static void shader_scene_position_uCamera(v3f v){
+ glUniform3fv(_uniform_scene_position_uCamera,1,v);
+static void shader_scene_position_uBoard0(v3f v){
+ glUniform3fv(_uniform_scene_position_uBoard0,1,v);
+static void shader_scene_position_uBoard1(v3f v){
+ glUniform3fv(_uniform_scene_position_uBoard1,1,v);
+static void shader_scene_position_g_world_depth(int i){
+ glUniform1i(_uniform_scene_position_g_world_depth,i);
+static void shader_scene_position_register(void){
+ vg_shader_register( &_shader_scene_position );
+static void shader_scene_position_use(void){ glUseProgram(_shader_scene_position.id); }
+static void shader_scene_position_link(void){
+ _uniform_scene_position_uMdl = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "uMdl" );
+ _uniform_scene_position_uPv = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "uPv" );
+ _uniform_scene_position_uPvmPrev = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "uPvmPrev" );
+ _uniform_scene_position_uCamera = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "uCamera" );
+ _uniform_scene_position_uBoard0 = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "uBoard0" );
+ _uniform_scene_position_uBoard1 = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "uBoard1" );
+ _uniform_scene_position_g_world_depth = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_scene_position.id, "g_world_depth" );
+#endif /* SHADER_scene_position_H */
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
float spec = pow(max(dot(halfview,specdir),0.0),20.0)*0.3;
// Depth
- float depthblend = pow( beneath.a,0.8 );
+ float depthblend = pow( beneath.r, 0.8 );
// Composite
vec3 vsurface = mix(surface_tint, above.rgb, ffresnel );
vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy*uInvRes;
// Surface colour composite
- float depthvalue = clamp( -world_depth_sample( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );
+ float depthvalue = clamp( -world_water_depth( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );
vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * 0.008;
vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * vec4( 0.008, 0.006, 0.003, 0.03 );
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" float spec = pow(max(dot(halfview,specdir),0.0),20.0)*0.3;\n"
" \n"
" // Depth \n"
-" float depthblend = pow( beneath.a,0.8 );\n"
+" float depthblend = pow( beneath.r, 0.8 );\n"
" // Composite\n"
" vec3 vsurface = mix(surface_tint, above.rgb, ffresnel );\n"
" vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy*uInvRes;\n"
" \n"
" // Surface colour composite\n"
-" float depthvalue = clamp( -world_depth_sample( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
+" float depthvalue = clamp( -world_water_depth( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
" vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * 0.008;\n"
" vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * vec4( 0.008, 0.006, 0.003, 0.03 );\n"
// Surface colour composite
- float depthvalue = clamp( -world_depth_sample( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );
+ float depthvalue = clamp( -world_water_depth( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );
vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * 0.008;
vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * vec4( 0.008, 0.006, 0.003, 0.03 );
" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
+"float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
+" vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) * g_depth_bounds.zw; \n"
+" float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
+" return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).g - ref_depth;\n"
"float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
" vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
" compute_motion_vectors();\n"
" // Surface colour composite\n"
-" float depthvalue = clamp( -world_depth_sample( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
+" float depthvalue = clamp( -world_water_depth( aCo )*(1.0/25.0), 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
" vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * 0.008;\n"
" vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * vec4( 0.008, 0.006, 0.003, 0.03 );\n"
#include "shaders/scene_vertex_blend.h"
#include "shaders/scene_terrain.h"
#include "shaders/scene_depth.h"
+#include "shaders/scene_position.h"
#include "shaders/model_sky.h"
+ shader_scene_position_register();
+ /* Upload lighting uniform buffer */
+ if( world->water.enabled )
+ v4_copy( world->water.plane, world->ub_lighting.g_water_plane );
+ v4f info_vec;
+ v3f *bounds = world->scene_geo->bbx;
+ info_vec[0] = bounds[0][0];
+ info_vec[1] = bounds[0][2];
+ info_vec[2] = 1.0f/ (bounds[1][0]-bounds[0][0]);
+ info_vec[3] = 1.0f/ (bounds[1][2]-bounds[0][2]);
+ v4_copy( info_vec, world->ub_lighting.g_depth_bounds );
+ /* add scene lights */
+ for( int i=0; i<world->light_count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct world_light *light = &world->lights[i];
+ v3_muls( light->colour, light->colour[3] * 2.0f,
+ world->ub_lighting.g_point_light_colours[i] );
+ v3_copy( light->co,
+ world->ub_lighting.g_point_light_positions[i] );
+ }
+ /* upload full buffer */
+ glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, world->ubo_lighting );
+ glBufferSubData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0,
+ sizeof(struct ub_world_lighting), &world->ub_lighting );
* Rendering the depth map
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- render_world_depth( world, &ortho );
+ render_world_position( world, &ortho );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
- /* Upload lighting uniform buffer */
- if( world->water.enabled )
- v4_copy( world->water.plane, world->ub_lighting.g_water_plane );
- v4f info_vec;
- v3f *bounds = world->scene_geo->bbx;
- info_vec[0] = bounds[0][0];
- info_vec[1] = bounds[0][2];
- info_vec[2] = 1.0f/ (bounds[1][0]-bounds[0][0]);
- info_vec[3] = 1.0f/ (bounds[1][2]-bounds[0][2]);
- v4_copy( info_vec, world->ub_lighting.g_depth_bounds );
- /* add scene lights */
- for( int i=0; i<world->light_count; i++ )
- {
- struct world_light *light = &world->lights[i];
- v3_muls( light->colour, light->colour[3] * 2.0f,
- world->ub_lighting.g_point_light_colours[i] );
- v3_copy( light->co,
- world->ub_lighting.g_point_light_positions[i] );
- }
- /* upload full buffer */
- glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, world->ubo_lighting );
- glBufferSubData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0,
- sizeof(struct ub_world_lighting), &world->ub_lighting );
fb->attachments[0].display_name = NULL;
fb->attachments[0].purpose = k_framebuffer_attachment_type_colour;
- fb->attachments[0].internalformat = GL_R16F;
- fb->attachments[0].format = GL_RED;
+ fb->attachments[0].internalformat = GL_RG16F;
+ fb->attachments[0].format = GL_RG;
fb->attachments[0].type = GL_FLOAT;
fb->attachments[0].attachment = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0;
mesh_bind( &world->mesh_geo );
mesh_draw( &world->mesh_geo );
-#if 0
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- scene_bind( &world.foliage );
- scene_draw( &world.foliage );
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+VG_STATIC void render_world_position( world_instance *world, camera *cam )
+ m4x3f identity_matrix;
+ m4x3_identity( identity_matrix );
+ shader_scene_position_use();
+ shader_scene_position_uCamera( cam->transform[3] );
+ shader_scene_position_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
+ shader_scene_position_uPvmPrev( cam->mtx_prev.pv );
+ shader_scene_position_uMdl( identity_matrix );
+ world_link_lighting_ub( world, _shader_scene_position.id, 2 );
+ mesh_bind( &world->mesh_geo );
+ mesh_draw( &world->mesh_geo );
#endif /* WORLD_RENDER_H */
camera beneath_cam;
render_fb_bind( gpipeline.fb_water_beneath );
+ glClearColor( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m4x3_copy( cam->transform, beneath_cam.transform );