+VG_STATIC void temp_drop_in_finish( player_instance *player )
+ player->subsystem = k_player_subsystem_skate;
+ struct player_walk *w = &player->_walk;
+ struct player_skate *s = &player->_skate;
+ s->state.activity_prev = k_skate_activity_air;
+ s->state.activity = k_skate_activity_air;
+ s->blend_fly = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_slide = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_z = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_x = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_stand = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_push = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_jump = 0.0f;
+ s->blend_airdir = 0.0f;
+ v3f axis, init_dir, init_velocity;
+ v3_cross( (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, w->state.drop_in_normal, axis );
+ v3_cross( axis, w->state.drop_in_normal, init_dir );
+ v3_normalize( init_dir );
+ v3_muls( init_dir, 7.0f, init_velocity );
+ v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.to_world[1], 1.0f, s->state.cog );
+ v3_copy( init_velocity, s->state.cog_v );
+ v3_copy( init_velocity, s->state.vl );
+ v3_copy( init_velocity, player->rb.v );
+ rb_update_transform( &player->rb );
+VG_STATIC int player_walk_scan_for_drop_in( player_instance *player )
+ struct player_walk *w = &player->_walk;
+ v3f dir, center;
+ dir[0] = sinf( w->state.heading_angle );
+ dir[1] = 0.0f;
+ dir[2] = cosf( w->state.heading_angle );
+ v3_muladds( player->, player->rb.to_world[1], -1.0f, center );
+ ray_hit samples[20];
+ int sample_count = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<20; i ++ )
+ {
+ float t = (float)i * (1.0f/19.0f),
+ s = sinf( t * VG_PIf * 0.25f ),
+ c = cosf( t * VG_PIf * 0.25f );
+ v3f ray_dir, pos;
+ v3_muls ( player->rb.to_world[1], -c, ray_dir );
+ v3_muladds( ray_dir, dir, -s, ray_dir );
+ v3_muladds( center, ray_dir, -2.0f, pos );
+ ray_hit *ray = &samples[ sample_count ];
+ ray->dist = 2.0f;
+ if( ray_world( pos, ray_dir, ray ) )
+ {
+ vg_line( pos, ray->pos, VG__RED );
+ vg_line_pt3( ray->pos, 0.025f, VG__BLACK );
+ sample_count ++;
+ }
+ }
+ float min_a = 0.70710678118654752f;
+ ray_hit *candidate = NULL;
+ if( sample_count >= 2 )
+ {
+ for( int i=0; i<sample_count-1; i++ )
+ {
+ ray_hit *s0 = &samples[i],
+ *s1 = &samples[i+1];
+ float a = v3_dot( s0->normal, s1->normal );
+ if( (a < min_a) && (a >= -0.1f) && (s0->normal[1]>s1->normal[1]) )
+ {
+ min_a = a;
+ candidate = s0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( candidate )
+ {
+ v4f pa, pb, pc;
+ ray_hit *s0 = candidate,
+ *s1 = candidate+1;
+ vg_line( s0->pos, s1->pos, VG__WHITE );
+ v3_copy( s0->normal, pa );
+ v3_copy( s1->normal, pb );
+ v3_cross( player->rb.to_world[1], dir, pc );
+ v3_normalize( pc );
+ pa[3] = v3_dot( pa, s0->pos );
+ pb[3] = v3_dot( pb, s1->pos );
+ pc[3] = v3_dot( pc, player-> );
+ v3f edge;
+ if( plane_intersect3( pa, pb, pc, edge ) )
+ {
+ v3_copy( edge, w->state.drop_in_target );
+ v3_copy( s1->normal, w->state.drop_in_normal );
+ return 1;
+#if 0
+ v3_muladds( w->state.drop_in_target, s0->normal, 0.3f,
+ player-> );
+ player->subsystem = k_player_subsystem_skate;
+ player__skate_transition( player, s1->normal, k_skate_activity_air );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_error( "failed to find intersection of drop in\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
VG_STATIC void player__walk_pre_update( player_instance *player )
struct player_walk *w = &player->_walk;
if( outro_time >= outro_length )
w->state.outro_anim = NULL;
- player_walk_transfer_to_skate( player, k_skate_activity_air );
+ if( w->state.outro_type == k_walk_outro_drop_in )
+ {
+ temp_drop_in_finish( player );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ player_walk_transfer_to_skate( player, k_skate_activity_air );
+ }
if( w->state.activity == k_walk_activity_ground )
- player_walk_transfer_to_skate( player, k_skate_activity_ground );
+ //player_walk_transfer_to_skate( player, k_skate_activity_ground );
+ if( player_walk_scan_for_drop_in( player ) )
+ {
+ w->state.outro_type = k_walk_outro_drop_in;
+ w->state.outro_anim = w->anim_drop_in;
+ w->state.outro_start_time = vg.time;
+ v3_copy( player->cam.pos, player->follow_pos );
+ v3_copy( player->cam.angles, player->follow_angles );
+ w->state.activity = k_walk_activity_immobile;
+ v3_zero( player->rb.v );
+ v3_copy( player->, w->state.drop_in_start );
+ w->state.drop_in_start_angle = w->state.heading_angle;
+ w->state.drop_in_angle = atan2f( w->state.drop_in_normal[0],
+ w->state.drop_in_normal[2] );
+ struct player_avatar *av = player->playeravatar;
+ m4x3_mulv( av->sk.final_mtx[ av->id_ik_foot_r ],
+ av->sk.bones[ av->id_ik_foot_r ].co,
+ w->state.drop_in_foot_anchor );
+ }
+ return;
+ w->state.outro_type = k_walk_outro_jump_to_air;
w->state.outro_anim = w->anim_jump_to_air;
w->state.outro_start_time = vg.time;
v3_copy( player->cam.pos, player->follow_pos );
struct player_walk *w = &player->_walk;
v3_copy( player->, w->state.prev_pos );
+ if( w->state.activity == k_walk_activity_immobile )
+ return;
w->collider.height = 2.0f;
w->collider.radius = 0.3f;
if( v3_length2( xy_speed ) > 0.1f * 0.1f )
w->state.heading_angle = atan2f( player->rb.v[0], player->rb.v[2] );
+ vg_line_pt3( w->state.drop_in_target, 0.1f, VG__GREEN );
+ v3f p1;
+ v3_muladds( w->state.drop_in_target, w->state.drop_in_normal, 0.3f, p1 );
+ vg_line( w->state.drop_in_target, p1, VG__GREEN );
+ v3_muladds( w->state.drop_in_target, player->rb.to_world[1], 0.3f, p1 );
+ vg_line( w->state.drop_in_target, p1, VG__GREEN );
+ vg_line( w->state.drop_in_target, w->state.drop_in_foot_anchor, VG__WHITE );
+ vg_line_pt3( w->state.drop_in_foot_anchor, 0.08f, VG__PINK );
+ p1[0] = sinf( w->state.heading_angle );
+ p1[1] = 0.0f;
+ p1[2] = cosf( w->state.heading_angle );
+ v3_add( player->, p1, p1 );
+ vg_line( player->, p1, VG__PINK );
VG_STATIC void player__walk_animate( player_instance *player,
/* Create transform */
rb_extrapolate( &player->rb, dest->root_co, dest->root_q );
- float walk_yaw = w->state.heading_angle + VG_PIf*0.5f;
+ float walk_yaw = w->state.heading_angle;
if( w->state.outro_anim )
+ struct player_avatar *av = player->playeravatar;
float outro_length = (float)w->state.outro_anim->length /
outro_time = vg.time - w->state.outro_start_time,
outro_t = outro_time / outro_length;
- walk_yaw += -VG_PIf*0.5f*outro_t;
/* TODO: Compression */
- v3_muladds( dest->root_co, player->rb.to_world[1],
- -0.28f * outro_t, dest->root_co );
skeleton_sample_anim_clamped( sk, w->state.outro_anim,
outro_time, bpose );
skeleton_lerp_pose( sk, apose, bpose, outro_t * 10.0f, dest->pose );
+ if( w->state.outro_type == k_walk_outro_drop_in )
+ {
+ float inv_rate = 1.0f / w->state.outro_anim->rate,
+ anim_frames = w->state.outro_anim->length * inv_rate,
+ step_frames = 12.0f * inv_rate,
+ commit_frames = 6.0f * inv_rate,
+ drop_frames = anim_frames - step_frames,
+ step_t = vg_minf( 1.0f, outro_time / step_frames ),
+ remaind_time = vg_maxf( 0.0f, outro_time - step_frames ),
+ dop_t = vg_minf( 1.0f, remaind_time / drop_frames ),
+ commit_t = vg_minf( 1.0f, remaind_time / commit_frames );
+ walk_yaw = vg_alerpf( w->state.drop_in_start_angle,
+ w->state.drop_in_angle, step_t );
+ w->state.heading_angle = walk_yaw;
+ v3_lerp( w->state.drop_in_start, w->state.drop_in_target,
+ step_t, player-> );
+ q_axis_angle( dest->root_q, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, walk_yaw + VG_PIf );
+ m4x3f transform, inverse;
+ q_m3x3( dest->root_q, transform );
+ v3_copy( dest->root_co, transform[3] );
+ m4x3_invert_affine( transform, inverse );
+ v3f anchored_pos;
+ m4x3_mulv( inverse, w->state.drop_in_foot_anchor, anchored_pos );
+ v3_lerp( dest->pose[ av->id_ik_foot_r-1 ].co, anchored_pos,
+ 1.0f-commit_t,
+ dest->pose[ av->id_ik_foot_r-1 ].co );
+ /* the drop in bit */
+ v4f final_q;
+ v3f axis;
+ v3_cross( (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, w->state.drop_in_normal, axis );
+ v3_normalize( axis );
+ float a = acosf( w->state.drop_in_normal[1] ) * dop_t;
+ q_axis_angle( final_q, axis, a );
+ q_mul( final_q, dest->root_q, dest->root_q );
+ float l = dop_t * 0.7f;
+ v3f overhang;
+ overhang[0] = sinf( w->state.heading_angle ) * l;
+ overhang[1] = 0.28f * l;
+ overhang[2] = cosf( w->state.heading_angle ) * l;
+ m3x3f tmp;
+ q_m3x3( final_q, tmp );
+ m3x3_mulv( tmp, overhang, overhang );
+ v3_add( player->, overhang, player-> );
+ v3_copy( player->, dest->root_co );
+ v4_copy( dest->root_q, player->rb.q );
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v3_muladds( dest->root_co, player->rb.to_world[1],
+ -0.28f * outro_t, dest->root_co );
+ }
skeleton_copy_pose( sk, apose, dest->pose );
- q_axis_angle( dest->root_q, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, walk_yaw );
+ q_axis_angle( dest->root_q, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, walk_yaw + VG_PIf );
VG_STATIC void player__walk_post_animate( player_instance *player )
player__debugtext( 1, "activity: %s\n",
(const char *[]){ "k_walk_activity_air",
- "k_walk_activity_sleep" }
+ "k_walk_activity_sleep",
+ "k_walk_activity_immobile" }
[w->state.activity] );
if( w->state.outro_anim )
struct player_avatar *av = player->playeravatar;
struct skeleton *sk = &av->sk;
- w->anim_idle = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "idle_cycle" );
- w->anim_walk = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "walk" );
- w->anim_run = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "run" );
- w->anim_jump = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "jump" );
+ w->anim_idle = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "idle_cycle+y" );
+ w->anim_walk = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "walk+y" );
+ w->anim_run = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "run+y" );
+ w->anim_jump = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "jump+y" );
w->anim_jump_to_air = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "jump_to_air" );
+ w->anim_drop_in = skeleton_get_anim( sk, "drop_in" );
VG_STATIC void player__walk_transition( player_instance *player, v3f angles )
struct player_walk *w = &player->_walk;
v3_copy( angles, w->state.angles );
+ w->state.activity = k_walk_activity_air;