_S( "model_gate_unlinked", "model.vs", "model_gate_unlinked.fs" );
_S( "model_font", "model_font.vs", "model_font.fs" );
- /* Pointcloud */
- //_S( "point_map", "cloud.vs", "cloud.fs" );
_S( "particle", "particle.vs", "particle.fs" );
+ _S( "trail", "trail.vs", "trail.fs" );
/* 2D */
_S( "blit", "blit.vs", "blit.fs" );
#include "particle.h"
+#include "shaders/trail.h"
static void particle_spawn( particle_system *sys,
v3f co, v3f v, f32 lifetime, u32 colour ){
static int reg = 1;
if( reg ){
+ shader_trail_register();
reg = 0;
--- /dev/null
+layout (location = 0) out vec4 oColour;
+in float aAlpha;
+uniform vec4 uColour;
+#include "motion_vectors_fs.glsl"
+void main(){
+ compute_motion_vectors();
+ vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;
+ vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );
+ float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 ) - 0.5;
+ if( aAlpha+dither<0.5 )
+ discard;
+ oColour = vec4( uColour.rgb, uColour.a * aAlpha );
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef SHADER_trail_H
+#define SHADER_trail_H
+static void shader_trail_link(void);
+static void shader_trail_register(void);
+static struct vg_shader _shader_trail = {
+ .name = "trail",
+ .link = shader_trail_link,
+ .vs =
+.orig_file = "shaders/trail.vs",
+.static_src =
+"layout (location=0) in vec4 a_co;\n"
+"#line 1 1 \n"
+"const float k_motion_lerp_amount = 0.01;\n"
+"#line 2 0 \n"
+"out vec3 aMotionVec0;\n"
+"out vec3 aMotionVec1;\n"
+"void vs_motion_out( vec4 vproj0, vec4 vproj1 )\n"
+" // This magically solves some artifacting errors!\n"
+" //\n"
+" vproj1 = vproj0*(1.0-k_motion_lerp_amount) + vproj1*k_motion_lerp_amount;\n"
+" aMotionVec0 = vec3( vproj0.xy, vproj0.w );\n"
+" aMotionVec1 = vec3( vproj1.xy, vproj1.w );\n"
+"#line 4 0 \n"
+"uniform mat4 uPv;\n"
+"uniform mat4 uPvPrev;\n"
+"out float aAlpha;\n"
+"void main(){\n"
+" vec4 vproj0 = uPv * vec4( a_co.xyz, 1.0 );\n"
+" vec4 vproj1 = uPvPrev * vec4( a_co.xyz, 1.0 );\n"
+" vs_motion_out( vproj0, vproj1 );\n"
+" gl_Position = vproj0;\n"
+" aAlpha = a_co.w;\n"
+ .fs =
+.orig_file = "shaders/trail.fs",
+.static_src =
+"layout (location = 0) out vec4 oColour;\n"
+"in float aAlpha;\n"
+"uniform vec4 uColour;\n"
+"#line 1 1 \n"
+"const float k_motion_lerp_amount = 0.01;\n"
+"#line 2 0 \n"
+"layout (location = 1) out vec2 oMotionVec;\n"
+"in vec3 aMotionVec0;\n"
+"in vec3 aMotionVec1;\n"
+"void compute_motion_vectors()\n"
+" // Write motion vectors\n"
+" vec2 vmotion0 = aMotionVec0.xy / aMotionVec0.z;\n"
+" vec2 vmotion1 = aMotionVec1.xy / aMotionVec1.z;\n"
+" oMotionVec = (vmotion1-vmotion0) * (1.0/k_motion_lerp_amount);\n"
+"#line 6 0 \n"
+"void main(){\n"
+" compute_motion_vectors();\n"
+" vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;\n"
+" vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );\n"
+" float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 ) - 0.5;\n"
+" if( aAlpha+dither<0.5 )\n"
+" discard;\n"
+" oColour = vec4( uColour.rgb, uColour.a * aAlpha );\n"
+static GLuint _uniform_trail_uPv;
+static GLuint _uniform_trail_uPvPrev;
+static GLuint _uniform_trail_uColour;
+static void shader_trail_uPv(m4x4f m){
+ glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniform_trail_uPv,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
+static void shader_trail_uPvPrev(m4x4f m){
+ glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniform_trail_uPvPrev,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
+static void shader_trail_uColour(v4f v){
+ glUniform4fv(_uniform_trail_uColour,1,v);
+static void shader_trail_register(void){
+ vg_shader_register( &_shader_trail );
+static void shader_trail_use(void){ glUseProgram(_shader_trail.id); }
+static void shader_trail_link(void){
+ _uniform_trail_uPv = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_trail.id, "uPv" );
+ _uniform_trail_uPvPrev = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_trail.id, "uPvPrev" );
+ _uniform_trail_uColour = glGetUniformLocation( _shader_trail.id, "uColour" );
+#endif /* SHADER_trail_H */
--- /dev/null
+layout (location=0) in vec4 a_co;
+#include "motion_vectors_vs.glsl"
+uniform mat4 uPv;
+uniform mat4 uPvPrev;
+out float aAlpha;
+void main(){
+ vec4 vproj0 = uPv * vec4( a_co.xyz, 1.0 );
+ vec4 vproj1 = uPvPrev * vec4( a_co.xyz, 1.0 );
+ vs_motion_out( vproj0, vproj1 );
+ gl_Position = vproj0;
+ aAlpha = a_co.w;
particle_system_prerender( &particles_env );
particle_system_render( &particles_env, &skaterift.cam );
+ v3f co;
+ v4f q;
+ rb_extrapolate( &localplayer.rb, co, q );
trail_system_update( &trails_test, vg.time_delta,
- localplayer.rb.co, localplayer.rb.to_world[1], 1.0f );
+ co,
+ localplayer.rb.to_world[1], 1.0f );
trail_system_debug( &trails_test );
+ trail_system_prerender( &trails_test );
+ trail_system_render( &trails_test, &skaterift.cam );
* render transition
#pragma once
#include "trail.h"
+#include "shaders/particle.h"
+#include "shaders/trail.h"
+static void trail_increment( trail_system *sys ){
+ sys->head ++;
+ if( sys->head == sys->max )
+ sys->head = 0;
+ /* undesirable effect: will remove active points if out of space! */
+ if( sys->count < sys->max )
+ sys->count ++;
static void trail_system_update( trail_system *sys, f32 dt,
v3f co, v3f normal, f32 alpha ){
- bool add_point = 1;
- i32 index_current = sys->head;
- if( sys->count >= 2 ) index_current = sys->head -1;
+ i32 icur = sys->head -1,
+ iprev = sys->head -2,
+ ihead = sys->head;
- i32 index_prev = index_current -1;
+ if( icur < 0 ) icur += sys->max;
+ if( iprev < 0 ) iprev += sys->max;
- if( index_current < 0 ) index_current += sys->max;
- if( index_prev < 0 ) index_prev += sys->max;
+ trail_point *pcur = &sys->array[ icur ],
+ *pprev = &sys->array[ iprev ],
+ *phead = &sys->array[ ihead ],
+ *pdest = NULL;
+ v3f dir;
- /* always enforced non-zero distance */
- if( sys->count >= 1 ){
- if( v3_dist2( sys->array[index_prev].co, co ) < 0.001f*0.001f )
- return;
- }
+ f32 k_min = 0.001f;
- /* copy new info in */
- trail_point *p_current = &sys->array[index_current];
- v3_copy( co, p_current->co );
- v3_copy( normal, p_current->normal );
- p_current->alpha = alpha;
- /* update direction */
- if( sys->count >= 2 ){
- trail_point *p_prev = &sys->array[index_prev];
- v3f dir;
- v3_sub( co, p_prev->co, dir );
- v3_normalize( dir );
- v3_cross( dir, normal, p_current->right );
- v3_copy( p_current->right, p_prev->right );
- /* decide if to prevent split based on user min-distance */
- if( v3_dist2( p_prev->co, co ) < sys->min_dist*sys->min_dist )
- add_point = 0;
+ if( sys->count == 0 ){
+ trail_increment( sys );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){0,0,-1}, dir );
+ pdest = phead;
- else
- v3_zero( p_current->right );
- if( add_point ){
- sys->head ++;
+ else if( sys->count == 1 ){
+ if( v3_dist2( pcur->co, co ) < k_min*k_min )
+ return;
- if( sys->head == sys->max )
- sys->head = 0;
+ trail_increment( sys );
+ pdest = phead;
+ v3_sub( co, pcur->co, dir );
+ }
+ else {
+ if( v3_dist2( pprev->co, co ) < k_min*k_min )
+ return;
- /* undesirable effect: will remove active points if out of space! */
- if( sys->count < sys->max )
- sys->count ++;
+ if( v3_dist2( pprev->co, co ) > sys->min_dist*sys->min_dist ){
+ trail_increment( sys );
+ pdest = phead;
+ }
+ else
+ pdest = pcur;
- index_current = sys->head;
+ v3_sub( co, pprev->co, dir );
- p_current = &sys->array[index_current];
- v3_copy( co, p_current->co );
- v3_copy( normal, p_current->normal );
- p_current->alpha = alpha;
- v3_zero( p_current->right );
+ v3_cross( dir, normal, pdest->right );
+ v3_normalize( pdest->right );
+ v3_copy( co, pdest->co );
+ v3_copy( normal, pdest->normal );
+ pdest->alpha = alpha;
static void trail_system_debug( trail_system *sys ){
static void trail_system_prerender( trail_system *sys ){
-#if 0
+ if( sys->count < 2 ) return;
+ for( i32 i=0; i<sys->count; i ++ ){
+ i32 i0 = sys->head - sys->count + i;
+ if( i0 < 0 ) i0 += sys->max;
+ trail_point *p0 = &sys->array[i0];
+ trail_vert *v0 = &sys->vertices[i*2+0],
+ *v1 = &sys->vertices[i*2+1];
+ v3_muladds( p0->co, p0->right, -sys->width, v0->co );
+ v3_muladds( p0->co, p0->right, sys->width, v1->co );
+ v0->co[3] = p0->alpha;
+ v1->co[3] = p0->alpha;
+ }
glBindVertexArray( sys->vao );
size_t stride = sizeof(trail_vert);
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sys->vbo );
- glBufferSubData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sys->alive*stride*4, sys->vertices );
+ glBufferSubData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sys->count*stride*2, sys->vertices );
static void trail_system_render( trail_system *sys, camera *cam ){
-#if 0
+ if( sys->count < 2 ) return;
glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE );
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
shader_trail_uPvPrev( cam->mtx_prev.pv );
glBindVertexArray( sys->vao );
- glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, sys->alive*6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, NULL );
+ glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, sys->count*2 );