struct cxr_edge
i32 i0, i1;
+ i32 freestyle;
struct cxr_edge edge = { i0, i1 };
// --- ! ---
// Copy extra information (sharp,freestyle.. etc) here!
- //
- // if orig_edge_id < mesh->edges.count: = mesh->edges[orig].foo
+ if( orig_edge_id < mesh->edges.count )
+ {
+ struct cxr_edge *orig_edge = cxr_ab_ptr( &mesh->edges, orig_edge_id );
+ edge.freestyle = orig_edge->freestyle;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ edge.freestyle = 0;
+ }
// --- ! ---
cxr_ab_push( &new_edges, &edge );
return NULL;
+// Convert contiguous mesh to patch of displacments
+static void cxr_write_disp(struct cxr_mesh *mesh, struct cxr_vdf *output,
+ struct cxr_auto_buffer *abverts)
+ // Create a graph which maps vertices by their connections
+ struct vertinfo
+ {
+ int con_start, con_count; // Index into the connection graph
+ int boundary,
+ used,
+ search,
+ corner;
+ double alpha;
+ }
+ *vertinfo = malloc( sizeof(struct vertinfo)*abverts->count );
+ int *graph = malloc( sizeof(int) * mesh->edges.count*2 );
+ int con_pos = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<abverts->count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct vertinfo *info = &vertinfo[i];
+ info->con_start = con_pos;
+ info->con_count = 0;
+ info->boundary = 0;
+ info->corner = 0;
+ info->used = 0;
+ info->search = 0;
+ info->alpha = 0.0;
+ for( int j=0; j<mesh->edges.count; j++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_edge *edge = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->edges,j);
+ if( edge->i0 == i || edge->i1 == i )
+ {
+ graph[ con_pos ++ ] = edge->i0 == i? edge->i1: edge->i0;
+ info->con_count ++;
+ if( edge->freestyle )
+ info->boundary = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find best normal for brush patch. VBSP uses the original brush
+ // as reference for decal projection.
+ //
+ // These are clamped to be cardinal directions as to make the VMF somewhat
+ // human editable.
+ v3f avg_normal;
+ for( int i=0; i<mesh->polys.count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_polygon *poly = cxr_ab_ptr( &mesh->polys, i );
+ v3_add( poly->normal, avg_normal, avg_normal );
+ }
+ v3_divs( avg_normal, mesh->polys.count, avg_normal );
+ v3_normalize( avg_normal ); // TODO: This can be zero length. Should add a safety check
+ // normalize function that checks for small length before
+ // carrying out, otherwise we get inf/nan values...
+ double component_max = fabs( avg_normal[2] );
+ int component = 2;
+ for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
+ {
+ if( fabs(avg_normal[i]) > component_max )
+ {
+ component_max = fabs(avg_normal[i]);
+ component = i;
+ }
+ }
+ double d = avg_normal[component] >= 0.0? 1.0: -1.0;
+ v3_zero( avg_normal );
+ avg_normal[component] = d;
+ // Approximately matching the area of the result brush faces to the actual area
+ // this is to assign a 'best guess' amount of lightmap texels.
+ //
+ double uv_area = 0.0, face_area = 0.0, sf;
+ for( int i=0; i<mesh->polys.count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_polygon *poly = cxr_ab_ptr( &mesh->polys, i );
+ for( int j=0; j<poly->loop_total-2; j++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_loop *lp0 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, poly->loop_start),
+ *lp1 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, poly->loop_start+j+1),
+ *lp2 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, poly->loop_start+j+2);
+ v3f va, vb, orth;
+ v3_sub( cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,lp1->index), cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,lp0->index), va );
+ v3_sub( cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,lp2->index), cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,lp0->index), vb );
+ v3_cross( va, vb, orth );
+ face_area += v3_length( orth ) / 2.0;
+ v2f uva, uvb;
+ v2_sub( lp1->uv, lp0->uv, uva );
+ v2_sub( lp2->uv, lp0->uv, uvb );
+ uv_area += fabs(v2_cross( uva, uvb )) / 2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ sf = sqrt( face_area / uv_area );
+ int corner_count = 0;
+ // Vertex classification
+ for( int i=0; i<abverts->count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct vertinfo *info = &vertinfo[i];
+ if( !info->boundary ) continue;
+ int count = 0,
+ non_manifold = 1;
+ for( int j=0; j<info->con_count; j++ )
+ {
+ int con = graph[info->con_start+j];
+ if( vertinfo[con].boundary )
+ count ++;
+ else
+ non_manifold = 0;
+ }
+ if( count > 2 || non_manifold )
+ {
+ info->corner = 1;
+ corner_count ++;
+ //cxr_debug_box( cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,i), 0.1, colour_success );
+ }
+ }
+ int dispedge[16];
+ v2f corner_uvs[4];
+ int dispedge_count;
+ int disp_count = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<mesh->polys.count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_polygon *basepoly = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->polys,i);
+ for( int h=0; h<basepoly->loop_total; h ++ )
+ {
+ int i0 = h,
+ i1 = cxr_range(h+1,basepoly->loop_total);
+ struct cxr_loop *l0 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, basepoly->loop_start+i0),
+ *l1 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, basepoly->loop_start+i1);
+ struct vertinfo *info = &vertinfo[ l0->index ];
+ if( info->corner )
+ {
+ int corner_count = 1;
+ dispedge_count = 2;
+ dispedge[0] = l0->index;
+ dispedge[1] = l1->index;
+ v2_copy( l0->uv, corner_uvs[0] );
+ // Consume (remove) faces we use for corners
+ basepoly->loop_total = -1;
+ cxr_debug_box( cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,l0->index),0.08,(v4f){0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0});
+ disp_count ++;
+ // Collect edges
+ // --------------------
+ while( dispedge_count < 17 )
+ {
+ struct vertinfo *edge_head = &vertinfo[dispedge[dispedge_count-1]];
+ int newvert = 0;
+ if( edge_head->corner )
+ {
+ // Find a polygon that has the edge C-1 -> C
+ for( int j=0; j<mesh->polys.count && !newvert; j++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_polygon *poly = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->polys,j);
+ for( int k=0; k<poly->loop_total; k ++ )
+ {
+ int i0 = k,
+ i1 = cxr_range(k+1,poly->loop_total);
+ struct cxr_loop *l0 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, poly->loop_start+i0),
+ *l1 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, poly->loop_start+i1);
+ if( l0->index == dispedge[dispedge_count-2] &&
+ l1->index == dispedge[dispedge_count-1] )
+ {
+ // Take the vertex after that edge
+ v2_copy( l1->uv, corner_uvs[corner_count ++] );
+ int i2 = cxr_range(i1+1,poly->loop_total);
+ struct cxr_loop *l2 = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops, poly->loop_start+i2);
+ dispedge[dispedge_count ++] = l2->index;
+ newvert = 1;
+ poly->loop_total = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( int j=0; j<edge_head->con_count; j++ )
+ {
+ int con = graph[edge_head->con_start+j];
+ if( con == -1 )
+ continue;
+ if( dispedge_count > 1 )
+ if( con == dispedge[dispedge_count-2] )
+ continue;
+ struct vertinfo *coninfo = &vertinfo[con];
+ if( !coninfo->boundary )
+ continue;
+ cxr_debug_arrow( cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,dispedge[dispedge_count-1]),
+ cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,con),
+ (v3f){0,0,1},
+ 0.1,
+ colour_success );
+ dispedge[ dispedge_count ++ ] = con;
+ newvert = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !newvert )
+ {
+ cxr_debug_box(cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,dispedge[dispedge_count-1]), 0.1, colour_error);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------------
+ // Edges collected
+ v2f va, vb;
+ v2_sub( corner_uvs[1], corner_uvs[0], va );
+ v2_sub( corner_uvs[2], corner_uvs[0], vb );
+ if( v2_cross( va,vb ) < 0.0 )
+ cxr_log( "Uv is flipped!\n" );
+ else
+ cxr_log( "Uv is normal\n" );
+ // Connect up the grid
+ //
+ // 0 1 2 3 4
+ // 15 a b c d
+ // 14 e f g h
+ // 13 i j k l
+ // 12 m n o p
+ //
+ // Example: a := common unused vertex that is connected to
+ // by 1 and 15. Or y-1, and x-1 on the grid.
+ // g := c and f common vert ^
+ //
+ int grid[25];
+ for( int j=0; j<25; j++ ) grid[j] = 0;
+ for( int j=0; j<5; j++ )
+ {
+ grid[j] = dispedge[j];
+ vertinfo[dispedge[j]].used = 1;
+ }
+ for( int j=1; j<5; j++ )
+ {
+ grid[j*5] = dispedge[16-j];
+ vertinfo[dispedge[16-j]].used = 1;
+ }
+ for( int j=1; j<5; j++ )
+ {
+ for( int k=1; k<5; k++ )
+ {
+ int s0 = grid[(j-1)*5+k],
+ s1 = grid[j*5+k-1];
+ struct vertinfo *va = &vertinfo[s0],
+ *vb = &vertinfo[s1];
+ // Find a common vertex between s0 and s1
+ for( int l=0; l<va->con_count; l ++ )
+ {
+ for( int m=0; m<vb->con_count; m ++ )
+ {
+ int cona = graph[va->con_start+l],
+ conb = graph[vb->con_start+m];
+ if( vertinfo[cona].used || vertinfo[conb].used )
+ continue;
+ if( cona == conb )
+ {
+ grid[ j*5+k ] = cona;
+ vertinfo[cona].used = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Broken displacement
+ cxr_log( "Broken displacement!\n" );
+ free( graph );
+ free( vertinfo );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Release grid
+ for( int j=0; j<25; j++ )
+ vertinfo[grid[j]].used = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cxr_log( "Disp count: %d\n", disp_count );
+ // Main loop
+#if 0
+ int pool[25];
+ for( int i=0; i<abverts->count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct vertinfo *info = &vertinfo[i];
+ if( info->boundary || info->used )
+ continue;
+ // Gather all vertices in this displacement
+ int poolcount = 1,
+ front_start = 0,
+ front_count = 1;
+ pool[0] = i;
+ info->used = 1;
+ int new_front_start = poolcount;
+ for( int j=0; j<front_count; j++ )
+ {
+ struct vertinfo *frontvert = &vertinfo[pool[front_start+j]];
+ for( int k=0; k<frontvert->con_count; k++ )
+ {
+ int conid = graph[frontvert->con_start+k];
+ struct vertinfo *con = &vertinfo[conid];
+ if( frontvert->boundary && !con->boundary )
+ continue;
+ if( con->used )
+ continue;
+ if( poolcount == 25 )
+ con->used = 1;
+ pool[ poolcount ++ ] = conid;
+ }
+ }
+ if( poolcount > new_front_start )
+ {
+ front_start = new_front_start;
+ front_count = poolcount-front_start;
+ }
+ if( poolcount != 25 )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<poolcount; i++ )
+ cxr_debug_box( cxr_ab_ptr(abverts,pool[i]), 0.02, colour_error );
+ free(graph);
+ free(vertinfo);
+ cxr_log("Invalid displacement (>25 verts)\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int corners[4];
+ int corner_count = 0;
+ struct cxr_loop *cornerloops[4];
+ // Find corners, and get their loops (for uvs)
+ // note: the mesh must be split where there is texture seams
+ // so that two different uv'd loops cant ref the same vertex
+ //
+ for( int j=0; j<poolcount; j++ )
+ {
+ if( vertinfo[pool[j]].corner )
+ {
+ if( corner_count == 4 )
+ {
+ corner_count = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ corners[corner_count] = j;
+ // find loop that includes this vert
+ for( int k=0; k<mesh->loops.count; k++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_loop *lp = cxr_ab_ptr(&mesh->loops,k);
+ if( lp->index == pool[j] )
+ {
+ cornerloops[corner_count] = lp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ corner_count ++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( corner_count !=4 )
+ {
+ free(graph);
+ free(vertinfo);
+ cxr_log( "Invalid displacement (!=4 corners)\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ int pivot = corners[0];
+ }
+ free( graph );
+ free( vertinfo );
CXR_API i32 cxr_convert_mesh_to_vmf(struct cxr_input_mesh *src, struct cxr_vdf *output)
// Split mesh into islands
// Preprocessor 2: Displacement break-out
// ---------------
+ for( int i=0; i<solids.count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct solidinf *pinf = cxr_ab_ptr(&solids,i);
+ for( int j=0; j<pinf->pmesh->polys.count; j++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_polygon *poly = cxr_ab_ptr( &pinf->pmesh->polys, j );
+ for( int k=0; k<poly->loop_total; k++ )
+ {
+ struct cxr_loop *lp = cxr_ab_ptr( &pinf->pmesh->loops, poly->loop_start+k );
+ struct cxr_edge *edge = cxr_ab_ptr( &pinf->pmesh->edges, lp->edge_index );
+ if( edge->freestyle )
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ pinf->is_displacement = 1;
+ cxr_write_disp( pinf->pmesh, output, &abverts );
+ }
// Preprocessor 3: Breakup non-convex shapes into sub-solids
// ---------------
struct solidinf pinf = *(struct solidinf *)cxr_ab_ptr(&solids, i);
if( pinf.is_displacement )
- // TODO: write displacements here...
for( int i=0; i<solids.count; i++ )
struct solidinf *solid = cxr_ab_ptr(&solids,i);
- cxr_debug_mesh( solid->pmesh, cxr_ab_ptr(&abverts,0), colours_random[cxr_range(i,8)] );
+ if( !solid->is_displacement )
+ cxr_debug_mesh( solid->pmesh, cxr_ab_ptr(&abverts,0), colours_random[cxr_range(i,8)] );