return 0;
-VG_STATIC int skate_grind_scansq( player_instance *player, v3f ra )
+VG_STATIC int skate_grind_scansq( player_instance *player, v3f pos,
+ v3f result_co, v3f result_dir, v3f result_n )
- v3f pos;
- m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, ra, pos );
v4f plane;
- v3_copy( player->rb.to_world[2], plane );
+ v3_copy( player->rb.v, plane );
v3_normalize( plane );
plane[3] = v3_dot( plane, pos );
return 0;
v3f average_position,
- average_direction;
+ average_direction,
+ average_normal;
v3_zero( average_position );
v3_zero( average_direction );
+ v3_zero( average_normal );
int passed_samples = 0;
/* make sure the directions all face a common hemisphere */
v3_muls( dir, vg_signf(v3_dot(dir,plane)), dir );
v3_add( average_direction, dir, average_direction );
+ if( si->normal3[1] > sj->normal3[1] )
+ v3_add( si->normal3, average_normal, average_normal );
+ else
+ v3_add( sj->normal3, average_normal, average_normal );
passed_samples ++;
if( !passed_samples )
return 0;
+ if( (v3_length2( average_direction ) <= 0.001f) ||
+ (v3_length2( average_normal ) <= 0.001f ) )
+ return 0;
float div = 1.0f/(float)passed_samples;
v3_muls( average_position, div, average_position );
- v3_muls( average_direction, div, average_direction ); /* !! not normed */
+ v3_normalize( average_direction );
+ v3_normalize( average_normal );
v3_add( pos, average_position, average_position );
vg_line_pt3( average_position, 0.02f, VG__GREEN );
v3_muladds( average_position, average_direction, -0.35f, p1 );
vg_line( p0, p1, VG__PINK );
-#if 0
- if( passed_samples )
- {
- v3f displacement, dir;
- v3_sub( pos, average_position, displacement );
- v3_copy( displacement, dir );
- v3_normalize( dir );
- v3f rv, raW;
- q_mulv( player->rb.q, ra, raW );
- v3_cross( player->rb.w, raW, rv );
- v3_add( player->rb.v, rv, rv );
- v3_muladds( rv, player->rb.to_world[2],
- -v3_dot( rv, player->rb.to_world[2] ), rv );
- v3f Fd, Fs, F;
- v3_muls( displacement, -k_grind_spring, Fs );
- v3_muls( rv, -k_grind_dampener, Fd );
- v3_add( Fd, Fs, F );
- v3_muls( F, k_rb_delta, F );
- v3_add( player->rb.v, F, player->rb.v );
- v3f wa;
- v3_cross( raW, F, wa );
- v3_add( player->rb.w, wa, player->rb.w );
- /* Constraint based */
- }
+ v3_copy( average_position, result_co );
+ v3_copy( average_normal, result_n );
+ v3_copy( average_direction, result_dir );
return passed_samples;
struct player_skate *s = &player->_skate;
- v3f ideal_cog, ideal_diff;
- v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.to_world[1],
+ v3f ideal_cog, ideal_diff, ideal_dir;
+ v3_copy( s->state.up_dir, ideal_dir );
+ v3_normalize( ideal_dir );
+ v3_muladds( player->, ideal_dir,
1.0f-player->input_grab->axis.value, ideal_cog );
v3_sub( ideal_cog, s->state.cog, ideal_diff );
.colour = VG__GREEN
- { 0.0f, k_board_end_radius, -k_board_length - k_board_end_radius },
+ { 0.0f, 0.2f, -k_board_length - k_board_end_radius },
.radius = k_board_end_radius,
.apply_angular = 0,
.colour = VG__YELOW
- { 0.0f, k_board_end_radius, k_board_length + k_board_end_radius },
+ { 0.0f, 0.2f, k_board_length + k_board_end_radius },
.radius = k_board_end_radius,
.apply_angular = 0,
.colour = VG__YELOW
- const int k_wheel_count = 4;
+ const int k_wheel_count = 2;
+#if 0
if( skate_grind_scansq( player, (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, -k_board_length } ) )
#if 0
wheel_states[3] = 0;
s->substep = k_rb_delta;
+ s->substep_delta = s->substep;
int substep_count = 0;
- v3f original_velocity;
- v3_muladds( player->rb.v, (v3f){0.0f,-k_gravity,0.0f},
- k_rb_delta, original_velocity );
- /*
- * Phase 0: Continous collision detection
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- for( int i=0; i<k_wheel_count; i++ )
- wheels[i].state = k_collider_state_default;
- /* calculate transform one step into future */
- v3f future_co;
- v4f future_q;
- v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.v, s->substep, future_co );
- if( v3_length2( player->rb.w ) > 0.0f )
- {
- v4f rotation;
- v3f axis;
- v3_copy( player->rb.w, axis );
- float mag = v3_length( axis );
- v3_divs( axis, mag, axis );
- q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, mag*s->substep );
- q_mul( rotation, player->rb.q, future_q );
- q_normalize( future_q );
- }
- /* calculate the minimum time we can move */
- float max_time = s->substep;
- for( int i=0; i<k_wheel_count; i++ )
- {
- if( wheels[i].state == k_collider_state_disabled )
- continue;
- v3f current, future;
- q_mulv( future_q, wheels[i].pos, future );
- v3_add( future, future_co, future );
- q_mulv( player->rb.q, wheels[i].pos, current );
- v3_add( current, player->, current );
- float t;
- v3f n;
- float cast_radius = wheels[i].radius - k_penetration_slop * 1.2f;
- if( spherecast_world( current, future, cast_radius, &t, n ) != -1)
- max_time = vg_minf( max_time, t * s->substep );
- }
- /* clamp to a fraction of delta, to prevent locking */
- float rate_lock = substep_count;
- rate_lock *= k_rb_delta * 0.1f;
- rate_lock *= rate_lock;
- max_time = vg_maxf( max_time, rate_lock );
- s->substep_delta = max_time;
- /* integrate */
- v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.v, s->substep_delta, player-> );
- if( v3_length2( player->rb.w ) > 0.0f )
- {
- v4f rotation;
- v3f axis;
- v3_copy( player->rb.w, axis );
- float mag = v3_length( axis );
- v3_divs( axis, mag, axis );
- q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, mag*s->substep_delta );
- q_mul( rotation, player->rb.q, player->rb.q );
- }
- rb_update_transform( &player->rb );
- v3f gravity = { 0.0f, -9.6f, 0.0f };
- v3_muladds( player->rb.v, gravity, s->substep_delta, player->rb.v );
- s->substep -= s->substep_delta;
- /*
- * Phase 1: Regular collision detection
- * TODO: Me might want to automatically add contacts from CCD,
- * since at high angular velocities, theres a small change
- * that discreet detection will miss.
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- rb_ct manifold[128];
- int manifold_len = 0;
- for( int i=0; i<k_wheel_count; i++ )
- {
- if( wheels[i].state == k_collider_state_disabled )
- continue;
- m4x3f mtx;
- m3x3_identity( mtx );
- m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, wheels[i].pos, mtx[3] );
- rb_sphere collider = { .radius = wheels[i].radius };
- rb_ct *man = &manifold[ manifold_len ];
- int l = skate_collide_smooth( player, mtx, &collider, man );
- if( l )
- wheels[i].state = k_collider_state_colliding;
- /* for non-angular contacts we just want Y. contact positions are
- * snapped to the local xz plane */
- if( !wheels[i].apply_angular )
- {
- for( int j=0; j<l; j++ )
- {
- v3f ra;
- v3_sub( man[j].co, player->, ra );
- float dy = v3_dot( player->rb.to_world[1], ra );
- v3_muladds( man[j].co, player->rb.to_world[1], -dy, man[j].co );
- }
- }
- manifold_len += l;
- }
* Phase 2: Truck alignment (spring/dampener model)
for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ if( wheels[i].state == k_collider_state_disabled )
+ continue;
v3f truck, left, right;
m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, wheels[i].pos, truck );
v3_muladds( truck, player->rb.to_world[0], -k_board_width, left );
if( v3_dot( ray_r.normal, player->rb.to_world[1] ) < 0.7071f )
res_r = 0;
- v3_add( ray_l.normal, surface_picture, surface_picture );
+ v3_add( ray_r.normal, surface_picture, surface_picture );
v3f v0;
for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
v3_copy( world.scene_geo->arrvertices[ tri[j] ].co, verts[j] );
- v3f v0, v1, n;
- v3_sub( verts[1], verts[0], v0 );
- v3_sub( verts[2], verts[0], v1 );
- v3_cross( v0, v1, n );
+ v3f vert0, vert1, n;
+ v3_sub( verts[1], verts[0], vert0 );
+ v3_sub( verts[2], verts[0], vert1 );
+ v3_cross( vert0, vert1, n );
v3_normalize( n );
- if( v3_dot( n, player->rb.to_world[1] ) < 0.7071f )
+ if( v3_dot( n, player->rb.to_world[1] ) < 0.3f )
- continue;
+ v3_cross( n, player->rb.to_world[2], v0 );
+ v3_muladds( v0, player->rb.to_world[2],
+ -v3_dot( player->rb.to_world[2], v0 ), v0 );
+ v3_normalize( v0 );
- float a = vg_clampf( v3_dot( v0, player->rb.to_world[0] ), -1.0f, 1.0f );
- a = acosf( a );
v3_muladds( truck, v0, k_board_width, right );
v3_muladds( truck, v0, -k_board_width, left );
vg_line( left, right, VG__WHITE );
- v3f axis;
- v3_cross( v0, player->rb.to_world[0], axis );
- float Fs = -a * k_board_spring,
- Fd = -v3_dot( player->rb.w, axis ) * k_board_dampener;
- v3_muladds( player->rb.w, axis, (Fs+Fd) * s->substep_delta,
- player->rb.w );
+ rb_effect_spring_target_vector( &player->rb, player->rb.to_world[0], v0,
+ k_board_spring, k_board_dampener,
+ s->substep_delta );
if( s->state.manual_direction == 0 )
if( (player->input_js1v->axis.value > 0.7f) &&
- s->state.activity == k_skate_activity_ground )
+ (s->state.activity == k_skate_activity_ground) &&
+ (s->state.jump_charge <= 0.01f) )
s->state.manual_direction = reverse_dir;
weight[2] = k_board_length * amt * (float)s->state.manual_direction;
- m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, weight, world_cog );
- vg_line_pt3( world_cog, 0.1f, VG__BLACK );
+ if( v3_length2( surface_picture ) > 0.001f )
+ {
+ v3_normalize( surface_picture );
+ v3f target;
+ v3_copy( surface_picture, target );
+ target[1] += 2.0f * surface_picture[1];
+ v3_normalize( target );
+ v3_lerp( s->state.up_dir, target,
+ 8.0f * s->substep_delta, s->state.up_dir );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v3_lerp( s->state.up_dir, player->rb.to_world[1],
+ 8.0f * s->substep_delta, s->state.up_dir );
+ }
/* TODO: Fall back on land normal */
/* TODO: Lerp weight distribution */
+ /* TODO: Can start manual only if not charge jump */
if( v3_length2( surface_picture ) > 0.001f &&
v3_length2( weight ) > 0.001f &&
s->state.manual_direction )
- v3_normalize( surface_picture );
v3f plane_z;
m3x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, weight, plane_z );
v3_muls( player->rb.to_world[2], -(float)s->state.manual_direction,
refdir );
- float a = v3_dot( plane_z, refdir );
- a = acosf( vg_clampf( a, -1.0f, 1.0f ) );
+ rb_effect_spring_target_vector( &player->rb, refdir, plane_z,
+ k_manul_spring, k_manul_dampener,
+ s->substep_delta );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Phase 0: Continous collision detection
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ v3f head_wp0, head_wp1, start_co;
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, s->state.head_position, head_wp0 );
+ v3_copy( player->, start_co );
+ for( int i=0; i<k_wheel_count; i++ )
+ wheels[i].state = k_collider_state_default;
+ /* calculate transform one step into future */
+ v3f future_co;
+ v4f future_q;
+ v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.v, s->substep, future_co );
+ if( v3_length2( player->rb.w ) > 0.0f )
+ {
+ v4f rotation;
v3f axis;
- v3_cross( plane_z, refdir, axis );
+ v3_copy( player->rb.w, axis );
+ float mag = v3_length( axis );
+ v3_divs( axis, mag, axis );
+ q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, mag*s->substep );
+ q_mul( rotation, player->rb.q, future_q );
+ q_normalize( future_q );
+ }
- float Fs = -a * k_manul_spring,
- Fd = -v3_dot( player->rb.w, axis ) * k_manul_dampener;
+ /* calculate the minimum time we can move */
+ float max_time = s->substep;
+ for( int i=0; i<k_wheel_count; i++ )
+ {
+ if( wheels[i].state == k_collider_state_disabled )
+ continue;
- v3_muladds( player->rb.w, axis, (Fs+Fd) * s->substep_delta,
- player->rb.w );
+ v3f current, future;
+ q_mulv( future_q, wheels[i].pos, future );
+ v3_add( future, future_co, future );
+ q_mulv( player->rb.q, wheels[i].pos, current );
+ v3_add( current, player->, current );
+ float t;
+ v3f n;
+ float cast_radius = wheels[i].radius - k_penetration_slop * 1.2f;
+ if( spherecast_world( current, future, cast_radius, &t, n ) != -1)
+ max_time = vg_minf( max_time, t * s->substep );
+ }
+ /* clamp to a fraction of delta, to prevent locking */
+ float rate_lock = substep_count;
+ rate_lock *= k_rb_delta * 0.1f;
+ rate_lock *= rate_lock;
+ max_time = vg_maxf( max_time, rate_lock );
+ s->substep_delta = max_time;
+ /* integrate */
+ v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.v, s->substep_delta, player-> );
+ if( v3_length2( player->rb.w ) > 0.0f )
+ {
+ v4f rotation;
+ v3f axis;
+ v3_copy( player->rb.w, axis );
+ float mag = v3_length( axis );
+ v3_divs( axis, mag, axis );
+ q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, mag*s->substep_delta );
+ q_mul( rotation, player->rb.q, player->rb.q );
+ }
+ rb_update_transform( &player->rb );
+ v3f gravity = { 0.0f, -9.6f, 0.0f };
+ v3_muladds( player->rb.v, gravity, s->substep_delta, player->rb.v );
+ s->substep -= s->substep_delta;
+ rb_ct manifold[128];
+ int manifold_len = 0;
+ /*
+ * Phase -1: head detection
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, s->state.head_position, head_wp1 );
+ vg_line( head_wp0, head_wp1, VG__RED );
+ float t;
+ v3f n;
+ if( (v3_dist2( head_wp0, head_wp1 ) > 0.001f) &&
+ (spherecast_world( head_wp0, head_wp1, 0.2f, &t, n ) != -1) )
+ {
+ v3_lerp( start_co, player->, t, player-> );
+ rb_update_transform( &player->rb );
+#if 0
+ player__dead_transition( player );
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Phase 2-1+0.5: Grind collision
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ for( int i=0; i<1; i++ )
+ {
+ /*
+ * Grind collision detection
+ * ------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ v3f grind_co, grind_n, grind_dir;
+ if( skate_grind_scansq( player, player->,
+ grind_co, grind_dir, grind_n ) )
+ {
+#if 0
+ rb_ct *ct = &manifold[ manifold_len ++ ];
+ v3_copy( truck, ct->co );
+ v3_copy( grind_n, ct->n );
+ ct->p = vg_maxf( 0.0f, ct->co[1] - truck[1] );
+ v3f target_dir;
+ v3_cross( grind_dir, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, target_dir );
+ target_dir[1] = 0.0f;
+ if( v3_length2( target_dir ) <= 0.001f )
+ continue;
+ if( fabsf(v3_dot( player->rb.v, grind_dir )) < 0.7071f )
+ continue;
+ v3_copy( grind_co, player-> );
+ q_axis_angle( player->rb.q, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f},
+ -atan2f( target_dir[2], target_dir[0] ) );
+ wheels[0].state = k_collider_state_disabled;
+ wheels[1].state = k_collider_state_disabled;
+ v3_muls( grind_dir, v3_dot(player->rb.v,grind_dir), player->rb.v );
+ v3_zero( player->rb.w );
+ rb_update_transform( &player->rb );
+#if 0
+ v3f displacement, dir;
+ v3_sub( truck, grind_co, displacement );
+ v3_copy( displacement, dir );
+ v3_normalize( dir );
+ v3f rv, raW;
+ q_mulv( player->rb.q, wheels[i].pos, raW );
+ v3_cross( player->rb.w, raW, rv );
+ v3_add( player->rb.v, rv, rv );
+ v3_muladds( rv, player->rb.to_world[2],
+ -v3_dot( rv, player->rb.to_world[2] ), rv );
+ v3f Fd, Fs, F;
+ v3_muls( displacement, -k_grind_spring, Fs );
+ v3_muls( rv, -k_grind_dampener, Fd );
+ v3_add( Fd, Fs, F );
+ v3_muls( F, s->substep_delta, F );
+ v3_add( player->rb.v, F, player->rb.v );
+ v3f wa;
+ v3_cross( raW, F, wa );
+ v3_add( player->rb.w, wa, player->rb.w );
+ rb_effect_spring_target_vector( &player->rb, player->rb.to_world[1],
+ grind_n,
+ k_board_spring, k_board_dampener,
+ s->substep_delta );
+ v3f adj;
+ v3_cross( grind_dir, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, adj );
+ rb_effect_spring_target_vector( &player->rb, player->rb.to_world[2],
+ adj,
+ k_grind_spring, k_grind_dampener,
+ s->substep_delta );
+ s->state.activity = k_skate_activity_grind;
+ }
+ else
+ s->state.activity = k_skate_activity_ground;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Phase 1: Regular collision detection
+ * TODO: Me might want to automatically add contacts from CCD,
+ * since at high angular velocities, theres a small change
+ * that discreet detection will miss.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ for( int i=0; i<k_wheel_count; i++ )
+ {
+ if( wheels[i].state == k_collider_state_disabled )
+ continue;
+ m4x3f mtx;
+ m3x3_identity( mtx );
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, wheels[i].pos, mtx[3] );
+ rb_sphere collider = { .radius = wheels[i].radius };
+ rb_ct *man = &manifold[ manifold_len ];
+ int l = skate_collide_smooth( player, mtx, &collider, man );
+ if( l )
+ wheels[i].state = k_collider_state_colliding;
+ /* for non-angular contacts we just want Y. contact positions are
+ * snapped to the local xz plane */
+ if( !wheels[i].apply_angular )
+ {
+ for( int j=0; j<l; j++ )
+ {
+ v3f ra;
+ v3_sub( man[j].co, player->, ra );
+ float dy = v3_dot( player->rb.to_world[1], ra );
+ v3_muladds( man[j].co, player->rb.to_world[1], -dy, man[j].co );
+ }
+ }
+ manifold_len += l;
for( int i=0; i<manifold_len; i ++ )
+ {
rb_prepare_contact( &manifold[i], s->substep_delta );
+ rb_debug_contact( &manifold[i] );
+ }
/* yes, we are currently rebuilding mass matrices every frame. too bad! */
v3f extent = { k_board_width, 0.1f, k_board_length };
m3x3_mul( iI, player->rb.to_local, iIw );
m3x3_mul( player->rb.to_world, iIw, iIw );
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, weight, world_cog );
+ vg_line_pt3( world_cog, 0.1f, VG__BLACK );
for( int j=0; j<10; j++ )
for( int i=0; i<manifold_len; i++ )
float normal_mass = 1.0f / (inv_mass + v3_dot(raCn,raCnI)),
vn = v3_dot( rv, ct->n ),
- lambda = normal_mass * ( -vn + ct->bias );
+ lambda = normal_mass * ( -vn );
+ /* FIXME! */
+ v3_muladds( player->, ct->n, ct->bias*0.02f, player-> );
float temp = ct->norm_impulse;
ct->norm_impulse = vg_maxf( temp + lambda, 0.0f );
wheels[i].colour }[ wheels[i].state ]);
- v3f velocity_change, p1;
- v3_sub( player->rb.v, original_velocity, velocity_change );
- v3_normalize( velocity_change );
- v3_muladds( player->, velocity_change, 2.0f, p1 );
- vg_line( player->, p1, VG__PINK );
#if 0
skate_apply_grind_model( player, &manifold[manifold_len], grind_len );
m4x3_mulv( gate->transport, s->state.cog, s->state.cog );
m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, s->state.cog_v, s->state.cog_v );
m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, s->state.throw_v, s->state.throw_v );
+ m3x3_mulv( gate->transport, s->state.head_position,
+ s->state.head_position );
v4f transport_rotation;
m3x3_q( gate->transport, transport_rotation );
v3f offset;
v3_zero( offset );
- m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_local, s->state.cog, offset );
- v3_muls( offset, -4.0f, offset );
+ v3f cog_local, cog_ideal;
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_local, s->state.cog, cog_local );
+ v3_copy( s->state.up_dir, cog_ideal );
+ v3_normalize( cog_ideal );
+ m3x3_mulv( player->rb.to_local, cog_ideal, cog_ideal );
+ v3_sub( cog_ideal, cog_local, offset );
+ v3_muls( offset, 4.0f, offset );
+ offset[1] *= -1.0f;
float curspeed = v3_length( player->rb.v ),
kickspeed = vg_clampf( curspeed*(1.0f/40.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f ),
dest->pose[apply_to[i]-1].co[2] += offset[2]*add_grab_mod;
+ /* angle correction */
+ if( v3_length2( s->state.up_dir ) > 0.001f )
+ {
+ v3f ndir;
+ m3x3_mulv( player->rb.to_local, s->state.up_dir, ndir );
+ v3_normalize( ndir );
+ v3f up = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
+ float a = v3_dot( ndir, up );
+ a = acosf( vg_clampf( a, -1.0f, 1.0f ) );
+ v3f axis;
+ v4f q;
+ v3_cross( up, ndir, axis );
+ q_axis_angle( q, axis, a );
+ mdl_keyframe *kf_hip = &dest->pose[av->id_hip-1];
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(apply_to); i ++ )
+ {
+ mdl_keyframe *kf = &dest->pose[apply_to[i]-1];
+ v3f v0;
+ v3_sub( kf->co, kf_hip->co, v0 );
+ q_mulv( q, v0, v0 );
+ v3_add( v0, kf_hip->co, kf->co );
+ q_mul( q, kf->q, kf->q );
+ q_normalize( kf->q );
+ }
+ v3f p1, p2;
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, up, p1 );
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, ndir, p2 );
+ vg_line( player->, p1, VG__PINK );
+ vg_line( player->, p2, VG__CYAN );
+ }
mdl_keyframe *kf_board = &dest->pose[av->id_board-1],
*kf_foot_l = &dest->pose[av->id_ik_foot_l-1],
*kf_foot_r = &dest->pose[av->id_ik_foot_r-1];
struct player_avatar *av = player->playeravatar;
player->cam_velocity_influence = 1.0f;
+ v3f head = { 0.0f, 1.8f, 0.0f }; /* FIXME: Viewpoint entity */
+ m4x3_mulv( av->sk.final_mtx[ av->id_head ], head, s->state.head_position );
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_local, s->state.head_position,
+ s->state.head_position );
VG_STATIC void player__skate_reset_animator( player_instance *player )
player__skate_clear_mechanics( player );
player__skate_reset_animator( player );
+ v3_zero( s->state.head_position );
+ s->state.head_position[1] = 1.8f;
#endif /* PLAYER_SKATE_C */