reduced shader bind code dupe & adjust skate uprighter strenght
[carveJwlIkooP6JGAAIwe30JlM.git] / shaders / scene_override.h
1 #ifndef SHADER_scene_override_H
2 #define SHADER_scene_override_H
3 static void shader_scene_override_link(void);
4 static void shader_scene_override_register(void);
5 static struct vg_shader _shader_scene_override = {
6 .name = "scene_override",
7 .link = shader_scene_override_link,
8 .vs =
9 {
10 .orig_file = "shaders/scene.vs",
11 .static_src =
12 "layout (location=0) in vec3 a_co;\n"
13 "layout (location=1) in vec4 a_norm;\n"
14 "layout (location=2) in vec2 a_uv;\n"
15 "\n"
16 "#line 1 1 \n"
17 "const float k_motion_lerp_amount = 0.01;\n"
18 "\n"
19 "#line 2 0 \n"
20 "\n"
21 "out vec3 aMotionVec0;\n"
22 "out vec3 aMotionVec1;\n"
23 "\n"
24 "void vs_motion_out( vec4 vproj0, vec4 vproj1 )\n"
25 "{\n"
26 " // This magically solves some artifacting errors!\n"
27 " //\n"
28 " vproj1 = vproj0*(1.0-k_motion_lerp_amount) + vproj1*k_motion_lerp_amount;\n"
29 "\n"
30 " aMotionVec0 = vec3( vproj0.xy, vproj0.w );\n"
31 " aMotionVec1 = vec3( vproj1.xy, vproj1.w );\n"
32 "}\n"
33 "\n"
34 "#line 6 0 \n"
35 "\n"
36 "uniform mat4x3 uMdl;\n"
37 "uniform mat4 uPv;\n"
38 "uniform mat4 uPvmPrev;\n"
39 "\n"
40 "out vec2 aUv;\n"
41 "out vec4 aNorm;\n"
42 "out vec3 aCo;\n"
43 "out vec3 aWorldCo;\n"
44 "\n"
45 "void main()\n"
46 "{\n"
47 " vec3 world_pos0 = uMdl * vec4( a_co, 1.0 );\n"
48 " vec4 vproj0 = uPv * vec4( world_pos0, 1.0 );\n"
49 " vec4 vproj1 = uPvmPrev * vec4( a_co, 1.0 );\n"
50 "\n"
51 " vs_motion_out( vproj0, vproj1 );\n"
52 "\n"
53 " gl_Position = vproj0;\n"
54 "\n"
55 " aUv = a_uv;\n"
56 " aNorm = vec4( mat3(uMdl) *, a_norm.w );\n"
57 " aCo = a_co;\n"
58 " aWorldCo = world_pos0;\n"
59 "}\n"
60 ""},
61 .fs =
62 {
63 .orig_file = "shaders/scene_override.fs",
64 .static_src =
65 "uniform sampler2D uTexGarbage;\n"
66 "uniform sampler2D uTexMain;\n"
67 "uniform vec3 uCamera;\n"
68 "uniform vec4 uPlane;\n"
69 "\n"
70 "uniform vec4 uPlayerPos; /* w: distance to uSpawnPos */\n"
71 "uniform vec4 uSpawnPos; /* w: inverse distance to uPlayerPos */\n"
72 "uniform bool uAlphatest;\n"
73 "\n"
74 "#line 1 1 \n"
75 "// :D\n"
76 "\n"
77 "in vec2 aUv;\n"
78 "in vec4 aNorm;\n"
79 "in vec3 aCo;\n"
80 "in vec3 aWorldCo;\n"
81 "\n"
82 "#line 1 1 \n"
83 "layout (location = 0) out vec4 oColour;\n"
84 "\n"
85 "// OpenGL wiki: Recommends do not use vec3 because of drivers. hence the v4s...\n"
86 "layout (std140) uniform ub_world_lighting\n"
87 "{\n"
88 " vec4 g_cube_min;\n"
89 " vec4 g_cube_inv_range;\n"
90 "\n"
91 " vec4 g_water_plane;\n"
92 " vec4 g_depth_bounds;\n"
93 "\n"
94 " vec4 g_daysky_colour;\n"
95 " vec4 g_nightsky_colour;\n"
96 " vec4 g_sunset_colour;\n"
97 " vec4 g_ambient_colour;\n"
98 " vec4 g_sunset_ambient;\n"
99 " vec4 g_sun_colour;\n"
100 " vec4 g_sun_dir;\n"
101 " vec4 g_board_0;\n"
102 " vec4 g_board_1;\n"
103 "\n"
104 " float g_water_fog;\n"
105 " float g_time;\n"
106 " float g_realtime;\n"
107 " float g_shadow_length;\n"
108 " float g_shadow_spread;\n"
109 "\n"
110 " float g_time_of_day;\n"
111 " float g_day_phase;\n"
112 " float g_sunset_phase;\n"
113 "\n"
114 " int g_light_preview;\n"
115 " int g_shadow_samples;\n"
116 "\n"
117 " int g_debug_indices;\n"
118 " int g_debug_complexity;\n"
119 "};\n"
120 "\n"
121 "uniform sampler2D g_world_depth;\n"
122 "uniform samplerBuffer uLightsArray;\n"
123 "uniform usampler3D uLightsIndex;\n"
124 "\n"
125 "#line 1 1 \n"
126 "//const vec3 DAYSKY_COLOUR = vec3( 0.37, 0.54, 0.97 );\n"
127 "//const vec3 NIGHTSKY_COLOUR = vec3( 0.03, 0.05, 0.20 );\n"
128 "//const vec3 SUNSET_COLOUR = vec3( 1.00, 0.32, 0.01 );\n"
129 "//const vec3 AMBIENT_COLOUR = vec3( 0.13, 0.17, 0.35 );\n"
130 "//const vec3 SUNSET_AMBIENT = vec3( 0.25, 0.17, 0.51 );\n"
131 "//const vec3 SUN_COLOUR = vec3( 1.10, 0.89, 0.35 );\n"
132 "\n"
133 "const float SUN_ANGLE = 0.0001;\n"
134 "const float PI = 3.14159265;\n"
135 "\n"
136 "//struct world_info\n"
137 "//{\n"
138 "// float time,\n"
139 "// time_of_day,\n"
140 "// day_phase,\n"
141 "// sunset_phase;\n"
142 "// \n"
143 "// vec3 sun_dir;\n"
144 "//};\n"
145 "\n"
146 "float luminance( vec3 v )\n"
147 "{\n"
148 " return dot( v, vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722) );\n"
149 "}\n"
150 "\n"
151 "vec3 clearskies_ambient( vec3 dir )\n"
152 "{\n"
153 " float sun_azimuth = g_sunset_phase * (dot( dir.xz, g_sun_dir.xz )*0.4+0.6);\n"
154 " float sky_gradient = dir.y;\n"
155 " \n"
156 " /* Blend phase colours */\n"
157 " vec3 ambient = g_daysky_colour.rgb * (g_day_phase-g_sunset_phase*0.1);\n"
158 " ambient += g_sunset_colour.rgb * (1.0-dir.y*0.5)*sun_azimuth;\n"
159 " ambient += g_nightsky_colour.rgb * (1.0-g_day_phase);\n"
160 " \n"
161 " /* Add gradient */\n"
162 " ambient -= sky_gradient * luminance(ambient);\n"
163 " \n"
164 " return ambient;\n"
165 "}\n"
166 "\n"
167 "vec3 clearskies_sky( vec3 ray_dir )\n"
168 "{\n"
169 " ray_dir.y = abs( ray_dir.y );\n"
170 " vec3 sky_colour = clearskies_ambient( ray_dir );\n"
171 " \n"
172 " /* Sun */\n"
173 " float sun_theta = dot( ray_dir, );\n"
174 " float sun_size = max( 0.0, sun_theta * 0.5 + 0.5 + SUN_ANGLE );\n"
175 " float sun_shape = pow( sun_size, 2000.0 );\n"
176 " sun_shape += sun_size * max(g_sun_dir.y,0.0) * 0.5;\n"
177 " \n"
178 " vec3 sun_colour = mix( vec3(1.0), g_sunset_colour.rgb, g_sunset_phase*0.5 );\n"
179 " sun_colour *= sun_shape;\n"
180 " \n"
181 " vec3 composite = sky_colour + sun_colour;\n"
182 " return composite;\n"
183 "}\n"
184 "\n"
185 "vec3 clearskies_lighting( vec3 normal, float shadow, vec3 halfview )\n"
186 "{\n"
187 " float fresnel = 1.0 - abs(dot(normal,halfview));\n"
188 "\n"
189 " vec3 reflect_colour = mix( g_daysky_colour.rgb, g_sunset_colour.rgb, \n"
190 " g_sunset_phase );\n"
191 "\n"
192 " vec3 sky_reflection = 0.5 * fresnel * reflect_colour;\n"
193 " vec3 light_sun = max(0.0,dot(normal,*0.75+0.25) \n"
194 " * g_sun_colour.rgb * g_day_phase;\n"
195 "\n"
196 " float scaled_shadow = max( shadow, 1.0 - max(g_sun_dir.y,0.0) );\n"
197 " vec3 ambient = mix( g_ambient_colour.rgb, g_sunset_ambient.rgb, \n"
198 " g_sunset_phase );\n"
199 "\n"
200 " return ambient + (light_sun + sky_reflection) * shadow;\n"
201 "}\n"
202 "\n"
203 "#line 44 0 \n"
204 "\n"
205 "float world_depth_sample( vec3 pos )\n"
206 "{\n"
207 " vec2 depth_coord = (pos.xz - g_depth_bounds.xy) *; \n"
208 " return texture( g_world_depth, depth_coord ).r;\n"
209 "}\n"
210 "\n"
211 "float world_water_depth( vec3 pos )\n"
212 "{\n"
213 " float ref_depth = g_water_plane.y*g_water_plane.w;\n"
214 " return world_depth_sample( pos ) - ref_depth;\n"
215 "}\n"
216 "\n"
217 "float shadow_sample( vec3 vdir )\n"
218 "{\n"
219 " vec3 sample_pos = aWorldCo + vdir;\n"
220 " float height_sample = world_depth_sample( sample_pos );\n"
221 "\n"
222 " float fdelta = height_sample - sample_pos.y;\n"
223 " return clamp( fdelta, 0.2, 0.4 )-0.2;\n"
224 "}\n"
225 "\n"
226 "float newlight_compute_sun_shadow( vec3 dir )\n"
227 "{\n"
228 " if( g_shadow_samples == 0 )\n"
229 " {\n"
230 " return 1.0;\n"
231 " }\n"
232 "\n"
233 " float fspread = g_shadow_spread;\n"
234 " float flength = g_shadow_length;\n"
235 "\n"
236 " float famt = 0.0;\n"
237 " famt += shadow_sample((dir+vec3(-0.56,0.55, 0.30)*fspread)*flength*0.1);\n"
238 " famt += shadow_sample((dir+vec3( 0.80,0.68, 0.34)*fspread)*flength*0.2);\n"
239 " famt += shadow_sample((dir+vec3( 0.78,0.07,-0.06)*fspread)*flength*0.3);\n"
240 " famt += shadow_sample((dir+vec3(-0.59,0.07,-0.42)*fspread)*flength*0.4);\n"
241 "\n"
242 " //famt+=shadow_sample((dir+vec3(-0.790,-0.933,-0.875)*fspread)*flength*0.5);\n"
243 " //famt+=shadow_sample((dir+vec3( 0.807,-0.690, 0.472)*fspread)*flength*0.6);\n"
244 " //famt+=shadow_sample((dir+vec3( 0.522,-0.379, 0.350)*fspread)*flength*0.7);\n"
245 " //famt+=shadow_sample((dir+vec3( 0.483, 0.201, 0.306)*fspread)*flength*0.8);\n"
246 "\n"
247 " return 1.0 - famt;\n"
248 "}\n"
249 "\n"
250 "float newlight_specular( vec3 wnormal, vec3 dir, vec3 halfview, float exponent )\n"
251 "{\n"
252 " vec3 specdir = reflect( -dir, wnormal );\n"
253 " return pow(max(dot( halfview, specdir ), 0.0), exponent);\n"
254 "}\n"
255 "\n"
256 "vec3 scene_apply_fog( vec3 vfrag, vec3 colour, float fdist )\n"
257 "{\n"
258 " float dist = pow(fdist*0.0010,0.78);\n"
259 " return mix( vfrag, colour, min( 1.0, dist ) );\n"
260 "}\n"
261 "\n"
262 "vec3 rand33(vec3 p3)\n"
263 "{\n"
264 " p3 = fract(p3 * vec3(.1031, .1030, .0973));\n"
265 " p3 += dot(p3, p3.yxz+33.33);\n"
266 " return fract((p3.xxy + p3.yxx)*p3.zyx);\n"
267 "}\n"
268 "\n"
269 "vec3 scene_calculate_light( int light_index, \n"
270 " vec3 halfview, vec3 co, vec3 normal )\n"
271 "{\n"
272 " vec4 light_colour = texelFetch( uLightsArray, light_index+0 );\n"
273 " vec4 light_co = texelFetch( uLightsArray, light_index+1 );\n"
274 " vec4 light_dir = texelFetch( uLightsArray, light_index+2 );\n"
275 "\n"
276 " vec3 light_delta =;\n"
277 " float dist2 = dot(light_delta,light_delta);\n"
278 "\n"
279 " light_delta = normalize( light_delta );\n"
280 "\n"
281 " float quadratic = dist2*100.0;\n"
282 " float attenuation = 1.0/( 1.0 + quadratic );\n"
283 " attenuation *= max( dot( light_delta, normal ), 0.0 );\n"
284 "\n"
285 " float falloff = max( 0.0, 1.0-(dist2*light_co.w) );\n"
286 "\n"
287 " if( light_dir.w < 0.999999 ){\n"
288 " float spot_theta = max( 0.0, dot( light_delta, ) );\n"
289 " falloff *= max( 0.0, (spot_theta - light_dir.w) / (1.0-light_dir.w) );\n"
290 " }\n"
291 "\n"
292 " return light_colour.rgb * attenuation * falloff \n"
293 " * step( g_day_phase, light_colour.w );\n"
294 "}\n"
295 "\n"
296 "vec3 scene_calculate_packed_light_patch( uint packed_index, \n"
297 " vec3 halfview, vec3 co, vec3 normal )\n"
298 "{\n"
299 " uint light_count = packed_index & 0x3u;\n"
300 "\n"
301 " vec3 l = vec3(0.0);\n"
302 "\n"
303 " if( light_count >= 1u ){\n"
304 " int index_0 = int( ((packed_index >> 2u) & 0x3ffu) * 3u );\n"
305 " int index_1 = int( ((packed_index >> 12u) & 0x3ffu) * 3u );\n"
306 " int index_2 = int( ((packed_index >> 22u) & 0x3ffu) * 3u );\n"
307 "\n"
308 " l += scene_calculate_light( index_0, halfview, co, normal );\n"
309 "\n"
310 " if( light_count >= 2u ){\n"
311 " l += scene_calculate_light( index_1, halfview, co, normal );\n"
312 "\n"
313 " if( light_count >= 3u ){\n"
314 " l += scene_calculate_light( index_2, halfview, co, normal );\n"
315 " }\n"
316 " }\n"
317 " }\n"
318 "\n"
319 " return l;\n"
320 "}\n"
321 "\n"
322 "vec3 world_compute_lighting( vec3 diffuse, vec3 normal, vec3 co,\n"
323 " float light_mask )\n"
324 "{\n"
325 " if( g_light_preview == 1 )\n"
326 " diffuse = vec3(0.75);\n"
327 "\n"
328 " // Lighting\n"
329 " vec3 halfview = uCamera - co;\n"
330 " float fdist = length(halfview);\n"
331 " halfview /= fdist;\n"
332 "\n"
333 " float world_shadow = newlight_compute_sun_shadow( \n"
334 " * (1.0/(max(g_sun_dir.y,0.0)+0.2)) );\n"
335 "\n"
336 " vec3 total_light = clearskies_lighting( \n"
337 " normal, min( light_mask, world_shadow ), halfview );\n"
338 "\n"
339 " vec3 cube_coord = (co - *;\n"
340 " cube_coord = floor( cube_coord );\n"
341 "\n"
342 " if( g_debug_indices == 1 )\n"
343 " {\n"
344 " return rand33(cube_coord);\n"
345 " }\n"
346 "\n"
347 " if( g_debug_complexity == 1 )\n"
348 " {\n"
349 " ivec3 coord = ivec3( cube_coord );\n"
350 " uvec4 index_sample = texelFetch( uLightsIndex, coord, 0 );\n"
351 "\n"
352 " uint light_count = (index_sample.x & 0x3u) + (index_sample.y & 0x3u);\n"
353 " return vec3( float(light_count)*(1.0/6.0), 0.0, 0.5 );\n"
354 " }\n"
355 "\n"
356 " // FIXME: this coord should absolutely must be clamped!\n"
357 " \n"
358 " ivec3 coord = ivec3( cube_coord );\n"
359 " uvec4 index_sample = texelFetch( uLightsIndex, coord, 0 );\n"
360 "\n"
361 " total_light += \n"
362 " scene_calculate_packed_light_patch( index_sample.x,\n"
363 " halfview, co, normal ) \n"
364 " * light_mask;\n"
365 " total_light += \n"
366 " scene_calculate_packed_light_patch( index_sample.y,\n"
367 " halfview, co, normal )\n"
368 " * light_mask;\n"
369 "\n"
370 " // Take a section of the sky function to give us a matching fog colour\n"
371 "\n"
372 " vec3 fog_colour = clearskies_ambient( -halfview );\n"
373 " float sun_theta = dot( -halfview, );\n"
374 " float sun_size = max( 0.0, sun_theta * 0.5 + 0.5 );\n"
375 " float sun_shape = sun_size * max(g_sun_dir.y,0.0) * 0.5;\n"
376 " \n"
377 " vec3 sun_colour = mix( vec3(1.0), g_sunset_colour.rgb, g_sunset_phase*0.5 );\n"
378 " sun_colour *= sun_shape;\n"
379 "\n"
380 " fog_colour += sun_colour;\n"
381 " return scene_apply_fog( diffuse * total_light, fog_colour, fdist );\n"
382 "}\n"
383 "\n"
384 "#line 9 0 \n"
385 "\n"
386 "float sdLine( vec3 p, vec3 a, vec3 b )\n"
387 "{\n"
388 " vec3 pa = p - a;\n"
389 " vec3 ba = b - a;\n"
390 "\n"
391 " float h = clamp( dot(pa,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
392 " return length( pa - ba*h );\n"
393 "}\n"
394 "\n"
395 "float compute_board_shadow()\n"
396 "{\n"
397 " // player shadow\n"
398 " float dist_to_player = max( 0.0, sdLine( aWorldCo,,\n"
399 " )-0.1 );\n"
400 " float player_shadow = max( 1.0-dist_to_player*2.7, 0.0 );\n"
401 " player_shadow *= player_shadow*player_shadow*player_shadow;\n"
402 "\n"
403 " return 1.0 - player_shadow*0.8;\n"
404 "}\n"
405 "\n"
406 "vec3 scene_compute_lighting( vec3 diffuse, vec3 normal, vec3 co )\n"
407 "{\n"
408 " return world_compute_lighting( diffuse, normal, co, compute_board_shadow() );\n"
409 "}\n"
410 "\n"
411 "#line 11 0 \n"
412 "#line 1 2 \n"
413 "const float k_motion_lerp_amount = 0.01;\n"
414 "\n"
415 "#line 2 0 \n"
416 "\n"
417 "layout (location = 1) out vec2 oMotionVec;\n"
418 "\n"
419 "in vec3 aMotionVec0;\n"
420 "in vec3 aMotionVec1;\n"
421 "\n"
422 "void compute_motion_vectors()\n"
423 "{\n"
424 " // Write motion vectors\n"
425 " vec2 vmotion0 = aMotionVec0.xy / aMotionVec0.z;\n"
426 " vec2 vmotion1 = aMotionVec1.xy / aMotionVec1.z;\n"
427 "\n"
428 " oMotionVec = (vmotion1-vmotion0) * (1.0/k_motion_lerp_amount);\n"
429 "}\n"
430 "\n"
431 "#line 12 0 \n"
432 "\n"
433 "vec2 smin( float a, float b, float k ){\n"
434 " float h = max( k-abs(a-b), 0.0 )/k;\n"
435 " float m = h*h*0.5;\n"
436 " float s = m*k*(1.0/2.0);\n"
437 "\n"
438 " if( a < b )\n"
439 " return vec2(a-s,m);\n"
440 " else\n"
441 " return vec2(b-s,1.0-m);\n"
442 "}\n"
443 "\n"
444 "void main(){\n"
445 " vec2 ssuv = gl_FragCoord.xy;\n"
446 " vec3 vDither = vec3( dot( vec2( 171.0, 231.0 ), ssuv) );\n"
447 " float dither = fract( vDither.g / 71.0 ) - 0.5;\n"
448 "\n"
449 " if( (aWorldCo.y*0.1 + dither) > ((uPlayerPos.y+40.0)*0.1) )\n"
450 " discard;\n"
451 "\n"
452 " compute_motion_vectors();\n"
453 "\n"
454 " vec3 vfrag = vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5);\n"
455 " vec3 qnorm =;\n"
456 "\n"
457 " if( uAlphatest ){\n"
458 " vec4 vSample = texture( uTexMain, aUv );\n"
459 " if( vSample.a < 0.5 )\n"
460 " discard;\n"
461 " }\n"
462 " else{\n"
463 " if( !gl_FrontFacing ){\n"
464 " qnorm *= -1.0;\n"
465 " }\n"
466 " }\n"
467 "\n"
468 " vfrag = scene_compute_lighting( vfrag, qnorm, aWorldCo );\n"
469 " \n"
470 " // dots\n"
471 " float d0 = distance( aWorldCo, )*2.0;\n"
472 " float d1 = distance( aWorldCo, );\n"
473 "\n"
474 " vec2 dm = smin( d0, d1, 10.0 );\n"
475 " float dd = fract(dm.x*0.2-g_realtime*0.5) * \n"
476 " max(0.0,1.0-dm.x*0.04) * \n"
477 " max(0.0,qnorm.y);\n"
478 " vec3 emit = mix(vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0),vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0),dm.y)*dd;\n"
479 "\n"
480 " // line\n"
481 " vec3 v0 = (*uSpawnPos.w;\n"
482 " float t = clamp( dot(,v0), 0.0, uPlayerPos.w );\n"
483 " vec3 p0 = + v0*t;\n"
484 " float d3 = distance(p0,aWorldCo);\n"
485 " emit += vec3(fract(t*0.2-g_realtime+d3*0.2)*max(0.0,1.0-d3*0.2));\n"
486 "\n"
487 " oColour = vec4( vfrag+emit, 1.0 );\n"
488 "}\n"
489 ""},
490 };
492 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uMdl;
493 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uPv;
494 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uPvmPrev;
495 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uTexGarbage;
496 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uTexMain;
497 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uCamera;
498 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uPlane;
499 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uPlayerPos;
500 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uSpawnPos;
501 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uAlphatest;
502 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_g_world_depth;
503 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uLightsArray;
504 static GLuint _uniform_scene_override_uLightsIndex;
505 static void shader_scene_override_uMdl(m4x3f m){
506 glUniformMatrix4x3fv(_uniform_scene_override_uMdl,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
507 }
508 static void shader_scene_override_uPv(m4x4f m){
509 glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniform_scene_override_uPv,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
510 }
511 static void shader_scene_override_uPvmPrev(m4x4f m){
512 glUniformMatrix4fv(_uniform_scene_override_uPvmPrev,1,GL_FALSE,(float*)m);
513 }
514 static void shader_scene_override_uTexGarbage(int i){
515 glUniform1i(_uniform_scene_override_uTexGarbage,i);
516 }
517 static void shader_scene_override_uTexMain(int i){
518 glUniform1i(_uniform_scene_override_uTexMain,i);
519 }
520 static void shader_scene_override_uCamera(v3f v){
521 glUniform3fv(_uniform_scene_override_uCamera,1,v);
522 }
523 static void shader_scene_override_uPlane(v4f v){
524 glUniform4fv(_uniform_scene_override_uPlane,1,v);
525 }
526 static void shader_scene_override_uPlayerPos(v4f v){
527 glUniform4fv(_uniform_scene_override_uPlayerPos,1,v);
528 }
529 static void shader_scene_override_uSpawnPos(v4f v){
530 glUniform4fv(_uniform_scene_override_uSpawnPos,1,v);
531 }
532 static void shader_scene_override_uAlphatest(int b){
533 glUniform1i(_uniform_scene_override_uAlphatest,b);
534 }
535 static void shader_scene_override_g_world_depth(int i){
536 glUniform1i(_uniform_scene_override_g_world_depth,i);
537 }
538 static void shader_scene_override_register(void){
539 vg_shader_register( &_shader_scene_override );
540 }
541 static void shader_scene_override_use(void){ glUseProgram(; }
542 static void shader_scene_override_link(void){
543 _uniform_scene_override_uMdl = glGetUniformLocation(, "uMdl" );
544 _uniform_scene_override_uPv = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPv" );
545 _uniform_scene_override_uPvmPrev = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPvmPrev" );
546 _uniform_scene_override_uTexGarbage = glGetUniformLocation(, "uTexGarbage" );
547 _uniform_scene_override_uTexMain = glGetUniformLocation(, "uTexMain" );
548 _uniform_scene_override_uCamera = glGetUniformLocation(, "uCamera" );
549 _uniform_scene_override_uPlane = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPlane" );
550 _uniform_scene_override_uPlayerPos = glGetUniformLocation(, "uPlayerPos" );
551 _uniform_scene_override_uSpawnPos = glGetUniformLocation(, "uSpawnPos" );
552 _uniform_scene_override_uAlphatest = glGetUniformLocation(, "uAlphatest" );
553 _uniform_scene_override_g_world_depth = glGetUniformLocation(, "g_world_depth" );
554 _uniform_scene_override_uLightsArray = glGetUniformLocation(, "uLightsArray" );
555 _uniform_scene_override_uLightsIndex = glGetUniformLocation(, "uLightsIndex" );
556 }
557 #endif /* SHADER_scene_override_H */