-import bpy, math
+import bpy, math, gpu
from ctypes import *
+from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
+bl_info = {
+ "name":"Carve exporter",
+ "author": "Harry Godden (hgn)",
+ "version": (0,1),
+ "blender":(3,1,0),
+ "location":"Export",
+ "descriptin":"",
+ "warning":"",
+ "wiki_url":"",
+ "category":"Import/Export",
class model(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
+class classtype_gate(Structure):
+ _pack_ = 1
+ _fields_ = [("target",c_uint32)]
class marker(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [("co",c_float*3),
( "q",c_float*4),
( "s",c_float*3),
+ ("classtype",c_uint32),
+ ("offset",c_uint32),
class model_vert(Structure):
-def v4_dot( a, b ):
- return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] + a[3]*a[3]
-def v4_length( a ):
- return math.sqrt( v4_dot(a,a) )
-def v2_eq( a, b ):
- if abs(a[0]-b[0]) < 0.0001:
- if abs(a[1]-b[1]) < 0.0001:
- return True
- return False
-def v3_eq( a, b ):
- if abs(a[0]-b[0]) < 0.0001:
- if abs(a[1]-b[1]) < 0.0001:
- if abs(a[2]-b[2]) < 0.0001:
- return True
- return False
-def v4_eq( a, b ):
- if abs(a[0]-b[0]) < 0.0001:
- if abs(a[1]-b[1]) < 0.0001:
- if abs(a[2]-b[2]) < 0.0001:
- if abs(a[3]-b[3]) < 0.0001:
- return True
- return False
-def m3x3_mul( a, b, d ):
- a00 = a[0][0]
- a01 = a[0][1]
- a02 = a[0][2]
- a10 = a[1][0]
- a11 = a[1][1]
- a12 = a[1][2]
- a20 = a[2][0]
- a21 = a[2][1]
- a22 = a[2][2]
- b00 = b[0][0]
- b01 = b[0][1]
- b02 = b[0][2]
- b10 = b[1][0]
- b11 = b[1][1]
- b12 = b[1][2]
- b20 = b[2][0]
- b21 = b[2][1]
- b22 = b[2][2]
- d[0][0] = a00*b00 + a10*b01 + a20*b02
- d[0][1] = a01*b00 + a11*b01 + a21*b02
- d[0][2] = a02*b00 + a12*b01 + a22*b02
- d[1][0] = a00*b10 + a10*b11 + a20*b12
- d[1][1] = a01*b10 + a11*b11 + a21*b12
- d[1][2] = a02*b10 + a12*b11 + a22*b12
- d[2][0] = a00*b20 + a10*b21 + a20*b22
- d[2][1] = a01*b20 + a11*b21 + a21*b22
- d[2][2] = a02*b20 + a12*b21 + a22*b22
-def q_m3x3( q, d ):
- l = v4_length(q)
- s = 2.0 if l > 0.0 else 0.0
- xx = s*q[0]*q[0]
- xy = s*q[0]*q[1]
- wx = s*q[3]*q[0]
- yy = s*q[1]*q[1]
- yz = s*q[1]*q[2]
- wy = s*q[3]*q[1]
- zz = s*q[2]*q[2]
- xz = s*q[0]*q[2]
- wz = s*q[3]*q[2]
- d[0][0] = 1.0 - yy - zz
- d[1][1] = 1.0 - xx - zz
- d[2][2] = 1.0 - xx - yy
- d[0][1] = xy + wz
- d[1][2] = yz + wx
- d[2][0] = xz + wy
- d[1][0] = xy - wz
- d[2][1] = yz - wx
- d[0][2] = xz - wy
-def m3x3_q( m, q ):
- diag = m[0][0] + m[1][1] + m[2][2]
- if diag >= 0.0:
- r = math.sqrt( 1.0 + diag )
- rinv = 0.5 / r
- q[0] = rinv * (m[1][2] - m[2][1])
- q[1] = rinv * (m[2][0] - m[0][2])
- q[2] = rinv * (m[0][1] - m[1][0])
- q[3] = r * 0.5
- elif m[0][0] >= m[1][1] and m[0][0] >= m[2][2]:
- r = math.sqrt( 1.0 - m[1][1] - m[2][2] + m[0][0] )
- rinv = 0.5 / r
- q[0] = r * 0.5
- q[1] = rinv * (m[0][1] + m[1][0])
- q[2] = rinv * (m[0][2] + m[2][0])
- q[3] = rinv * (m[1][2] - m[2][1])
- elif m[1][1] >= m[2][2]:
- r = math.sqrt( 1.0 - m[0][0] - m[2][2] + m[1][1] )
- rinv = 0.5 / r
- q[0] = rinv * (m[0][1] + m[1][0])
- q[1] = r * 0.5
- q[2] = rinv * (m[1][2] + m[2][1])
- q[3] = rinv * (m[2][0] - m[0][2])
- else:
- r = math.sqrt( 1.0 - m[0][0] - m[1][1] + m[2][2] )
- rinv = 0.5 / r
- q[0] = rinv * (m[0][2] + m[2][0])
- q[1] = rinv * (m[1][2] + m[2][1])
- q[2] = r * 0.5
- q[3] = rinv * (m[0][1] - m[1][0])
+def submesh_set_transform( sm, obj ):
+ sm.pivot[0] = obj.matrix_world.translation[0]
+ sm.pivot[1] = obj.matrix_world.translation[2]
+ sm.pivot[2] = -obj.matrix_world.translation[1]
+ quat = obj.matrix_world.to_quaternion()
+ sm.q[0] = quat[1]
+ sm.q[1] = quat[3]
+ sm.q[2] = -quat[2]
+ sm.q[3] = quat[0]
def write_model(name):
fp = open(F"/home/harry/Documents/carve/models/{name}.mdl", "wb")
header.vertex_count = 0
header.indice_count = 0
header.layer_count = 0
+ header.marker_count = 1
+ mesh_cache = {}
layers = []
- markers = []
vertex_buffer = []
indice_buffer = []
print( F"Create mode {name}" )
+ rootmarker = marker()
+ rootmarker.co[0] = 0
+ rootmarker.co[1] = 0
+ rootmarker.co[2] = 0
+ rootmarker.q[0] = 0
+ rootmarker.q[1] = 0
+ rootmarker.q[2] = 0
+ rootmarker.q[3] = 1
+ rootmarker.s[0] = 1
+ rootmarker.s[1] = 1
+ rootmarker.s[2] = 1
+ rootmarker.name = "".encode('utf-8')
+ rootmarker.offset = 0
+ rootmarker.classtype = 0
+ markers = [ rootmarker ] # aka entities
+ entdata_structs = []
+ entdata_offset = 0
+ entity_count = 1
+ for obj in collection.objects:
+ if obj.type == 'EMPTY':
+ obj.cv_data.uid = entity_count
+ entity_count += 1
for obj in collection.objects:
if obj.type == 'EMPTY':
mk = marker()
mk.s[1] = obj.scale[2]
mk.s[2] = obj.scale[1]
mk.name = obj.name.encode('utf-8')
+ mk.offset = entdata_offset
+ classtype = obj.cv_data.classtype
+ if classtype == 'k_classtype_gate':
+ mk.classtype = 1
+ entdata_offset += sizeof( classtype_gate )
+ gate = classtype_gate()
+ gate.target = 0
+ if obj.cv_data.target != None:
+ gate.target = obj.cv_data.target.cv_data.uid
+ entdata_structs += [gate]
+ elif classtype == 'k_thingummybob':
+ pass
markers += [mk]
header.marker_count += 1
elif obj.type == 'MESH':
+ default_mat = c_uint32(69)
+ default_mat.name = ""
+ if obj.data.name in mesh_cache:
+ ref = mesh_cache[obj.data.name]
+ for material_id, mref in enumerate(ref['sm']):
+ print(F" Link submesh({ref['users']}) '{obj.name}:{mat.name}'")
+ sm = submodel()
+ sm.indice_start = mref['indice_start']
+ sm.indice_count = mref['indice_count']
+ sm.vertex_start = mref['vertex_start']
+ sm.vertex_count = mref['vertex_count']
+ sm.name = obj.name.encode('utf-8')
+ sm.material = mref['material']
+ sm.bbx = mref['bbx']
+ submesh_set_transform( sm, obj )
+ layers += [sm]
+ header.layer_count += 1
+ ref['users'] += 1
+ continue
+ ref = mesh_cache[obj.data.name] = {}
+ ref['users'] = 0
+ ref['sm'] = []
dgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
data = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph).data
- for material_id, mat in enumerate(data.materials):
+ mat_list = data.materials if len(data.materials) > 0 else [default_mat]
+ for material_id, mat in enumerate(mat_list):
+ mref = {}
sm = submodel()
sm.indice_start = header.indice_count
sm.vertex_start = header.vertex_count
sm.vertex_count = 0
sm.indice_count = 0
- sm.pivot[0] = obj.matrix_world.translation[0]
- sm.pivot[1] = obj.matrix_world.translation[2]
- sm.pivot[2] = -obj.matrix_world.translation[1]
- quat = obj.matrix_world.to_quaternion()
- sm.q[0] = quat[1]
- sm.q[1] = quat[3]
- sm.q[2] = -quat[2]
- sm.q[3] = quat[0]
+ submesh_set_transform( sm, obj )
for i in range(3):
sm.bbx[0][i] = 999999
header.vertex_count += sm.vertex_count
header.indice_count += sm.indice_count
+ mref['indice_start'] = sm.indice_start
+ mref['indice_count'] = sm.indice_count
+ mref['vertex_start'] = sm.vertex_start
+ mref['vertex_count'] = sm.vertex_count
+ mref['bbx'] = sm.bbx
+ mref['material'] = sm.material
+ ref['sm'] += [mref]
fp.write( bytearray( header ) )
for l in layers:
fp.write( bytearray(l) )
fp.write( bytearray(v) )
for i in indice_buffer:
fp.write( bytearray(i) )
+ for ed in entdata_structs:
+ fp.write( bytearray(ed) )
-for col in bpy.data.collections["export"].children:
- write_model( col.name )
+# Clicky clicky GUI
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cv_view_draw_handler = None
+cv_view_shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_SMOOTH_COLOR')
+def cv_draw():
+ global cv_view_shader
+ cv_view_shader.bind()
+ gpu.state.depth_mask_set(False)
+ gpu.state.line_width_set(2.0)
+ gpu.state.face_culling_set('BACK')
+ gpu.state.depth_test_set('NONE')
+ gpu.state.blend_set('ADDITIVE')
+ verts = []
+ colours = []
+ for obj in bpy.context.collection.all_objects:
+ if obj.cv_data.classtype == 'k_classtype_gate':
+ if obj.cv_data.target != None:
+ p0 = obj.location
+ p1 = obj.cv_data.target.location
+ verts += [(p0[0],p0[1],p0[2])]
+ verts += [(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])]
+ colours += [(0,1,0,1.0),(1,0,0,1.0)]
+ lines = batch_for_shader(\
+ cv_view_shader, 'LINES', \
+ { "pos":verts, "color":colours })
+ lines.draw( cv_view_shader )
+def cv_poll_target(scene, obj):
+ if obj == bpy.context.active_object:
+ return False
+ if obj.cv_data.classtype == 'k_classtype_none':
+ return False
+ return True
+class CV_OBJ_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ uid: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="" )
+ target: bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=bpy.types.Object, name="target", \
+ poll=cv_poll_target )
+ classtype: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+ name="Format",
+ items = [
+ ('k_classtype_none', "k_classtype_none", "", 0),
+ ('k_classtype_gate', "k_classtype_gate", "", 1),
+ ])
+class CV_OBJ_PANEL(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label="Entity Config"
+ bl_idname="SCENE_PT_cv_entity"
+ bl_space_type='PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type='WINDOW'
+ bl_context="object"
+ def draw(_,context):
+ active_object = bpy.context.active_object
+ if active_object == None: return
+ _.layout.prop( active_object.cv_data, "classtype" )
+ _.layout.prop( active_object.cv_data, "target" )
+class CV_INTERFACE(bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_idname = "VIEW3D_PT_carve"
+ bl_label = "Carve"
+ bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
+ bl_region_type = 'UI'
+ bl_category = "Carve"
+ def draw(_, context):
+ layout = _.layout
+ layout.operator( "carve.compile_all" )
+class CV_COMPILE(bpy.types.Operator):
+ bl_idname="carve.compile_all"
+ bl_label="Compile All"
+ def execute(_,context):
+ for col in bpy.data.collections["export"].children:
+ write_model( col.name )
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+def register():
+ global cv_view_draw_handler
+ for c in classes:
+ bpy.utils.register_class(c)
+ bpy.types.Object.cv_data = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=CV_OBJ_SETTINGS)
+ cv_view_draw_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
+ cv_draw,(),'WINDOW','POST_VIEW')
+def unregister():
+ global cv_view_draw_handler
+ for c in classes:
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
+ bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cv_view_draw_handler,'WINDOW')
static float ktimestep = 1.0f/60.0f;
+enum classtype
+ k_classtype_none = 0,
+ k_classtype_gate = 1
#endif /* COMMON_H */
struct teleport_gate
- v3f co;
- v4f q;
+ v3f co[2];
+ v4f q[2];
v2f dims;
- m4x3f to_world, to_local;
- teleport_gate *other;
+ m4x3f to_world, recv_to_world, transport;
static void gate_transform_update( teleport_gate *gate )
- q_m3x3( gate->q, gate->to_world );
- v3_copy( gate->co, gate->to_world[3] );
+ m4x3f to_local;
+ q_m3x3( gate->q[0], gate->to_world );
+ v3_copy( gate->co[0], gate->to_world[3] );
- m4x3_invert_affine( gate->to_world, gate->to_local );
+ m4x3_invert_affine( gate->to_world, to_local );
+ q_m3x3( gate->q[1], gate->recv_to_world );
+ v3_copy( gate->co[1], gate->recv_to_world[3] );
+ m4x3_mul( gate->recv_to_world, to_local, gate->transport );
static void gate_register(void)
m3x3_mulv( camera, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, viewdir );
m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, gatedir );
- if( v3_dot(viewdir, gatedir) <= 0.0f )
- return;
v3f v0;
- v3_sub( viewpos, gate->co, v0 );
+ v3_sub( viewpos, gate->co[0], v0 );
if( v3_dot(v0, gatedir) >= 0.0f )
- m4x3f transport;
- m4x3_mul( gate->other->to_world, gate->to_local, transport );
v3f a,b,c,d;
float sx = gate->dims[0],
vg_line( c,d, 0xffffa000 );
vg_line( d,a, 0xffffa000 );
- vg_line( gate->co, gate->other->co, 0xffffffff );
+ vg_line2( gate->co[0], gate->co[1], 0xff0000ff, 0x00000000 );
m4x3f cam_new;
- m4x3_mul( transport, camera, cam_new );
+ m4x3_mul( gate->transport, camera, cam_new );
vg_line_pt3( cam_new[3], 0.3f, 0xff00ff00 );
m4x3_expand( inverse, view );
v4f surface;
- m3x3_mulv( gate->other->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
- surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->other->co );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->recv_to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
+ surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co[1] );
m4x4f projection;
pipeline_projection( projection, 0.1f, 900.0f );
-#if 0 /* For debugging frustum */
- {
- m4x4f devm;
- m4x4_mul( projection, view, devm );
- m4x4_inv( devm, devm );
- v4f corners[] =
- {
- {-1,-1,-1, 1}, { 1,-1,-1, 1}, { 1, 1,-1, 1}, {-1, 1,-1, 1},
- {-1,-1, 1, 1}, { 1,-1, 1, 1}, { 1, 1, 1, 1}, {-1, 1, 1, 1}
- };
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(corners); i++ )
- {
- m4x4_mulv( devm, corners[i], corners[i] );
- v3_muls( corners[i], 1.0f/corners[i][3], corners[i] );
- }
- vg_line( corners[0], corners[1], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[1], corners[2], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[2], corners[3], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[3], corners[0], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[4], corners[5], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[5], corners[6], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[6], corners[7], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[7], corners[4], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[0], corners[4], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[1], corners[5], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[2], corners[6], 0xffffffff );
- vg_line( corners[3], corners[7], 0xffffffff );
- v3f clipped[4];
- for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
- {
- v3f v0, c, delta, p0;
- v3_sub( corners[4+i],corners[0+i], v0 );
- v3_normalize(v0);
- v3_muls( surface, surface[3], c );
- v3_sub( c, corners[0+i], delta );
- float t = v3_dot(delta, surface) / v3_dot(surface, v0);
- v3_muladds( corners[0+i], v0, t, clipped[i] );
- }
- vg_line( clipped[0], clipped[1], 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( clipped[1], clipped[2], 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( clipped[2], clipped[3], 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( clipped[3], clipped[0], 0xff0000ff );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->other->to_world, (v3f){-2.0f,-2.0f,0.0f}, a );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->other->to_world, (v3f){ 2.0f,-2.0f,0.0f}, b );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->other->to_world, (v3f){ 2.0f, 2.0f,0.0f}, c );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->other->to_world, (v3f){-2.0f, 2.0f,0.0f}, d );
- vg_line( clipped[0], a, 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( clipped[1], b, 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( clipped[2], c, 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( clipped[3], d, 0xff0000ff );
- }
m4x3_mulp( inverse, surface, surface );
surface[3] = -fabsf(surface[3]);
v4f surface;
m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
- surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co );
+ surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co[0] );
v3f v0, c, delta, p0;
v3_sub( pos, last, v0 );
v3f local, rel;
v3_muladds( last, v0, t, local );
- v3_sub( gate->co, local, rel );
+ v3_sub( gate->co[0], local, rel );
v3f vup, vside;
m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, vup );
.bbx = {{ -0.5f, -0.25f, -0.25f }, { 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f }}
-teleport_gate gate_a = {
- .co = { 0.0f, -3.0f, -15.0f },
- .q = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
-gate_b = {
- .co = { -8.0f, -3.0f, -17.0f },
- .q = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
static int playermodel( int argc, char const *argv[] )
m4x4f world_4x4;
m4x3_expand( player.camera_inverse, world_4x4 );
- gpipeline.fov = freecam? 60.0f: 100.0f; /* 120 */
+ gpipeline.fov = freecam? 60.0f: 120.0f; /* 120 */
m4x4_projection( vg_pv, gpipeline.fov,
(float)vg_window_x / (float)vg_window_y,
0.025f, 1000.0f );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
render_water_surface( vg_pv );
-#if 0
vg_tex2d_bind( &tex_water, 1 );
- render_gate( &gate_a, cam_transform );
+ for( int i=0; i<world.gate_count; i++ )
+ {
+ render_gate( &world.gates[i], player.camera );
+ }
/* Copy the RGB of what we have into the background buffer */
char material[32];
+struct classtype_gate
+ u32 target;
struct model_marker
v3f co;
v4f q;
v3f s;
+ u32 classtype;
+ u32 offset;
char name[32];
return model_indice_base(mdl) + sub->indice_start;
+static void *get_entdata_raw( model *mdl, model_marker *marker )
+ return ((void *)(model_indice_base(mdl) + mdl->indice_count)) +
+ marker->offset;
static submodel *submodel_get( model *mdl, const char *name )
for( int i=0; i<mdl->layer_count; i++ )
static struct gplayer
/* Physics */
- v3f co, v, a, v_last, m, bob;
+ v3f co, v, a, v_last, m, bob, vl;
v4f rot;
float vswitch, slip, slip_last,
v2f angles;
m4x3f camera, camera_inverse;
+player =
+ .on_board = 1
static void player_transform_update(void)
v3_muladds( vel, gravity, timestep, vel );
+ * TODO: The angle bias should become greater when launching from a steeper
+ * angle and skewed towords more 'downwards' angles when launching from
+ * shallower trajectories
+ */
static void player_start_air(void)
player.in_air = 1;
player.iY = 0.0f; /* temp */
-#if 0
- if( gate_intersect( &gate_a, player.co, prevco ) )
+ for( int i=0; i<world.gate_count; i++ )
- teleport_gate *gate = &gate_a;
- m4x3f transport;
- m4x3_mul( gate->other->to_world, gate->to_local, transport );
- m4x3_mulv( transport, player.co, player.co );
- m3x3_mulv( transport, player.v, player.v );
- m3x3_mulv( transport, player.v_last, player.v_last );
- m3x3_mulv( transport, player.m, player.m );
- m3x3_mulv( transport, player.bob, player.bob );
- v4f transport_rotation;
- m3x3_q( transport, transport_rotation );
- q_mul( transport_rotation, player.rot, player.rot );
+ teleport_gate *gate = &world.gates[i];
+ if( gate_intersect( gate, player.co, prevco ) )
+ {
+ m4x3_mulv( gate->transport, player.co, player.co );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, player.v, player.v );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, player.vl, player.vl );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, player.v_last, player.v_last );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, player.m, player.m );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, player.bob, player.bob );
+ v4f transport_rotation;
+ m3x3_q( gate->transport, transport_rotation );
+ q_mul( transport_rotation, player.rot, player.rot );
+ break;
+ }
/* Camera and character */
+ v3_lerp( player.vl, player.v, 0.05f, player.vl );
- player.angles[0] = atan2f( player.v[0], -player.v[2] );
- player.angles[1] = atan2f( -player.v[1], sqrtf(player.v[0]*player.v[0]+
- player.v[2]*player.v[2]) ) * 0.3f;
+ player.angles[0] = atan2f( player.vl[0], -player.vl[2] );
+ player.angles[1] = atan2f( -player.vl[1], sqrtf(player.vl[0]*player.vl[0]+
+ player.vl[2]*player.vl[2]) ) * 0.3f;
player.air_blend = vg_lerpf( player.air_blend, player.in_air, 0.04f );
v3_muladds( player.camera_pos, player.v, -0.05f*player.air_blend,
player.mdl.rhead = rhead;
+static int giftwrapXZ( v3f *points, int *output, int len )
+ int l, p, q, count;
+ if( len < 3 )
+ return 0;
+ l = 0;
+ for( int i=1; i<len; i++ )
+ if( points[i][0] < points[l][0] )
+ l = i;
+ p = l;
+ count = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if( count >= len )
+ {
+ vg_error ("MANIFOLD ERR (%d)\n", count );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ output[ count ++ ] = p;
+ q = (p+1)%len;
+ for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
+ {
+ if( (points[i][2]-points[p][2])*(points[q][0]-points[i][0]) -
+ (points[i][0]-points[p][0])*(points[q][2]-points[i][2])
+ > 0.0001f )
+ {
+ q = i;
+ }
+ }
+ p = q;
+ }
+ while( p != l );
+ return count;
+static void player_do_collision( rigidbody *rb )
+ /*
+ * If point is inside box
+ * find normal (theres 8 simple pyramid regions for this, x>y/dim .. etc)
+ * find distance (same sorta thing)
+ *
+ * apply normal impulse to rotation
+ * correct position based on new penetration amount if needed
+ * apply normal impulse to velocity
+ */
+ v3f pfront, pback;
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, (v3f){ 0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f }, pfront );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, (v3f){ 0.0f,0.0f, 1.0f }, pback );
+ float const kheight = 2.0f;
+ v3f verts[8];
+ v3f a, b;
+ v3_copy( rb->bbx[0], a );
+ v3_copy( rb->bbx[1], b );
+ m4x3f compound;
+ m4x3_mul( player.to_local, rb->to_world, compound );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ a[0], a[1], a[2] }, verts[0] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ a[0], b[1], a[2] }, verts[1] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ b[0], b[1], a[2] }, verts[2] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ b[0], a[1], a[2] }, verts[3] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ a[0], a[1], b[2] }, verts[4] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ a[0], b[1], b[2] }, verts[5] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ b[0], b[1], b[2] }, verts[6] );
+ m4x3_mulv( compound, (v3f){ b[0], a[1], b[2] }, verts[7] );
+ int const indices[12][2] = {
+ {0,1},{1,2},{2,3},{3,0},{4,5},{5,6},{6,7},{7,4},
+ {0,4},{1,5},{2,6},{3,7}
+ };
+ v3f hull[12*2 + 8];
+ int hull_indices[12*2 + 8];
+ int hull_len = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(indices); i++ )
+ {
+ int ia = indices[i][0],
+ ib = indices[i][1];
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ float ya = verts[ia][1],
+ yb = verts[ib][1],
+ d = 1.0f/(yb-ya),
+ qa;
+ if( (ya-0.2f) * (yb-0.2f) < 0.0f )
+ {
+ v3_muls( verts[ia], (yb-0.2f)*d, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, verts[ib], -(ya-0.2f)*d, p0 );
+ v3_copy( p0, hull[hull_len] );
+ hull[hull_len ++][1] = 0.2f;
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p0, p0 );
+ vg_line_pt3( p0, 0.1f, 0xffffff00 );
+ }
+ if( (ya-kheight) * (yb-kheight) < 0.0f )
+ {
+ v3_muls( verts[ia], (yb-kheight)*d, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, verts[ib], -(ya-kheight)*d, p0 );
+ v3_copy( p0, hull[hull_len] );
+ hull[hull_len ++][1] = 0.2f;
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p0, p0 );
+ vg_line_pt3( p0, 0.1f, 0xff00ffff );
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
+ {
+ int ia = indices[i][0];
+ float ya = verts[ia][1];
+ if( ya > 0.2f && ya < kheight )
+ {
+ v3_copy( verts[ia], hull[hull_len] );
+ hull[hull_len ++][1] = 0.2f;
+ }
+ }
+ if( hull_len < 3 )
+ return;
+ int len = giftwrapXZ( hull, hull_indices, hull_len );
+ for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
+ {
+ v3f p0, p1, p2, p3;
+ v3_copy( hull[hull_indices[i]], p0 );
+ v3_copy( hull[hull_indices[(i+1)%len]], p1 );
+ v3_add( p0, (v3f){0,kheight-0.2f,0}, p2 );
+ v3_add( p1, (v3f){0,kheight-0.2f,0}, p3 );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p0, p0 );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p1, p1 );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p2, p2 );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p3, p3 );
+ vg_line2( p0, p1, 0xff00ffff, 0xff000000 );
+ vg_line( p2, p3, 0xff00ffff );
+ vg_line( p0, p2, 0xff00ffa0 );
+ }
+ int collide = 1;
+ float min_dist = 99999.9f;
+ v2f normal;
+ for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
+ {
+ v2f p0, p1;
+ p0[0] = hull[hull_indices[i]][0];
+ p0[1] = hull[hull_indices[i]][2];
+ p1[0] = hull[hull_indices[(i+1)%len]][0];
+ p1[1] = hull[hull_indices[(i+1)%len]][2];
+ v2f t,n, rel;
+ v2_sub( p1, p0, t );
+ n[0] = -t[1];
+ n[1] = t[0];
+ v2_normalize(n);
+ v2_sub( (v2f){ 0.0f, -1.0f }, p0, rel );
+ float d = -v2_dot( n, rel ) + 0.5f;
+ if( d < 0.0f )
+ {
+ collide = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( d < min_dist )
+ {
+ min_dist = d;
+ v2_copy( n, normal );
+ }
+ }
+ if( collide )
+ {
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ p0[0] = 0.0f;
+ p0[1] = 0.2f;
+ p0[2] = -1.0f;
+ p1[0] = p0[0] + normal[0]*min_dist;
+ p1[1] = p0[1];
+ p1[2] = p0[2] + normal[1]*min_dist;
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p0, p0 );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.to_world, p1, p1 );
+ vg_line( p0, p1, 0xffffffff );
+ v2f impulse;
+ v2_muls( normal, min_dist, impulse );
+ float rotation = v2_cross( (v2f){0.0f,-1.0f}, impulse )*0.08f;
+ v3f vel;
+ m3x3_mulv( player.to_local, player.v, vel );
+ vel[1] = vel[2];
+ float vn = vg_maxf( -v2_dot( vel, normal ), 0.0f );
+ vn += -0.2f * (1.0f/k_rb_delta) * vg_minf( 0.0f, -min_dist+0.04f );
+ v2_muls( normal, vn*0.03f, impulse );
+ v3f impulse_world = { impulse[0], 0.0f, impulse[1] };
+ m3x3_mulv( player.to_world, impulse_world, impulse_world );
+ v3_add( impulse_world, player.v, player.v );
+ v4f rot;
+ v3f up = {0.0f,1.0f,0.0f};
+ m3x3_mulv( player.to_world, up, up );
+ q_axis_angle( rot, up, -rotation );
+ q_mul( rot, player.rot, player.rot );
+ }
static void player_update(void)
if( vg_get_axis("grabl")>0.0f)
if( player.on_board )
+ for( int i=0; i<world.rb_count; i++ )
+ player_do_collision( &world.temp_rbs[i] );
#define RB_DEPR
-#include "world.h"
#define k_rb_delta (1.0f/60.0f)
typedef struct rigidbody rigidbody;
v3_cross( n, tx, ty );
+#include "world.h"
static void rb_build_manifold( rigidbody *rb )
v3f *box = rb->bbx;
vg_line( p100, p010, colour );
+ * out penetration distance, normal
+ */
+static int rb_point_in_body( rigidbody *rb, v3f pos, float *pen, v3f normal )
+ v3f local;
+ m4x3_mulv( rb->to_local, pos, local );
+ if( local[0] > rb->bbx[0][0] && local[0] < rb->bbx[1][0] &&
+ local[1] > rb->bbx[0][1] && local[1] < rb->bbx[1][1] &&
+ local[2] > rb->bbx[0][2] && local[2] < rb->bbx[1][2] )
+ {
+ v3f area, com, comrel;
+ v3_add( rb->bbx[0], rb->bbx[1], com );
+ v3_muls( com, 0.5f, com );
+ v3_sub( rb->bbx[1], rb->bbx[0], area );
+ v3_sub( local, com, comrel );
+ v3_div( comrel, area, comrel );
+ int axis = 0;
+ float max_mag = fabsf(comrel[0]);
+ if( fabsf(comrel[1]) > max_mag )
+ {
+ axis = 1;
+ max_mag = fabsf(comrel[1]);
+ }
+ if( fabsf(comrel[2]) > max_mag )
+ {
+ axis = 2;
+ max_mag = fabsf(comrel[2]);
+ }
+ v3_zero( normal );
+ normal[axis] = vg_signf(comrel[axis]);
+ if( normal[axis] < 0.0f )
+ *pen = local[axis] - rb->bbx[0][axis];
+ else
+ *pen = rb->bbx[1][axis] - local[axis];
+ m3x3_mulv( rb->to_world, normal, normal );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
#endif /* RIGIDBODY_H */
int depth_computed;
float height;
+ int enabled;
static void water_init(void)
+ /* TODO: probably dont do this every time */
create_renderbuffer_std( &wrender.fb, &wrender.rgb, &wrender.rb );
+ wrender.enabled = 1;
static int ray_world( v3f pos, v3f dir, ray_hit *hit );
static void water_compute_depth( boxf bounds )
+ if( !wrender.enabled )
+ return;
int const kres = 512;
static void water_fb_resize(void)
+ if( !wrender.enabled )
+ return;
resize_renderbuffer_std( &wrender.fb, &wrender.rgb, &wrender.rb );
static void render_water_texture( m4x3f camera )
+ if( !wrender.enabled )
+ return;
/* Draw reflection buffa */
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, wrender.fb );
glClearColor( 0.11f, 0.35f, 0.37f, 1.0f );
static void render_water_surface( m4x4f pv )
+ if( !wrender.enabled )
+ return;
/* Draw surface */
#include "terrain.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "water.h"
+#include "rigidbody.h"
+#include "gate.h"
#include "shaders/standard.h"
glmesh skybox;
v3f tutorial;
+#if 0
+ rigidbody box;
+ teleport_gate gates[16];
+ u32 gate_count;
+ rigidbody temp_rbs[32];
+ u32 rb_count;
scene_bind( &world.foliage );
scene_draw( &world.foliage );
- vg_line_boxf( world.geo.bbx, 0xff00ffff );
static void ray_world_get_tri( ray_hit *hit, v3f tri[3] )
* TODO: Parametric marker import
- v3_copy( model_marker_get( mworld, "mp_dev_tutorial" )->co, world.tutorial );
- /* GATE DEV */
-#if 0
+ v3_copy( model_marker_get( mworld, "start" )->co, world.tutorial );
+ /*
+ * Initialize gates
+ */
+ world.gate_count = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<mworld->marker_count; i++ )
- model_marker *ga = model_marker_get(mworld,"gate_a"),
- *gb = model_marker_get(mworld,"gate_a_recv");
- v3_copy( ga->co, gate_a.co );
- v3_copy( gb->co, gate_b.co );
- v4_copy( ga->q, gate_a.q );
- v4_copy( gb->q, gate_b.q );
- v2_copy( ga->s, gate_a.dims );
- v2_copy( gb->s, gate_b.dims );
- gate_a.other = &gate_b;
- gate_b.other = &gate_a;
+ model_marker *ga = model_get_marker( mworld, i );
+ if( ga->classtype == k_classtype_gate )
+ {
+ struct classtype_gate *data = get_entdata_raw( mworld, ga );
+ if( data->target )
+ {
+ model_marker *gb = model_get_marker( mworld, data->target );
+ teleport_gate *gate = &world.gates[ world.gate_count ++ ];
+ v3_copy( ga->co, gate->co[0] );
+ v3_copy( gb->co, gate->co[1] );
+ v4_copy( ga->q, gate->q[0] );
+ v4_copy( gb->q, gate->q[1] );
+ v2_copy( ga->s, gate->dims );
- gate_transform_update( &gate_a );
- gate_transform_update( &gate_b );
+ gate_transform_update( gate );
+ }
+ }
- * again, TODO: parametric import (material)
+ /*
+ * Load water mesh (1 per world)
+ for( int i=0; i<mworld->layer_count; i++ )
- glmesh surf;
- submodel *sm = submodel_get(mworld,"mp_dev_water");
- model_unpack_submodel( mworld, &surf, sm );
- water_init();
- water_set_surface( &surf, sm->pivot[1] );
+ submodel *sm = model_get_submodel( mworld, i );
+ if( !strcmp( sm->material, "water" ) )
+ {
+ glmesh surf;
+ model_unpack_submodel( mworld, &surf, sm );
+ water_init();
+ water_set_surface( &surf, sm->pivot[1] );
+ break;
+ }
- free( mworld );
scene_upload( &world.geo );
bvh_create( &world.geo );
scene_init( &world.foliage );
model *mfoliage = vg_asset_read("models/rs_foliage.mdl");
+ /*
+ * TODO: Load any other meshes into the foliage scene, and create rbs for
+ * them.
+ *
+ * then compute bvh
+ */
+#if 0
+ scene_add_foliage( &world.foliage, mworld, boxtest, world.box.to_world );
+#if 0
+ submodel *boxtest = submodel_get( mworld, "cubey" );
+ for( int i=0; i<mworld->layer_count; i++ )
+ {
+ submodel *sm = model_get_submodel( mworld, i );
+ if( !strcmp( sm->material, "surf" ) ||
+ !strcmp( sm->material, "terrain" ) ||
+ !strcmp( sm->material, "water" ) )
+ continue;
+ m4x3f transform;
+ q_m3x3( sm->q, transform );
+ v3_copy( sm->pivot, transform[3] );
+ scene_add_foliage( &world.foliage, mworld, sm, transform );
+ rigidbody *rb = &world.temp_rbs[ world.rb_count ++ ];
+ box_copy( sm->bbx, rb->bbx );
+ v3_copy( sm->pivot, rb->co );
+ rb_init( rb );
+ v4_copy( sm->q, rb->q );
+ rb_update_transform( rb );
+ }
+ free( mworld );
v3f volume;
v3_sub( world.geo.bbx[1], world.geo.bbx[0], volume );
volume[1] = 1.0f;
if( vg_randf() < 0.00000006f )
m3x3_identity( transform );
- scene_add_foliage( &world.foliage, mfoliage, sm_tree, transform );
+ scene_add_foliage( &world.foliage, mfoliage, sm_tree, transform);
- scene_add_foliage( &world.foliage, mfoliage, sm_blob, transform );
+ scene_add_foliage( &world.foliage, mfoliage, sm_blob, transform);