uniform sampler2D uTexMain; uniform sampler2D uTexDudv; uniform sampler2D uTexBack; uniform vec2 uInvRes; uniform float uTime; uniform vec3 uCamera; uniform float uSurfaceY; uniform vec3 uBoard0; uniform vec3 uBoard1; uniform vec3 uShoreColour; uniform vec3 uOceanColour; uniform float uFresnel; uniform float uWaterScale; uniform vec4 uWaveSpeed; #include "light_clearskies_stddef.glsl" #include "common_scene.glsl" #include "motion_vectors_fs.glsl" // Pasted from common_world.glsl vec3 water_compute_lighting( vec3 diffuse, vec3 normal, vec3 co ) { float light_mask = compute_board_shadow(); if( g_light_preview == 1 ) diffuse = vec3(0.75); // Lighting vec3 halfview = uCamera - co; float fdist = length(halfview); halfview /= fdist; float world_shadow = newlight_compute_sun_shadow( co, g_sun_dir.xyz * (1.0/(max(g_sun_dir.y,0.0)+0.2)) ); vec3 total_light = clearskies_lighting( normal, min( light_mask, world_shadow ), halfview ); vec3 cube_coord = (co - g_cube_min.xyz) * g_cube_inv_range.xyz; cube_coord = floor( cube_coord ); if( g_debug_indices == 1 ) { return rand33(cube_coord); } if( g_debug_complexity == 1 ) { ivec3 coord = ivec3( cube_coord ); uvec4 index_sample = texelFetch( uLightsIndex, coord, 0 ); uint light_count = (index_sample.x & 0x3u) + (index_sample.y & 0x3u); return vec3( float(light_count)*(1.0/6.0), 0.0, 0.5 ); } // FIXME: this coord should absolutely must be clamped! ivec3 coord = ivec3( cube_coord ); uvec4 index_sample = texelFetch( uLightsIndex, coord, 0 ); total_light += scene_calculate_packed_light_patch( index_sample.x, halfview, co, normal ) * light_mask; total_light += scene_calculate_packed_light_patch( index_sample.y, halfview, co, normal ) * light_mask; return diffuse * total_light; } vec4 water_surf( vec3 halfview, vec3 vnorm, float depthvalue, vec4 beneath, vec4 above, vec4 dudva ) { vec3 surface_tint = mix(uShoreColour, uOceanColour, depthvalue); float ffresnel = pow(1.0-dot( vnorm, halfview ),uFresnel); vec3 lightdir = vec3(0.95,0.0,-0.3); vec3 specdir = reflect( -lightdir, vnorm ); float spec = pow(max(dot(halfview,specdir),0.0),20.0)*0.3; // Depth float depthblend = pow( beneath.r, 0.8 ); // Foam float fband = fract( aCo.z*0.02+uTime*0.1+depthvalue*10.0 ); fband = step( fband+dudva.a*0.8, 0.3 ) * max((1.0-depthvalue*4.0),0.0); vec4 surf = mix( vec4(surface_tint,depthblend), vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5), fband ); surf.rgb = water_compute_lighting( surf.rgb, aNorm.xyz, aWorldCo ); surf.rgb = mix(surf.rgb, above.rgb, ffresnel ); // Take a section of the sky function to give us a matching fog colour vec3 fog_colour = clearskies_ambient( -halfview ); float sun_theta = dot( -halfview, g_sun_dir.xyz ); float sun_size = max( 0.0, sun_theta * 0.5 + 0.5 ); float sun_shape = sun_size * max(g_sun_dir.y,0.0) * 0.5; vec3 sun_colour = mix( vec3(1.0), g_sunset_colour.rgb, g_sunset_phase*0.5 ); sun_colour *= sun_shape; fog_colour += sun_colour; surf.rgb = scene_apply_fog( surf.rgb, fog_colour, distance(uCamera, aWorldCo) ); return surf; } void main() { compute_motion_vectors(); // Create texture coords vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy*uInvRes; // Surface colour composite float depthvalue = clamp( -world_water_depth(aCo)*(1.0/25.0), 0.0,1.0 ); vec2 world_coord = aCo.xz * uWaterScale; vec4 time_offsets = vec4( uTime ) * uWaveSpeed; vec4 dudva = texture( uTexDudv, world_coord + time_offsets.xy )-0.5; vec4 dudvb = texture( uTexDudv, world_coord *7.0 - time_offsets.zw )-0.5; vec3 surfnorm = dudva.rgb + dudvb.rgb; surfnorm = normalize(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0) + dudva.xyz*0.4 + dudvb.xyz*0.1); // Lighting vec3 halfview = -normalize( aCo-uCamera ); // Sample textures vec4 above = texture( uTexMain, ssuv+ surfnorm.xz*0.2 ); vec4 beneath = texture( uTexBack, ssuv ); // Fog float fdist = pow(length( aCo.xz-uCamera.xz ) * 0.00047, 2.6); // Composite vec4 vsurface = water_surf( halfview, surfnorm, depthvalue, beneath, above, dudva ); vsurface.a -= fdist; oColour = vsurface; }