int active;
float factive;
- double best_lap; /* Session */
+ double best_lap, latest_pass; /* Session */
struct route_ui_segment
- float time;
+ float length;
u32 vertex_start, vertex_count,
index_start, index_count;
- u32 segment_start, segment_count;
+ u32 segment_start, segment_count, fade_start, fade_count;
+ double fade_timer_start;
+ * Reset ui bar completely
+ */
+static void world_routes_ui_clear( u32 route )
+ struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
+ struct route *pr = &r->routes[route];
+ pr->ui.segment_start = (pr->ui.segment_start + pr->ui.segment_count) %
+ k_max_ui_segments;
+ pr->ui.segment_count = 0;
* Break a index range into two pieces over the edge of the maximum it can
* store. s1 is 0 always, so its a ring buffer.
* Start a new segment in the UI bar, will create a split on the last one if
* there is one active currently. (api)
-static void world_routes_ui_newseg( u32 route, float time )
+static void world_routes_ui_newseg( u32 route )
struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
struct route *pr = &r->routes[route];
float const k_gap_width = 1.0f;
+ struct route_ui_segment *cseg = world_routes_ui_curseg(pr);
v2f verts[2];
- verts[0][0] = time-k_gap_width;
+ verts[0][0] = cseg->length-k_gap_width;
verts[0][1] = 0.5f;
- verts[1][0] = time-k_gap_width;
+ verts[1][0] = cseg->length-k_gap_width;
verts[1][1] = -0.5f;
world_routes_ui_update_verts( pr, verts, 2 );
glBindVertexArray( pr->ui.vao );
world_routes_ui_update_verts( pr, verts, 2 );
+ struct route_ui_segment *cseg = world_routes_ui_curseg(pr);
+ cseg->length = time;
-static void world_routes_ui_draw( u32 route )
+static void world_routes_ui_draw( u32 route, v4f colour, float offset )
- //glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
struct route *pr = &r->routes[route];
+ float cx = 0.0f;
glBindVertexArray( pr->ui.vao );
+ float fade_amt = vg_time - pr->ui.fade_timer_start;
+ fade_amt = vg_clampf( fade_amt / 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
+ float fade_block_size = 0.0f;
+ for( u32 i=0; i<pr->ui.fade_count; i++ )
+ {
+ u32 j = (pr->ui.fade_start + i) % k_max_ui_segments;
+ struct route_ui_segment *segment = &pr->ui.segments[j];
+ fade_block_size += segment->length;
+ }
+ cx -= fade_block_size * fade_amt;
+ v4f fade_colour;
+ v4_copy( colour, fade_colour );
+ fade_colour[3] *= 1.0f-fade_amt;
+ float height = pr->factive*0.1f;
+ shader_routeui_uColour( fade_colour );
+ for( u32 i=0; i<pr->ui.fade_count; i++ )
+ {
+ u32 j = (pr->ui.fade_start + i) % k_max_ui_segments;
+ struct route_ui_segment *segment = &pr->ui.segments[j];
+ u32 c0, c1;
+ world_routes_ui_split_indices( segment->index_start,
+ segment->index_count, &c0, &c1 );
+ shader_routeui_uOffset( (v4f){ cx, offset, 0.005f, height } );
+ if( c0 )
+ (void *)(segment->index_start*sizeof(u16)));
+ if( c1 )
+ glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, c1, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (void *)(0) );
+ cx += segment->length;
+ }
+ shader_routeui_uColour( colour );
for( u32 i=0; i<pr->ui.segment_count; i++ )
u32 j = (pr->ui.segment_start + i) % k_max_ui_segments;
world_routes_ui_split_indices( segment->index_start,
segment->index_count, &c0, &c1 );
+ shader_routeui_uOffset( (v4f){ cx, offset, 0.005f, height } );
if( c0 )
(void *)(segment->index_start*sizeof(u16)));
if( c1 )
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, c1, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (void *)(0) );
- }
- //glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );
+ cx += segment->length;
+ }
static void world_routes_verify_run( u32 route )
struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
+ struct route *pr = &r->routes[route];
u32 stack[64];
u32 si = world_routes_get_path( r->routes[route].start, stack );
if( timings[begin]->version == r->current_run_version )
verified = 1;
+ int valid_segment_count = 0;
double lap_time = 0.0;
for( u32 i=0; i<sj; i++ )
diff = timings[j1]->time - timings[j]->time;
lap_time += diff;
+ if( verified && diff > 0.0 ) valid_segment_count ++;
verified = 0;
vg_warn( " [ %u %f ]\n", timings[j1]->time, timings[j1]->version );
+ pr->ui.fade_start = pr->ui.segment_start;
+ pr->ui.fade_count = 0;
+ pr->ui.fade_timer_start = vg_time;
+ int orig_seg_count = pr->ui.segment_count;
+ world_routes_ui_newseg( route );
if( verified )
+ {
vg_success( " NEW LAP TIME: %f\n", lap_time );
+ world_routes_ui_popfirst(route);
+ pr->ui.fade_count ++;
+ }
vg_info( " ctime: %f\n", lap_time );
+ /* remove any excess we had from previous runs */
+ int to_remove = orig_seg_count-valid_segment_count;
+ for( int i=0; i<to_remove; i++ )
+ {
+ world_routes_ui_popfirst(route);
+ pr->ui.fade_count ++;
+ }
+ r->routes[route].latest_pass = vg_time;
for( u32 i=0; i<r->route_count; i++ )
struct route *route = &r->routes[i];
+ int was_active = route->active;
route->active = 0;
for( u32 j=0; j<pdest->ref_count; j++ )
+ if( was_active && !route->active )
+ {
+ route->ui.fade_start = route->ui.segment_start;
+ route->ui.fade_count = route->ui.segment_count;
+ route->ui.fade_timer_start = vg_time;
+ world_routes_ui_clear(i);
+ vg_success( "CLEARING -> %u %u \n", route->ui.fade_start,
+ route->ui.fade_count );
+ }
r->current_run_version ++;
r->current_run_version ++;
+ * Notify the UI system that we've reset the player
+ */
+static void world_routes_notify_reset(void)
+ struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
+ for( int i=0; i<r->route_count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct route *route = &r->routes[i];
+ if( route->active )
+ world_routes_ui_notch( i, vg_time - route->latest_pass );
+ }
static void world_routes_debug(void)
struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
scene_free_offline_buffers( &r->scene_lines );
+static void world_routes_update(void)
+ struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
+ for( int i=0; i<r->route_count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct route *route = &r->routes[i];
+ route->factive = vg_lerpf( route->factive, route->active, 0.01f );
+ if( route->active )
+ {
+ world_routes_ui_updatetime( i, vg_time - route->latest_pass );
+ }
+ }
static void bind_terrain_textures(void);
static void render_world_routes( m4x4f projection, v3f camera )
for( int i=0; i<r->route_count; i++ )
struct route *route = &r->routes[i];
- route->factive = vg_lerpf( route->factive, route->active, 0.01f );
v4f colour;
v3_lerp( (v3f){0.7f,0.7f,0.7f}, route->colour, route->factive, colour );
+static void render_world_routes_ui(void)
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
+ struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
+ float active_offset = 0.0f;
+ for( int i=0; i<r->route_count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct route *route = &r->routes[i];
+ world_routes_ui_draw( i, route->colour, active_offset*0.1f );
+ active_offset += route->factive;
+ }
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
static void world_routes_register(void)
struct subworld_routes *r = subworld_routes();
route->ui.segment_start = 0;
route->ui.segment_count = 0;
route->ui.last_notch = 0.0;
+ route->ui.fade_start = 0;
+ route->ui.fade_count = 0;
+ route->ui.fade_timer_start = 0.0;
r->route_count ++;