--- /dev/null
.name = "Gate"
-static void audio_init(void)
+static int audio_init(void)
audio_player_init( &audio_player0 );
audio_player_init( &audio_player1 );
audio_player_set_flags( &ambient_sprites[2], AUDIO_FLAG_SPACIAL_3D );
audio_player_set_flags( &ambient_sprites[3], AUDIO_FLAG_SPACIAL_3D );
audio_player_set_vol( &ambient_player, 1.0f );
- audio_player_set_vol( &audio_player_gate, 5.0f );
+ audio_player_set_vol( &audio_player_gate, 0.0f );
audio_player_set_vol( &audio_player_extra, 1.0f );
audio_player_playclip( &audio_player0, &audio_board[0] );
.opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
.persistent = 1
+ return 1;
-static void audio_free(void)
+static void audio_free(void*_)
+ /* TODO! */
+ vg_warn( "UNIMPLEMENTED: audio_free()\n" );
static void audio_sample_occlusion( v3f origin )
int lv = 0;
v3f last;
+ v3_zero(last);
for( int i=0; i<sample_count; i++ )
+lsan_file=$(realpath ".lsan_suppress.txt")
+export LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=$lsan_file"
vg_command debug
source vg/vg_build.sh
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef CHARACTER_H
-#define CHARACTER_H
-#include "common.h"
-#include "model.h"
-#include "scene.h"
-#include "world.h"
-#include "ik.h"
-#include "rigidbody.h"
-#include "render.h"
-#include "shaders/character.h"
-vg_tex2d tex_pallet = { .path = "textures/ch_gradient.qoi" };
-static void character_register(void)
- shader_character_register();
-static void character_init(void)
- vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_pallet }, 1 );
-#define FOREACH_PART(FN) \
- FN( foot_l ) \
- FN( foot_r ) \
- FN( sock_l ) \
- FN( sock_r ) \
- FN( body0 ) \
- FN( body1 ) \
- FN( neck ) \
- FN( head ) \
- FN( arm_l0 ) \
- FN( arm_l1 ) \
- FN( hand_l ) \
- FN( arm_r0 ) \
- FN( arm_r1 ) \
- FN( hand_r ) \
- FN( leg_l0 ) \
- FN( leg_l1 ) \
- FN( leg_r0 ) \
- FN( leg_r1 ) \
- FN( wf ) \
- FN( wb ) \
- FN( board ) \
-#define MAKE_ENUM(ENUM) k_chpart_##ENUM,
-#define ADD_ONE(_) +1
-enum character_part
-static const char *character_part_strings[] =
-struct character
- glmesh mesh;
- mdl_submesh parts[ PART_COUNT ];
- v3f origins[ PART_COUNT ];
- m4x3f matrices[ PART_COUNT ];
- /* Auxillary information */
- v3f offsets[ PART_COUNT ];
- rigidbody ragdoll[ PART_COUNT ];
- /*
- * Controls
- * note: - base nodes of IK structures will be filled automatically
- * - all positions are in local space to the mroot
- */
- struct ik_basic ik_arm_l, ik_arm_r,
- ik_leg_l, ik_leg_r,
- ik_body;
- v3f cam_pos;
- v4f qhead;
- float rhip, rcollar, /* twist of hip and collar controls,
- these act in the local +y axis of the part */
- rhead,
- rfootl, rfootr,
- rhandl, rhandr;
- v3f ground_normal; /* Feet will be aligned to this */
- m4x3f mroot;
- int shoes[2];
-static void character_offset( struct character *ch, enum character_part parent,
- enum character_part child )
- v3_sub( ch->origins[ child ], ch->origins[ parent ],
- ch->offsets[ child ] );
-static int character_load( struct character *ch, const char *name )
- char buf[64];
- snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "models/%s.mdl", name );
- mdl_header *src = mdl_load( buf );
- if( !src )
- return 0;
- int error_count = 0;
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- {
- snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s_%s", name, character_part_strings[i] );
- mdl_node *pnode = mdl_node_from_name( src, buf );
- memset( &ch->parts[i], 0, sizeof(mdl_submesh) );
- v3_zero( ch->origins[i] );
- if( !pnode )
- {
- vg_warn( "Character file does not contain an '_%s' part.\n",
- character_part_strings[i] );
- error_count ++;
- continue;
- }
- mdl_submesh *sm = mdl_node_submesh( src, pnode, 0 );
- if( !sm )
- {
- vg_warn( "Character file's '_%s' part has no mesh.\n",
- character_part_strings[i] );
- error_count ++;
- continue;
- }
- ch->parts[i] = *sm;
- v3_copy( pnode->co, ch->origins[i] );
- }
- mdl_unpack_glmesh( src, &ch->mesh );
- if( !error_count )
- vg_success( "Loaded character file '%s' with no errors\n", name );
- /* Create the offsets */
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_body0, k_chpart_body1 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_body1, k_chpart_neck );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_neck, k_chpart_head );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_body1, k_chpart_arm_l0 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_arm_l0, k_chpart_arm_l1 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_arm_l1, k_chpart_hand_l );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_body1, k_chpart_arm_r0 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_arm_r0, k_chpart_arm_r1 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_arm_r1, k_chpart_hand_r );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_body0, k_chpart_leg_l0 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_leg_l0, k_chpart_leg_l1 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_leg_l1, k_chpart_foot_l );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_body0, k_chpart_leg_r0 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_leg_r0, k_chpart_leg_r1 );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_leg_r1, k_chpart_foot_r );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_board, k_chpart_wb );
- character_offset( ch, k_chpart_board, k_chpart_wf );
- ch->ik_arm_l.l1 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_arm_l1 ] );
- ch->ik_arm_l.l2 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_hand_l ] );
- ch->ik_arm_r.l1 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_arm_r1 ] );
- ch->ik_arm_r.l2 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_hand_r ] );
- ch->ik_leg_l.l1 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_leg_l1 ] );
- ch->ik_leg_l.l2 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_foot_l ] );
- ch->ik_leg_r.l1 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_leg_r1 ] );
- ch->ik_leg_r.l2 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_foot_r ] );
- ch->ik_body.l1 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_body1 ] );
- ch->ik_body.l2 = v3_length( ch->offsets[ k_chpart_neck ] );
- free( src );
- return 1;
-static void align_to_board( struct character *ch, enum character_part id )
- /* Calculate rotation between board and feet */
- m4x3f *mats = ch->matrices;
- v3f foot_pos, foot_fwd, foot_target, board_norm, board_origin;
- v3_copy( mats[id][3], foot_pos );
- m3x3_mulv( mats[id], (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, foot_fwd );
- v3_add( foot_fwd, foot_pos, foot_target );
- m3x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_board], (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, board_norm );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_board], (v3f){0.0f,0.13f,0.0f}, board_origin );
- vg_line( foot_pos, foot_target, 0xff00ff00 );
- v3f v0;
- v3_sub( board_origin, foot_target, v0 );
- float t = v3_dot( v0, board_norm ) / board_norm[1];
- foot_target[1] += t;
- vg_line( foot_pos, foot_target, 0xff00ffff );
- v3_sub( foot_target, foot_pos, foot_target );
- v3_normalize( foot_target );
- float ang = acosf( v3_dot( foot_target, foot_fwd ) );
- v4f qcorrection; m3x3f correction;
- q_axis_angle( qcorrection, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, -ang );
- q_m3x3( qcorrection, correction );
- m3x3_mul( mats[id], correction, mats[id] );
-static void character_eval( struct character *ch )
- m4x3f *mats = ch->matrices;
- v3f *offs = ch->offsets;
- ik_basic( &ch->ik_body, mats[k_chpart_body0], mats[k_chpart_body1],
- k_ikY, k_ikX );
- m3x3f temp;
- v4f body_rotation;
- /* TODO: Do this directly via m3x3 */
- q_axis_angle( body_rotation, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, ch->rhip );
- q_m3x3( body_rotation, temp );
- m3x3_mul( mats[k_chpart_body0], temp, mats[k_chpart_body0] );
- q_axis_angle( body_rotation, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, ch->rcollar );
- q_m3x3( body_rotation, temp );
- m3x3_mul( mats[k_chpart_body1], temp, mats[k_chpart_body1] );
- /* Setup aux */
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_body0], offs[k_chpart_leg_l0], ch->ik_leg_l.base );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_body0], offs[k_chpart_leg_r0], ch->ik_leg_r.base );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_body1], offs[k_chpart_arm_l0], ch->ik_arm_l.base );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_body1], offs[k_chpart_arm_r0], ch->ik_arm_r.base );
- /* IK for arms and legs */
- ik_basic( &ch->ik_arm_l, mats[k_chpart_arm_l0], mats[k_chpart_arm_l1],
- k_ikZ, k_ikY );
- ik_basic( &ch->ik_arm_r, mats[k_chpart_arm_r0], mats[k_chpart_arm_r1],
- k_iknZ, k_ikY );
- ik_basic( &ch->ik_leg_l, mats[k_chpart_leg_l0], mats[k_chpart_leg_l1],
- k_ikY, k_iknX );
- ik_basic( &ch->ik_leg_r, mats[k_chpart_leg_r0], mats[k_chpart_leg_r1],
- k_ikY, k_iknX );
- /* Hands */
- m3x3_copy( mats[k_chpart_arm_l1], mats[k_chpart_hand_l] );
- m3x3_copy( mats[k_chpart_arm_r1], mats[k_chpart_hand_r] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_arm_l1], offs[k_chpart_hand_l],
- mats[k_chpart_hand_l][3] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_arm_r1], offs[k_chpart_hand_r],
- mats[k_chpart_hand_r][3] );
- /* Neck / Head */
- m3x3_copy( mats[k_chpart_body1], mats[k_chpart_neck] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_body1], offs[k_chpart_neck],
- mats[k_chpart_neck][3] );
-#if 1
- v4f qhead;
- q_axis_angle( qhead, (v3f){ 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f }, ch->rhead );
- q_m3x3( qhead, mats[k_chpart_head] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_neck], offs[k_chpart_head], mats[k_chpart_head][3]);
- m3x3_mul( mats[k_chpart_neck], mats[k_chpart_head], mats[k_chpart_head] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_neck], offs[k_chpart_head], mats[k_chpart_head][3]);
- m3x3_copy( mats[k_chpart_neck], mats[k_chpart_head] );
- /* Feet */
- m3x3_copy( mats[k_chpart_leg_l1], mats[k_chpart_foot_l] );
- m3x3_copy( mats[k_chpart_leg_r1], mats[k_chpart_foot_r] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_leg_l1], offs[k_chpart_foot_l],
- mats[k_chpart_foot_l][3] );
- m4x3_mulv( mats[k_chpart_leg_r1], offs[k_chpart_foot_r],
- mats[k_chpart_foot_r][3] );
- align_to_board( ch, k_chpart_foot_l );
- align_to_board( ch, k_chpart_foot_r );
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- m4x3_mul( ch->mroot, ch->matrices[i], ch->matrices[i] );
-#define B3D_CO( X, Y, Z ) (v3f){ X, Z, -Y }
-typedef struct character_pose character_pose;
-struct character_pose
- v3f b0, b1, p, fr, fl, pl, pr, hl, hr, apl, apr, cam;
-static character_pose pose_aero =
- .b0 = {0.0721f, 0.8167f, 0.1365f},
- .b1 = {-0.0773f, 1.1559f, -0.1699f},
- .p = {0.0421f, 1.1430f, 0.2803f},
- .fr = {0.0535f, 0.1312f, -0.3647f},
- .fl = {-0.0605f, 0.1464f, 0.2917f},
- .pl = {-0.1704f, 0.6889f, -0.4017f},
- .pr = {0.0672f, 0.7598f, -0.5963f},
- .hl = {-0.2153f, 0.7195f, -0.1345f},
- .hr = {0.1974f, 0.7940f, -0.3522f},
- .apl = {-0.2008f, 0.9546f, 0.3687f},
- .apr = {0.3133f, 0.9299f, 0.0181f},
- .cam = {-0.3394f, 1.2661f, 0.2936f}
-static character_pose pose_slide =
- .b0 = {0.6732f, 0.5565f, -0.0000f},
- .b1 = {0.8116f, 1.0547f, 0.0613f},
- .p = {1.0404f, 0.7907f, 0.0186f},
- .fr = {-0.0030f, 0.1366f, -0.4461f},
- .fl = {-0.0030f, 0.1366f, 0.3480f},
- .pl = {-0.0887f, 0.8229f, 0.3826f},
- .pr = {-0.0887f, 0.8229f, -0.4621f},
- .hl = {0.7749f, 0.5545f, 0.5310f},
- .hr = {0.5844f, 1.2445f, -0.5456f},
- .apl = {1.0999f, 0.5390f, 0.2398f},
- .apr = {0.9816f, 0.9536f, -0.5463f},
- .cam = {0.9888f, 1.4037f, 0.6081f}
-static character_pose pose_slide1 =
- .b0 = {-0.2385f, 0.6403f, 0.1368f},
- .b1 = {-0.5151f, 1.1351f, 0.1380f},
- .p = {-0.1158f, 1.2118f, 0.3895f},
- .fr = {-0.0030f, 0.1323f, -0.3190f},
- .fl = {-0.0030f, 0.1323f, 0.5797f},
- .pl = {-0.6568f, 0.4305f, 0.2069f},
- .pr = {-0.6850f, 0.2740f, -0.2969f},
- .hl = {-0.7029f, 0.6132f, 0.2972f},
- .hr = {-0.2572f, 1.0104f, -0.4770f},
- .apl = {-0.4808f, 0.8480f, 0.3731f},
- .apr = {-0.0836f, 1.0480f, -0.1201f},
- .cam = {-1.0508f, 1.0769f, 0.0528f}
-static character_pose pose_aero_reverse =
- .b0 = {0.0616f, 0.8167f, -0.1415f},
- .b1 = {0.0148f, 1.1559f, 0.1861f},
- .p = {0.0558f, 1.1430f, -0.2779f},
- .fr = {0.0535f, 0.1312f, -0.3647f},
- .fl = {0.0730f, 0.1464f, 0.2917f},
- .pl = {-0.2073f, 0.6889f, 0.3839f},
- .pr = {-0.3584f, 0.4069f, 0.1032f},
- .hl = {0.1567f, 0.7195f, 0.1997f},
- .hr = {-0.3055f, 0.7940f, 0.2639f},
- .apl = {0.3143f, 0.9546f, -0.2784f},
- .apr = {-0.2885f, 0.9299f, -0.1236f},
- .cam = {-0.3394f, 1.2661f, -0.2936f}
-static character_pose pose_stand =
- .b0 = {0.1877f, 1.0663f, 0.0063f},
- .b1 = {0.0499f, 1.5564f, -0.0584f},
- .p = {0.5982f, 1.2810f, 0.0842f},
- .fr = {0.0535f, 0.1312f, -0.3647f},
- .fl = {0.0354f, 0.1464f, 0.2917f},
- .pl = {-0.4325f, 0.6889f, 0.1823f},
- .pr = {-0.4794f, 0.7598f, -0.3610f},
- .hl = {0.0498f, 1.0058f, 0.2317f},
- .hr = {0.0188f, 0.9786f, -0.2725f},
- .apl = {0.2898f, 1.3453f, 0.2303f},
- .apr = {0.5273f, 1.2876f, -0.1848f},
- .cam = {-0.3477f, 1.5884f, -0.0019f}
-static character_pose pose_stand_reverse =
- .b0 = {0.1624f, 1.0688f, -0.0632f},
- .b1 = {0.0499f, 1.5564f, -0.0013f},
- .p = {0.5423f, 1.2810f, -0.2368f},
- .fr = {0.0535f, 0.1312f, -0.3647f},
- .fl = {0.0354f, 0.1464f, 0.2917f},
- .pl = {-0.4325f, 0.6889f, 0.4591f},
- .pr = {-0.4794f, 0.7598f, -0.0842f},
- .hl = {0.0498f, 1.0058f, 0.2317f},
- .hr = {0.0188f, 0.9786f, -0.2725f},
- .apl = {0.2898f, 1.3453f, 0.0695f},
- .apr = {0.4715f, 1.2876f, -0.4982f},
- .cam = {-0.3477f, 1.5884f, -0.0730f}
-static character_pose pose_fly =
- .b0 = {0.2995f, 0.6819f, -0.1369f},
- .b1 = {0.1618f, 1.1720f, -0.2016f},
- .p = {0.7477f, 0.9173f, -0.1885f},
- .fr = {0.0535f, 0.1312f, -0.3647f},
- .fl = {0.0354f, 0.1464f, 0.2917f},
- .pl = {-0.2930f, 0.4849f, 0.5307f},
- .pr = {-0.4754f, 0.4124f, -0.4874f},
- .hl = {0.2650f, 1.1897f, 0.4626f},
- .hr = {0.2494f, 1.2059f, -0.7985f},
- .apl = {0.5165f, 1.0990f, 0.1655f},
- .apr = {0.6759f, 1.0661f, -0.6014f},
- .cam = {-0.2727f, 1.2606f, 0.3564f}
-void character_pose_blend( struct character *ch, character_pose *pose, float q )
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_body.base, pose->b0, q, ch->ik_body.base );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_body.end, pose->b1, q, ch->ik_body.end );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_body.pole, pose->p, q, ch->ik_body.pole );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_leg_l.end, pose->fl, q, ch->ik_leg_l.end );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_leg_l.pole, pose->pl, q, ch->ik_leg_l.pole );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_leg_r.end, pose->fr, q, ch->ik_leg_r.end );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_leg_r.pole, pose->pr, q, ch->ik_leg_r.pole );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_arm_l.pole, pose->apl, q, ch->ik_arm_l.pole );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_arm_r.pole, pose->apr, q, ch->ik_arm_r.pole );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_arm_l.end, pose->hl, q, ch->ik_arm_l.end );
- v3_muladds( ch->ik_arm_r.end, pose->hr, q, ch->ik_arm_r.end );
- v3_muladds( ch->cam_pos, pose->cam, q, ch->cam_pos );
-#if 1
-void character_final_pose( struct character *ch, v3f cog,
- character_pose *pose, float q )
- character_pose npose;
- float dip = vg_clampf(cog[1], -1.0f, 0.3f) * 0.5f,
- tilt = vg_clampf(cog[2], -1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.3f;
- v4f rz; m4x3f tr;
- q_axis_angle( rz, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, -cog[0]*0.3f );
- q_m3x3( rz, tr );
- m3x3_identity( tr );
- //v3_copy( (v3f){0.0f,dip,tilt}, tr[3] );
- v3_copy( cog, tr[3] );
- v3_muladd( pose->b0, tr[3], (v3f){0.85f,1.0f,1.0f}, npose.b0 );
- //m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->b0, npose.b0 );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->b1, npose.b1 );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->p, npose.p );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->pl, npose.pl );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->pr, npose.pr );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->hl, npose.hl );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->hr, npose.hr );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->apl, npose.apl );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->apr, npose.apr );
- v3_copy( pose->fr, npose.fr );
- v3_copy( pose->fl, npose.fl );
- v3_copy( pose->cam, npose.cam );
- character_pose_blend( ch, &npose, q );
-void character_final_pose( struct character *ch, v4f rot,
- character_pose *pose, float q )
- character_pose npose;
- m4x3f tr;
- q_m3x3( rot, tr );
- v3_zero( tr[3] );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->b0, npose.b0 );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->b1, npose.b1 );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->p, npose.p );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->pl, npose.pl );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->pr, npose.pr );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->hl, npose.hl );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->hr, npose.hr );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->apl, npose.apl );
- m4x3_mulv( tr, pose->apr, npose.apr );
- v3_copy( pose->fr, npose.fr );
- v3_copy( pose->fl, npose.fl );
- v3_copy( pose->cam, npose.cam );
- character_pose_blend( ch, &npose, q );
-static void character_yaw_upper( struct character *ch, float yaw )
- m3x3f r;
- v4f q;
- q_axis_angle( q, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, yaw );
- q_m3x3( q, r );
- m3x3_mulv( r, ch->ik_body.pole, ch->ik_body.pole );
- m3x3_mulv( r, ch->ik_body.end, ch->ik_body.end );
-static void zero_ik_basic( struct ik_basic *ik )
- v3_zero( ik->base );
- v3_zero( ik->end );
- v3_zero( ik->pole );
-static void character_pose_reset( struct character *ch )
- zero_ik_basic( &ch->ik_body );
- zero_ik_basic( &ch->ik_leg_l );
- zero_ik_basic( &ch->ik_leg_r );
- zero_ik_basic( &ch->ik_arm_l );
- zero_ik_basic( &ch->ik_arm_r );
- v3_zero( ch->cam_pos );
-static void character_testpose( struct character *ch, float t )
- /* Body */
- float *hips = ch->ik_body.base,
- *collar = ch->ik_body.end,
- *pole = ch->ik_body.pole;
- hips[0] = cosf(t*1.325f)*0.25f;
- hips[1] = (sinf(t)*0.2f+0.6f) * ch->origins[ k_chpart_body0 ][1];
- hips[2] = 0.0f;
- collar[0] = hips[0];
- collar[1] = hips[1] + (ch->ik_body.l1+ch->ik_body.l2)*(sinf(t)*0.05f+0.94f);
- collar[2] = hips[2] + cosf(t*0.42f)*0.01f;
- v3_add( hips, collar, pole );
- v3_muls( pole, 0.5f, pole );
- v3_add( pole, (v3f){ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, pole );
- /* Legs */
- float *footl = ch->ik_leg_l.end,
- *footr = ch->ik_leg_r.end,
- *polel = ch->ik_leg_l.pole,
- *poler = ch->ik_leg_r.pole;
- footl[0] = sinf(t*0.563f);
- footl[1] = 0.0f;
- footl[2] = 0.0f;
- footr[0] = 0.0f;
- footr[1] = 0.0f;
- footr[2] = cosf(t*0.672f);
- v3_add( hips, footl, polel );
- v3_muls( polel, 0.4f, polel );
- v3_add( polel, (v3f){ -1.0f,0.0f,0.0f }, polel );
- v3_add( hips, footr, poler );
- v3_muls( poler, 0.4f, poler );
- v3_add( poler, (v3f){ -1.0f,0.0f,0.0f }, poler );
- /* Arms */
- float *arml = ch->ik_arm_l.end,
- *armr = ch->ik_arm_r.end;
- polel = ch->ik_arm_l.pole;
- poler = ch->ik_arm_r.pole;
- v3_copy( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, arml );
- v3_copy( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f }, armr );
- v3_copy( (v3f){ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f }, polel );
- v3_copy( (v3f){ 1.0f, 1.0f,-0.5f }, poler );
- /* Other */
- ch->rhip = sinf(t*0.2f);
- ch->rcollar = sinf(t*0.35325f);
- q_identity( ch->qhead );
- m4x3_identity( ch->matrices[k_chpart_board] );
- m4x3_identity( ch->matrices[k_chpart_wb] );
- m4x3_identity( ch->matrices[k_chpart_wf] );
-static void character_draw( struct character *ch, float temp, m4x3f camera )
- shader_character_use();
- shader_character_uPv( vg_pv );
- vg_tex2d_bind( &tex_pallet, 0 );
- shader_character_uTexMain( 0 );
- shader_character_uOpacity( temp );
- shader_character_uCamera( camera[3] );
- shader_link_standard_ub( _shader_character.id, 2 );
- glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
- glCullFace( GL_BACK );
- mesh_bind( &ch->mesh );
- for( int i=4; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- {
-#if 0
- if( i == k_chpart_head || i == k_chpart_neck )
- continue;
- shader_character_uMdl( ch->matrices[i] );
- mdl_draw_submesh( &ch->parts[i] );
- }
- for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
- {
- if( ch->shoes[i] )
- {
- shader_character_uMdl( ch->matrices[i] );
- mdl_draw_submesh( &ch->parts[i] );
- }
- else
- {
- shader_character_uMdl( ch->matrices[i+2] );
- mdl_draw_submesh( &ch->parts[i] );
- shader_character_uMdl( ch->matrices[i] );
- mdl_draw_submesh( &ch->parts[i+2] );
- }
- }
- * Ragdoll Stuff
- */
-static void character_rd_box( struct character *ch, enum character_part id,
- v3f dims )
- v3_muls( dims, -0.5f, ch->ragdoll[id].bbx[0] );
- v3_muls( dims, 0.5f, ch->ragdoll[id].bbx[1] );
-struct rd_joint
- enum character_part ia, ib;
- v3f lca, lcb;
- struct rd_joint_axis
- {
- v3f va, vb;
- float spring, ang;
- }
- min, maj;
-static const float k_human_major = 0.5f,
- k_human_minor = 0.5f,
- k_human_major_max = 0.4f,
- k_human_minor_max = 0.1f;
-.min = { \
- .va = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, .vb = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, \
- .spring = k_human_minor, .ang = k_human_minor_max \
-}, \
-.maj = { \
- .va = {0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, .vb = {0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, \
- .spring = k_human_major, .ang = k_human_major_max \
-#define HUMAN_ARM_LEFT \
-.min = { \
- .va = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, .vb = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, \
- .spring = k_human_minor, .ang = k_human_minor_max \
-}, \
-.maj = { \
- .va = {0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, .vb = {0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, \
- .spring = k_human_major, .ang = k_human_major_max \
-#define HUMAN_ARM_RIGHT \
-.min = { \
- .va = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, .vb = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, \
- .spring = k_human_minor, .ang = k_human_minor_max \
-}, \
-.maj = { \
- .va = {0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, .vb = {0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, \
- .spring = k_human_major, .ang = k_human_major_max \
-static struct rd_joint rd_joints[] =
- { .ia = k_chpart_leg_l1, .ib = k_chpart_foot_l, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_leg_r1, .ib = k_chpart_foot_r, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_body0, .ib = k_chpart_body1, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_body1, .ib = k_chpart_neck, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_neck, .ib = k_chpart_head, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_body0, .ib = k_chpart_leg_l0, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_leg_l0, .ib = k_chpart_leg_l1, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_body0, .ib = k_chpart_leg_r0, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_leg_r0, .ib = k_chpart_leg_r1, HUMAN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_body1, .ib = k_chpart_arm_l0, HUMAN_ARM_LEFT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_arm_l0, .ib = k_chpart_arm_l1, HUMAN_ARM_LEFT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_arm_l1, .ib = k_chpart_hand_l, HUMAN_ARM_LEFT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_body1, .ib = k_chpart_arm_r0, HUMAN_ARM_RIGHT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_arm_r0, .ib = k_chpart_arm_r1, HUMAN_ARM_RIGHT },
- { .ia = k_chpart_arm_r1, .ib = k_chpart_hand_r, HUMAN_ARM_RIGHT }
-/* Ragdoll should be in rest pose when calling this function */
-static void character_init_ragdoll_joints( struct character *ch )
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(rd_joints); i++ )
- {
- struct rd_joint *joint = &rd_joints[i];
- float *hinge = ch->origins[joint->ib];
- v3_sub( hinge, ch->ragdoll[joint->ia].co, joint->lca );
- v3_sub( hinge, ch->ragdoll[joint->ib].co, joint->lcb );
- }
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- {
- float *pivot = ch->origins[i];
- v3_sub( ch->ragdoll[i].co, pivot, ch->ragdoll[i].delta );
- }
-static void character_init_ragdoll( struct character *ch )
- v3f *offs = ch->offsets;
- rigidbody *rbs = ch->ragdoll;
- /* CHest */
- float chest_width = fabsf(offs[k_chpart_arm_r0][2])*2.0f,
- chest_depth = chest_width * 0.571f,
- chest_height = offs[k_chpart_neck][1];
- v3f chest_dims = { chest_depth, chest_height, chest_width };
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_body1, chest_dims );
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_body1], rbs[k_chpart_body1].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_body1].co[1] += chest_height*0.5f;
- /* Torso */
- v3f torso_dims = { chest_depth,
- offs[k_chpart_body1][1]-offs[k_chpart_leg_l0][1],
- chest_width*0.85f };
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_body0], rbs[k_chpart_body0].co );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_body0, torso_dims );
- /* Neck */
- v3f neck_dims = { chest_depth*0.5f,
- offs[k_chpart_head][1],
- chest_depth*0.5f };
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_neck], rbs[k_chpart_neck].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_neck].co[1] += neck_dims[1]*0.5f;
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_neck, neck_dims );
- /* Head */
- v3f head_dims = { chest_width*0.5f, chest_width*0.5f, chest_width*0.5f };
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_head], rbs[k_chpart_head].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_head].co[1] += head_dims[1]*0.5f;
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_head, head_dims );
- /* ARms */
- v3f ua_dims = { 0.0f, 0.0f, fabsf(offs[k_chpart_arm_l1][2]) };
- ua_dims[1] = 0.38f*ua_dims[2];
- ua_dims[0] = 0.38f*ua_dims[2];
- v3f la_dims = { ua_dims[0], ua_dims[1], fabsf(offs[k_chpart_hand_l][2]) };
- v3f hand_dims = { ua_dims[1], ua_dims[1]*0.5f, ua_dims[1] };
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_arm_l0, ua_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_arm_r0, ua_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_arm_l1, la_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_arm_r1, la_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_hand_l, hand_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_hand_r, hand_dims );
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_arm_l0], rbs[k_chpart_arm_l0].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_arm_l0].co[2] += ua_dims[2] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_arm_l1], rbs[k_chpart_arm_l1].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_arm_l1].co[2] += la_dims[2] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_hand_l], rbs[k_chpart_hand_l].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_hand_l].co[2] += hand_dims[2] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_arm_r0], rbs[k_chpart_arm_r0].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_arm_r0].co[2] -= ua_dims[2] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_arm_r1], rbs[k_chpart_arm_r1].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_arm_r1].co[2] -= la_dims[2] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_hand_r], rbs[k_chpart_hand_r].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_hand_r].co[2] -= hand_dims[2] * 0.5f;
- /* LEgs */
- v3f ul_dims = { 0.0f, fabsf(offs[k_chpart_leg_l1][1]), 0.0f };
- ul_dims[0] = 0.38f*ul_dims[1];
- ul_dims[2] = 0.38f*ul_dims[1];
- v3f ll_dims = { ul_dims[0], fabsf(offs[k_chpart_foot_l][1]), ul_dims[2] };
- v3f foot_dims = { 2.0f*ul_dims[0], ul_dims[0], ul_dims[0] };
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_leg_l0, ul_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_leg_r0, ul_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_leg_l1, ll_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_leg_r1, ll_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_foot_l, foot_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_foot_r, foot_dims );
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_leg_l0], rbs[k_chpart_leg_l0].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_leg_l0].co[1] -= ul_dims[1] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_leg_l1], rbs[k_chpart_leg_l1].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_leg_l1].co[1] -= ll_dims[1] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_foot_l], rbs[k_chpart_foot_l].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_foot_l].co[1] -= foot_dims[1] * 0.5f;
- rbs[k_chpart_foot_l].co[0] -= foot_dims[0] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_leg_r0], rbs[k_chpart_leg_r0].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_leg_r0].co[1] -= ul_dims[1] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_leg_r1], rbs[k_chpart_leg_r1].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_leg_r1].co[1] -= ll_dims[1] * 0.5f;
- v3_copy( ch->origins[k_chpart_foot_r], rbs[k_chpart_foot_r].co );
- rbs[k_chpart_foot_r].co[1] -= foot_dims[1] * 0.5f;
- rbs[k_chpart_foot_r].co[0] -= foot_dims[0] * 0.5f;
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_sock_l, foot_dims );
- character_rd_box( ch, k_chpart_sock_r, foot_dims );
- v3_copy( rbs[k_chpart_foot_l].co, rbs[k_chpart_sock_l].co );
- v3_copy( rbs[k_chpart_foot_r].co, rbs[k_chpart_sock_r].co );
- box_copy( (boxf){{-0.2f,-0.2f,-0.7f},{0.2f,0.2f,0.7f}},
- rbs[k_chpart_board].bbx );
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- rb_init( &ch->ragdoll[i] );
- character_init_ragdoll_joints( ch );
-static void character_ragdoll_go( struct character *ch, v3f pos )
- character_init_ragdoll( ch );
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- v3_add( pos, ch->ragdoll[i].co, ch->ragdoll[i].co );
-static void character_ragdoll_copypose( struct character *ch, v3f v )
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- {
- rigidbody *rb = &ch->ragdoll[i];
- m4x3_mulv( ch->matrices[i], rb->delta, rb->co );
- m3x3_q( ch->matrices[i], rb->q );
- v3_copy( v, rb->v );
- v3_zero( rb->w );
- rb_update_transform( rb );
- }
- float vel = v3_length(v);
- ch->shoes[0] = 1;
- ch->shoes[1] = 1;
-static void character_mimic_ragdoll( struct character *ch )
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- {
- rigidbody *rb = &ch->ragdoll[i];
- v3f *mat = ch->matrices[i];
- m3x3_copy( rb->to_world, mat );
- v3f inv_delta;
- v3_negate( rb->delta, inv_delta );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, inv_delta, mat[3] );
- }
- /* Attach wheels to board */
- m3x3_copy( ch->matrices[k_chpart_board], ch->matrices[k_chpart_wb] );
- m3x3_copy( ch->matrices[k_chpart_board], ch->matrices[k_chpart_wf] );
- m4x3_mulv( ch->matrices[k_chpart_board], ch->offsets[k_chpart_wb],
- ch->matrices[k_chpart_wb][3] );
- m4x3_mulv( ch->matrices[k_chpart_board], ch->offsets[k_chpart_wf],
- ch->matrices[k_chpart_wf][3] );
-static void character_debug_ragdoll( struct character *ch )
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_body0], 0xffffffff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_body1], 0xffffffff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_neck], 0xff00ff00 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_head], 0xff00ff00 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_arm_l0], 0xffffa500 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_arm_l1], 0xffffa500 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_hand_l], 0xffffa500 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_arm_r0], 0xff00a5ff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_arm_r1], 0xff00a5ff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_hand_r], 0xff00a5ff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_leg_l0], 0xffffa500 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_leg_l1], 0xffffa500 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_foot_l], 0xffffa500 );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_leg_r0], 0xff00a5ff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_leg_r1], 0xff00a5ff );
- rb_debug( &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_foot_r], 0xff00a5ff );
-static void character_ragdoll_iter( struct character *ch )
- rb_solver_reset();
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- {
- rb_collide( &ch->ragdoll[i], &world.rb_geo );
- }
- rb_presolve_contacts( rb_contact_buffer, rb_contact_count );
- v3f rv;
- float shoe_vel[2] = {0.0f,0.0f};
- for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
- if( ch->shoes[i] )
- shoe_vel[i] = v3_length( ch->ragdoll[i].v );
- /* This used to be 20 iterations */
- for( int i=0; i<10; i++ )
- {
- float const k_springfactor = 1.0f/20.0f;
- rb_solve_contacts( rb_contact_buffer, rb_contact_count );
- for( int j=0; j<vg_list_size(rd_joints); j++ )
- {
- struct rd_joint *joint = &rd_joints[j];
- rigidbody *rba = &ch->ragdoll[joint->ia],
- *rbb = &ch->ragdoll[joint->ib];
- rb_constraint_position( rba, joint->lca, rbb, joint->lcb );
- rb_constraint_angle( rba, joint->maj.va, rbb, joint->maj.vb,
- joint->maj.ang,
- joint->maj.spring * k_springfactor );
- rb_constraint_angle( rba, joint->min.va, rbb, joint->min.vb,
- joint->min.ang,
- joint->min.spring * k_springfactor );
- }
- }
- for( int j=0; j<vg_list_size(rd_joints); j++ )
- {
- struct rd_joint *joint = &rd_joints[j];
- rigidbody *rba = &ch->ragdoll[joint->ia],
- *rbb = &ch->ragdoll[joint->ib];
- rb_angle_limit_force( rba, joint->min.va, rbb, joint->min.vb,
- joint->min.ang );
- rb_angle_limit_force( rba, joint->maj.va, rbb, joint->maj.vb,
- joint->maj.ang );
- }
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- rb_iter( &ch->ragdoll[i] );
- for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
- {
- if( ch->shoes[i] )
- {
- float a = v3_length( ch->ragdoll[i].v ) - shoe_vel[i];
- if( a > 2.0f )
- {
- ch->shoes[i] = 0;
- rigidbody *src = &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_foot_l];
- rigidbody *dst = &ch->ragdoll[k_chpart_sock_l];
- v3_copy( src->co, dst->co );
- v3_copy( src->v, dst->v );
- v3_copy( src->q, dst->q );
- v3_copy( src->w, dst->w );
- }
- }
- }
- for( int i=0; i<PART_COUNT; i++ )
- rb_update_transform( &ch->ragdoll[i] );
static int network_scores_updated = 0;
#endif /* COMMON_H */
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef GATE_H
-#define GATE_H
-#include "common.h"
-#include "model.h"
-#include "render.h"
-#include "shaders/gate.h"
-#include "shaders/gatelq.h"
-#include "world_water.h"
-typedef struct teleport_gate teleport_gate;
-static struct
- struct framebuffer fb;
- glmesh mdl;
- int high_qual; /* If in high performance mode, we don't use RT's, and
- instead use stencil buffers.
- There is therefore no heat warp effect. */
-grender =
- .high_qual = 0,
- .fb = {
- .format = GL_RGB,
- .div = 1
- }
-struct teleport_gate
- v3f co[2];
- v4f q[2];
- v2f dims;
- m4x3f to_world, recv_to_world, transport;
-static void gate_transform_update( teleport_gate *gate )
- m4x3f to_local;
- q_m3x3( gate->q[0], gate->to_world );
- v3_copy( gate->co[0], gate->to_world[3] );
- m4x3_invert_affine( gate->to_world, to_local );
- q_m3x3( gate->q[1], gate->recv_to_world );
- v3_copy( gate->co[1], gate->recv_to_world[3] );
- m4x3_mul( gate->recv_to_world, to_local, gate->transport );
-static void gate_register(void)
- shader_gate_register();
- shader_gatelq_register();
-static void gate_init(void)
- fb_init( &grender.fb );
- mdl_header *mgate = mdl_load( "models/rs_gate.mdl" );
- mdl_unpack_glmesh( mgate, &grender.mdl );
- free( mgate );
-static void gate_fb_resize(void)
- fb_resize( &grender.fb );
-static int render_gate( teleport_gate *gate, v3f viewpos, m4x3f camera )
- v3f viewdir, gatedir;
- m3x3_mulv( camera, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, viewdir );
- m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, gatedir );
- v3f v0;
- v3_sub( viewpos, gate->co[0], v0 );
- if( v3_dot(v0, gatedir) >= 0.0f )
- return 0;
- if( v3_dist( viewpos, gate->co[0] ) > 100.0f )
- return 0;
- v3f a,b,c,d;
- float sx = gate->dims[0],
- sy = gate->dims[1];
- m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){-sx,-sy,0.0f}, a );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){ sx,-sy,0.0f}, b );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){ sx, sy,0.0f}, c );
- m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){-sx, sy,0.0f}, d );
- vg_line( a,b, 0xffffa000 );
- vg_line( b,c, 0xffffa000 );
- vg_line( c,d, 0xffffa000 );
- vg_line( d,a, 0xffffa000 );
- vg_line2( gate->co[0], gate->co[1], 0xff0000ff, 0x00000000 );
- m4x3f cam_new;
- m4x3_mul( gate->transport, camera, cam_new );
- vg_line_pt3( cam_new[3], 0.3f, 0xff00ff00 );
- m4x3f gate_xform;
- m4x3_copy( gate->to_world, gate_xform );
- m4x3_scalev( gate_xform, (v3f){ gate->dims[0], gate->dims[1], 1.0f } );
- m4x3f inverse;
- m4x3_invert_affine( cam_new, inverse );
- m4x4f view;
- m4x3_expand( inverse, view );
- v4f surface;
- m3x3_mulv( gate->recv_to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
- surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co[1] );
- m4x4f projection;
- pipeline_projection( projection, 0.1f, 900.0f );
- m4x3_mulp( inverse, surface, surface );
- surface[3] = -fabsf(surface[3]);
- plane_clip_projection( projection, surface );
- m4x4_mul( projection, view, projection );
- if( grender.high_qual )
- {
- fb_use( &grender.fb );
- glClearColor( 0.11f, 0.35f, 0.37f, 1.0f );
- }
- else
- {
- shader_gatelq_use();
- shader_gatelq_uPv( vg_pv );
- shader_gatelq_uMdl( gate_xform );
- shader_gatelq_uCam( viewpos );
- shader_gatelq_uTime( vg_time*0.25f );
- shader_gatelq_uInvRes( (v2f){
- 1.0f / (float)vg_window_x,
- 1.0f / (float)vg_window_y });
- glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
- glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE );
- glStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF );
- glStencilMask( 0xFF );
- mesh_bind( &grender.mdl );
- mesh_draw( &grender.mdl );
- glStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF );
- glStencilMask( 0x00 );
- }
- render_world( projection, cam_new );
- if( grender.high_qual )
- {
- /*
- * TODO: Need to find a way to draw a stencil buffer into the water
- * rendering
- */
- render_water_texture( cam_new );
- fb_use( &grender.fb );
- render_water_surface( projection, cam_new );
- fb_use( NULL );
- shader_gate_use();
- shader_gate_uPv( vg_pv );
- shader_gate_uMdl( gate_xform );
- fb_bindtex( &grender.fb, 0 );
- shader_gate_uCam( viewpos );
- shader_gate_uTexMain( 0 );
- shader_gate_uTexWater( 1 );
- shader_gate_uTime( vg_time*0.25f );
- shader_gate_uInvRes( (v2f){
- 1.0f / (float)vg_window_x,
- 1.0f / (float)vg_window_y });
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
- mesh_bind( &grender.mdl );
- mesh_draw( &grender.mdl );
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- }
- else
- {
- glDisable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
- render_water_texture( cam_new );
- fb_use( NULL );
- glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
- render_water_surface( projection, cam_new );
- glStencilMask( 0xFF );
- glStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF );
- glDisable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
- }
- return 1;
-static int gate_intersect( teleport_gate *gate, v3f pos, v3f last )
- v4f surface;
- m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
- surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co[0] );
- v3f v0, c, delta, p0;
- v3_sub( pos, last, v0 );
- float l = v3_length( v0 );
- v3_divs( v0, l, v0 );
- v3_muls( surface, surface[3], c );
- v3_sub( c, last, delta );
- float d = v3_dot(surface, v0);
- if( d > 0.00001f )
- {
- float t = v3_dot(delta, surface) / d;
- if( t >= 0.0f && t <= l )
- {
- v3f local, rel;
- v3_muladds( last, v0, t, local );
- v3_sub( gate->co[0], local, rel );
- v3f vup, vside;
- m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, vup );
- m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, vside );
- v2f xy = { v3_dot( rel, vside ), v3_dot( rel, vup ) };
- if( fabsf(xy[0]) <= gate->dims[0] && fabsf(xy[1]) <= gate->dims[1] )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- vg_log( "No existing database found (.aadb)\n" );
+ vg_low( "No existing database found (.aadb)\n" );
vg_info( "Initializing database nodes\n" );
memset( &sys->dbheader, 0, sizeof(highscore_database) );
struct highscore_system *sys = &highscore_system;
/* TODO: Verify steam ID */
- vg_log( "Inserting record into database for track %hu\n",record->trackid );
+ vg_low( "Inserting record into database for track %hu\n",record->trackid );
if( record->trackid >= vg_list_size(sys->dbheader.tracks) )
if( crecord->time < record->time ||
(crecord->time == record->time && crecord->points > record->points))
- vg_log( "Not overwriting better score\n" );
+ vg_low( "Not overwriting better score\n" );
return existing;
- vg_log( "Freeing existing record for player %lu\n", record->playerid );
+ vg_low( "Freeing existing record for player %lu\n", record->playerid );
table->root_playerid = aatree_del( &sys->aainfo_playerid, existing );
table->root_datetime = aatree_del( &sys->aainfo_datetime, existing );
table->root_points = aatree_del( &sys->aainfo_points, existing );
name[i] = nick[i];
name[10] = '\0';
- vg_log( "Updating %lu's nickname -> %s\n", steamid, name );
+ vg_low( "Updating %lu's nickname -> %s\n", steamid, name );
struct highscore_system *sys = &highscore_system;
- * Copyright 2021-2022 (C) Mount0 Software, Harry Godden - All Rights Reserved
+ * =============================================================================
- * module.h structure definitions
- * module_submodule.h implementation
- * module_submodule_2.h
+ * Copyright . . . -----, ,----- ,---. .---.
+ * 2021-2022 |\ /| | / | | | | /|
+ * | \ / | +-- / +----- +---' | / |
+ * | \ / | | / | | \ | / |
+ * | \/ | | / | | \ | / |
+ * ' ' '--' [] '----- '----- ' ' '---' SOFTWARE
+ *
+ * =============================================================================
+ *
+ * register: shader register & init scheduling
+ * init: initialization
+ * update: logic
+ * render: graphics
+ * free: resource free
+ *
-#include "common.h"
-/* Resources */
-vg_tex2d tex_norwey = { .path = "textures/norway_foliage.qoi" };
-vg_tex2d tex_grid = { .path = "textures/grid.qoi" };
-vg_tex2d tex_sky = { .path = "textures/sky.qoi" };
-vg_tex2d tex_gradients = { .path = "textures/gradients.qoi",
- .flags = VG_TEXTURE_CLAMP };
-vg_tex2d tex_cement = { .path = "textures/cement512.qoi" };
-vg_tex2d tex_water = { .path = "textures/water.qoi" };
-/* Convars */
-static int debugview = 0;
-static int sv_debugcam = 0;
-static int lightedit = 0;
-static int sv_scene = 0;
-static int cl_ui = 1;
-/* Components */
-/* uncomment this to run the game without any graphics being drawn */
-//#define SR_NETWORK_TEST
+#define VG_3D
+#include "common.h"
#include "steam.h"
-#include "network.h"
-#include "model.h"
-//#include "road.h"
-#include "scene.h"
-//#include "ik.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-//#include "terrain.h"
-//#include "character.h"
-#include "ragdoll.h"
-#include "rigidbody.h"
#include "render.h"
+#include "audio.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "player.h"
-#include "shaders/blit.h"
-#include "shaders/standard.h"
-#include "shaders/unlit.h"
-#include "physics_test.h"
-#include "anim_test.h"
-#include "gate.h"
-void vg_register(void)
- shader_blit_register();
- shader_standard_register();
- shader_vblend_register();
- shader_unlit_register();
- player_register();
- world_register();
- gate_register();
-static void init_other(void)
- player_init();
- render_init();
- gate_init();
- world_init();
- audio_init();
-vg_tex2d *texture_list[] =
- &tex_norwey,
- &tex_gradients,
- &tex_grid,
- &tex_sky,
- &tex_cement,
- &tex_water,
- &tex_water_surf
+static int cl_ui = 1;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- highscores_init( 2000, 50 );
- vg_init( argc, argv, "Voyager Game Engine" );
+ vg_enter( argc, argv, "Voyager Game Engine" );
-static int playermodel( int argc, char const *argv[] )
+static void highscores_save_at_exit(void*_)
- if( argc < 1 ) return 0;
- glmesh old_mesh = player.mdl.mesh;
- if( player_load_model( argv[0] ) )
- mesh_free( &old_mesh );
- return 1;
+ highscores_serialize_all();
+ highscores_free();
-void vg_start(void)
+int vg_preload(void)
- steam_init();
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "fc",
- .data = &freecam,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_i32,
- .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=1 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "grid",
- .data = &walk_grid_iterations,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_i32,
- .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "fcs",
- .data = &fc_speed,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "ledit",
- .data = &lightedit,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_i32,
- .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=1 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
.name = "cl_ui",
.data = &cl_ui,
.persistent = 1
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "walk_speed",
- .data = &k_walkspeed,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+vg_info(" Copyright . . . -----, ,----- ,---. .---. " );
+vg_info(" 2021-2022 |\\ /| | / | | | | /| " );
+vg_info(" | \\ / | +-- / +----- +---' | / | " );
+vg_info(" | \\ / | | / | | \\ | / | " );
+vg_info(" | \\/ | | / | | \\ | / | " );
+vg_info(" ' ' '--' [] '----- '----- ' ' '---' "
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "run_speed",
- .data = &k_runspeed,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+ highscores_init( 2000, 50 );
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( highscores_save_at_exit, NULL ) ) return 0;
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "walk_accel",
- .data = &k_walk_accel,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+ vg_sleep_ms(200);
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "rd_floaty",
- .data = &k_ragdoll_floatyiness,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+ if( !steam_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( steam_end, NULL ) ) return 0;
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "rd_floatd",
- .data = &k_ragdoll_floatydrag,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+ if( !network_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( network_end, NULL ) ) return 0;
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "dt",
- .data = &ktimestep,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 0
- });
+ return 1;
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "debugcam",
- .data = &sv_debugcam,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_i32,
- .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+int vg_load(void)
+ if( !render_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( render_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "debugview",
- .data = &debugview,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_i32,
- .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
+ if( !world_init() ) return 0;
- vg_function_push( (struct vg_cmd){
- .name = "reset",
- .function = reset_player
- });
+ if( !player_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( player_model_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
- vg_tex2d_init( texture_list, vg_list_size( texture_list ) );
- init_other();
- /*
- * If we're in physics test mode we dont need to load anything else, this
- * parameter is dev only. TODO: dev only cvars that don't ship with the game
- * when building in release mode.
- */
- if( sv_scene == 0 )
- {
- player_load_model( "ch_new" );
+ if( !vg_bake_shaders() ) return 0;
- world_load();
- reset_player( 1, (const char *[]){ "start" } );
- rb_init( &player.phys.rb );
+ if( !audio_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( audio_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
- network_init();
- }
- else if( sv_scene == 1 )
- {
- physics_test_start();
- }
- else if( sv_scene == 2 )
- {
- anim_test_start();
- }
+ /* FInal step */
+ world_load();
+ vg_console_load_autos();
+ return 1;
-void vg_free(void)
+static void vg_start(void)
- network_end();
- vg_tex2d_free( texture_list, vg_list_size(texture_list) );
- steam_end();
+ player_load_model( "ch_new" );
+ reset_player( 1, (const char *[]){ "start" } );
- highscores_serialize_all();
- highscores_free();
+static void draw_origin_axis(void)
+ vg_line( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, (v3f){ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, 0xffff0000 );
+ vg_line( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, (v3f){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, 0xff00ff00 );
+ vg_line( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, 0xff0000ff );
-void vg_update(void)
+void vg_update( int loaded )
- if( sv_scene == 0 )
+ if( loaded )
+ draw_origin_axis();
world_update( player.phys.rb.co );
- //traffic_visualize( world.traffic, world.traffic_count );
- //
- /* TEMP */
- if( glfwGetKey( vg_window, GLFW_KEY_J ))
- {
- v3_copy( player.camera_pos, world.mr_ball.co );
- }
- }
- else if( sv_scene == 1 )
- {
- physics_test_update();
- }
- else if( sv_scene == 2 )
- {
- anim_test_update();
-static void draw_origin_axis(void)
- vg_line( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, (v3f){ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, 0xffff0000 );
- vg_line( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, (v3f){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, 0xff00ff00 );
- vg_line( (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, 0xff0000ff );
static void render_main_game(void)
+ /* TODO Breakup this & Gen */
+#if 0
float speed = freecam? 0.0f: v3_length( player.phys.rb.v );
v3f shake = { vg_randf()-0.5f, vg_randf()-0.5f, vg_randf()-0.5f };
v3_muls( shake, speed*0.01f, shake );
m4x4f world_4x4;
m4x3_expand( player.camera_inverse, world_4x4 );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
render_water_surface( vg_pv, player.camera );
- vg_tex2d_bind( &tex_water, 1 ); /*TODO: ?*/
render_world_gates( vg_pv, player.phys.rb.co, player.camera );
/* Copy the RGB of what we have into the background buffer */
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_background );
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- /* Other shite */
- glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
- vg_lines_drawall( (float *)vg_pv );
- glViewport( 0,0, vg_window_x, vg_window_y );
-void vg_render(void)
+void vg_render(void)
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
glViewport( 0,0, vg_window_x, vg_window_y );
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glClearColor( 0.11f, 0.35f, 0.37f, 1.0f );
- draw_origin_axis();
- if( sv_scene == 0 )
- {
- render_main_game();
- }
- else if( sv_scene == 1 )
- {
- physics_test_render();
- }
- else if( sv_scene == 2 )
- {
- anim_test_render( &tex_characters );
- }
-static void run_light_widget( struct light_widget *lw )
- struct ui_checkbox c1 = { .data=&lw->enabled };
- ui_checkbox( &ui_global_ctx, &c1 );
- if( lw->enabled )
- {
- struct ui_slider_vector
- colour = { .min=0.0f, .max=2.0f, .len=3, .data=lw->colour },
- dir = { .min=-VG_PIf, .max=VG_PIf, .len=2, .data=lw->dir };
- ui_slider_vector( &ui_global_ctx, &colour );
- ui_global_ctx.cursor[1] += 4;
- ui_slider_vector( &ui_global_ctx, &dir );
- }
-static void run_debug_info(void)
- char buf[40];
+ render_main_game();
- snprintf( buf, 40, "%.2fm/s", v3_length( player.phys.rb.v ) );
- gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 0 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
- snprintf( buf, 40, "%.2f %.2f %.2f m/s",
- player.phys.a[0], player.phys.a[1], player.phys.a[2] );
- gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 20 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
- snprintf( buf, 40, "pos %.2f %.2f %.2f",
- player.phys.rb.co[0], player.phys.rb.co[1], player.phys.rb.co[2] );
- gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 40 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
- if( vg_gamepad_ready )
- {
- for( int i=0; i<6; i++ )
- {
- snprintf( buf, 40, "%.2f", vg_gamepad.axes[i] );
- gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, (i+3)*20 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 60 },
- "Gamepad not ready", 1, k_text_align_left );
- }
+ /* Other shite */
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ vg_lines_drawall( (float *)vg_pv );
+ glViewport( 0,0, vg_window_x, vg_window_y );
void vg_ui(void)
+#if 0
if( lightedit )
ui_global_ctx.cursor[0] = 10;
//glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
if( cl_ui )
//glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );
- world_audio_debug();
+void vg_free(void)
#if 0
- static double last_b_press = 0.0;
+static void run_light_widget( struct light_widget *lw )
+ struct ui_checkbox c1 = { .data=&lw->enabled };
- double localtime = vg_time - last_b_press;
+ ui_checkbox( &ui_global_ctx, &c1 );
+ if( lw->enabled )
+ {
+ struct ui_slider_vector
+ colour = { .min=0.0f, .max=2.0f, .len=3, .data=lw->colour },
+ dir = { .min=-VG_PIf, .max=VG_PIf, .len=2, .data=lw->dir };
- world_routes_ui_updatetime( 0, localtime );
- world_routes_ui_draw( 0, (v4f){ 1.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f}, 9.0f );
+ ui_slider_vector( &ui_global_ctx, &colour );
+ ui_global_ctx.cursor[1] += 4;
+ ui_slider_vector( &ui_global_ctx, &dir );
+ }
- if( glfwGetKey(vg_window,GLFW_KEY_B) )
- world_routes_ui_notch( 0, localtime );
+static void run_debug_info(void)
+ char buf[40];
+ snprintf( buf, 40, "%.2fm/s", v3_length( player.phys.rb.v ) );
+ gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 0 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
+ snprintf( buf, 40, "%.2f %.2f %.2f m/s",
+ player.phys.a[0], player.phys.a[1], player.phys.a[2] );
+ gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 20 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
- if( vg_time-last_b_press > 1.0 )
- if( glfwGetKey(vg_window,GLFW_KEY_N) )
- {
- last_b_press = vg_time;
- world_routes_ui_newseg( 0 );
- }
+ snprintf( buf, 40, "pos %.2f %.2f %.2f",
+ player.phys.rb.co[0], player.phys.rb.co[1], player.phys.rb.co[2] );
+ gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 40 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
- static double last_m_press;
- if( vg_time-last_m_press > 1.0 )
- if( glfwGetKey( vg_window, GLFW_KEY_M) )
+ if( vg.gamepad_ready )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<6; i++ )
- last_m_press = vg_time;
- vg_info( "start: %u\n",world.routes.routes[0].ui.segment_count );
- for( int i=0; i<world.routes.routes[0].ui.segment_count; i++ )
- world_routes_ui_popfirst(0);
- vg_info( "new: %u\n",world.routes.routes[0].ui.segment_count );
+ snprintf( buf, 40, "%.2f", vg.gamepad.axes[i] );
+ gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, (i+3)*20 }, buf, 1, k_text_align_left );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gui_text( (ui_px [2]){ 0, 60 },
+ "Gamepad not ready", 1, k_text_align_left );
+ }
u32 indice_count;
-static void mesh_upload( glmesh *mesh,
+static int mesh_upload( glmesh *mesh,
mdl_vert *verts, u32 vert_count,
u32 *indices, u32 indice_count )
stride, (void *)offsetof(mdl_vert, groups) );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( 5 );
+ if( VG_CHECK_GL_ERR() )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
mesh->indice_count = indice_count;
+ return 1;
static void mesh_bind( glmesh *mesh )
v3_copy( pnode->co, transform[3] );
-static void mdl_unpack_submesh( mdl_header *mdl, glmesh *mesh, mdl_submesh *sm )
+static int mdl_unpack_submesh( mdl_header *mdl, glmesh *mesh, mdl_submesh *sm )
- mesh_upload( mesh, mdl_submesh_vertices( mdl, sm ), sm->vertex_count,
- mdl_submesh_indices( mdl, sm ), sm->indice_count );
+ return mesh_upload( mesh, mdl_submesh_vertices( mdl, sm ), sm->vertex_count,
+ mdl_submesh_indices( mdl, sm ), sm->indice_count );
-static void mdl_unpack_glmesh( mdl_header *mdl, glmesh *mesh )
+static int mdl_unpack_glmesh( mdl_header *mdl, glmesh *mesh )
u32 offset = mdl_submesh_from_id( mdl, 0 )->vertex_count;
mdl_vert *vertex_base = mdl_baseptr( mdl, mdl->vertex_offset );
u32 *indice_base = mdl_baseptr( mdl, mdl->indice_offset );
- mesh_upload( mesh, vertex_base, mdl->vertex_count,
- indice_base, mdl->indice_count );
+ return mesh_upload( mesh, vertex_base, mdl->vertex_count,
+ indice_base, mdl->indice_count );
static void mdl_draw_submesh( mdl_submesh *sm )
/* Call it at start; Connects us to the gameserver */
-static void network_init(void);
+static int network_init(void);
/* Run this from main loop */
static void network_update(void);
/* Call it at shutdown */
-static void network_end(void);
+static void network_end(void*_);
* Can buffer up a bunch of these by calling many times, they will be
- vg_log( "Not making remote connection; app ticket not gotten\n" );
+ vg_low( "Not making remote connection; app ticket not gotten\n" );
-static void network_init(void)
+static int network_init(void)
if( steam_ready )
on_server_connect_status );
+ return 1;
-static void network_end(void)
+static void network_end(void*_)
/* TODO: Fire off any buffered highscores that need to be setn */
if( cremote_state == k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected ||
#else /* SR_NETWORKED */
-static void network_init(void){}
+static int network_init(void){ return 1; }
static void network_update(void){}
-static void network_end(void){}
+static void network_end(void*_){}
#endif /* SR_NETWORKED */
#endif /* NETWORK_H */
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void player_register(void) /* 0 */
+static int player_init(void) /* 1 */
- player_model_register();
-static void player_init(void) /* 1 */
- player_model_init();
+ rb_init( &player.phys.rb );
rb_init( &player.collide_front );
rb_init( &player.collide_back );
+ vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
+ .name = "walk_speed",
+ .data = &k_walkspeed,
+ .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
+ .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
+ .persistent = 1
+ });
+ vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
+ .name = "run_speed",
+ .data = &k_runspeed,
+ .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
+ .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
+ .persistent = 1
+ });
+ vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
+ .name = "walk_accel",
+ .data = &k_walk_accel,
+ .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
+ .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
+ .persistent = 1
+ });
+ vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
+ .name = "fc",
+ .data = &freecam,
+ .data_type = k_convar_dtype_i32,
+ .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=1 },
+ .persistent = 1
+ });
+ vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
+ .name = "fcs",
+ .data = &fc_speed,
+ .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
+ .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
+ .persistent = 1
+ });
+ vg_function_push( (struct vg_cmd){
+ .name = "reset",
+ .function = reset_player
+ });
+ return player_model_init();
static void player_update(void) /* 2 */
/* trick setup */
float jump_start_frame = 14.0f/30.0f;
- player.fjump = vg_lerpf( player.fjump, phys->jump, 0.08f );
+ player.fjump = vg_lerpf( player.fjump, phys->jump, 0.14f );
float setup_frame = phys->jump * jump_start_frame,
setup_blend = vg_minf( player.fjump, 1.0f );
+ * Copyright 2021-2022 (C) Mount0 Software, Harry Godden - All Rights Reserved
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Player audio
+ *
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
audio_player_set_position( &audio_player1, phys->rb.co );
audio_player_set_position( &audio_player2, phys->rb.co );
audio_player_set_position( &audio_player_gate, world.render_gate_pos );
+ audio_player_set_vol( &audio_player_gate, 5.0f );
v3_sub( phys->rb.co, player.camera[3], delta );
v3_normalize( delta );
vg_tex2d tex_characters = { .path = "textures/ch_gradient.qoi" };
-static void player_model_register(void)
+static int player_model_init(void)
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_characters }, 1 );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
-static void player_model_init(void)
+static void player_model_free(void *_)
- vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_characters }, 1 );
+ vg_tex2d_free( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_characters }, 1 );
* Load model from file (.mdl)
struct player_model *mdl = &player.mdl;
- mdl_unpack_glmesh( src, &mdl->mesh );
+ if( !mdl_unpack_glmesh( src, &mdl->mesh ) )
+ goto il_free_err;
skeleton_setup( &mdl->sk, src );
#include "common.h"
#include "model.h"
+#include "shaders/blit.h"
+#include "shaders/standard.h"
+#include "shaders/vblend.h"
+#include "shaders/unlit.h"
static void render_water_texture( m4x3f camera );
static void render_water_surface( m4x4f pv, m4x3f camera );
static void render_world( m4x4f projection, m4x3f camera );
#ifndef RENDER_H
#define RENDER_H
+struct framebuffer
+ GLuint fb, colour, rb;
+ int div;
+ GLuint format;
+ int allocated;
static struct pipeline
float fov;
GLuint fb_depthmap, rgb_depthmap;
GLuint ubo_world_lighting,
+ int ready;
gpipeline =
&gpipeline.ub_world_lighting );
-static void render_alloc_ub(void)
- glGenBuffers( 1, &gpipeline.ubo_world_lighting );
- glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, gpipeline.ubo_world_lighting );
- glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(struct ub_world_lighting),
- render_update_lighting_ub();
- glBindBufferBase( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, gpipeline.ubo_world_lighting );
* Framebuffers
-struct framebuffer
- GLuint fb, colour, rb;
- int div;
- GLuint format;
static void fb_use( struct framebuffer *fb )
-static void fb_init( struct framebuffer *fb )
+static int fb_init( struct framebuffer *fb )
i32 ix = vg_window_x / fb->div,
iy = vg_window_y / fb->div;
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ if( VG_CHECK_GL_ERR() )
+ {
+ fb->allocated = 0;
+ vg_error( "Error while creating standard framebuffer\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fb->allocated = 1;
+ return 1;
+static void fb_free( struct framebuffer *fb )
+ glDeleteTextures( 1, &fb->colour );
+ glDeleteFramebuffers( 1, &fb->fb );
static void fb_bindtex( struct framebuffer *fb, int texture )
static void fb_resize( struct framebuffer *fb )
+ if( !fb->allocated )
+ return;
i32 ix = vg_window_x / fb->div,
iy = vg_window_y / fb->div;
static void render_fb_resize(void)
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_background );
- glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, vg_window_x, vg_window_y, 0,
+ if( gpipeline.ready )
+ {
+ glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_background );
+ glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, vg_window_x, vg_window_y, 0,
+ }
* Vg
-static void render_init(void)
+static int render_init(void)
- glGenFramebuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fb_background );
- glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_background );
+ shader_blit_register();
+ shader_standard_register();
+ shader_vblend_register();
+ shader_unlit_register();
- glGenTextures( 1, &gpipeline.rgb_background );
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_background );
- glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, vg_window_x, vg_window_y,
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ vg_info( "Allocating framebuffers\n" );
- gpipeline.rgb_background, 0);
+ glGenFramebuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fb_background );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_background );
- /*
- * World depth map, maybe this should be moved to world.h
- * TODO: review
- */
- glGenFramebuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
- glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
+ glGenTextures( 1, &gpipeline.rgb_background );
+ glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_background );
+ glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, vg_window_x, vg_window_y,
- glGenTextures( 1, &gpipeline.rgb_depthmap );
- glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_depthmap );
- glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32F, 1024, 1024, 0,
- vg_tex2d_clamp();
+ gpipeline.rgb_background, 0);
- gpipeline.rgb_depthmap, 0);
+ if( VG_CHECK_GL_ERR() )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Error while creating back buffer\n" );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
- float quad[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
- 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
+ /*
+ * World depth map, maybe this should be moved to world.h
+ * TODO: review
+ */
+ glGenFramebuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
+ glGenTextures( 1, &gpipeline.rgb_depthmap );
+ glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, gpipeline.rgb_depthmap );
+ glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32F, 1024, 1024, 0,
+ vg_tex2d_clamp();
+ gpipeline.rgb_depthmap, 0);
+ if( VG_CHECK_GL_ERR() )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Error while creating world depth buffer\n" );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
- glGenVertexArrays( 1, &gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
- glGenBuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fsquad.vbo );
- glBindVertexArray( gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
- glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gpipeline.fsquad.vbo );
- glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad), quad, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
- glBindVertexArray( gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
- glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
- sizeof(float)*2, (void*)0 );
- glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
+ float quad[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
- render_alloc_ub();
+ glGenVertexArrays( 1, &gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
+ glGenBuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fsquad.vbo );
+ glBindVertexArray( gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
+ glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gpipeline.fsquad.vbo );
+ glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad), quad, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
+ glBindVertexArray( gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
+ glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
+ sizeof(float)*2, (void*)0 );
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
+ if( VG_CHECK_GL_ERR() )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Error while creating fsquad\n" );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ glGenBuffers( 1, &gpipeline.ubo_world_lighting );
+ glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, gpipeline.ubo_world_lighting );
+ glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(struct ub_world_lighting),
+ render_update_lighting_ub();
+ glBindBufferBase( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, gpipeline.ubo_world_lighting );
+ if( VG_CHECK_GL_ERR() )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Error while creating world uniform buffers\n" );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ vg_success( "Done\n" );
+ gpipeline.ready = 1;
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
-static void render_free(void)
+static void render_free(void *_)
- /* TODO: ... */
+ glDeleteVertexArrays( 1, &gpipeline.fsquad.vao );
+ glDeleteBuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fsquad.vbo );
+ glDeleteFramebuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fb_background );
+ glDeleteFramebuffers( 1, &gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
+ glDeleteTextures( 1, &gpipeline.rgb_background );
+ glDeleteTextures( 1, &gpipeline.rgb_depthmap );
v3f dims;
v3_sub( rb->bbx[1], rb->bbx[0], dims );
volume = dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2];
- if( !rb->is_world )
- vg_info( "Box volume: %f\n", volume );
else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_sphere )
volume = sphere_volume( rb->inf.sphere.radius );
v3_fill( rb->bbx[0], -rb->inf.sphere.radius );
v3_fill( rb->bbx[1], rb->inf.sphere.radius );
- vg_info( "Sphere volume: %f\n", volume );
else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_capsule )
-static void *buffer_reserve( void *buffer, u32 count, u32 *cap, u32 amount,
- size_t emsize )
- if( count+amount > *cap )
- {
- *cap = VG_MAX( (*cap)*2, (*cap)+amount );
- return realloc( buffer, (*cap) * emsize );
- }
- return buffer;
-static void *buffer_fix( void *buffer, u32 count, u32 *cap, size_t emsize )
- *cap = count;
- return realloc( buffer, (*cap) * emsize );
* Append a model into the scene with a given transform
&pscene->indice_cap, sizeof( mdl_vert ));
-static void scene_upload( scene *pscene )
+static int scene_upload( scene *pscene )
- mesh_upload( &pscene->mesh,
+ if( ! mesh_upload( &pscene->mesh,
pscene->verts, pscene->vertex_count,
- pscene->indices, pscene->indice_count );
+ pscene->indices, pscene->indice_count ) )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
vg_info( "Scene upload\n" );
vg_info( " indices:%u\n", pscene->indice_count );
vg_info( " verts:%u\n", pscene->vertex_count );
+ return 1;
static void scene_bind( scene *pscene )
/* TODO: bvh */
-static void scene_register(void)
* BVH implementation
shader blit blit.vs blit.fs
-shader fscolour blit.vs colour.fs
-shader terrain standard.vs terrain.fs
-shader vblend standard.vs vblend.fs
-shader alphatest standard.vs std_alphatest.fs
shader standard standard.vs standard.fs
+shader vblend standard.vs vblend.fs
shader unlit standard.vs unlit.fs
-shader character character.vs character.fs
-shader gate gate.vs gate.fs
-shader gatelq gate.vs gate_lq.fs
-shader water standard.vs water.fs
+shader terrain standard.vs terrain.fs
shader sky standard.vs sky.fs
shader planeinf standard.vs planeinf.fs
shader gpos standard.vs gpos.fs
-shader route standard.vs route.fs
+shader fscolour blit.vs colour.fs
+shader alphatest standard.vs std_alphatest.fs
shader scoretext scoretext.vs vblend.fs
+shader water standard.vs water.fs
+shader gate gate.vs gate.fs
+shader gatelq gate.vs gate_lq.fs
+shader route standard.vs route.fs
shader routeui routeui.vs routeui.fs
shader viewchar standard_skinned.vs viewchar.fs
skele->anims[i].rate = anim->rate;
skele->anims[i].length = anim->length;
- strncpy( skele->anims[i].name, mdl_pstr(mdl, anim->pstr_name), 32 );
+ strncpy( skele->anims[i].name, mdl_pstr(mdl, anim->pstr_name), 31 );
u32 total_keyframes = (skele->bone_count-1)*anim->length;
size_t block_size = sizeof(mdl_keyframe) * total_keyframes;
#define STEAM_H
#include "vg/vg_steam.h"
+#include "vg/vg_steam_utils.h"
#include "vg/vg_steam_networking.h"
#include "vg/vg_steam_auth.h"
#include "vg/vg_steam_http.h"
* nothing.
+static void recv_steam_warning( int severity, const char *msg )
+ if( severity == 0 )
+ vg_low( "%s\n", msg );
+ else
+ vg_info( "%s\n", msg );
static int steam_ready = 0;
static void *hSteamNetworkingSockets,
static HSteamPipe hSteamClientPipe;
-static void steam_init(void)
+static int steam_init(void)
+ vg_info( "Initializing steamworks\n" );
if( !SteamAPI_Init() )
+ printf("\n");
vg_error( "Steamworks failed to initialize\n" );
- return;
+ return 1;
steam_ready = 1;
- vg_success( "Steamworks API running\n" );
/* Connect interfaces */
hSteamClientPipe = SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe();
hSteamNetworkingSockets = SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingSockets_SteamAPI();
hSteamUser = SteamAPI_SteamUser();
+ ISteamUtils *utils = SteamAPI_SteamUtils();
+ SteamAPI_ISteamUtils_SetWarningMessageHook( utils, recv_steam_warning );
+ printf("\n");
+ vg_success( "\nSteamworks API running\n" );
+ return 1;
static void steam_update(void)
steamworks_event_loop( hSteamClientPipe );
-static void steam_end(void)
+static void steam_end(void *nothing)
if( steam_ready )
#ifndef WORLD_H
#define WORLD_H
+#include "vg/vg_loader.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "network_msg.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "terrain.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "rigidbody.h"
-#include "gate.h"
#include "bvh.h"
#include "lighting.h"
#include "model.h"
struct route_gate
- teleport_gate gate;
+ struct teleport_gate
+ {
+ v3f co[2];
+ v4f q[2];
+ v2f dims;
+ m4x3f to_world, recv_to_world, transport;
+ }
+ gate;
u32 node_id;
glmesh cars;
mdl_submesh car_holden;
- rigidbody mr_ball;
/* Load time */
struct instance_cache
#include "world_routes.h"
#include "world_sfd.h"
-#include "world_audio.h"
#include "world_render.h"
#include "world_water.h"
#include "world_gen.h"
+#include "world_gate.h"
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Events
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void world_register(void)
+static int world_init(void)
- world_routes_register();
- world_sfd_register();
- world_water_register();
-static void world_free(void)
- /* TODO.. */
- world_sfd_free();
+ vg_info( "Loading world resources\n" );
-static void world_init(void)
mdl_header *mcars = mdl_load( "models/rs_cars.mdl" );
- mdl_unpack_glmesh( mcars, &world.cars );
mdl_node *nholden = mdl_node_from_name( mcars, "holden" );
world.car_holden = *mdl_node_submesh( mcars, nholden, 0 );
- free(mcars);
mdl_header *msky = mdl_load("models/rs_skydome.mdl");
- mdl_unpack_glmesh( msky, &world.skydome );
mdl_node *nlower = mdl_node_from_name( msky, "dome_lower" ),
*nupper = mdl_node_from_name( msky, "dome_upper" );
world.dome_lower = *mdl_node_submesh( msky, nlower, 0 );
world.dome_upper = *mdl_node_submesh( msky, nupper, 0 );
+ /* TODO: cleanup resource acquisition */
+ if( !mcars || !msky )
+ {
+ free( mcars );
+ free( msky );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ if( !mdl_unpack_glmesh( mcars, &world.cars ) )
+ {
+ free( mcars );
+ free( msky );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( !mdl_unpack_glmesh( msky, &world.skydome ) )
+ {
+ mesh_free( &world.cars );
+ free( mcars );
+ free( msky );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free(mcars);
+ free(msky);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ free(mcars);
+ vg_info( "Loading other world systems\n" );
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( (void *)mesh_free, &world.cars ) ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( (void *)mesh_free, &world.skydome ) ) return 0;
/* Other systems */
- world_render_init();
- world_sfd_init();
- world_audio_init();
+ if( !world_render_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( world_render_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
+ if( !world_sfd_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( world_sfd_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
+ if( !world_water_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( world_water_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
+ if( !world_gates_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( world_gates_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
+ if( !world_routes_init() ) return 0;
+ if( !vg_loader_highwater( world_routes_free, NULL ) ) return 0;
+ return 1;
static void world_update( v3f pos )
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef WORLD_AUDIO_H
-#define WORLD_AUDIO_H
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vg/vg_audio.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#if 0
-audio_pack audio_birds =
- .sources = "sound/bird0.ogg\0"
- "sound/bird1.ogg\0"
- "sound/bird2.ogg\0",
- .name = "Birds",
- .source_mode = k_audio_source_compressed
-static float k_audio_random_freq = 1.0f/10.0f,
- k_audio_random_hz = 1.0f;
-static double world_audio_last_tick = 0.0;
-static struct world_ambient_layer
- audio_player sys;
- v3f pos;
-static void world_audio_init(void)
-#if 0
- audio_pack_init( &audio_birds );
- vg_convar_push( (struct vg_convar){
- .name = "aud_random_freq",
- .data = &k_audio_random_freq,
- .data_type = k_convar_dtype_f32,
- .opt_f32 = { .clamp = 0 },
- .persistent = 1
- });
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(world_ambient_layers); i++ )
- {
- struct world_ambient_layer *layer = &world_ambient_layers[i];
- audio_player *sys = &layer->sys;
- sys->_vol = 1.0f;
- sys->ch = 1;
- sys->name = "ambient";
- sys->flags = SFX_FLAG_PERSISTENT;
- }
-static void world_audio_spawn_random( v3f around )
-#if 0
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(world_ambient_layers); i++ )
- {
- struct world_ambient_layer *layer = &world_ambient_layers[i];
- if( !layer->sys.is_playing )
- {
- sfx_set_playrnd( &audio_birds, &layer->sys, 0, 3 );
- v3f chance;
- vg_rand_sphere( chance );
- v3_muladds( around, chance, 100.0f, layer->pos );
- return;
- }
- }
-static void world_audio_update( v3f around, v3f ears )
-#if 0
- if( world_audio_last_tick + (double)k_audio_random_hz < vg_time )
- {
- world_audio_last_tick = vg_time;
- float chance = vg_randf();
- if( chance < k_audio_random_freq )
- {
- world_audio_spawn_random( around );
- }
- }
- /* Spacialize */
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(world_ambient_layers); i++ )
- {
- struct world_ambient_layer *layer = &world_ambient_layers[i];
- if( layer->sys.is_playing )
- audio_player_spacialize(&layer->sys, layer->pos, around, ears, 30.0f);
- }
-static void world_audio_debug(void)
-#if 0
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(world_ambient_layers); i++ )
- {
- struct world_ambient_layer *layer = &world_ambient_layers[i];
- if( layer->sys.is_playing )
- {
- vg_line_pt3( layer->pos, 1.0f, 0xffff00ff );
- }
- }
-#endif /* WORLD_AUDIO_H */
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef WORLD_GATE_H
+#define WORLD_GATE_H
+#include "common.h"
+#include "model.h"
+#include "render.h"
+#include "shaders/gate.h"
+#include "shaders/gatelq.h"
+#include "world_water.h"
+typedef struct teleport_gate teleport_gate;
+static struct
+ struct framebuffer fb;
+ glmesh mdl;
+ int high_qual; /* If in high performance mode, we don't use RT's, and
+ instead use stencil buffers.
+ There is therefore no heat warp effect. */
+grender =
+ .high_qual = 0,
+ .fb = {
+ .format = GL_RGB,
+ .div = 1
+ }
+static void gate_transform_update( teleport_gate *gate )
+ m4x3f to_local;
+ q_m3x3( gate->q[0], gate->to_world );
+ v3_copy( gate->co[0], gate->to_world[3] );
+ m4x3_invert_affine( gate->to_world, to_local );
+ q_m3x3( gate->q[1], gate->recv_to_world );
+ v3_copy( gate->co[1], gate->recv_to_world[3] );
+ m4x3_mul( gate->recv_to_world, to_local, gate->transport );
+static int world_gates_init(void)
+ vg_info( "world_gates_init\n" );
+ shader_gate_register();
+ shader_gatelq_register();
+ mdl_header *mgate = mdl_load( "models/rs_gate.mdl" );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ if( !fb_init( &grender.fb ) )
+ {
+ free( mgate );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( !mdl_unpack_glmesh( mgate, &grender.mdl ) )
+ {
+ free( mgate );
+ fb_free( &grender.fb );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free( mgate );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void world_gates_free(void*_)
+ fb_free( &grender.fb );
+static void gate_fb_resize(void)
+ fb_resize( &grender.fb );
+static int render_gate( teleport_gate *gate, v3f viewpos, m4x3f camera )
+ v3f viewdir, gatedir;
+ m3x3_mulv( camera, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, viewdir );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, gatedir );
+ v3f v0;
+ v3_sub( viewpos, gate->co[0], v0 );
+ if( v3_dot(v0, gatedir) >= 0.0f )
+ return 0;
+ if( v3_dist( viewpos, gate->co[0] ) > 100.0f )
+ return 0;
+ v3f a,b,c,d;
+ float sx = gate->dims[0],
+ sy = gate->dims[1];
+ m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){-sx,-sy,0.0f}, a );
+ m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){ sx,-sy,0.0f}, b );
+ m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){ sx, sy,0.0f}, c );
+ m4x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){-sx, sy,0.0f}, d );
+ vg_line( a,b, 0xffffa000 );
+ vg_line( b,c, 0xffffa000 );
+ vg_line( c,d, 0xffffa000 );
+ vg_line( d,a, 0xffffa000 );
+ vg_line2( gate->co[0], gate->co[1], 0xff0000ff, 0x00000000 );
+ m4x3f cam_new;
+ m4x3_mul( gate->transport, camera, cam_new );
+ vg_line_pt3( cam_new[3], 0.3f, 0xff00ff00 );
+ m4x3f gate_xform;
+ m4x3_copy( gate->to_world, gate_xform );
+ m4x3_scalev( gate_xform, (v3f){ gate->dims[0], gate->dims[1], 1.0f } );
+ m4x3f inverse;
+ m4x3_invert_affine( cam_new, inverse );
+ m4x4f view;
+ m4x3_expand( inverse, view );
+ v4f surface;
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->recv_to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
+ surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co[1] );
+ m4x4f projection;
+ pipeline_projection( projection, 0.1f, 900.0f );
+ m4x3_mulp( inverse, surface, surface );
+ surface[3] = -fabsf(surface[3]);
+ plane_clip_projection( projection, surface );
+ m4x4_mul( projection, view, projection );
+ if( grender.high_qual )
+ {
+ fb_use( &grender.fb );
+ glClearColor( 0.11f, 0.35f, 0.37f, 1.0f );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shader_gatelq_use();
+ shader_gatelq_uPv( vg_pv );
+ shader_gatelq_uMdl( gate_xform );
+ shader_gatelq_uCam( viewpos );
+ shader_gatelq_uTime( vg_time*0.25f );
+ shader_gatelq_uInvRes( (v2f){
+ 1.0f / (float)vg_window_x,
+ 1.0f / (float)vg_window_y });
+ glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
+ glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE );
+ glStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF );
+ glStencilMask( 0xFF );
+ mesh_bind( &grender.mdl );
+ mesh_draw( &grender.mdl );
+ glStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF );
+ glStencilMask( 0x00 );
+ }
+ render_world( projection, cam_new );
+ if( grender.high_qual )
+ {
+ /*
+ * TODO: Need to find a way to draw a stencil buffer into the water
+ * rendering
+ */
+ render_water_texture( cam_new );
+ fb_use( &grender.fb );
+ render_water_surface( projection, cam_new );
+ fb_use( NULL );
+ shader_gate_use();
+ shader_gate_uPv( vg_pv );
+ shader_gate_uMdl( gate_xform );
+ fb_bindtex( &grender.fb, 0 );
+ shader_gate_uCam( viewpos );
+ shader_gate_uTexMain( 0 );
+ shader_gate_uTexWater( 1 );
+ shader_gate_uTime( vg_time*0.25f );
+ shader_gate_uInvRes( (v2f){
+ 1.0f / (float)vg_window_x,
+ 1.0f / (float)vg_window_y });
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
+ mesh_bind( &grender.mdl );
+ mesh_draw( &grender.mdl );
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glDisable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
+ render_water_texture( cam_new );
+ fb_use( NULL );
+ glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
+ render_water_surface( projection, cam_new );
+ glStencilMask( 0xFF );
+ glStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF );
+ glDisable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int gate_intersect( teleport_gate *gate, v3f pos, v3f last )
+ v4f surface;
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, surface );
+ surface[3] = v3_dot( surface, gate->co[0] );
+ v3f v0, c, delta, p0;
+ v3_sub( pos, last, v0 );
+ float l = v3_length( v0 );
+ v3_divs( v0, l, v0 );
+ v3_muls( surface, surface[3], c );
+ v3_sub( c, last, delta );
+ float d = v3_dot(surface, v0);
+ if( d > 0.00001f )
+ {
+ float t = v3_dot(delta, surface) / d;
+ if( t >= 0.0f && t <= l )
+ {
+ v3f local, rel;
+ v3_muladds( last, v0, t, local );
+ v3_sub( gate->co[0], local, rel );
+ v3f vup, vside;
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, vup );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->to_world, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, vside );
+ v2f xy = { v3_dot( rel, vside ), v3_dot( rel, vup ) };
+ if( fabsf(xy[0]) <= gate->dims[0] && fabsf(xy[1]) <= gate->dims[1] )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* WORLD_GATE_H */
free( mfoliage );
static void world_load(void)
mdl_header *mworld = mdl_load( "models/mp_dev.mdl" );
+ vg_info( "Loading world: models/mp_dev.mdl\n" );
world.spawn_count = 0;
world.traffic_count = 0;
if( sm )
- glmesh surf;
- mdl_unpack_submesh( mworld, &surf, sm );
- world_water_init();
- water_set_surface( &surf, pnode->co[1] );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ glmesh surf;
+ if( mdl_unpack_submesh( mworld, &surf, sm ) )
+ {
+ water_set_surface( &surf, pnode->co[1] );
+ }
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
else if( pnode->classtype == k_classtype_car_path )
world_add_all_if_material( midentity, &world.geo,mworld,mat_vertex_blend);
scene_copy_slice( &world.geo, &world.sm_geo_vb );
- scene_upload( &world.geo );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ if( !scene_upload( &world.geo ) )
+ {
+ }
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
scene_bh_create( &world.geo );
world_add_all_if_material( midentity, &world.foliage, mworld, mat_graffiti );
scene_copy_slice( &world.foliage, &world.sm_graffiti );
- scene_upload( &world.foliage );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ if( !scene_upload( &world.foliage ) )
+ {
+ }
+ /*
+ * Rendering the depth map
+ */
+ m4x4f ortho;
+ m4x3f camera;
+ v3f extent;
+ v3_sub( world.geo.bbx[1], world.geo.bbx[0], extent );
+ float fl = world.geo.bbx[0][0],
+ fr = world.geo.bbx[1][0],
+ fb = world.geo.bbx[0][2],
+ ft = world.geo.bbx[1][2],
+ rl = 1.0f / (fr-fl),
+ tb = 1.0f / (ft-fb);
+ m4x4_zero( ortho );
+ ortho[0][0] = 2.0f * rl;
+ ortho[2][1] = 2.0f * tb;
+ ortho[3][0] = (fr + fl) * -rl;
+ ortho[3][1] = (ft + fb) * -tb;
+ ortho[3][3] = 1.0f;
+ m4x3_identity( camera );
+ glViewport( 0, 0, 1024, 1024 );
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
+ shader_fscolour_use();
+ shader_fscolour_uColour( (v4f){-9999.0f,-9999.0f,-9999.0f,-9999.0f} );
+ render_fsquad();
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
+ glBlendEquation(GL_MAX);
+ render_world_depth( ortho, camera );
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ /*
+ * TODO: World settings entity
+ */
+ struct ub_world_lighting *winfo = &gpipeline.ub_world_lighting;
+ v4_copy( wrender.plane, winfo->g_water_plane );
+ v4f bounds;
+ bounds[0] = world.geo.bbx[0][0];
+ bounds[1] = world.geo.bbx[0][2];
+ bounds[2] = 1.0f/ (world.geo.bbx[1][0]-world.geo.bbx[0][0]);
+ bounds[3] = 1.0f/ (world.geo.bbx[1][2]-world.geo.bbx[0][2]);
+ v4_copy( bounds, winfo->g_depth_bounds );
+ winfo->g_water_fog = 0.04f;
+ render_update_lighting_ub();
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
world_routes_loadfrom( mworld );
for( int i=0; i<world.instance_cache_count; i++ )
free( world.instance_cache );
free( mworld );
- /*
- * Rendering the depth map
- */
- m4x4f ortho;
- m4x3f camera;
- v3f extent;
- v3_sub( world.geo.bbx[1], world.geo.bbx[0], extent );
- float fl = world.geo.bbx[0][0],
- fr = world.geo.bbx[1][0],
- fb = world.geo.bbx[0][2],
- ft = world.geo.bbx[1][2],
- rl = 1.0f / (fr-fl),
- tb = 1.0f / (ft-fb);
- m4x4_zero( ortho );
- ortho[0][0] = 2.0f * rl;
- ortho[2][1] = 2.0f * tb;
- ortho[3][0] = (fr + fl) * -rl;
- ortho[3][1] = (ft + fb) * -tb;
- ortho[3][3] = 1.0f;
- m4x3_identity( camera );
- glViewport( 0, 0, 1024, 1024 );
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_depthmap );
- shader_fscolour_use();
- shader_fscolour_uColour( (v4f){-9999.0f,-9999.0f,-9999.0f,-9999.0f} );
- render_fsquad();
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- glBlendEquation(GL_MAX);
- render_world_depth( ortho, camera );
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- /*
- * TODO: World settings entity
- */
- struct ub_world_lighting *winfo = &gpipeline.ub_world_lighting;
- v4_copy( wrender.plane, winfo->g_water_plane );
- v4f bounds;
- bounds[0] = world.geo.bbx[0][0];
- bounds[1] = world.geo.bbx[0][2];
- bounds[2] = 1.0f/ (world.geo.bbx[1][0]-world.geo.bbx[0][0]);
- bounds[3] = 1.0f/ (world.geo.bbx[1][2]-world.geo.bbx[0][2]);
- v4_copy( bounds, winfo->g_depth_bounds );
- winfo->g_water_fog = 0.04f;
- render_update_lighting_ub();
- world.mr_ball.type = k_rb_shape_sphere;
- world.mr_ball.inf.sphere.radius = 2.0f;
- v3_copy( (v3f){ 0.0f, 110.0f, 0.0f }, world.mr_ball.co );
- q_identity(world.mr_ball.q);
- rb_init( &world.mr_ball );
+ scene_free_offline_buffers( &world.foliage );
* Setup scene collider
vg_tex2d tex_graffiti = { .path = "textures/graffitibox.qoi",
-static void world_render_init(void)
+static int world_render_init(void)
- vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_terrain_colours,
+ vg_info( "Loading default world textures\n" );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_terrain_colours,
+ &tex_terrain_noise,
+ &tex_alphatest,
+ &tex_graffiti }, 4 );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void world_render_free(void*_)
+ vg_tex2d_free( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_terrain_colours,
&tex_graffiti }, 4 );
#include "world.h"
#include "world_info.h"
+#include "world_gate.h"
#include "shaders/vblend.h"
#include "shaders/route.h"
* Create the strips of colour that run through the world along course paths
-static void world_routes_gen_meshes(void)
+static int world_routes_gen_meshes(void)
+ vg_info( "Generating route meshes\n" );
struct subworld_routes *r = &world.routes;
scene_init( &r->scene_lines );
scene_copy_slice( &r->scene_lines, &route->sm );
- scene_upload( &r->scene_lines );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ if( !scene_upload( &r->scene_lines ) )
+ {
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* UI buffers */
+ for( int i=0; i<r->route_count; i++ )
+ {
+ /* OpenGL strips */
+ struct route *route = &r->routes[i];
+ glGenVertexArrays( 1, &route->ui.vao );
+ glGenBuffers( 1, &route->ui.vbo );
+ glGenBuffers( 1, &route->ui.ebo );
+ glBindVertexArray( route->ui.vao );
+ size_t stride = sizeof(v2f);
+ glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, route->ui.vbo );
+ glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, k_route_ui_max_verts*stride,
+ glBindVertexArray( route->ui.vao );
+ glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, route->ui.ebo );
+ k_route_ui_max_indices*sizeof(u16), NULL,
+ glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (void *)0 );
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
+ }
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
scene_free_offline_buffers( &r->scene_lines );
+ return 1;
static void world_routes_loadfrom( mdl_header *mdl )
+ vg_info( "Initializing routes\n" );
struct subworld_routes *r = &world.routes;
r->nodes = NULL;
r->node_count = 0;
route->factive = 0.0f;
mdl_node_transform( pnode, route->scoreboard_transform );
- /* OpenGL strips */
- glGenVertexArrays( 1, &route->ui.vao );
- glGenBuffers( 1, &route->ui.vbo );
- glGenBuffers( 1, &route->ui.ebo );
- glBindVertexArray( route->ui.vao );
- size_t stride = sizeof(v2f);
- glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, route->ui.vbo );
- glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, k_route_ui_max_verts*stride,
- glBindVertexArray( route->ui.vao );
- glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, route->ui.ebo );
- k_route_ui_max_indices*sizeof(u16), NULL,
- glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (void *)0 );
- glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
route->ui.indices_head = k_route_ui_max_indices - 9;
route->ui.vertex_head = k_route_ui_max_verts - 200;
route->ui.segment_start = 0;
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void world_routes_register(void)
+static int world_routes_init(void)
struct subworld_routes *r = &world.routes;
r->current_run_version = 2;
+ return 1;
-static void world_routes_free(void)
+static void world_routes_free(void*_)
struct subworld_routes *r = &world.routes;
return 0;
-static void world_sfd_init(void)
+static int world_sfd_init(void)
+ vg_info( "world_sfd_init\n" );
+ shader_scoretext_register();
struct subworld_sfd *sfd = &world.sfd;
vg_function_push( (struct vg_cmd){
mdl_header *mboard = mdl_load( "models/rs_scoretext.mdl" );
scene_init( &sfd->mesh );
- mdl_node *pn_card = mdl_node_from_name( mboard, "score_card" );
- mdl_submesh *card = mdl_submesh_from_id( mboard, pn_card->submesh_start );
mdl_node *pn_backer = mdl_node_from_name( mboard, "backer" );
mdl_submesh *backer = mdl_submesh_from_id( mboard, pn_backer->submesh_start);
- mdl_unpack_submesh( mboard, &sfd->temp, backer );
+ mdl_node *pn_card = mdl_node_from_name( mboard, "score_card" );
+ mdl_submesh *card = mdl_submesh_from_id( mboard, pn_card->submesh_start );
m4x3f identity;
m4x3_identity( identity );
- scene_upload( &sfd->mesh );
- scene_free_offline_buffers( &sfd->mesh );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_scoretext }, 1 );
+ if( !scene_upload( &sfd->mesh ) )
+ {
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
- free( mboard );
- vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_scoretext }, 1 );
+ if( !mdl_unpack_submesh( mboard, &sfd->temp, backer ) )
+ {
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free( mboard );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ scene_free_offline_buffers( &sfd->mesh );
sfd_new( &sfd->tester, 27, 13 );
+ free( mboard );
+ return 1;
-static void world_sfd_register(void)
- shader_scoretext_register();
-static void world_sfd_free(void)
+static void world_sfd_free(void *_)
+ mesh_free( &world.sfd.mesh.mesh );
vg_tex2d_free( (vg_tex2d *[]){ &tex_scoretext }, 1 );
.fbdepth = { .format = GL_RGBA, .div = 4 }
-static void world_water_register(void)
+static int world_water_init(void)
+ vg_info( "world_water_init\n" );
+ if( vg_acquire_thread_sync(1) )
+ {
+ if( !fb_init( &wrender.fbreflect ) ||
+ !fb_init( &wrender.fbdepth ) )
+ {
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ vg_tex2d_init( (vg_tex2d *[]){&tex_water_surf}, 1 );
+ vg_success( "done\n" );
+ vg_release_thread_sync(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
-static void world_water_init(void)
+static void world_water_free(void *_)
- /* TODO: probably dont do this every time */
- wrender.enabled = 1;
- fb_init( &wrender.fbreflect );
- fb_init( &wrender.fbdepth );
+ vg_tex2d_free( (vg_tex2d *[]){&tex_water_surf}, 1 );
+ fb_free( &wrender.fbreflect );
+ fb_free( &wrender.fbdepth );
static void water_fb_resize(void)
wrender.mdl = *surf;
wrender.height = height;
+ wrender.enabled = 1;
v4_copy( (v4f){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, height }, wrender.plane );