'ent_route': 4,
'ent_water': 5,
'ent_volume': 6,
- 'ent_audio': 7
+ 'ent_audio': 7,
+ 'ent_marker': 8
class mdl_vert(Structure): # 48 bytes. Quite large. Could compress
+class ent_marker(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("transform",mdl_transform),
+ ("name",c_uint32)]
def obj_ent_type( obj ):
if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': return 'mdl_armature'
- checkpoint_count = 0
- pathindice_count = 0
audio_clip_count = 0
for ent_type, arr in sr_compile.entities.items():#{
spawn = ent_spawn()
compile_obj_transform( obj, spawn.transform )
obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_spawn[0]
- spawn.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.name )
+ spawn.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
sr_ent_push( spawn )
- elif ent_type == 'ent_route': #{
- obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_route[0]
- route = ent_route()
- route.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
- route.checkpoints_start = checkpoint_count
- route.checkpoints_count = 0
- for ci in range(3):
- route.colour[ci] = obj_data.colour[ci]
- route.colour[3] = 1.0
- compile_obj_transform( obj, route.transform )
- checkpoints = obj_data.gates
- route_nodes = []
- for uc in obj.users_collection[0].objects:#{
- uc_type = obj_ent_type( uc )
- if uc_type == 'ent_gate' or uc_type == 'ent_route_node':
- route_nodes += [uc]
- #}
- graph = node_graph( route_nodes )
- for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
- gi = checkpoints[i].target
- gj = checkpoints[(i+1)%len(checkpoints)].target
- gate = gi
- if gi:#{
- dest = gi.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target
- gi = dest
- #}
- if gi==gj: continue # error?
- if not gi or not gj: continue
- checkpoint = ent_checkpoint()
- checkpoint.gate_index = sr_compile.entity_ids[gate.name]
- checkpoint.path_start = pathindice_count
- checkpoint.path_count = 0
- path = dijkstra( graph, gj.name, gi.name )
- if path:#{
- for pi in range(1,len(path)-1):#{
- pathindice = ent_path_index()
- pathindice.index = sr_compile.entity_ids[path[pi]]
- sr_ent_push( pathindice )
- checkpoint.path_count += 1
- pathindice_count += 1
- #}
- #}
- sr_ent_push( checkpoint )
- route.checkpoints_count += 1
- checkpoint_count += 1
- #}
- sr_ent_push( route )
- #}
- elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
- rn = ent_route_node()
- rn.co[0] = obj.location[0]
- rn.co[1] = obj.location[2]
- rn.co[2] = -obj.location[1]
- sr_ent_push( rn )
- #}
elif ent_type == 'ent_water':#{
water = ent_water()
compile_obj_transform( obj, water.transform )
+ elif ent_type == 'ent_marker':#{
+ marker = ent_marker()
+ marker.name = sr_compile_string( obj.SR_data.ent_marker[0].alias )
+ compile_obj_transform( obj, marker.transform )
+ sr_ent_push(marker)
+ #}
+ def _children( col ):#{
+ yield col
+ for c in col.children:#{
+ yield from _children(c)
+ #}
+ #}
+ checkpoint_count = 0
+ pathindice_count = 0
+ routenode_count = 0
+ for col in _children(collection):#{
+ print( F"Adding routes for subcollection: {col.name}" )
+ route_gates = []
+ route_curves = []
+ routes = []
+ for obj in col.objects:#{
+ if obj.type == 'ARMATURE': pass
+ else:#{
+ ent_type = obj_ent_type( obj )
+ if ent_type == 'ent_gate':
+ route_gates += [obj]
+ elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
+ if obj.type == 'CURVE':#{
+ route_curves += [obj]
+ #}
+ #}
+ elif ent_type == 'ent_route':
+ routes += [obj]
+ #}
+ #}
+ dij = create_node_graph( route_curves, route_gates )
+ for obj in routes:#{
+ obj_data = obj.SR_data.ent_route[0]
+ route = ent_route()
+ route.pstr_name = sr_compile_string( obj_data.alias )
+ route.checkpoints_start = checkpoint_count
+ route.checkpoints_count = 0
+ for ci in range(3):
+ route.colour[ci] = obj_data.colour[ci]
+ route.colour[3] = 1.0
+ compile_obj_transform( obj, route.transform )
+ checkpoints = obj_data.gates
+ for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
+ gi = checkpoints[i].target
+ gj = checkpoints[(i+1)%len(checkpoints)].target
+ gate = gi
+ if gi:#{
+ dest = gi.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target
+ gi = dest
+ #}
+ if gi==gj: continue # error?
+ if not gi or not gj: continue
+ checkpoint = ent_checkpoint()
+ checkpoint.gate_index = sr_compile.entity_ids[gate.name]
+ checkpoint.path_start = pathindice_count
+ checkpoint.path_count = 0
+ path = solve_graph( dij, gi.name, gj.name )
+ if path:#{
+ for pi in range(len(path)):#{
+ pathindice = ent_path_index()
+ pathindice.index = routenode_count + path[pi]
+ sr_ent_push( pathindice )
+ checkpoint.path_count += 1
+ pathindice_count += 1
+ #}
+ #}
+ sr_ent_push( checkpoint )
+ route.checkpoints_count += 1
+ checkpoint_count += 1
+ #}
+ sr_ent_push( route )
+ #}
+ for point in dij.points:#{
+ rn = ent_route_node()
+ rn.co[0] = point[0]
+ rn.co[1] = point[2]
+ rn.co[2] = -point[1]
+ sr_ent_push( rn )
+ #}
+ routenode_count += len(dij.points)
+ #}
print( F"[SR] Writing file" )
file_array_instructions = {}
elif active_object.type == 'LIGHT': #{
_draw_prop_collection( [active_object.data.SR_data] )
- elif active_object.type == 'EMPTY' or active_object.type == 'MESH': #{
+ elif active_object.type in ['EMPTY','CURVE','MESH']:#{
box.prop( active_object.SR_data, "ent_type" )
ent_type = active_object.SR_data.ent_type
+class SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ alias: bpy.props.StringProperty()
class SR_OBJECT_PROPERTIES(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
ent_gate: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_GATE)
ent_route: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_ROUTE)
ent_volume: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_VOLUME)
ent_audio: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_AUDIO)
+ ent_marker: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SR_OBJECT_ENT_MARKER)
ent_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
('ent_route', 'Route', '', 4),
('ent_water', 'Water Surface', '', 5),
('ent_volume', 'Volume', '', 6 ),
- ('ent_audio', 'Audio Files', '', 7)],
+ ('ent_audio', 'Audio Files', '', 7),
+ ('ent_marker', 'Marker', '', 8)],
pi = 3.14159265358979323846264
- for i in range(16):
- #{
+ for i in range(16):#{
t = ((i+1.0) * 1.0/16.0) * pi * 2.0
s = math.sin(t)
c = math.cos(t)
pi = 3.14159265358979323846264
- for i in range(16):
- #{
+ for i in range(16):#{
t = ((i+1.0) * 1.0/16.0) * pi
s = math.sin(t)
c = math.cos(t)
indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,4),\
- for l in indices:
- #{
+ for l in indices:#{
v0 = vs[l[0]]
v1 = vs[l[1]]
cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
def cv_tangent_basis( n, tx, ty ):
- if abs( n[0] ) >= 0.57735027:
- #{
+ if abs( n[0] ) >= 0.57735027:#{
tx[0] = n[1]
tx[1] = -n[0]
tx[2] = 0.0
- else:
- #{
+ else:#{
tx[0] = 0.0
tx[1] = n[2]
tx[2] = -n[1]
cv_view_verts += [p0,p1, midpt+(tx-n)*size,midpt, midpt+(-tx-n)*size,midpt ]
cv_view_colours += [c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0]
- cv_draw_lines()
+ #cv_draw_lines()
def cv_draw_line_dotted( p0, p1, c0, dots=10 ):
cv_view_verts += [p2,p3]
cv_view_colours += [c0,c0]
- cv_draw_lines()
+ #cv_draw_lines()
# Drawhandles of a bezier control point
global cv_view_verts, cv_view_colours
last = p0
- for i in range(10):
- #{
+ for i in range(10):#{
t = (i+1)/10
a0 = 1-t
size = 0.12
cv_view_verts += [center, center+va*size]
- cv_view_colours += [ (1,1,1,1), (1,1,1,1) ]
+ cv_view_colours += [ (1,1,1), (1,1,1) ]
for x in range(32):#{
t0 = (x/32) * math.tau
col1 = ( abs(c1), abs(s1), 0.0, 1.0 )
cv_view_verts += [center, p0, p0, p1]
- cv_view_colours += [ (0,0,0,0), col0, col0, col1 ]
+ cv_view_colours += [ (0,0,0), col0, col0, col1 ]
cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
- cv_view_colours += [(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)]
+ cv_view_colours += [(0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.5,0.5,0.5)]
elif bone.SR_data.collider == '2':#{
p0 = obj.matrix_world@Vector( c + (a+b)*0.5 + v1*l*-0.5 )
p1 = obj.matrix_world@Vector( c + (a+b)*0.5 + v1*l* 0.5 )
- colour = [0.2,0.2,0.2,1.0]
+ colour = [0.2,0.2,0.2]
colour[major_axis] = 0.5
cv_draw_halfsphere( p0, -v1, ty, tx, r, colour )
indices = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,5),(5,6),(7,8)]
+ r3d = bpy.context.area.spaces.active.region_3d
+ p0 = r3d.view_matrix.inverted().translation
+ v0 = (obj.matrix_world@Vector((0,0,0))) - p0
+ v1 = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,1,0))
+ if v0.dot(v1) > 0.0: cc = (0,1,0)
+ else: cc = (1,0,0)
for l in indices:#{
v0 = vs[l[0]]
v1 = vs[l[1]]
cv_view_verts += [(v0[0],v0[1],v0[2])]
cv_view_verts += [(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2])]
- cv_view_colours += [(1,1,0,1),(1,1,0,1)]
+ cv_view_colours += [cc,cc]
- sw = (0.4,0.4,0.4,0.2)
+ sw = (0.4,0.4,0.4)
if data.target != None:
cv_draw_arrow( obj.location, data.target.location, sw )
return path
-def node_graph( route_nodes ):
+class dij_graph():
+ def __init__(_,points,graph,subsections):#{
+ _.points = points
+ _.graph = graph
+ _.subsections = subsections
+ #}
+def create_node_graph( curves, gates ):
+ # add endpoints of curves
graph = {}
- for n in route_nodes:
- graph[n.name] = {}
+ route_points = []
+ subsections = []
+ point_count = 0
+ spline_count = 0
- for i in range(len(route_nodes)-1):#{
- for j in range(i+1, len(route_nodes)):#{
- ni = route_nodes[i]
- nj = route_nodes[j]
+ for c in range(len(curves)):#{
+ for s in range(len(curves[c].data.splines)):#{
+ spline = curves[c].data.splines[s]
+ l = len(spline.points)
+ if l < 2: continue
- v0 = ni.location - nj.location
+ dist = round(spline.calc_length(),2)
- gate = None
+ ia = point_count
+ ib = point_count+l-1
- if ni.SR_data.ent_type == 'ent_gate':
- gate = ni
+ graph[ia] = { ib: dist }
+ graph[ib] = { ia: dist }
+ for i in range(len(spline.points)):#{
+ wco = curves[c].matrix_world @ spline.points[i].co
+ route_points.append(Vector((wco[0],wco[1],wco[2]+0.5)))
+ previous = ia+i-1
+ proxima = ia+i+1
- if nj.SR_data.ent_type == 'ent_gate':#{
- if gate: continue
- gate = nj
+ if i == 0: previous = -1
+ if i == len(spline.points)-1: proxima = -1
+ subsections.append((spline_count,previous,proxima))
+ point_count += 1
- if gate:#{
- v1 = gate.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,-1,0))
- if gate.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target:
- if v1.dot(v0) > 0.0: continue
- else:
- if v1.dot(v0) < 0.0: continue
+ spline_count += 1
+ #}
+ #}
+ # link endpoints
+ graph_keys = list(graph)
+ for i in range(len(graph_keys)-1):#{
+ for j in range(i+1, len(graph_keys)):#{
+ if i%2==0 and i+1==j: continue
+ ni = graph_keys[i]
+ nj = graph_keys[j]
+ pi = route_points[ni]
+ pj = route_points[nj]
+ dist = round((pj-pi).magnitude,2)
+ if dist < 10.0:#{
+ graph[ni][nj] = dist
+ graph[nj][ni] = dist
+ #}
+ #}
+ # add and link gates( by name )
+ for gate in gates:#{
+ v1 = gate.matrix_world.to_3x3() @ Vector((0,1,0))
+ if gate.SR_data.ent_gate[0].target:
+ v1 = v1 * -1.0
+ graph[ gate.name ] = {}
+ for i in range(len(graph_keys)):#{
+ ni = graph_keys[i]
+ pi = route_points[ni]
- dist = v0.magnitude
+ v0 = pi-gate.location
+ if v0.dot(v1) < 0.0: continue
- if dist > 25.0: continue
- graph[route_nodes[i].name][route_nodes[j].name] = dist
- graph[route_nodes[j].name][route_nodes[i].name] = dist
+ dist = round(v0.magnitude,2)
+ if dist < 10.0:#{
+ graph[ gate.name ][ ni ] = dist
+ graph[ ni ][ gate.name ] = dist
+ #}
- return graph
+ return dij_graph(route_points,graph,subsections)
-def cv_draw_route( route, route_nodes ):
+def solve_graph( dij, start, end ):
+ path = dijkstra( dij.graph, end, start )
+ full = []
+ if path:#{
+ for sj in range(1,len(path)-2):#{
+ i0 = path[sj]
+ i1 = path[sj+1]
+ map0 = dij.subsections[i0]
+ map1 = dij.subsections[i1]
+ if map0[0] == map1[0]:#{
+ if map0[1] == -1: direction = 2
+ else: direction = 1
+ sent = 0
+ while True:#{
+ map0 = dij.subsections[i0]
+ i1 = map0[direction]
+ if i1 == -1: break
+ full.append( i0 )
+ sent += 1
+ i0 = i1
+ if sent > 50: break
+ #}
+ #}
+ else:#{
+ full.append( i0 )
+ #}
+ #}
+ full.append( path[-2] )
+ #}
+ return full
+def cv_draw_route( route, dij ):
pole = Vector((0.2,0.2,10))
hat = Vector((1,8,0.2))
- cc = route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour
+ cc = (route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[0],
+ route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[1],
+ route.SR_data.ent_route[0].colour[2])
cv_draw_ucube(route.matrix_world,cc,hat, Vector((-0.5,-6.5,-1)) )
checkpoints = route.SR_data.ent_route[0].gates
- graph = node_graph( route_nodes )
for i in range(len(checkpoints)):#{
gi = checkpoints[i].target
if gi==gj: continue # error?
if not gi or not gj: continue
- path = dijkstra( graph, gj.name, gi.name )
+ path = solve_graph( dij, gi.name, gj.name )
if path:#{
- for sj in range(len(path)-1):#{
- o0 = bpy.data.objects[ path[sj] ]
- o1 = bpy.data.objects[ path[sj+1] ]
- cv_draw_arrow(o0.location,o1.location,cc,1.5)
+ cv_draw_arrow(gi.location,dij.points[path[0]],cc,1.5)
+ cv_draw_arrow(dij.points[path[len(path)-1]],gj.location,cc,1.5)
+ for j in range(len(path)-1):#{
+ i0 = path[j]
+ i1 = path[j+1]
+ o0 = dij.points[ i0 ]
+ o1 = dij.points[ i1 ]
+ cv_draw_arrow(o0,o1,cc,1.5)
- route_nodes = []
+ route_gates = []
+ route_curves = []
routes = []
for obj in bpy.context.collection.objects:#{
if ent_type == 'ent_gate':#{
cv_ent_gate( obj )
- route_nodes += [obj]
+ route_gates += [obj]
+ #}
+ elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':#{
+ if obj.type == 'CURVE':#{
+ route_curves += [obj]
+ #}
- elif ent_type == 'ent_route_node':
- route_nodes += [obj]
elif ent_type == 'ent_route':
routes += [obj]
elif ent_type == 'ent_volume':#{
+ dij = create_node_graph( route_curves, route_gates )
#cv_draw_route_map( route_nodes )
for route in routes:#{
- cv_draw_route( route, route_nodes )
+ cv_draw_route( route, dij )
_S( "blitblur", "blit.vs", "blitblur.fs" );
_S( "blitcolour","blit.vs", "colour.fs" );
_S( "routeui", "routeui.vs", "routeui.fs" );
-#if 0
- // 3D Standard
- _S( "scoretext", "shaders/scoretext.vs", "shaders/vblend.fs" );
VG_STATIC float cl_fov = 0.86f,
cl_blur_strength = 0.3f;
VG_STATIC int cl_blur = 1,
- cl_playermdl_id = 0;
+ cl_playermdl_id = 0,
+ cl_invert_y = 0;
VG_STATIC void g_conf_init(void)
.persistent = 1
+ vg_var_push( (struct vg_var){
+ .name = "cl_invert_y",
+ .data = &cl_invert_y,
+ .data_type = k_var_dtype_i32,
+ .opt_i32 = { .min=0, .max=1, .clamp=1 },
+ .persistent = 1
+ });
vg_var_push( (struct vg_var){
.name = "cl_blur_strength",
.data = &cl_blur_strength,
typedef struct ent_volume ent_volume;
typedef struct ent_audio ent_audio;
typedef struct ent_index ent_index;
+typedef struct ent_marker ent_marker;
enum entity_alias{
k_ent_gate = 1,
k_ent_route = 4,
k_ent_water = 5,
k_ent_volume = 6,
- k_ent_audio = 7
+ k_ent_audio = 7,
+ k_ent_marker = 8
struct ent_index{
+struct ent_marker{
+ mdl_transform transform;
+ u32 pstr_alias;
enum channel_behaviour{
k_channel_behaviour_unlimited = 0,
k_channel_behaviour_discard_if_full = 1,
k_probability_curve_wildlife_night = 2
+VG_STATIC ent_marker *ent_find_marker( mdl_context *mdl,
+ mdl_array_ptr *arr, const char *alias )
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(arr); i++ ){
+ ent_marker *marker = mdl_arritm( arr, i );
+ if( !strcmp( mdl_pstr( mdl, marker->pstr_alias ), alias ) ){
+ return marker;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
#endif /* ENTITY_H */
#include "model.h"
#include "world_render.h"
#include "player.h"
+#include "conf.h"
-#include "shaders/menu.h"
+#include "shaders/model_menu.h"
#include "vg_steam_friends.h"
#include "submodules/tinydir/tinydir.h"
VG_STATIC mdl_context menu_model;
+VG_STATIC mdl_array_ptr menu_markers;
VG_STATIC glmesh menu_glmesh;
VG_STATIC m4x3f menu_mdl_mtx;
VG_STATIC float menu_opacity = 0.0f;
VG_STATIC float menu_input_cooldown = 0.0f;
-VG_STATIC float menu_fov_target = 97.0f;
+VG_STATIC float menu_fov_target = 97.0f,
+ menu_smooth_fov = 97.0f;
VG_STATIC v2f menu_extra_angles;
+VG_STATIC v3f menu_camera_pos;
+VG_STATIC v2f menu_camera_angles;
VG_STATIC int cl_menu = 0,
cl_menu_go_away = 0;
VG_STATIC void menu_btn_reset( int event );
VG_STATIC void menu_btn_map( int event );
VG_STATIC void menu_btn_settings( int event );
+VG_STATIC void menu_btn_invert_y( int event );
-VG_STATIC mdl_node *menu_pnode_fov_slider,
- *menu_pnode_fov_min,
- *menu_pnode_fov_max,
- *menu_pnode_vol_slider,
- *menu_pnode_vol_min,
- *menu_pnode_vol_max;
+VG_STATIC mdl_mesh *menu_mesh_fov_slider,
+ *menu_mesh_vol_slider;
+VG_STATIC ent_marker
+ *menu_mark_fov_min,
+ *menu_mark_fov_max,
+ *menu_mark_vol_min,
+ *menu_mark_vol_max;
/* state */
int loc;
u32 page;
/* map browser */
- struct menu_map_file
- {
+ struct menu_map_file{
char name[ 64 ];
maps_list[ 16 ];
VG_STATIC game_menu;
-enum menu_page
+enum menu_page{
k_menu_page_main = 0x1,
k_menu_page_skater = 0x2,
k_menu_page_quit = 0x4,
k_menu_page_map = 0x10
-struct menu_btn_userdata
+struct menu_btn_userdata{
int i;
void *ptr_generic;
VG_STATIC int menu_settings_if( struct menu_btn_userdata ud )
- if( game_menu.page & k_menu_page_settings )
- {
+ if( game_menu.page & k_menu_page_settings ){
int *ptr = ud.ptr_generic;
return *ptr;
- mdl_node *pnode;
+ mdl_mesh *mesh;
float falpha, fsize;
VG_STATIC menu_buttons[] =
"text_quit", menu_vis, {.i=k_menu_page_main|k_menu_page_quit},
.fn_press = menu_btn_quit,
- .ld="text_reset", .lr="text_settings", .ll="text_map"
+ .ld="text_reset", .lr="text_settings", /*.ll="text_map"*/
"text_quitty", menu_vis, {.i=k_menu_page_quit}
"text_reset", menu_vis, {.i=k_menu_page_main},
.fn_press = menu_btn_reset,
- .lu="text_quit", .ld="text_skater", .ll="text_map", .lr="text_settings"
+ .lu="text_quit", .ld="text_skater", /*.ll="text_map",*/ .lr="text_settings"
"text_skater", menu_vis, {.i=k_menu_page_main|k_menu_page_skater},
.fn_press = menu_btn_skater,
- .lu="text_reset", .ll="text_map", .lr="text_settings"
+ .lu="text_reset", /*.ll="text_map",*/ .lr="text_settings"
"text_map", menu_vis, {.i=k_menu_page_main},
.fn_press = menu_btn_map,
"text_settings", menu_vis, {.i=k_menu_page_main|k_menu_page_settings},
.fn_press = menu_btn_settings,
"fov_slider", menu_vis, {k_menu_page_settings},
- .ld="text_blur"
+ .ld="text_invert_y"
{ "fov_info", menu_vis, {k_menu_page_settings} },
{ "vol_info", menu_vis, {k_menu_page_settings} },
+ "text_invert_y", menu_vis, {k_menu_page_settings},
+ .fn_press = menu_btn_invert_y,
+ .lu = "fov_slider", .ld="text_blur"
+ "text_invert_y_check", menu_settings_if, {.ptr_generic=&cl_invert_y}
"text_blur", menu_vis, {k_menu_page_settings},
.fn_press = menu_btn_blur,
- .lu="fov_slider", .ld="vol_slider"
+ .lu="text_invert_y", .ld="vol_slider"
"text_blur_check", menu_settings_if, {.ptr_generic=&cl_blur}
return 0;
+VG_STATIC int __respawn( int argc, const char *argv[] );
VG_STATIC void menu_btn_reset( int event )
- reset_player(0,NULL);
- world_routes_clear();
+ __respawn(0,NULL);
cl_menu_go_away = 1;
game_menu.page = 0;
cl_blur ^= 0x1;
+VG_STATIC void menu_btn_invert_y( int event )
+ cl_invert_y ^= 0x1;
VG_STATIC void menu_btn_map( int event )
game_menu.page = k_menu_page_map;
tinydir_dir dir;
tinydir_open( &dir, "maps" );
- while( dir.has_next )
- {
+ while( dir.has_next ){
tinydir_file file;
tinydir_readfile( &dir, &file );
- if( file.is_reg )
- {
+ if( file.is_reg ){
struct menu_map_file *mf = &game_menu.maps_list[ game_menu.map_count ];
vg_strncpy( file.name, mf->name,
VG_STATIC void menu_crap_ui(void)
- if( cl_menu && (game_menu.page == k_menu_page_map) )
- {
+ if( cl_menu && (game_menu.page == k_menu_page_map) ){
ui_rect box;
box[0] = vg.window_x/2 - 150;
box[1] = vg.window_y/2 - 300;
ui_fill_rect( box, 0xa0000000 );
- if( game_menu.map_count == 0 )
- {
+ if( game_menu.map_count == 0 ){
ui_text( (ui_rect){ vg.window_x/2, box[1]+8, 0,0 }, "No maps found", 1,
k_text_align_center );
- else
- {
+ else{
ui_rect_pad( box, 4 );
box[3] = 16;
- for( int i=0; i<game_menu.map_count; i++ )
- {
+ for( int i=0; i<game_menu.map_count; i++ ){
struct menu_map_file *mf = &game_menu.maps_list[ i ];
ui_fill_rect( box, game_menu.selected_map == i? 0xa0ffffff:
GameOverlayActivated_t *inf = (GameOverlayActivated_t *)msg->m_pubParam;
vg_info( "Steam game overlay activated; pausing\n" );
- if( inf->m_bActive )
- {
+ if( inf->m_bActive ){
cl_menu = 1;
game_menu.page = k_menu_page_main;
game_menu.loc = menu_get_loc( "text_skater" );
vg_linear_clear( vg_mem.scratch );
- mdl_open( &menu_model, "models/rs_menu.mdl" );
- mdl_load_metadata( &menu_model, vg_mem.rtmemory );
- mdl_load_mesh_data( &menu_model, vg_mem.scratch );
- mdl_invert_uv_coordinates( &menu_model );
+ mdl_open( &menu_model, "models/rs_menu.mdl", vg_mem.rtmemory );
+ mdl_load_metadata_block( &menu_model, vg_mem.rtmemory );
+ mdl_load_mesh_block( &menu_model, vg_mem.scratch );
+ mdl_load_array( &menu_model, &menu_markers, "ent_marker", vg_mem.rtmemory );
+ //mdl_invert_uv_coordinates( &menu_model );
mdl_close( &menu_model );
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(menu_buttons); i++ )
- {
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(menu_buttons); i++ ){
struct menu_button *btn = &menu_buttons[i];
- btn->pnode = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, btn->name );
+ btn->mesh = mdl_find_mesh( &menu_model, btn->name );
- if( !btn->pnode )
- {
+ if( !btn->mesh ){
vg_info( "info: %s\n", btn->name );
vg_fatal_exit_loop( "Menu programming error" );
- menu_pnode_fov_max = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, "fov_slider_max" );
- menu_pnode_fov_min = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, "fov_slider_min" );
- menu_pnode_fov_slider = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, "fov_slider" );
- menu_pnode_vol_max = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, "vol_slider_max" );
- menu_pnode_vol_min = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, "vol_slider_min" );
- menu_pnode_vol_slider = mdl_node_from_name( &menu_model, "vol_slider" );
+ menu_mark_fov_max =
+ ent_find_marker( &menu_model, &menu_markers, "fov_slider_max" );
+ menu_mark_fov_min =
+ ent_find_marker( &menu_model, &menu_markers, "fov_slider_min" );
+ menu_mark_vol_max =
+ ent_find_marker( &menu_model, &menu_markers, "vol_slider_max" );
+ menu_mark_vol_min =
+ ent_find_marker( &menu_model, &menu_markers, "vol_slider_min" );
+ menu_mesh_fov_slider = mdl_find_mesh( &menu_model, "fov_slider" );
+ menu_mesh_vol_slider = mdl_find_mesh( &menu_model, "vol_slider" );
- shader_menu_register();
+ shader_model_menu_register();
steam_register_callback( k_iGameOverlayActivated, steam_on_game_overlay );
struct menu_button *btn = &menu_buttons[ game_menu.loc ];
- if( vg_input_button_down( &input_menu_press ) )
- {
- if( btn->fn_press )
- {
+ if( vg_input_button_down( &input_menu_press ) ){
+ if( btn->fn_press ){
- audio_play_oneshot( &audio_ui[0], 1.0f );
+ audio_oneshot( &audio_ui[0], 1.0f, 0.0f );
btn->fn_press( 1 );
- if( menu_input_cooldown <= 0.0f )
- {
+ if( menu_input_cooldown <= 0.0f ){
v2f dir = { input_menu_h.axis.value,
-input_menu_v.axis.value };
- if( v2_length2( dir ) > 0.8f*0.8f )
- {
+ if( v2_length2( dir ) > 0.8f*0.8f ){
const char *link = NULL;
- if( fabsf(dir[0]) > fabsf(dir[1]) )
- {
+ if( fabsf(dir[0]) > fabsf(dir[1]) ){
if( dir[0] > 0.0f ) link = btn->lr;
else link = btn->ll;
- else
- {
+ else{
if( dir[1] > 0.0f ) link = btn->ld;
else link = btn->lu;
- if( link )
- {
+ if( link ){
game_menu.loc = menu_get_loc( link );
menu_input_cooldown = 0.25f;
VG_STATIC void menu_page_map(void)
- if( menu_page_should_backout() )
- {
+ if( menu_page_should_backout() ){
game_menu.page = k_menu_page_main;
game_menu.loc = menu_get_loc( "text_map" );
- if( game_menu.map_count > 0 )
- {
+ if( game_menu.map_count > 0 ){
float v = input_menu_v.axis.value;
- if( (fabsf(v) > 0.7f) && (menu_input_cooldown <= 0.0f) )
- {
+ if( (fabsf(v) > 0.7f) && (menu_input_cooldown <= 0.0f) ){
- audio_play_oneshot( &audio_rewind[4], 1.0f );
+ audio_oneshot( &audio_rewind[4], 1.0f, 0.0f );
- if( v > 0.0f )
- {
+ if( v > 0.0f ){
game_menu.selected_map --;
if( game_menu.selected_map < 0 )
menu_input_cooldown = 0.25f;
- else
- {
+ else{
game_menu.selected_map ++;
if( game_menu.selected_map >= game_menu.map_count )
- if( vg_input_button_down( &input_menu_press ) )
- {
+ if( vg_input_button_down( &input_menu_press ) ){
+#if 0
/* load map */
char temp[256];
strcpy( temp, "maps/" );
world_change_world( 1, (const char *[]){ temp } );
VG_STATIC void menu_page_quit(void)
- if( menu_page_should_backout() )
- {
+ if( menu_page_should_backout() ){
game_menu.page = k_menu_page_main;
game_menu.loc = menu_get_loc( "text_quit" );
+void temp_update_playermodel(void);
VG_STATIC void menu_page_skater(void)
float h = input_menu_h.axis.value;
menu_fov_target = 97.0f;
- if( menu_page_should_backout() )
- {
+ if( menu_page_should_backout() ){
game_menu.page = k_menu_page_main;
game_menu.loc = menu_get_loc( "text_skater" );
- if( (fabsf(h) > 0.7f) && (menu_input_cooldown <= 0.0f) )
- {
+ if( (fabsf(h) > 0.7f) && (menu_input_cooldown <= 0.0f) ){
- audio_play_oneshot( &audio_rewind[4], 1.0f );
+ audio_oneshot( &audio_rewind[4], 1.0f, 0.0f );
- if( h < 0.0f )
- {
+ vg_info( "%f\n", h );
+ if( h < 0.0f ){
cl_playermdl_id --;
if( cl_playermdl_id < 0 )
cl_playermdl_id = 2;
menu_input_cooldown = 0.25f;
- else
- {
+ else{
cl_playermdl_id ++;
if( cl_playermdl_id > 2 )
cl_playermdl_id = 0;
- int ri = menu_get_loc( "skater_left" );
+ int ri = menu_get_loc( "skater_right" );
menu_buttons[ri].fsize = 0.4f;
menu_buttons[ri].falpha = 1.0f;
menu_input_cooldown = 0.25f;
+ temp_update_playermodel();
VG_STATIC void menu_slider( float *value, int set_value,
- mdl_node *slider, mdl_node *pmin, mdl_node *pmax )
+ mdl_mesh *slider, v3f co_min, v3f co_max )
- if( set_value )
- {
+ if( set_value ){
float h = input_menu_h.axis.value;
if( fabsf(h) > 0.04f )
*value += h * vg.frame_delta;
*value = vg_clampf( *value, 0.0f, 1.0f );
- v3_lerp( pmin->co, pmax->co, *value, slider->co );
+ v3_lerp( co_min, co_max, *value, slider->transform.co );
VG_STATIC void menu_page_settings(void)
int fov_select = game_menu.loc == menu_get_loc( "fov_slider" );
menu_slider( &cl_fov, fov_select,
- menu_pnode_fov_slider, menu_pnode_fov_min,
- menu_pnode_fov_max );
+ menu_mesh_fov_slider, menu_mark_fov_min->transform.co,
+ menu_mark_fov_max->transform.co );
if( fov_select )
menu_fov_target = vg_lerpf( 97.0f, 135.0f, cl_fov ) * 0.8f;
- menu_slider( &vg_audio.volume_console,
+ menu_slider( &vg_audio.external_global_volume,
(game_menu.loc == menu_get_loc( "vol_slider" )),
- menu_pnode_vol_slider, menu_pnode_vol_min,
- menu_pnode_vol_max );
+ menu_mesh_vol_slider, menu_mark_vol_min->transform.co,
+ menu_mark_vol_max->transform.co );
- if( menu_page_should_backout() )
- {
+ if( menu_page_should_backout() ){
game_menu.page = k_menu_page_main;
game_menu.loc = menu_get_loc( "text_settings" );
+player_instance *tmp_localplayer(void);
VG_STATIC void menu_update(void)
vg_input_update( 1, &input_menu_h );
toggle_kb = vg_input_button_down( &input_menu_toggle_kbm ),
wait_for_a_sec = 0;
- if( toggle_gp || toggle_kb )
- {
- if( cl_menu )
- {
- if( toggle_gp )
- {
+ if( toggle_gp || toggle_kb ){
+ if( cl_menu ){
+ if( toggle_gp ){
- else
- {
+ else{
if( toggle_kb )
wait_for_a_sec = 1;
- if( !wait_for_a_sec && cl_menu )
- {
+ if( !wait_for_a_sec && cl_menu ){
if( game_menu.page == k_menu_page_main )
else if( game_menu.page == k_menu_page_skater )
struct menu_button *btn = &menu_buttons[ game_menu.loc ];
- v3f pos;
- v2f angles;
/* Base */
- v3f lookdir;
- v3f *mtx = player.mdl.sk.final_mtx[player.mdl.id_head];
- m3x3_mulv( mtx, (v3f){-1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, lookdir );
- lookdir[1] = 0.0f;
- v3_normalize( lookdir );
+ player_instance *player = tmp_localplayer();
+ struct player_avatar *av = player->playeravatar;
v3f center_rough;
+ if( player->subsystem == k_player_subsystem_dead ){
+ m4x3_mulv( av->sk.final_mtx[av->id_hip], (v3f){0.0f,0.9f,0.0f},
+ center_rough );
+ }
+ else{
+ m4x3_mulv( av->sk.final_mtx[av->id_head], (v3f){0.0f,1.5f,0.0f},
+ center_rough );
+ }
- if( player.is_dead )
- {
- v3_copy(player.mdl.ragdoll[ player.mdl.id_hip-1 ].rb.co, center_rough);
+ v3f cam_offset;
+ float cam_rot;
+ if( player->subsystem == k_player_subsystem_walk ){
+ v3_muls( player->rb.to_world[2], 1.0f, cam_offset );
+ cam_rot = 0.0f;
- else
- {
- v3_add( player.camera_pos, player.visual_transform[3], center_rough );
- v3_muls( center_rough, 0.5f, center_rough );
+ else{
+ v3_muls( player->rb.to_world[0], -1.0f, cam_offset );
+ cam_rot = -VG_PIf*0.5f;
- v3_muladds( center_rough, lookdir, 1.5f, pos );
- v3_add( (v3f){ 0.0f,0.8f,0.0f}, pos, pos );
- angles[1] = 0.0f;
- angles[0] = -atan2f( lookdir[0], lookdir[2] );
+ v3f lookdir;
+ m3x3_mulv( player->invbasis, cam_offset, lookdir );
+ lookdir[1] = 0.0f;
+ v3_normalize( lookdir );
+ m3x3_mulv( player->basis, lookdir, cam_offset );
+ v3_muladds( center_rough, cam_offset, 2.0f, menu_camera_pos );
+ menu_camera_angles[1] = 0.0f;
+ menu_camera_angles[0] = -atan2f( lookdir[0], lookdir[2] );
/* setup model matrix */
v4f qmenu_mdl;
- q_axis_angle( qmenu_mdl, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, -angles[0] );
+ q_axis_angle( qmenu_mdl, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, -menu_camera_angles[0] );
q_m3x3( qmenu_mdl, menu_mdl_mtx );
- v3_copy( center_rough, menu_mdl_mtx[3] );
+ v3_add( center_rough, (v3f){0.0f,-0.5f,0.0f}, menu_mdl_mtx[3] );
+ m3x3_mul( player->basis, menu_mdl_mtx, menu_mdl_mtx );
+ menu_smooth_fov = vg_lerpf( menu_smooth_fov, menu_fov_target,
+ vg.frame_delta * 8.2f );
/* Extra */
v3f delta;
- v3_sub( btn->pnode->co, (v3f){ 0.0f,1.5f,-1.5f }, delta );
+ v3_sub( btn->mesh->transform.co, (v3f){ 0.0f,1.5f,-1.5f }, delta );
v3_normalize( delta );
float y = atan2f( delta[0], delta[2] ),
menu_extra_angles[0] = vg_lerpf( menu_extra_angles[0], y, dt );
menu_extra_angles[1] = vg_lerpf( menu_extra_angles[1], p, dt );
- v2_muladds( angles, menu_extra_angles, 0.8f, angles );
- angles[0] = fmodf( angles[0], VG_TAUf );
- }
- /* Update camera */
-#if 0
- {
- main_camera.angles[0] =
- vg_alerpf( main_camera.angles[0], angles[0], menu_opacity );
- main_camera.angles[1] =
- vg_lerpf ( main_camera.angles[1], angles[1], menu_opacity );
- v3_lerp( main_camera.pos, pos, menu_opacity, main_camera.pos );
- camera_update_transform( &main_camera );
+ v2_muladds( menu_camera_angles, menu_extra_angles, 0.8f,
+ menu_camera_angles );
+ menu_camera_angles[0] = fmodf( menu_camera_angles[0], VG_TAUf );
float dt = vg.frame_delta * 6.0f;
menu_opacity = vg_lerpf( menu_opacity, cl_menu&&!cl_menu_go_away, dt );
- if( menu_opacity <= 0.01f )
- {
+ if( menu_opacity <= 0.01f ){
cl_menu = 0;
cl_menu_go_away = 0;
vg.time_rate = 1.0-(double)menu_opacity;
- if( cl_menu )
- {
+ if( cl_menu ){
menu_input_cooldown -= vg.frame_delta;
return fminf( x*x/(f*f), 1.0f+(2.0f/f)*s*expf(-k*s));
-VG_STATIC void menu_render( camera *cam )
+VG_STATIC void menu_render_bg(void)
shader_blitcolour_uColour( (v4f){ 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f, menu_opacity*0.5f } );
+VG_STATIC void menu_render_fg( camera *cam )
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDisable( GL_BLEND );
m4x3f mtx;
- shader_menu_use();
- shader_menu_uColour( (v4f){ 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f} );
- shader_menu_uTexMain( 1 );
+ shader_model_menu_use();
+ shader_model_menu_uColour( (v4f){ 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f} );
+ shader_model_menu_uTexMain( 1 );
vg_tex2d_bind( &tex_menu, 1 );
- shader_menu_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
- shader_menu_uPvmPrev( cam->mtx_prev.pv );
+ shader_model_menu_uPv( cam->mtx.pv );
+ shader_model_menu_uPvmPrev( cam->mtx_prev.pv );
mesh_bind( &menu_glmesh );
- for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(menu_buttons); i++ )
- {
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(menu_buttons); i++ ){
struct menu_button *btn = &menu_buttons[i];
float talpha = i==game_menu.loc? 1.0f: 0.0f,
tsize0 = btn->fn_visibility( btn->user )? 1.0f: 0.0f,
tsize = tsize0+tsize1;
btn->falpha = vg_lerpf( btn->falpha, talpha, vg.frame_delta * 14.0f );
- btn->fsize = vg_lerpf( btn->fsize, tsize, vg.frame_delta * 3.0f );
+ btn->fsize = vg_lerpf( btn->fsize, tsize, vg.frame_delta * 7.0f );
/* Colour */
v4f vselected = {0.95f*1.3f,0.45f*1.3f,0.095f*1.3f, 1.0f},
v4_lerp( vnormal, vselected, btn->falpha, vcurrent );
- shader_menu_uColour( vcurrent );
+ shader_model_menu_uColour( vcurrent );
/* Create matrix */
m4x3f mtx_size;
- mdl_node_transform( btn->pnode, mtx );
+ mdl_transform_m4x3( &btn->mesh->transform, mtx );
m4x3_mul( menu_mdl_mtx, mtx, mtx );
m4x3_identity( mtx_size );
m4x3_scale( mtx_size, expSustainedImpulse( btn->fsize, 0.5f, 8.7f) );
m4x3_mul( mtx, mtx_size, mtx );
- shader_menu_uMdl( mtx );
+ shader_model_menu_uMdl( mtx );
- for( int j=0; j<btn->pnode->submesh_count; j++ )
- {
+ for( int j=0; j<btn->mesh->submesh_count; j++ ){
mdl_submesh *sm =
- &menu_model.submesh_buffer[ btn->pnode->submesh_start+j ];
+ mdl_arritm( &menu_model.submeshs, btn->mesh->submesh_start+j );
mdl_draw_submesh( sm );
"bind use gp-y",
"bind use e",
- "bind camera c"
+ "bind camera c",
+ "bind camera gp-rb"
for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(default_cfg); i++ )
if( player->subsystem == k_player_subsystem_dead ){
- player->subsystem = k_player_subsystem_walk;
- //reset_player( 0, NULL );
+ __respawn( 0, NULL );
/* cant do that */
if( gate->type == k_gate_type_nonlocal )
world_global.active_world = gate->target;
+ world_global.in_volume = 0;
audio_oneshot( &audio_gate_pass, 1.0f, 0.0f );
player->rewind_total_length = 0.0f;
player->rewind_accum = 0.0f;
world_global.sky_target_rate = 1.0;
+ world_global.last_use = world_global.time;
world_global.sky_target_rate = -100.0;
player->subsystem = k_player_subsystem_walk;
player->viewable_world = get_active_world();
+ player->gate_waiting = NULL;
if( _player_reset[ player->subsystem ] )
_player_reset[ player->subsystem ]( player, rp );
enum camera_mode
- k_cam_firstperson = 0,
- k_cam_thirdperson = 1
+ k_cam_firstperson = 1,
+ k_cam_thirdperson = 0
float camera_type_blend;
#include "player.h"
+#include "conf.h"
VG_STATIC void player_vector_angles( v3f angles, v3f v, float C, float k )
vg.frame_delta * 8.0f, player->tpv_offset_smooth );
/* fov -- simple blend */
- /* FIXME: cl_fov */
- player->cam.fov = vg_lerpf( 97.0f, 128.0f, player->camera_type_blend );
+ float fov_skate = vg_lerpf( 97.0f, 135.0f, cl_fov ),
+ fov_walk = vg_lerpf( 90.0f, 110.0f, cl_fov );
+ player->cam.fov = vg_lerpf( fov_walk, fov_skate, player->camera_type_blend );
* first person camera
VG_STATIC void player_look( player_instance *player, v3f angles )
angles[2] = 0.0f;
- v2_muladds( angles, vg.mouse_delta, 0.0025f, angles );
+ v2f mouse_input;
+ v2_copy( vg.mouse_delta, mouse_input );
+ if( cl_invert_y )
+ mouse_input[1] *= -1.0f;
+ v2_muladds( angles, mouse_input, 0.0025f, angles );
if( vg_input.controller_should_use_trackpad_look ){
static v2f last_input;
v2f input = { player->input_js2h->axis.value,
player->input_js2v->axis.value };
+ if( cl_invert_y )
+ input[1] *= -1.0f;
if( (v2_length2(last_input) > 0.001f) && (v2_length2(input) > 0.001f) ){
v2_sub( input, last_input, vel );
v2_muls( vel, 1.0f/vg.time_delta, vel );
angles[0] += player->input_js2h->axis.value * vg.time_delta * 4.0f;
- angles[1] += player->input_js2v->axis.value * vg.time_delta * 4.0f;
+ float input_y = player->input_js2v->axis.value * vg.time_delta * 4.0f;
+ if( cl_invert_y )
+ input_y *= -1.0f;
+ angles[1] += input_y;
angles[1] = vg_clampf( angles[1], -VG_PIf*0.5f, VG_PIf*0.5f );
#include "player.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "vg/vg_perlin.h"
+#include "menu.h"
VG_STATIC void player__skate_bind( player_instance *player )
v3f tri[3];
struct world_surface *surf = world_tri_index_surface(world,ptri[0]);
-#if 0
if( !(surf->info.flags & k_material_flag_skate_surface) )
for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
v3_copy( world->scene_geo->arrvertices[ptri[j]].co, tri[j] );
v3_add( launch_co, co0, co0 );
/* rough scan to make sure we dont collide with anything */
- /* NOTE this was rarely needed and ends up with false negatives. */
-#if 0
for( int j=1; j<=16; j++ ){
t = (float)j*(1.0f/16.0f);
t *= 0.9f;
v3f n;
int idx = spherecast_world( world, co0,co1,
- k_board_radius*0.5f, &t1, n);
+ k_board_radius*0.1f, &t1, n);
if( idx != -1 ){
goto invalidated_grind;
v3_copy( co1, co0 );
v3_copy( grind.n, jump->n );
s->possible_jumps[ s->possible_jump_count ++ ] = *jump;
-#if 0
v3_muladds( s->state.throw_v, player->rb.to_world[1], -doty, Fl);
if( s->state.activity == k_skate_activity_ground ){
- v3_muladds( player->rb.v, Fl, k_mmcollect_lat, player->rb.v );
+ if( v3_length2(player->rb.v)<(20.0f*20.0f) )
+ v3_muladds( player->rb.v, Fl, k_mmcollect_lat, player->rb.v );
v3_muladds( s->state.throw_v, Fl, -k_mmcollect_lat, s->state.throw_v );
slide = 0.0f;
+ static float menu_gate = 1.0f;
+ menu_gate = vg_lerpf( menu_gate, 1-cl_menu, vg.frame_delta*4.0f );
- vol_main = sqrtf( (1.0f-air)*attn*(1.0f-slide) * 0.4f ),
- vol_air = sqrtf( air *attn * 0.5f ),
- vol_slide = sqrtf( (1.0f-air)*attn*slide * 0.25f );
+ vol_main = sqrtf( (1.0f-air)*attn*(1.0f-slide) * 0.4f ) * menu_gate,
+ vol_air = sqrtf( air *attn * 0.5f ) * menu_gate,
+ vol_slide = sqrtf( (1.0f-air)*attn*slide * 0.25f ) * menu_gate;
w->state_gate_storage = w->state;
player__pass_gate( player, gate );
+ rb_update_transform( &player->rb );
VG_STATIC void player__walk_restore( player_instance *player )
v3_normalize( normal_matrix[2] );
for( u32 i=0; i<sm->vertex_count; i++ ){
- mdl_vert *src = &src_verts[ i ];
- scene_vert *pvert = &dst_verts[ i ];
+ mdl_vert *src = &src_verts[i];
+ scene_vert *pvert = &dst_verts[i];
m4x3_mulv( transform, src->co, pvert->co );
VG_STATIC glmesh localplayer_meshes[3];
vg_tex2d localplayer_texture = { .path = "textures/ch_gradient.qoi" };
+player_instance *tmp_localplayer(void)
+ return &localplayer;
#include "network.h"
-#if 0
#include "menu.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
static int cl_ui = 1,
+void temp_update_playermodel(void){
+ player__use_mesh( &localplayer, &localplayer_meshes[cl_playermdl_id] );
VG_STATIC void vg_load(void)
vg_loader_step( render_init, NULL );
- //vg_loader_step( menu_init, NULL );
+ vg_loader_step( menu_init, NULL );
vg_loader_step( world_init, NULL );
//vg_loader_step( player_init, NULL );
//vg_loader_step( vehicle_init, NULL );
player__create( &localplayer );
player_avatar_load( &localplayer_avatar, "models/ch_new.mdl" );
player__use_avatar( &localplayer, &localplayer_avatar );
- player__use_mesh( &localplayer, &localplayer_meshes[0] );
+ player__use_mesh( &localplayer, &localplayer_meshes[cl_playermdl_id] );
player__use_texture( &localplayer, &localplayer_texture );
player__bind( &localplayer );
/* 'systems' are completely loaded now */
/* load home world */
- world_load( &world_global.worlds[0], "maps/mp_gridmap.mdl" );
+ world_load( &world_global.worlds[0], "maps/mp_mtzero.mdl" );
#if 0
world_load( &world_global.worlds[1], "maps/mp_gridmap.mdl" );
float dist = 200.0f;
- for( int i=0; i<10; i++ )
- {
- if( ray_world( get_active_world(), rc, rd, &ray ) )
- {
+ for( int i=0; i<10; i++ ){
+ if( ray_world( get_active_world(), rc, rd, &ray ) ){
dist = (float)i*5.0f + ray.dist;
- else
- {
+ else{
v3_muladds( rc, rd, ray.dist, rc );
distances[si] = dist;
- for( int i=0; i<14; i++ )
- {
- if( distances[i] != 200.0f )
- {
+ for( int i=0; i<14; i++ ){
+ if( distances[i] != 200.0f ){
u32 colours[] = { VG__RED, VG__BLUE, VG__GREEN,
v3f ears = { 1.0f,0.0f,0.0f };
m3x3_mulv( main_camera.transform, ears, ears );
- v3_copy( ears, vg_audio.listener_ears );
- v3_copy( main_camera.transform[3], vg_audio.listener_pos );
- v3_copy( localplayer.rb.v, vg_audio.listener_velocity );
+ v3_copy( ears, vg_audio.external_listener_ears );
+ v3_copy( main_camera.transform[3], vg_audio.external_listener_pos );
+ /* TODO: this is transformed back and fourth twice. */
+ if( localplayer.gate_waiting ){
+ m4x3_mulv( localplayer.gate_waiting->transport,
+ vg_audio.external_listener_pos,
+ vg_audio.external_listener_pos );
+ }
+ v3_copy( localplayer.rb.v, vg_audio.external_lister_velocity );
-#if 0
+#if 0
- if( cl_blur )
- {
+ if( cl_blur ){
shader_blitblur_uTexMain( 0 );
shader_blitblur_uTexMotion( 1 );
shader_blitblur_uBlurStrength(cl_blur_strength / (vg.frame_delta*60.0f));
v2f menu_blurring;
- //v2_muls( (v2f){ 0.04f, 0.001f }, menu_opacity, menu_blurring );
- v2_muls( (v2f){ 0.04f, 0.001f }, 0.0f, menu_blurring );
+ v2_muls( (v2f){ 0.04f, 0.001f }, menu_opacity, menu_blurring );
shader_blitblur_uOverrideDir( menu_blurring );
if( cl_view_id == 0 )
render_fb_bind_texture( gpipeline.fb_main, 1, 1 );
- else
- {
+ else{
shader_blit_uTexMain( 0 );
render_fb_bind_texture( gpipeline.fb_main, 0, 0 );
render_world( view_world, &main_camera, 0 );
- int player_transparent = 1,
- player_draw = 1;
-#if 0
- if( (localplayer.subsystem == k_player_subsystem_dead) ||
- (localplayer.camera_mode == k_cam_thirdperson) )
- player_transparent = 0;
- if( !player_transparent && player_draw )
- player__render( &main_camera, &localplayer );
render_water_texture( view_world, &main_camera, 0 );
render_fb_bind( gpipeline.fb_main );
if( localplayer.gate_waiting ) depth = 0;
render_world_gates( view_world, &main_camera, depth );
- if( player_transparent && player_draw )
+ if( !cl_menu )
-VG_STATIC void render_menu(void)
-#if 0
- menu_render( &main_camera );
VG_STATIC void render_main_game(void)
#if 0
main_camera.fov = fov;
- /* copy camera from player.
- * TODO: blend with camera from menu */
- /* FIXME: TEMP!! */
player__pre_render( &localplayer );
- v3_copy( localplayer.cam.pos, main_camera.pos );
- v3_copy( localplayer.cam.angles, main_camera.angles );
- main_camera.fov = localplayer.cam.fov;
+ v3_lerp( localplayer.cam.pos, menu_camera_pos, menu_opacity,
+ main_camera.pos );
+ main_camera.angles[0] =
+ vg_alerpf( localplayer.cam.angles[0], menu_camera_angles[0],
+ menu_opacity );
+ main_camera.angles[1] =
+ vg_lerpf ( localplayer.cam.angles[1], menu_camera_angles[1],
+ menu_opacity );
+ main_camera.fov = vg_lerpf( localplayer.cam.fov, menu_smooth_fov,
+ menu_opacity );
main_camera.nearz = 0.1f;
main_camera.farz = 2100.0f;
camera_update_transform( &main_camera );
- if( localplayer.gate_waiting )
- {
+ if( localplayer.gate_waiting ){
m3x3_mul( localplayer.basis_gate, main_camera.transform,
main_camera.transform );
- else
- {
+ else{
m3x3_mul( localplayer.basis, main_camera.transform,
main_camera.transform );
camera_update_view( &main_camera );
camera_update_projection( &main_camera );
camera_finalize( &main_camera );
/* ========== Begin Frame ========== */
- present_view_with_post_processing();
-#if 0
- if( cl_menu )
- {
- render_menu();
+ if( cl_menu ) {
+ menu_render_bg();
+ glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ present_view_with_post_processing();
+ if( cl_menu )
+ menu_render_fg( &main_camera );
/* =========== End Frame =========== */
VG_STATIC void run_light_widget( struct light_widget *lw );
VG_STATIC void vg_ui(void)
+#if 0
player__im_gui( &localplayer );
world_instance *world = get_active_world();
-#if 0
#if 0
if( cl_light_edit )
- existing = audio_channel_fadeout( existing, audio->crossfade);
+ existing->group = 0;
+ existing = audio_channel_fadeout(existing, audio->crossfade);
ch = audio_get_first_idle_channel();
icubes_max[i] = cubes_max[i];
+ v3f cube_size;
v3i icubes_count;
v3i_sub( icubes_max, icubes_min, icubes_count );
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
- icubes_count[i] = VG_MIN( 128, icubes_count[i]+1 );
- cubes_max[i] = icubes_min[i] + icubes_count[i];
+ int clamped_count = VG_MIN( 128, icubes_count[i]+1 );
+ float clamped_max = icubes_min[i] + clamped_count,
+ max = icubes_min[i] + icubes_count[i]+1;
+ icubes_count[i] = clamped_count;
+ cube_size[i] = (max / clamped_max) * k_light_cube_size;
+ cubes_max[i] = clamped_max;
- v3_muls( cubes_min, k_light_cube_size, cubes_min );
- v3_muls( cubes_max, k_light_cube_size, cubes_max );
+ v3_mul( cubes_min, cube_size, cubes_min );
+ v3_mul( cubes_max, cube_size, cubes_max );
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
float range = cubes_max[i]-cubes_min[i];
vg_info( "Computing light cubes (%d) [%f %f %f] -> [%f %f %f]\n",
total_cubes, cubes_min[0], -cubes_min[2], cubes_min[1],
cubes_max[0], -cubes_max[2], cubes_max[1] );
v3_copy( cubes_min, world->ub_lighting.g_cube_min );
- v3f cube_size;
- v3_div( (v3f){1.0f,1.0f,1.0f}, world->ub_lighting.g_cube_inv_range,
- cube_size );
float bound_radius = v3_length( cube_size );
for( int iz = 0; iz<icubes_count[2]; iz ++ ){
/* colour + night */
v3_muls( light->colour, light->colour[3] * 2.0f, light_dst[i*3+0] );
- light_dst[i*3+0][3] = -1.0f;
+ light_dst[i*3+0][3] = 2.0f;
if( !light->daytime ){
- u32 hash = (i * 29986577) & 0xff;
+ u32 hash = (i * 29986577u) & 0xffu;
float switch_on = hash;
switch_on *= (1.0f/255.0f);
temp.points = 0;
temp.time = time_centiseconds;
+#if 0
highscores_push_record( &temp );
struct track_info *ti = &track_infos[ route->official_track_id ];
ti->push = 1;
if( ti->achievement_id ){
+#if 0
steam_set_achievement( ti->achievement_id );
route->checkpoints_start+k );
ent_gate *gk = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, cp->gate_index );
- if( gk == rg ){
+ gk = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, gk->target );
+ if( gk == dest ){
route->active_checkpoint = k;
world_routes_time_lap( world, route );
ray_hit ha, hb;
ha.dist = 8.0f;
hb.dist = 8.0f;
- if( ray_world( world, sa, down, &ha ) &&
- ray_world( world, sb, down, &hb ))
- {
- scene_vert va, vb;
- v3_muladds( ha.pos, up, 0.06f, va.co );
- v3_muladds( hb.pos, up, 0.06f, vb.co );
- scene_vert_pack_norm( &va, up );
- scene_vert_pack_norm( &vb, up );
- float t1 = (travel_length / total_length) * patch_count;
- va.uv[0] = t1;
- va.uv[1] = 0.0f;
- vb.uv[0] = t1;
- vb.uv[1] = 1.0f;
- scene_push_vert( world->scene_lines, &va );
- scene_push_vert( world->scene_lines, &vb );
- if( last_valid ){
- /* Connect them with triangles */
- scene_push_tri( world->scene_lines, (u32[3]){
- last_valid+0-2, last_valid+1-2, last_valid+2-2} );
- scene_push_tri( world->scene_lines, (u32[3]){
- last_valid+1-2, last_valid+3-2, last_valid+2-2} );
+ int resa = ray_world( world, sa, down, &ha ),
+ resb = ray_world( world, sb, down, &hb );
+ if( resa && resb ){
+ struct world_surface *surfa = ray_hit_surface( world, &ha ),
+ *surfb = ray_hit_surface( world, &hb );
+ if( (surfa->info.flags & k_material_flag_skate_surface) &&
+ (surfb->info.flags & k_material_flag_skate_surface) )
+ {
+ scene_vert va, vb;
+ float gap = vg_fractf(cur_x*0.5f)*0.02f;
+ v3_muladds( ha.pos, up, 0.06f+gap, va.co );
+ v3_muladds( hb.pos, up, 0.06f+gap, vb.co );
+ scene_vert_pack_norm( &va, up );
+ scene_vert_pack_norm( &vb, up );
+ float t1 = (travel_length / total_length) * patch_count;
+ va.uv[0] = t1;
+ va.uv[1] = 0.0f;
+ vb.uv[0] = t1;
+ vb.uv[1] = 1.0f;
+ scene_push_vert( world->scene_lines, &va );
+ scene_push_vert( world->scene_lines, &vb );
+ if( last_valid ){
+ /* Connect them with triangles */
+ scene_push_tri( world->scene_lines, (u32[3]){
+ last_valid+0-2, last_valid+1-2, last_valid+2-2} );
+ scene_push_tri( world->scene_lines, (u32[3]){
+ last_valid+1-2, last_valid+3-2, last_valid+2-2} );
+ }
+ last_valid = world->scene_lines->vertex_count;
- last_valid = world->scene_lines->vertex_count;
+ else
+ last_valid = 0;
last_valid = 0;
ent_gate *start_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, c0->gate_index );
start_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, start_gate->target );
- ent_gate *end_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, c1->gate_index );
+ ent_gate *end_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, c1->gate_index ),
+ *collector = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, end_gate->target );
v4f p[3];
v3_copy( end_gate->co[0], p[2] );
v3_add( (v3f){0.0f,0.1f,0.0f}, p[2], p[2] );
- p[2][3] = end_gate->ref_count;
- p[2][3] -= (float)end_gate->ref_total * 0.5f;
- end_gate->ref_count ++;
+ p[2][3] = collector->ref_count;
+ if( i == route->checkpoints_count-1)
+ p[2][3] -= 1.0f;
+ p[2][3] -= (float)collector->ref_total * 0.5f;
+ //collector->ref_count ++;
/* p0,p1,p2 bezier patch is complete
ent_gate *start_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, c0->gate_index );
start_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, start_gate->target );
- ent_gate *end_gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, c1->gate_index );
start_gate->ref_total ++;
if( !c0->path_count )
ent_route_node *rn = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_route_node,
index->index );
rn->ref_total ++;
- if( j+1 < c0->path_count ){
- }
- else{
- end_gate->ref_total ++;
- }
gate = mdl_arritm(&world->ent_gate, gate->target );
for( u32 k=0; k<4; k++ ){
+ if( gate->routes[k] == i ){
+ vg_error( "already assigned route to gate\n" );
+ break;
+ }
if( gate->routes[k] == 0xffff ){
gate->routes[k] = i;
+ for( u32 i=0; i<mdl_arrcount(&world->ent_gate); i++ ){
+ ent_gate *gate = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_gate, i );
+ vg_info( "ROUTES :: %hu %hu %hu %hu\n", gate->routes[0],
+ gate->routes[1],
+ gate->routes[2],
+ gate->routes[3] );
+ }
world_routes_clear( world );